Saturday, April 15, 2006

A Good Man Always Pays His Taxes

i am so glad that i hav what thay cal a green card that alows me to work in the united states of amareca but the bad theng abot it is you hav to mak shur you pay you taxes and rite now the last theng i need is to hav to do this.....ordinariley i wold be not onley not mind this but wold acshualey be happy and proud to pay them but now sinse ihav be fired by mara that bitch i am gos to need everey dime i can get and no telleng for how long ether...

of corse no one knos abot al the money i hav be paed under the tabel as they say by my uncel massoud becos until mara finds out abot this he hav acshual doubel my salarey with money that him do not put down.......on top of that he has paes al my taxes for me which is to say that whatevre i hav had to pay he has givs me the money bak under the tabel he pays my bils includeng my apartment is a good theng to hav a uncel who is a filther disgust homosexer queier and him knos you kno it and him do not want aneyone else to.....but of corse that is over and do away with now........

omar is stays with me now these past few days and him is worrees sik abot what happens and him is says muhammed him says why do you worree abot this shit you do not get aneytheng bak in taxes aneyway you taxes hav alredey be paed and takes out of you chek why do you hav to bother with this.......but i try to explane to him that it is evereybodey dutey to go throug the proces of pays you taxes that is what it meens to be a good citisenship.......

but what abot ruthie he says and i says to him do not worrey she wil keep.......late last nite we put her bodey in a refrigerates truk of my uncel that him hav for his stor that is brakes down but we paks her in ice......shur the ice wil melt befor long becos engin nots run but for the time be she wil be okay i tels him but him is worreed not that i can blam him i am worreed myselv but what can i do i tel him it is not a good idea to rush into thees thengs aneyways.......

so off i go to see my agent who is my teecher heer in this cuntrey him is names are you redey now him name is also muhammed but his last name is....wel never mind that....aneyways he is one who trys to teeches me engels the phonetic ways and evereytime i sees him him tels me i am do much bester at lerns engels both how to speek it and how to rite it but him tels me i stil hav a long ways yet to go..........

also him is helps me to do evereytheng in his power to help me to becom an amarecan citisen....he is a good man but him is a littel bit too much of a religus fanatic in m opinon......he insists on holdeng to his reglar prayer scedule and i meen he never misses a trik not even off by so much as one second is he.......and he insists that i joen in with him in our meets so of corse i do but i thenk it is unecesarey as long as you are a good man and trys to do what is the rite theng to do and folow laws of grate lord god allah in you hart then evereytheng wil be okay this is what my mother always tels me.......muhammed also him warns me aganst what him cals wild womans and him obvosley disaprovs of my relashonship with amanda who he cals a loos woman with no morals and he is happey now to heer that we hav brakes up....but stil him is worrees abot me be attracs to amarecan womans and me eats the food that i eat........he onley knos this becos he coms in covington chili one day and sees me eateng biscut and gravey and of corse ther is sasage in the gravey and he tels me this and so i acks like i am disgust and that i do not kno but i do not thenk him beleves me.......

aneyway i desid i had bester take omar down to his offis whil i get him to help me make shur my taxes are al in order becos i am afrad to leve him alon for al i kno he mite get it in his hed to cal the polees and confes to what has happend and i can not take that chanse becos if a poleeses man or sherree com by looks for ruthie i kno he wil probabal brake down and cry and tels evereytheng that happened and of corse this wold be stupid....i meen what happend is bad of corse and i am shur not happee abot it but what is dun is dun.......

aneyways muhammed tels to me that my taxes and al my papers are in order so evereytheng is fine.....but i feel bad......i feel like i shold pay my fare shar of taxes after all i am verey gratful to live in this grate i tels him you kno muhammed i hav a confeshon to make...i hav do somtheng that i shold not hav do.....and him says wel we al do rong from time to time but it is good that you want to tel me abot it.....but are you shur i am the one you shold talk to if you aent i can call the imam and i say no no you wil do just fine no need to bother the immam.....i do not like the fukeng immam aneyway but i am not goeng to tel him that..........

so he has this reel funnee look on his fase and he askes me wel do you want to go into my offis wher we can talk in privat and i saed yes that wold be a good idea becos now we are out in the main workroom wher all kinds of pepel are comes in to do ther taxes and get help with them so i do not want other pepel to heer this of we go in and i tel him abot how my uncel masoud hav be payeng me doubel money under the tabel........of cors he want to kno why is massoud do this and i tel him wel i gess becos he is my uncel and he lovs me and want to see me sucseed..........

are you shur that is what it is he askes me and i can tel he knos that i am lies like the hels to him and for som reson i cannot lie to this man he is a good man and so teers com to my eyes for the first time in i do not kno how long but now i am embaras but i cannot brake my word to uncel massoud ether becos i promis him that as long as him pays me i wil not far as i am conserned it is not his falt that he is now unabel to keep him word that is maras falt......but muhammed him tels me muhammed if you want me to help you you hav to tel me the i tel him the truth.......and then him saed i always thoght ther was sontheng funney abot him and rahe and now that rahe is ded from hang himselv it al maks sens now....but do not worree i wil keep you secret even thogh i shold tel the immam i wil leve this between you and you uncel and grate lord god almitey allah but i am tels you rite now muhammed you must stop this wikedness......

and i said wel i want to pay my taxes like a good man is expecks to do i want to do my part i teld him......but he said no muhammed....this is bad money and shold not be used to pay taxes you shold giv this money to the poor...bester yet you shold giv it to you uncel massoud giv it bak to him....but i saed wel i do not hav it aneymor and mara has fierd me....and he saed mara what do you meen she do not hav abilitey to fier you she is massouds wife.....but i explanes evereytheng to him and he says.....i tel you what muhammed.....i do not want to heer aneymor of this evil that you hav be doeng....i want you to make amends however you wish i kno that you want to or you wold not hav teld me all this so i wil trust you to do what is rite the best way that you can.....otherwis i want no furthr part in it..........

so now i am on my knees and i am crys out loud and i bow down befor him it feels lik such a releef all this burden to be off my sholders.....yes i cry like a babey this time but it is acshual teers of joy but somone coms in and it is a gard who is an off dutey poleeses man and he says is evereytheng al rite in heer but i just get up off the grond and i go bak outsid and the poleeeses man folows me outside and muhamed folows along behind him and i walk up to omar and the polleeses man and muhammed folow behind me and everyeone seems to be stareng at me and heer com two mor poleeses man and a poleeses woman and thay are com up to the first poleeses man and muhammed tels them reel quietley oh he is al rite he is just a verey emoshonal person......

but suddens omar him gets up and bolts out the door like a crazey man.......i do not even pays no attenshon to it i just go out to the car and as i look arond i see him nowher...but after a few minits look arond i heer him from insid the bak so i go insid and ther he is kneeleng and cryeng by the big pile of ice wher we hav the body hide........he is talkeng to this ded bodey and crys and tels her i am sorrey ruthie plese forgiv me......and him looks arond at me lik a man that is resined to his fate.....and i saed whatis rong with you stupid/.......he just saed why do you tel them muhammed i thoght you wer strong..........

i starts up the refrigerator car that we hav mov her bodey to from the brake down one and i saed okay now we hav got work to do.......i tels him now remember you mother is not to kno that i am goeng to work with you and no one els is ether you got that rite/......and him saed yes.......

so we are now on our way to florens to pik up tomoros deliverey........i am happey to be heer and lookeng forward to the day when i wil be a reel citisen ofthis grate cuntrey......i wil be a good citisenship and wil always pay my fare shar of taxes the way a person shold........i look forward to the day and i wil be dam if i am goeng to let omars fuk up get in my way.......