Monday, August 22, 2005

filthre disgust homosexer queiers

i hate a filther disgust homosexer queiers....bud i fins oud my unkle massoud was i changes my name massoud...bud now i cals myself muhammed aftre gods gratester proophet....when my mothre tels me she will sens me to amareca rite before she dies she tels me to be carful of uncle massoud...bud i do no d no whad she meens...bud i finds out....for longest times he makres me to stay in thiese littlre room in his houses and makes me to works in his stores sweeps and mops....bud very littler i do thiese magics to ask gods help....i do magics based on arabian nites...arabian nites is reely a magical grimmore...nod to many peples knos thiese thiengs bud my mothre teaches me i do a spel for to giv me power liks aladdins magic lamps....i thot it wold makes me feel bestre bud aftre i brethe in thiese fumes i gets sikres than i has to stais hom from works...bud uncle masoud him did nod kno i stais i heer him down in the house...him with his frend a man names he has rahe on his bak on floor an unsips him pants and taks oud his diks and him starts suks rahe i sais are filther disgust homosexer queiers....and massoud muncle him tels me massoud no id nod what you think...then i sais do nod cal me thad name...thad you name an you a filther disgust homosexer you wil do whad i wil gives me good job...i wans to drives vegtable yo pais me twelve dolres an sam amonts undre pais taxers....then you buys me pais my bils....if you do no ddo all thiese thiengs i tels evryones thad you and rahe are filther disgust homosexer rahe he leves oud cries and massoud sais oh plese nepheu do nod tels peple i am filther disgust homosexer quieres..i wil do as you i sais ok you do whad i sais and i wil nod to thiese dais i hav etold no one my uncle massoud is filther disgust homosexer quieres....bud he do whad i sais...and i cals myselfs muhammed...wil nod cal myself thiese fukres name....