Monday, May 22, 2006

Guantanamo Bay-The Muslim Prison Revolt

some of my arab and muslim so called borthers have realey be showeng thaer asses lateley i am talkeng about the ones that are hold up in this plase i wil call gitmo which is on the island of cuba….this is whaer thay have in jael terrors and kilers thay have captured in the war on terror mostley from the afghan conflcit……..

what a bunch of fuckeng cry babeys some of thees amarecan suporters of thees vile peppel are….oh thay are being tortured oh thay are being denied thaer basic human rites oh thay are beeing denied due prosess…bull shit… motherfuckers had bester wake you asses up….thees peppel wil kill you in a hartbeet if thay get a chanse and thay will sell you daghters into slavery as sex slaves… sons too as far as that go…..and thay will cut off you fuckeng head and laugh at you whiel they doeng it…..

in the meentime some of thees peppel that suposedley being treeted so bad thay hav all the food thay need and probabley more and thay go out of thaer way to make shur the food is halel on top of that…….thay give them recreashon by letteng them play soccer…..thay give them a quran to read even…..under the circumstanses seems to me thay treet them pretty dam good a hell of a lot bester than thay deserve and dam shur a hell of a lot bester than i wuld treet thees filthey swine…….

still what do thay do…thay stage a brakeout by one of them acteng like he is comiteng suiside and when the gards com rusheng in thay attack them…thay have shit what thay call on the news feces in case you do not know what it meens and it spred on the floor and so thay the solders slip and slide and then thees monsters attak them with brake glass and stuf of this nature……luckiley the amarecan solders prevaeled by useng non lethal forse i theenk if i remember rite thay used rubber bulets……

wel thay shuld have killed thees motherfuckers…..i resent thees kind of peppel that make all good muslims look bad and i want them dead……and i resent just as much maybe a little more thees ignorant fools heer who try to defend them……you draw you own conclushons what i meen by that.