A Long Journey
to sho you how is much a spoeled brat my nephew omar his mother and father thay buy him a new car everey yeer….ushualey he manages to reck it or he did the first two he got the last one he managed to driv a whol yeer without a scratch and now just two days ago he has another one but as far as i am conserned the last one wold hav be good for som time to come…..yet do thay offer to let me buy it/……no thay just traed it in on another one……and i wold hav gave thay just as much as thay saved so not onley are thay selfish thay are stupid besides….just tells you this in case you wonders why i am so harsh and say and do the thengs i do wit so little regard for them…….
aneyway that is all besides the poent which is now omar hav a new car and as i poent out to him it is obveus that we are not goeng to find aneywher around heer to dispos of a bodey in safetey and securitey and ther is no way we can take one of uncel massouds refrigerates truks down a long ways without attracks suspishon……he was beside himselv but i finaley told him okay now lets take ruthie in you car and find a plase for her…..so we put her in the bak seet of his car and off we go….we drov all day monday and all nite too…. then we stop and rest at rest stop and of corse ther are pepel who see ruthie sitteng in the bak of the car but say notheng after all she is stil in her easter bunney costum……
even one time a poleeses man puls us over and omar him get all wide eyed and nervus but stil manages to hold it together bester than i ever thoght he wold……just a good theng i am the one who is driveng the car….i kno the poleeses man was suspishus of us after all how maney times are you goeng to see two arab mans one of them an immigrant and thay hav in the bak of thay car an easter bunney the size of a teenage girl/…..aneyways he cheks my lisens and when i told him omar is the owner of the car that we just takeng it out for a driev and go on a trip he asked for the titel so omar showed it to him without sayeng a word….then of corse he wanted to see omar lisens too and omar him is fumbleng and all nervus and i wenks at the offiser and saed he is just nervus be may you thenk becos he is an arab that we mite be terrors or killers or sometheng…….he just lookeds at me and him and him hav this ugley mole on his cheek and when i saed this i cold swer i saw it twitcheng……
aneyways he takes our lisenses and the titel and go bak to his poleeses mans cruser and is getteng on the car radeo and omar him is goeng balistic and him is askeng me what is he doeng and i told him just stay calm you fuckeng ideot befor you caus us to be arresterd……finaley him coms bak to the car and asked us to step outsid and him flashes a lite all around and then saed can i see in the trunk of the car and i saed okay and him saed i hav to hav his permits after all it is his car….so omar then him saed no you are supose to hav a warant for do this……i cold not beleve it i smak that son of a bitch up the side of the hed so hard i almost knok him down and i saed what in the hel is you problem open the god dam trunk of the car…..so he saed okay then you go ahed and open up the trunk if you want….i saed to the poleeeses man you herd him tel me okay then rite/….and the poleeses man just look at us and him saed now look i don’t not want this to be a problem if he do not want me to open the trunk then he is within his rites to say this…..now omar he starts to cry big teers and he is red fased……i look at offiser and i shrug and say i promis you ther wold be no problem if you want to open the trunk and the offiser saed no it is al rite i gess…..you just wate heer………
so off him go and i tel omar i am goeng to kil you i hope you kno that and he saed he do not hav a rite to serch my car and i sad wel what do you hav in ther that you are afrade of him seeng if ther is somtheng ther i want to kno abot it now……you see omar him gets aneytheng he wants from my uncel and my aunt both aneytime he wants money thay just hand it over to him…..he uses all his money on bulshit too…..on eateng out at nise plases and goeng to conserts and on dates with sherey and on alcohol drenks even thogh him is suposes to be such a good muslim to heer him tel it which is of corse is a big laff…..but worster theng he do is he buy marawana and i am thenkeng i bet this motherfuker hav a big bag of marawana somwher in the wheel of his spaer tire becos i kno for a fack that is wher he ushualley keep it……becos he is a fool and acshualey thenks that is the last plase a poleeses man wold thenk to look…..
so the poleeses man he com bak and says wel i hav permits to keep you heer for a warrant to com in or i can hav you car haul into town if you drater he saed or some kind of shit like that…..so omar him saed no it is okay you can go ahed and chek the trunk and so the offiser after askeng him agan if he was shur told him to go ahed and open the trunk…..so then this fool opens the trunk and piks up the spar tire and says okay now ther is notheng in ther you can look and see……the offiser then looks in the trunk and saed okay hand me the tier and omar him saed no that is okay i wil put it bak and the offiser saed i saed hand me the tier mister shahiri…..so omar do and the poleeses man him looks and shur enuf ther is a big bag of marawana…..
omar then him try to ack like he is shoked and saed oh my god how did that get in ther/……i kno i hav to thenk of somtheng fast and ther is onley two opshons……i cold easiley kil this cop but that wold not be wise he has alredey just now run a chek on the both of us so this is reley not an opshon……so i do the onley theng i can thenk of to do…….i saed i swer to you offiser i do not kno this fool hav maawana in him car…..i swer to you i am his uncel and nether me or his father or mother aprove of this in fack that is why i am spends time with him to get him away from bad pepels that leed him astray…….i swer to you if you wil let us go i wil keep an eye on him and you can just toss that marawana into the ditch over yonder and…….
then him interups me and saed wel it is reeley not that much but it do look like it is over an ouns that is a clas d and i forget what he saed reley whether misdemener or feloney becos by now my hed is spineng and i kno i mite hav to do somtheng desprat….so then the poleeses man offers to let us go with a warneng and a fine and i saed to him if i can pay the fine rite now then you can giv him a tiket or somtheng to show him a leson……
so he do what i figur he wold do he gav omar a tiket for speedeng and i hav to giv this fuckeng poleeses man two hunderd dollars……and i was the one who was driveng on top of that………then the poleeses man he do not toss the marawana a long way just bareley to the side of the road and then he tels us to be on our way……..omar is fumeng over this let me tel you he is sayeng that motherfuckeng croked cop and i am teleng him yes and you had bester be glad he is a croked cop you ideot or we wold reley be in trobel rite now….he was rite thogh the cop do not even wate until i hav drov out of his site befor i see him in the reer view mirror pickeng up the bag of pot which was indeed wel over an ouns…….
later on that nite we stop and eat supper and then by the time we are thru it is nite time so i say okay lets take us a driv out in the cuntrey…..we are cleer in another state by now from wher we were when the poleeses man stops us but everytime omar sees a poleeses man he starts to shake…….but at this restrant ther are som teenagers in ther two boys and one girl and i tel omar that gril is fuks them both i bet we can get som pussies from her too if we can get her aay from them…….omar is not in the mood for this of cors and it was reley not the best time but i notis the girl keeps lookeng our way at me and him both and the one boy is talks loud and braggeng about how he has kiks this ones ass and that ones ass and the other boy is just goeng along with him prettey much and suddenley the girl asked me wher i am from and i saed i am from syria and her ask if that is wher omar is from and he saeds no i was born and rase heer but he is my uncel and then the fool tels her our names…..
then her asked me is that you easter bunney in the bak of the car and i saed yes it was a present from omar grilfrend…the one boy then that talk too much he then accusses her of talks to much and apologises to me for this and i saed o that is al rite be may she just wants som of this big dik of mine…..omar slenks down in his seet and saes muhammed and the gril her lafs a silley little lauf that sonds like her is too shok to kno what to say her just goes……uuhhhh..wha…iiiii…and whhhoooo…and the one boy he just choks on his coca cola but the other boy he just looks at me like he do not kno what to thenk and he finaley says you must be a reel stud huh…..i tel him i am stud enuf that when her fuks me her do not need to fuk my frend like her fukeng you frend ther……
finaley the watres her coms over and her says ther is no problem heer is ther and i saed oh no we are abot to leve but the girl is telleng the big mouth one he do not kno what he is talkeng abot he is just a trobelmaker but i kno i am rite becos i can tel how everynow and then the qwiet boy is tuches the girl when the other one do not notis and her lets him do it to…..and thay are always lookeng at each other and smileng and reeley her is sits closest to the qwiet one in fack i thoght thay were the boy frend and the grilfrend util thay talk enof i can tel her is suposeng to be getteng marreed to the big mouth one…..
so aneyway i pays for our meel and then off we go and so we are driveng way out in the cuntrey somwher along with ruthie the easter bunney ther in the bak seet and all of a sudden this car zooms in behind us and it is thees fools and thay are on our tael….suddens thay pul around us and honkeng ther horn and it is thees three who hav be follows us from a distans for qwite som time…thay puls up and the gril opens the window and the boyfrend him is stiks his hed around and shouteng out to me go bak wher you com from you filthey fukeng arab and the girl her just lafs as thay go on around….that do it i speed up and omar is like muhammed you fukeng fool what are you doeng but i am not careng rite now no motherfuker talks to me this way i speed up and i ram them from behind and i take out my gun and i shoots in the air by them and thay speed up and thay are haveng hard tim holdeng on to the rode on this long and windeng and reley narrow rode and then i shoots thay bak left tire and then i speeds up and rams them agan then suddens off the rode thay go way way way way down into the hil side and thay are covereng up with bushes……
so then i saed to omar rite ther that is wher we go to burey her…..burey her he saed to me…..i am talkeng abot ruthie you ideot i tel him down ther wher thay went to……so we park the car and i leve him ther with our parkeng lites on and tel him okay now if somone coms just say we hav car trobel i want to go and chek this out……so down i go and it must hav be mor than two hunderd feet and then i see ther is a strate drop off down on to som roks and som bushes below…i figur wow thay must hav be almost out of gas or thay car woud hav exploded..….i see som peses of car from fender and stuf lik that and i kik them off down into wher ther is trees and bushes and down i go and see ther is a fire just a little one but i put it out…….
ther thay are the boy in the bak he is ded and the boy in the front him has his chest cav in by the steereng wheel and the girl her hav be thron from the car and into the tree and her is baerley alive and i can tel her is go to die aney minut now…..i get her down from bottom branch that her is in and her says pleas help me so qwiet i can baerley heer her….i tel her wil you giv me som of that pussies and her says yes…and then her dies…..
so i kno now that when i die this one wil be wates for me in the hevens she was qwite a prettey girl reley her was tal and blond haered with long sexey legs and big boobs and i cold tel from way her acks her is horney bitch and has never be satisfied in her life with sexes not by ether of thees two fools or by aneybodey els…it is reeley not my fault her be killed it is thers…….all i do was first to tel the truth and then when they haras me i meerley defend my honor…….her can not blam me and her has giv me word her wold giv me pussies so her wil be one of my sex harem girls in the hevens when i go ther……god makes all girls and womans keep thay promises to mans espeshal sinse i wold hav sav her if i cold……
stil all of this is by the way…..god has giv me the perfeck opportunitey to solv my problem…….i go bak up and ther is a car and ther is omar that fool talkeng and i am thenken oh shit what is goeng on now…but the man and his wif thay just stop to help and when thay see me pop up thay are scaered……but i say it is al rite you can go on now and i whisper to omar what do you tel them and he saed car trobel but thay start the car rite up just now….so the old man he saed i do not thenk you wold find aney hoses down ther and i saed oh that is al rite i just needed to take a shit my nephew driveng has scaered the hel out of me i bet i pissed for a fukeng hour to……..thank you for you help….so thay saed wel okay……and off thay go and the old woman her giv me the funneist look you ever do see….
so i saed com on lets driv away so thay wont be suspishus and then we com bak heer which we do an hour later in the meen tim i tel omar my plan okay now i tel him heer is what we do we take the easter bunney sute off of ruthie and drop her down the ravene wher thees tenagers hav crashes and dies and probabal her and thay wil never be fond down ther but even if thay are thay wil assum her was one of them al along do that sond lik a brilleant plan or what…..he agreed not that he had aney other choese…so we go bak and after we take the easter bunney sute off of ruthie i notis she is starteng to swel and to stenk and is turneng blak but after all her hav be out of the ice we hav her paked in for a few days and hav be out of it now for a day and a half at leest……plus she was never completley frosen to begin with we just keep her good and cold like a reel good cold six pak of beer that is almost frosen but not qwite or kind of like when you put a coca cola in the freeser and it gets reel mushey but stil not frosen hard so you can stil drenk it….i lov to drenk them thataway……
aneyway we carrey ruthie down the hill all two hunderd feet to the big drop off and this way i can show omar how no one can tel a car has ever reck heer look i told him all the branches of tree and bushes hav alrededy be bak to almst lik thay was befor…..so we sweng ruthie bak and then toss her and dow her went thru the bushes and i saed now okay omar i go down and mak shur her is down ther good with the other ones which i do…i hav to moov her a little bit closer to the others…hopefulley if thay find them it wil be at leest a coupel of weeks after all if thay find them rite away thay mite be abel to tel the difrans in how long ruthie hav be ded from the other ones but the longer it takes them the less likley that wold be….this is anoteh trik i lerned from watching first rate shows like csi and law and order and other grate televishon shows such as this….
and hopefulley thay will never find them…but if thay do of corse i hav to make shur omar gets the blam for it afte all it is his fault aneyway…..that is why i hav a alibi set up for wher i hav be and no one knos that i hav com down heer with omar until that fukeng poleeses man pul us over in another state…….even then thogh i use another fals id that i hav prepare for just such a contingensey……even omar do not kno that which is all to the bester…….
it was a long driv bak and after almost a day we are bak in kentucky and i hav him dorp me off at the greyhound bus stashon in lexington kentucky……i tel him i am takeng a bus ride to clevland i tel him which is what i do…..i bet i sleep al the way up ther too which after evereytheng i go thru thees last three days i need all the sleep i can get………
hamil agreed to see me and was happey when i teld to him that soon his problems wold be over…omar problems hav just begineng onley him do not kno this yet…….fuk him aneyway…..
i played one game of ches with hamil and i acshualley beet him without cheeteng….i thenk the motherfuker let me win to tell you the truth…..
by the time i get bak to covington i hav onley one theng to worree abot but i find out omar hav keep his moth shut which is good…….soon everytheng is goeng to change for the bester………my probelms with bitch mara omars mother are abot to be a theng of the past……omar wil soon giv her the date rape drug and then her wil be completely in my power from now on until the end of time……that bitch is goeng to be sorrey she ever interfeered with me or my plans….i am so exsited thenkeng abot it i can baerley contane myselv…….
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