Monday, August 22, 2005

my grilfrend amanda

my grilfren amanda is a whor...she dance in bars bud thad all rite i tel her as long as you givs me monees you mak it ok...bud last nite she coms in with two hundreds dollres...i sais ok bitch who you fuks or duks diks to mak thiese monees...mos nites she com in with fifty or maybe sisty dollres...she sais no one thad busnes is piks up...i sais ok bitch if i smel you pussies an it nod smel good i no you lies an i whip you fuckres i smels pussies an it smel ok...bud i do nod trustes her...i had to tie her up once thiese bitch for two weeks to ge t her off thiese drugs she was addicts to....she givs me hel...she kiks an screems and thro thiengs at me...even she brakes windows...bud i was man...i took thiese shit...until now she is nod on drugs no more....bud thiese shit is difrens...she cold nod help herself then....bud now if i finds oud she do more than jus danses in fronts of mans i kik thiese bitches ass....bud i taks her monees...if nod she mites go baks to uses i taks it and savs it an puts bak to buy me thiese car i be wants...amanda she uses to be a witch...she worshops thiese god woman her name is hekat....i hav herd of her she is bad ne an she lookjs lik fukre frog woman....thiese is why amanda is on drugs thiese i tel her you no do thiese shits no more witch...i am onlee one who do thiese shits...and no more god more god womans...ther jusd one god....alah...pereod. and thiese bitch she wil do whad i sais to...becos she knos i kno whad is bestres for her....and i wil brakes up with her if she do nod lissen...and i wil kiks her fukre hav to be strongs with your womans...nod liks thiese fools here in thiese cuntrees who respekts their womans...woman hav to be teld whad to do