Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mara Runs Away And Plans Suicide

wel i have no sooner start calleng around to try and find amanda and then louese and so far no luck findeng either one then i get a call from my uncel massoud with some bad news in fact it could be devastateng news….mara has go away she has run off and have leved him a letter sayeng that by the time he get this letter she will be dead……oh no that is not the half of it…..i ask him what is goeng on and he saed that omar call her from somewhaer last nite whiel we are out to wish her a happey mothers day and he told him he is not to speek with her and not to call bak and then he make the mistake of telleng her this……so she is distraut over this as if omar have not cause her enogh probelms as it is…..she leev last nite and also in the note she leev she tell him he shold get rid of me for good i am no good and that she is goeng to send him a letter telleng him evereytheng…..

now i do not caer about this last part….it so happens that whiel i have her in my hous fucked up on the date rape drug i talk her into sineng a mael card to have all her privat maels transfers to my hous i teld her as long as she is heer it is bester this way that way massoud will not know if omar try to contact her……it was easey to talk her into this whiel she was fucked up and after it was over with she have forgets all about it…so whatever letter she sends to massoud is comeng strate to me……

but in the meentime massoud suspishons are arouse and he is askeng me now just what the hels do you do to my wife and i tel him oh stop you worryeng do you like the way she was treteng you…..and he saed of corse not but what do you do to make her change and i saed i do what i do…….

he saed wel i do not know whether to thank you or to kill you and i saed well why not compromise….he saed how the hels do you compromise on sometheng like this… i explane to him you know just forget about killeng me and you do not have to thank me…….probelm is i can tell he is worreed and i thenk he is reeley serous about sayeng this……but he saed well if you heer aneytheng pleese let me know my dauter is comeng home from school and i do not know what i am goeng to tell her about this……

wel tell her i saed hello and i will see you later i will be over somtime today but first i have somtheengs i have to take caer of and i cant get out of it……..reeley i theenk he is cryeng becos thogh mara is a bitch and reeley tryed to make him under her thumb he do love her and is even wanteng to have more childern by her acordeng to her aneyways…….which is somtheng else i have to do today is find some more womans to give pusseys to thor my dog sinse i am now afrade that mara if her is still fuckeng massoud who is a filther disgust homosexer queiers will give my poor dog aids……

so aneyways i am off i have a lot of thengs to do today………