Tuesday, September 06, 2005


i bies amanda som presens....bies her som closes and som perfums and a nuw telavishon set....she wil liks thiese and be may she wil stops cries abot leann...stops cries and worrees wher her go to....i hav ten thosand dollres now....so i bies thiese nuw car....wel it nod nuw it used bud it stil costes me tuw thosand dollres....bud it is good car.....and bies miselv som nuw closes....bies a bunches of othre stufs i needs......i geds tird som times of hav to makes uncle massoud bies thiese shits fro me....bud i wil mak him bies insures for car stil and maks him pais to fixes it up......he nos if him do nod i wil tel all in famly him is filther disgust homosexer quieres....bud now i hav monees i can bies fun thiengs thad i wand and nod hav to look at thise disgust mothrefuckre......bud amanda i hav to shuts her up i am tried of heer her whins aboud her fuckre niggre lovre darter.....so i said heer amanda here is som monees go oud and bies you some thiengs.....of corse i no the bitches wil get hies....wil uses it on drugs and on beers and whiskees.....hel thad is al rite with me as long as it shuts her the fuks up for a whil......

shur enuf aftre i givs her the monees she stais hi now.....her last husban mark him is disgust with her when he coms and finds her is stond.....but i sais wel thad is the wae she is ther is nothiengs i can do abod it...i tris i tel him bud she wil nod stop.....so he just cusses an leves sais he wil finds darter bi him self.....and i thienks yes good luk mothre fukre