i maks ten thosand dollres
i sels mi grilfrends darter leann for ten thosands dollres then i fins oud this is aganst the laws here so now i am worries.....fuk thiese shits she is bettre off......amanda is no good as mothre and besides thiese is not my child....she is child of amanda that she hav by anothre man and him nod muslim....she lissens to rap musiks and talks like a niggre....her hav niggre frends and othre white frends and thiese talk like niggres too...i thinks even her smoks pot and be may do othre drugs too jusd like amanda....so she stais with us for one months and i agrees to thiese bud it is hard as hel to put up with but i do it...then she is abot to leve and she sais well i sees you all next yeer...and i think o no you wont you littler bitches....she cusses too....so i cals a frend in clevelans...tels him mi probelm....he sais do nod worries masoud i taks cars of thiese.....so jusd the othre dais i am to taks her to catch buses baks to her fathres homes....tel amanda you go on now go on to wrok i wil taks her to busses....bud then aftre amanda gos to wrok i ack like i am sik....then my frend coms from clevelans an sais oh do nod worries i wil takes her to busses....so i sais go on with hamil leann hamil wil takes you to busses to you fathres houses.....so she sais ok the stupidre littler bitch....so now she gons an amanda she do nod no no bestres.....bud i geds ten thosands dollres.....
littler bitche she is bestre off.....now she wil hav somones who wil taks care of her as long as she is good gril and nod coses no probelms and do as she is told....when fathre cals i sais oh i do nod no i taks her to the busses stop she shold be homes by now......yes i wil tels amanda i tels him...him is such a stupidre son of a bitches...amanda do nod no yet bud she wil fins oud suun enuf....i dreds thiese......bud she wil nevre catchres on she thienks i liks the littler bitch darter of hers.....bud i do not...bud now i do nod has to worries onle has to worries abod somone fins oud i sels her....so i changres paseewrods on thiese so amanda can nod reeds aftre hamil cals and sais i hav to keep thiese shits sekrets....i askres her how she is and he sais do nod worries abot it just to shud up abod it....so i wil keeps it sekret...bud i stil worrees just a littler bit becos i finds oud it is aganst the laws....bud at least i hav monees and i wil use thiese to mkes amanda happee.....i do nod thienks she cares relly......if she do her wold hav ben desent mothre and nod be whor and dancre gril and wold stais with stupidre husband and darter........
littler bitche she is bestre off.....now she wil hav somones who wil taks care of her as long as she is good gril and nod coses no probelms and do as she is told....when fathre cals i sais oh i do nod no i taks her to the busses stop she shold be homes by now......yes i wil tels amanda i tels him...him is such a stupidre son of a bitches...amanda do nod no yet bud she wil fins oud suun enuf....i dreds thiese......bud she wil nevre catchres on she thienks i liks the littler bitch darter of hers.....bud i do not...bud now i do nod has to worries onle has to worries abod somone fins oud i sels her....so i changres paseewrods on thiese so amanda can nod reeds aftre hamil cals and sais i hav to keep thiese shits sekrets....i askres her how she is and he sais do nod worries abot it just to shud up abod it....so i wil keeps it sekret...bud i stil worrees just a littler bit becos i finds oud it is aganst the laws....bud at least i hav monees and i wil use thiese to mkes amanda happee.....i do nod thienks she cares relly......if she do her wold hav ben desent mothre and nod be whor and dancre gril and wold stais with stupidre husband and darter........
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