Monday, August 22, 2005

Hi I Am Muhammed

I was born in Syrea bud my grat granfathre was from Iran was in otoman navey in the war of first ones of world...the one thad all one fite of the wars one...aftre it ovre him go to fathre marees my mothre bud her a witch...her peples tell her you can nod marree thiese man him is nod one of us....bud she marrees him any way and they kiks her oud of them grups....aftre i was born aboud two and one halv of one years aftre i was borned....he dies bud they no led my mothre bak in theis goddams grupes....theise witches and sorsers...theise worshop god mans an god womans....i do nod beleve thiese shits...ther is just one god,,,him name is muhammed is his proophet....i nam miself aftre him...mi reel name is masoud...any wais mi mothre...she dies by tims i am sixten yeers oldre....bud she sens me to livs with my uncle masoud who i names thads how i cums to i hops to be sitasens of thiese grates cuntries.....