Wednesday, September 07, 2005

grilfrends gos to the jale

now is times i tels abod whad interups me erleer.....whil i tries to tels abod how i geds pussies from hitches hikre bitches thiese cop he coms to door and tels me abod how my grilfrend amanda her gets in fite and her is now in the jale and wans to see me.....bud then he askes abod her darter leann abod whad hapens to her...i sais i do nod no thad i drops her of at the grayhond stashons and she do nod wans to go hom bud i sais she has to...he askes why she do nod wans to go hom so i tels him....she tels me thad her fathre he fuks her in the asses and maks her suks his diks and fuks her pussies....dos amanda no thiese shits he sais and i sais no she do nod and i do nod wans her to no she is bad enuf as it is...he sais why do i nod repords thiese shits and i sais becos i thienks she is lies thad is he rites som shits down and i sais it is just exkuses becos she wans to stais heer and wans to go to the wen fierworks an she liks me...i tels him she alwais rubs up aganst me an onse she even tris to feel my diks bud i do nod lets her do thiese shits....and she alwais askes for monees lik it is hint thad if i givs her monees she wil givs me pussies or suks my diks or leds me fuks her in the asses likes her fathre do...thad is why i do nod beleeves thiese shits and do nod sais he sais wel whad abod you grilfrend/her in jale and gets fites becos her is drunks and gets in fites with anothre womans at the bar wher her works becos she sais womans tris to steel her i sais ok lets we go down to the covington jale and ther is fat asses shirley with her stupidre boyfrend ray....this stupidre mothre fukre stil beleevs i am on botes at webn fierworks.....bud shirley tels me amanda drunks and crazees over worrees abod leann and i shold pais her bale....bud i sais no i wil nod pais her bale i do nod hav the monees to pais her oud....besids she geds her selv in thioese messes so she is wher she need to may if she stais ther long enuf she wil lerns her lessens and it wil be a chanses for her to ged off thiese shits....then shirley she cusses me out and cals me al kinds of vile and despiker i tels her to shuts up you fat fuckre bitches...then ray tels me i bettre not sais thiee thiengs to her or he wil whps my asses and i just lafs at thiese fat stupidre mothre fukre and tels him breeng it on mothre fukre...then the polese thiese buts in and tels us to setles i sais ok...then theise takes me to see amanda...i askes her whad her do in bar pardy with shirley and ray those fat sorree fukres and she sais she cals them to talks to them becos she nos i do nod wans them in the i sais wel thad is ok babee now you stais heer and be may i wil breengs you som thiengs you needs...she begs me to geds her oud of jale bud i tels her i am sorree sweetee i do nod havs the monees.....bud i tel her i lovs her and to be a good grils and be may theise wil let her out of heer she just cris and sais ok bud to plees ged her oud when i can...i promises her i wil bud i wil nod...nod becos i do nod wans her out bud becos i theenks it wil be bester for her ther....she wil get off drugs ther and i wil nod hav to go thru thiese shits i go thru befor to ged he off...... thiese is hel on erth i am tels you