Monday, May 22, 2006

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

everybodey hear in the us seem to be woreed about this man who is president of iran and i am talkeng of corse about mahmoud ahmadinejad…i am not shur about that spelleng by the way but fuck it i am not in the mood to look it up…..the speleng of his name is ot important aneyway what is important is amarecas fears toward him……the name of that fear is i am afrade speled bigot……..

okay now what have he do that is so bad…….okay for one thing he clames that the holocaust was make up by the jews or at leest it was grateley exagerated…..well duh……newsflash peppel……EVERYBODEY FUCKENG KNOWS THAT… he make a verey good and valid poent that the jews were do this to them by the germans and others in europe so if europe want them to have a homeland why do thay not then giove them somplase in euope…..hell it make sense to me….

now everyebodey is conserned about iran haveng nucleer weapons….this is bulshit…….if thay do so what how is this worse than aney other plase have them…….the fuckeng jews have them and so do the vile hindus… that is fucked up…….but just beause iran mite….repeat mite…..have a few sudenley thay are conserned about nuclear proliferation…..can you spel hipocrit……..i like goerge bush and admier him grateley but when it cometo this isue over iran i theenk he is reel off base and probabley is being misled…….

okay i wil admit i hav a soft spot in my heart for iran becaus this is the homeland of my grate grate grandfather who moved from ther by way of turkey to syria after the first world war…….but this do not change the facts…..suir thay have do some things i do not aprove of but why not just let bygones be bygones…….

and irans enemies wil not let up… lateley thay have be accusseng them of tryeng to pass a law where evereybodey that isnot a muslim will have to wear speshal cloths or speshal colors to identify who thay are……not just jews but also christeans and zoroastrians……..wel what the fuk if thay do….for one theng this mite well be for there own protection from peppel who mite know who thay are and be bigots to them but with thees cloths then thay will stand out and make peppel thenk twise before do aneytheng out of the way to them………it make sense to me……

but now come to find out this is not even the case not at all…..come to find out this was just sugested as a amendment to anotehr law that establish dress codefor muslims….but it was not agreed to in fact i thenk it was not even added for to be voteed on the bill…..notheng to it whasoever just some bigot bitch from canada……..

okay i will say one theng more and then i will shut up on this suject for now…..resentley ahmadinejad the president propose a law that allow womans to attend soccer games for the first time sinse the days of the shaw…….of corse thay still have to dress in the tradishonal cloths as now required by thaer law……and also thay have to sit in a speshal area of the stadeum……certanley thay wil not be allowed to sit just aneywheres thay want to and mix and mingle with the mans…yes thay will have to stay in a certan plase just for the womans…..but hey thay are being allowed to attend…and this is good…some of thees womans have thay husbands thay brothers and thay sons that play soccer… naturaley thay wuld enjoy getteng a chanse to see thaer man folks play the game…….and i am shur thay man folks will apresheate the womans in thaer famileys get a chanse to see them play…… this is a good thing….

so it just go to show that peppel heer in the west are bigots whenit come to iran and arabs and all muslims….thay shuld lern bester what thay are talkeng about before they shots thear mouths off………realey now when you stop to thenk about all of these different poents of mine how bad can iran be.