Wednesday, September 07, 2005

pussies for oranges from hitchhikre bitches gril

i strat to tipe thiese yestreday bud i had to stop was interrup by polis....mi grilfren amanda she geds herselv in troublers so i hav to go to her.....bud i tels you abod thiese in good times.....firs thiengs maks long storee short i delivre som frutes and vegabals for uncle massoud to his stor in dayton ohio.....abot halvway ther i piks up thiese woman who hitchhikre bitches.......she tels me she runs awais from home....i ask her how old ar you an she tels me she is aiteen......she loks mor to me lik her is mor lik leanns ages...abod forteen.....bud she sais no i am aftre so long of lissen to her whins abod how her mothre is died and ho wher step fathre kiks her oud of hous and how him uses to sexer abus her i asks her what him do to her....she sais him uses to maks him suks his dik and him fuks her in the pussies and in the i tels her ok thiese is whad i wans i wans you to give me som pussies or you can suk mi dik.....bud she sais no i do nod wans thiese she i sais ok then you wil now geds oud of mi truks i wil nod taks you anemore....bud she begs me becos we are suches a long wais out by thiese tim an no houses anewher aroun an no cars or she sais she stards to suks mi dik bud obvous she do nod no whad the fuks she i sais stop this niblers on my dik...i fuks you now litler bitches....and then she sais waits now i am onlee twelv yeers old....i sais bulshits you tels me you are spred those legs littler bitches or i beets shits oud of you and leevs you heer. so she do whad i sais and i fuks her and her bleeds...i gess her is stil a obvous her lies abod step fathre fuks her....or be may my diks is jusd to big for this littler bitches as i fuks her hard an for a lonre times than anee mans can fuks aney womans.
aneewais i taks the littler bitches oud to daiton and i drops her off then i maks my deliverees to my uncles stor....bud his cousen akmeil bud him nod my cousen becos from difrent sides of famly bud aneewais uncal massoud cousen akmeil him sais ha ther ar big bunches of orange be nod heer......ubd thiese is becos i giv the littler bitches a crats of her heer you hav good pussies you taks thiese oranges....littler bitches she cris al the times i els her good bies and as i leev her begs me nod to leevs ehr ther becos i drops her off in niggre sektons of towns....i sais o do nod worrees you be okays....bud of corse i do nod tels akmeil thiese i tels him oh i gess i conted rong or be may i conts one of thiese two he sais ok bud tels massoud thad him owes me one crates of i sais ok.......on the wais oud of ther i sees littler bitches can barly mov it seems as her limps down the rode....i just honks horn and driv by and her screems at me as i driv on....i can nod heer whad her sais bud her cusses me oud.....fuks her anewais....womans shold havs bestre senses than to ged oud on rodes and hitches hike rides....she is luky i piks her up it cold hav been a whol lot worses.....