Wednesday, September 07, 2005

i wins a bengo games

i lovs to plais bengos so aftre i leevs the jale i gos oud to bys me som loteree tikets....i bys som bengo cards i bets you thad i bys me som thiengs liks fiftee of thiese mothre fukres....and i wins two hunderd dollrs just on one card....i shots up and jumps and peples in gasses stahons theise looks at me like i am som kind of a nuts or some thiengs....bud i bys som mor tikets and befor it is al ovre with i bet you i hav wins some thieng like seven hunderd dollres...god is good to me i tels thiese peples...bud the casheer his names is rik at thiese stashon on madeson avenew it is caled sunoko he tels me thad be may i just ged on a rol...he sais i shold talk to robert the oldre man thad works ther at nites talks to him abod reeley plais reel bengo...i am go to to thiese som day go to plais a reel bengo games i bet thad wold be reel fun...and i bet thad i wold wins a lot of monees too.....aney wais i askes rik wher a man can get him som pussies arond heer at nites and him tels me nod to messes with thiese whors arond heer thad thiese are crak bitchers and be may theise even hav some deseeses like you gets from fuks....nastee i sais nevre minds bud then thiese gril names kellee her walks up to me and askes me if a wans a date...i sais no i do nod wans a date and then rik he tels her she wil has to leev.....he tels me thad is a reel skank whor.....bud there is othres ther likes the ones who works ther...of corse rik goes with this one womans her names is pat.....i wil fuks her one dais and rik wil nevre nos abod it....bud of corse there is nod a dam thiengs he cold do abot it aneywais i bys som mor tikets and desides to go hom becos it is get lates and soon theise stop sels thiese lotto i gess al teld i spens mor than one thosand dollres on tikets....not just bengo bud othre games as wel.....and i walks home...i am nod afrad of the fukre niggres in that part of toun...i wil kiks ther asses if theise tris to robs me....i hav kiks som asses befor and so bi now theise nos bettre than to fuks with i maks it hom and shur enuf i wins even mor teld i wins mor than two hunderd dollres mor than whad i put into thiese mor than ever i no thad one dais i wil plais reel i am happees at wins monees so i puts on some musics and danses and sengs....until a naybor hollres to stop rakets....i shouts at him thru windos thad him bestre lerns to likes it or i wil kiks his fukre spik asses....bud then i gets to thinks wel him havs a pont it is gets late i hav long dais and hav to gets up erly tomoro for i gos to sleep bud i keeps musics on i akshual forgets to turns the shits off beleeve it or not....and stil i gets to sleep just fine......just go to shows how tired i was