Sunday, February 05, 2006

muhammed in danish cartoons

one time i has a vishon of the grate profet muhammed and thies is why i changes my name from massoud to muhammed it hapens whil i was tris to medatat with my magic is a vishon thad wil stais with me from now on becos muhammed givs me good advises...he sais to me now massoud i do nod do thies for evreyone bud i wil makes an excepshon in you i sais he gives me good advises.....likes tels me massoud you shold nevre tels a womans whad you reel thienks of her when you wans to get you som of her pussies you shold tel her just whad she wans to heer becos thies is whad a womans wans.....also he tels me that when i do magic i shold alwais rember to ask in nam of grat god allah and thanks him befor and aftre and do nod geds pisses off if allah him sais no becos him nos whad is kinds of thiengs like thiese muhammed him tels me....bud one thiengs i wil nevre do is...i wil nevre tels aneyones whad muhammed looks like in my vishons of him.....

ther is a resons for is nod ment for pepels to no whad muhammed looks like and no ones shold gess at it ether....becos othrewises the nextes thiengs you no then ther wil be status and pichurs of muhammed evreywhers and pepels wil starts to worshup thies picshurs of muhammed....even it is rong to hav picshurs of grat god almitey allah....becos then pepels wil bow down to theis picshurs of allah and woshups them and the nextes theings you no is pepel wil be woshup the status and picshurs and thad wil makes theise idol worshupers....and muhamed warns us abod do thiese evil thiengs and him sais no.....

so it is understans thad muslims and arabs al ovre the world ar upsets abod thies vile cartoon thad appeers in a danish newspapre thad hav a picshur of muhammed the holey profet of grat god almitey allah blesed be his name.......and it maks mattres worsers when mans in charg of danish pepels makes excuses for thies caertoon and the mans who draws thems and the news papres thad publish thies vile now pepels are understanbley demans acshuns...even theis hav burns down now the danish embasees in lebnon......ordinarey i do nod suport terrors and killres i thienks theis are vile cretures who abuses islam....bud in this case i hav to sais the pepels ar wel within ther rites to be pises off....and somethiengs mustes be don....

thiengs are geds reel oud of hands now and othre papers in europ are reprints the sames cartoons and sais we hav the rites to do thiese it is frees of speech and frees of preses....i sais thies is bulshits....and heer is why......

no ones has a rite to hav frees of speech and frees of preses in suches a wais thad it coses god almitey allah to unleesh a curses on al the world and al its of speech and free of preses is nod aplies to grat god al mitey allah.....he has makes it cleer whad he feels abod theise thiengs and it is up to mans to heer is whad shold be do abod thies shits.....

they shold takes thiese danish cartoons man and theis shold tels him okay now mistre danish cartoons man you sias you hav you frees so now we giv you frees of frees to chooses which you wans us to cut off of can chooses to hav us cuts off you can chooses us to cuts off you dik....or you can be frees to chooses us to cuts off you hans so you can no longs draw thiese vile is up to you mistre danish cartoons man you hav the frees to chooses which one so makes you choeses wise one......

and theis shold do the same thiengs to tom toles who draws a cartoons heer in thies cuntree which insulds grate amarecan solders who fites and dies so al we can be god enuf is enuf.......