Saturday, October 29, 2005


now i am in for it god dam.....amande my grilfrend is now stards thiese shits al ovre agan abot her nigre lovre darter leann abot how she is shur somones has don somethiengs to her and i thienks she is even stards to be suspishus of whad am i to do...i no this fukre shirley puts thiese shits in her hed bud she prmises me she do not....i do nod no whether to believes thiese fat asses bitches or not.....amande has nevre accusses me of thiese of corse she nos i wold beets theshits oud of her is she do thies shits...but stil i am worrees and the othre daius thises dam poleeses man askes me mor qwestons the same ones as i cal thise fuckre hamil and him tels me nod to worree they just tris to trips me up as long as i saisd the same thiengs ovre and ovre ther is nod one dam thiengs theise can do...whad do you meens nod worree mtohrefukre if theise tris to trips me up thiese meens thesie ar thiese othrefukre he cusses and sais do nod cals me no mor mothrefukre and you bestre nod saisd my names....then he hangs up..thad is al rite i wil makes shur the mothrefukre paids for thad one of theise dais.....bud now i has to worrees abod amande...i no her is suspishus so i tels her hey haloweens is coms up if you thienks she mites be ded why do you nod go to hav a saonse with thiese peples you uses to run arond with and see be may thiese can cal up sprit of leann....if her is ded she wil coms to you and tels you whad hapens......can you beleve she sed she wold do it/

i cold nod beleve thise shits i thot she was makes thiese shits up bud no she is sereus.....i was just kids arond myselv just tris to be sarcast.....bud no she is gos to do thise now she sais she looks forwrd to haloween for frist times in yeers and kisses me becos usual i do nod let her mess with thise witches bul shits and god mans and god womans i makes he rstop do thiese shits...bud now she kisses me and gos off just as happee as hel thogh she stil thienks her darter is ded......if i do nod no bestre i thienks she is fuck with my hed bud no she is to stupidre fuckre bitches to thienks to do thise the meentimes i am starves becos her is sad and mopes arond and to fuckre lazee to cooks me food and do dishes and i hav to do al theise shits myselv whil she mopes and cris abot leann thise and leann that...

bud now i am worrees...whad if she do thise shits on halloween and it turns oud thad she reel do get leanns sprit and leann tels her whad fuckre happens....i wil be in big fuckre trobles then....oh wel fuk it.....if it happens it happens.....theise stil has to proov it.....and a haloween saonse i do od thienks is go to do the triks.......but just the same i can nod helps but worrees....i shur she is suspishus and so is the poleeses......

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Rick Perkins And Madison Avenue Sunoco

wel now i hav ben fukre baned from thiese fuckre sunoco stashon in fuk it...i go in to by som mor bingo i stans ther and scratches theise off and scratches thiese off and the nextes thiengs you no i hav go through fiftee dollres and do nod wins bud twentee i spens al this and just wins ten i gos throgh thiese and do nod wins a fukre now i am brak....bud i tels rick perkins the manager ok now rik i hav mor monee at home so you wil now plese to giv me fiftee more bengo cards...and this mothrefukre he lafs at i tels him oh so you lafs at me and he just shaks his hed and he tels me yes i dam shur lafs at go hom and geds you monees and i wil sel you the cards...i saids ok then i no ther has to be a winnre in thises cards so you wil now pouts thiese bak for me and saves them for me until i gets bak from the hous....then he tels me he can nod do thise reel pisses me i cals him ricky poo...he reel hates thiese shits becos pepels cals him thiese and it maks him souns like a filther disgust homosexer i sais oh com on ricky poo sav me the tickets...he just getds mad and sais hey that wil get you asses kiked....he was seros to bud i do nod thienks he meens thiese i sais oh ricky poo if you do nod hold thiese cards for me i wil tels everone you are filther disgust homosexer queiers....just that you try to act big and bad to try to hid you are a sissy littler pussies boy....also thad al you womans makes fun of you and go ouds on you behinds you bak....even som of theise they go oud on you with niggres....then they lafs at you ricky poo when you talks abot how you wold nevre go oud with a woman who be fuks with niggres.....they lafs becos they be fuks niggres they own selvs...and then i stards laffs and everone arond stards to laffs and he just geds maddre and he tels me to geds oud of the stores or he wil cal the poleeses i tris to sais i am sorrees bud he sais i do nod wans to heer thiese geds the fuks oud of heer......and so i turns to go bud i can nod helps myselvs i tels him ok ricky poos i go now and tels you grilfrens tina thad you are little filther disgust homosexer queiers and littler sissy boys just like her alwais tels me when i gos to fuks then ricky poo perkins him reel geds mad and stards oud aftre me likes him is gos to whips my asses bud of corse he just puts on acts becos i tels him you tries to fites me ricky poo perkins i wil whips you fukre asses and then everone will nos you are no shits just al he sais you just stais of thiese propertees from now on or i wil call the poleeses mans when i seis you comes i sais ok we wil see ricky poo perkins....and then i gos awais....fuks ricky poo perkins and the madison avenue sunoco of covington kentucky is nod likes theise ar the onley plases in town wher you can plais bingo games.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

my grilfrend is out of the jale at last

i thoght amanda wold nevre get out of the jale bud now she is oud of the jale and goddm it is abot time.....i finley gets me som pussies...ifinley hav som desent foods to eat....i hates to cooks food....i do it...what choise do i hav..bud dam it is a pane in the ass.....bud thad is al rite...she is oud of the jale and off the drugs.....she finley clene agan of thiese shits....she stil sorrees abot her fuckre litle niggre lovre darter leann bud she wil gets ovre thiese in time i am sure...

in the meentime....befor she finley coms hom i has a talk with her counslor...her names is rachel....she sais she wans to talks to me in privats and i sais ok heer we go again....anothre fuckre bitch wans to be fuked by me probabal becos amanda has tels them i hav such a big fuckre dik...just like al womans.....bud thad ok i wil fuks her i sais to myuselv....espeshal if it meens it wil helps amanda geds oud of the jale and i can get good food and pussies for a change....

so when she cals me in her offis i tels her ok now wher do we go to do thise at/,,,we can do it heer if you wans i gess...she sais whad do you meen/....i sais ok come on now lets fuk and gets thise shits ovre with...she sais thad is nod whad i wants to talk to you abot who the hel you thienks you are/...i sais ok then whad yu wans to talks if she was tels the truths abod nod wans me to fuk her....i nos bestre than this of corse becos i no thad i can fuks aney womans i wans..just sometimes takes mor time with som than with othres...bud i no it is comeng....

so aneywais she stards oud askes me abot leann.....tels me thad amanda is reel upset abot her darter and she needs me to be suportiv and undrestaneng toard her....giv her lov and pashens....i sais ok i do al thiese thiengs aneywais...then she givs me thiese funnee looks and she askes me whad i no abot leean.....

i tels her oh leann is a littler bitch darter she is no good...probabal she just runs off with some boyees and be ouds partees and runs wild and do drugs...i tels her thad she runs with wild boyees and bad tels wher she is at may she is ded be may she is nod bud whatevre happens top her is her own fukre faults....bud of corse i wil be good and kind and undrestaneng and suportiv to amanda and giv her lovs and pashens i do thiese al the times aneywais......

so she sais whad kinds of pepels do leean runs with do i nos aney of them....i sias no i do nod nos them theise is just like she is thogh..theise is niggres and nigere lovres....lisens to nigres musis and sings nigres songs and talks lik nigres and do drugs and fuks everbodee just likes nigres do....

wel it is a good thiengs thad amanda al redy be prosessed oud of heer she tels me becos she tels me she do nod thienks amanda needs to be with fuckre bigot likes me...then she tels me to geds the fuk oud of her offis....the fuckre bitch....wel i gess at lest i do nod hav to worree abot hav to fuk thiese fat assed smellee pussies bitch aftre al....i did not even realis it at the time but thiese bitch rachel who is amandas conseler....wel she is a nigre herselv but al the times i taks to her i do nod even realise whad i sais to her...bud she is a fuckre nigre her own selv.....onse i realise whad i hav don i lafs all the wais home.... and ther is amanda in the car with me as i talkes her home at last....and she askes me wehad the fucks you laffing abot massoud/....

i tels her oh nevre mind it is just some stupidre shits you evre even herd of bud nod is funnee thogh how sometimes thiengs ike thiese turns oud...