Monday, January 29, 2007

Do Not Vote For Jonathon Sharkey-Fake Vampyre For President

Ever since I buy my citizens or that is ever since Uncle Massoud buy it for me I have be interest in my be able to vote especially vote for President of the United States. I do not know yet what party I will be or who I will vote for and so I have be study and do research on different people that run for president and other offices.

I thought I have see everything but this one is something else. Here is a man who say he is a devil worshiper and he is a vampyre. But he is go to run for President and he swear that he is go to win. That is his picture there just look at him hahhahahaahaahaahhhhaaahahhaa.

Then he says he will impale terrors and killers. Well more power to him on that one I hate terrors and killers too. But then he say that he will do the same thing to drug deals and other crimnals. Now this is going too fucking far and I resent this very much.

I like to do drugs and some time I like to sell them to. It brings me great joy to spread happiness by way of good drugs like cocaine and opium and other good stuff and marijuana too. When I final start my new religion this is go to be a big part of it. Not only to spread happiness but to make a lot of money.

Besides nothing is better than to get a pretty young girl high and then fuck her real good and hard. Then you have you a sex slave for life. She is either addict to you drugs or she is addict to you dick. In my case she will be addict to both so it is a win win for me. Plus they all love it in my case so really it is a win win win.

Jonathon Sharkey do not have a chance of winning President he is full of shit. Just look at this stupid argument he lose to this man I know and name of Patrick on comments of Patricks blog. For him to let a fool like Patrick get the bester of him tell you all you need to know. Still you never can tell what these kind of people might do to make a name for they selves. He can cause a lot of people a lot of trouble for no good reason. And since he do not like Arabs he might hurt some people that it might effect me and this is something I will not put up with. I have be involve in selling drugs and in selling young girls for sex trade too such as I do with Leann. It is a good life and I will not let people like this imbecile interfere just to makes a name for they selves.

But I think I have the solution. A while back this girl swore her soul to me with her last breath before she die. The story about it is include in this post. Therefore I can now command her spirit. Jonathon Sharkey is a devil worship and a vampire and so his soul is open to be spy on by this girl and she will tell me all I need to know about her. And so last night I invoke her and just early this morning I receive my answer from her. Jonathon Sharkey is no person to be concern my self with. Just the same she is watches him for as long as I want and if I give the word she will attack him in his dreams and suck his life force and make him a real vampire. But he will be a vampire slave to me.

That is just what I need a male bitch vampire. Now that is what you call power over the spirit world.