Saturday, November 05, 2005

magic bananas

heer is how you makes magic bananas to geds yu puissies from aney womans you wans to fuck...sp long as you can gets them to eats them....

first of corse you needs to get banans and freezes can keeps peels on theise for now...then whil theise ar freezes you gets bags of carmel candees sqares and melts theise on the stoves tops......whiles you visulise and puts you personal powers into al you acks and whils the candees melts ovre stov you visulise abod you and womans you wans to fuks....bud words of is bestre thad you visulise no one in particlar...thiese ais the magic banans wil works on aney womans you can geds to eats whils you visulize and praise to grate god almitey allah you jaks off....thad is whad you do you jacks off and when you cum you makes shur you cum goes into the carmel thad melts on top of the stoves....when i do thiese i jaks off a lots of tim whil may as much as ten times.....until i has abot a cup ful of cum....tiese i mixes up good with the carmel...then i takes the magic banans oud of freeze and i peels thiese...then i spreds the carmel witht ehcum all ovre the magic banans...stil as usal use visulisashun......and then when i spreds the carmel with the cum on my magic banans i put the peels baks on theise and puts them up bak in the freezes....then when a woman coms along i nos i ans to fuiks i gos ahed and sais heer you go hav som freeses banans....come on now go ahed you wil like them.....

i can usual fucks aney god dam womans i wans to fucks aneywais...aney womans can be fucked...bud sometims theise likes to puts on act lik theise ar nod thad kind of gril and al thad bulshits.....bud with magic banas if you do nod hav times to waste on al theise shits theise wil cut throu the bul shits as theise sais......