Thursday, March 30, 2006

Mara Beats Me And Rahe Kills Himself

no matrre how hard i try last nite to meditat the onley theng i cold see was bitch mara my uncel massouds wife as her stod in front of me lagheng at me…….i cold not banish her from my thoghtres as her stod ther and defies me when i tels her you go away now……it must hav be a prophesey of what happens today…..i go to the stor and ther is no ones ther but her… omar…no massoud….no rahe…..and no cusomres whatsoevre… i nos that her is plans to hav it out with me….that was al rite i be wates for this…..but i was not prepares for what happens today……

first she admits thad her hirs the two arabs to folos me to finds out whad thay can abot me becos her theinks i hav be involvs in crimnal activites…..then she says her stil theinks that……..then she tels me it is a good theeng that one of them is heer on expier visa or i wold be in jael rite now for asault……….

we are in massods offis al this time and sudens her thros down a manila envelop and tels me to opens it up and looks at it…..i try to ack cashual as i do as she says as she stans ther thad hatful smirk on her fase that even a ful burka wold not be able to hid thogh this ugley bitch shold wer one aneywais……i open up it and tak out what looks lik a picshur……when i sees it i no that she has won…… my plans hav be com crashes down around me and i no notheng aftre today wil evre be the same…….

it is a picshur takes insid a bedrom thogh it is hard to tel whethre it is a hotel rom or in someone hous……but thad is nod importans what is importans is who ar in the picshurs four diferant ones… is massoud and rahe and thay are do filther disgust homosexer queiers shits…….in one of them massoud is planely fuks rahe in the ass… anothre rahe is suks his own shits off massouds dik…….as disgust as theis al is the worstes one of all is one wher the to of them ar naked in bed and ther legs al wraps around each othre as thay hug and kiss each othre……the last one is thay ar just stans ther with massoud hav his hand around rahe waste look at each othre lik thay ar in lov with each othre……i hav be nevre so sik in my lif…..but mara this bitch her just lafs at me i can not beleve it…..

whad is rong muhammed are you nevre see to gron mans kisses each othre befor aftre al thay ar just good frends at lest that is what massoud cals it…….bud aneyways i just wans to lets you no that thees ar just copees and i hav originals so i lets massoud no that his littler lov affar is ovre……as for you my frend you free ride is ovre as wel……..i agre with massoud thad you stil work heer bud if i were you i wold considre get a cheepre apartment as you double pays you hav be gets undre the table is now a theeng of the past…….

if that is the wais it is i says but her cuts me off and says yes mothrfukre that is the way it is….you wil go now and i expecks you bak to work tomoro… see now i am not just you boss until massoud is bak to good helth….from now on i am you boss for good and when i tels you to do sometheeng i expecks you to do it without qwesteon….are we cleer on that/…..becos one fuk up from you and you are go for good her tels me……

so i leve aftre says ok then you are the boss for good and what you say go…..but the bitch her laghs at me as i go out the door…… what can i do now/….al my plans i hav mak are breengs to notheeng becos of this bitch……..i desid i am gos to rahes hous……be may i can blakmal him insted aftre al him hav famley in syrea…….bud i noks on the door and noks on the door and no one ansers… i look in the windo and i see somtheeng that is puts end to thees thoghts for good……

i go bak to the bak door and kiks it down and shur enof i go into the liveng room and ther is rahe and him is hangs from a rope him hav ties to ways in anothre room somwher and him is ded the mothrfukre……the rop is ties to the pol in his bedrom closet and then is takes to the dornob and then ovre a lite fixtur the damdest theng you evre do see and thogh nod thad much waight on the lite fixtur it is stil puls loos from his waight….he shur was determins mothrfukre i says to myselv…….

him loks lik him hav be ded abot twentey minuts if i hav got heer erleur i says to myselv i mite hav stops him but i dout it……it wold be sillee to try to blakmal sombodey thad is go to kil himselv ovre somone fond out what you are wants to blamkmal him ovre… i leve as i figur if i am sees leve heer be may someon theenks i kils him and maks it look lik suiside… the way hom i wondre if be may this is whad mara hav do… wold be abot lik the bitch to hav thos frends of her do this……

aneyway i watch the news now and so far no one has says aneytheng abot a suiside man but i gess i heer abot it wil soon or late…..

Saturday, March 25, 2006

traitors and troublemakers

theis is the the firstes tim in my lif thad i hav evre geds myselv al dress up and makes myselv look lik a mileon dollres just to go to see som bitch when al i hav on my mind is to tel her off…..bud thad is whad i do erleur today when i go to see bitch mara my uncel masoud wife…..theis bitch is nod go to evre no whad hits her i tel myselv but i hav misundrestimates theis bitch yet anothre time…….i no now for a fack thad it is her and nod my uncel massoud who hav theis two clouns to folow me aroun and hav me worrees lik theis do…..and now i hav be sits around and worress oh hel i theinks be may i mite be arrest for beeting theis one of them up so bad i theink i com closes to kills the bastard……but i nevre heer nothein and so i gets to theinks ok now ther is onley one explashon for theis and thad is theis two fools thay must hav be heer not legle and probabal thay were bud hav lets ther vesas expire the stupidre mothrefukres…..and how i no theis now for a facks is becos he do nod go to the hospitle even thogh him needs to be ther or at leest him do not stais ther for long……becos i gos bak to ther apartment and thay hav al redey movs oud of ther ands a naybre sias thay both hav justes leev togethre lastes nite……

i tels theis to my uncel massoud in a rondabot wais thad theis pepel who com to theis cuntree not legal wais shold be round upand run thay out of the cuntree…..espeshal theis spiks like from mexcos mans and mexcos womans lik the one mexcos man who i kil at the store thad day…….shur enof com to find out him is nod heer in cuntree legal ether and good theing uncel massoud him sais becos be may othrewise him mite be sued for rongful deth becos of whad him cals my foolish stunt…..whad do you meens i tels him he was try to robs you…….bud you thro him a gun and him do nod hav one him reminds me….so i askes him who ar gos to tels theis shits are you/……and rahe him was to busey cowards on the flore to even no what was go on……..and him sais wel justes the same it was nod a good theing thad you do muhammed him tels me agan……

we wer watches televishon and sees a ltheis protestres who were demonstrates abod how amarecan congres wil soon makes new law to toufen up penaltees on amarecan emploeyres who hir al theis ilegal imigrants from mexcos and othre plases to bud mostes of theis spiks seems to be from mexcos….looks at theis ideots i tels him why do the goverments nod arest ther mothrefukre ases/…whad is rong with theis pepels/……

theis ar comunist mothrfukres massoud him sais and whad ones ar nod comunist theis ar mexcos pepels wans to ged al the pepels theis can get to com feer so theis can get al the good jobs and the restes of them then can control theings and draw welfar the sorree mothrfukres……thad and sels drugs and hav ther street gangs run roufshod al ovre the cuntree and do whad thay wants to do…….and amarecans theinks arabs ar bad thay do nod no how bad theings can be if thay get enof of theis mothrfukres ovre heer……

also be may a lot of theis protests who ar nod mexcos mans or mexcos womans thayselvs ar filthr disgust homosexer queiers and wans to suk som mexcos mans dik and hav thay fuks them up the ases be may that is what thay meens by wetbaks……him shots me theis looks becos him is a filther disgust homosexer queiers himselv and sais fuk you…..i sais why do you do theis shits uncel do you nod no ow wiked it is/……him sais i do nod wans to talk abod it with you i pais you whad you wans to shut up abod it and i do nod intend to heer you run you moth abod it to me eithre…….

so anywais i tels him so whad abod theis to arabs who thay sais ar ilegle aleins i sais……..thay saes thay lives in newport and one of thay got reel bad beet up bud wold nod go to the hospitle becos be may him is heer on espiers visa….whad you theinks abod thad/…when him askes me wher thay liv i tels him and him aks lik him is nod a bi conserns which tels me sinse him can nod posabal hides aneytheings from me thad him do nod aneytheings…..thad meens ther is no othre explanashon…..theis ar pepels who hav be hires by mara and him nos notheings abod it………

so anwywais now i nos whad i havs to do…….i fixes myselv up and geds my bestre close redey for tomoro for when i gos to the stor becos massoud is stil nod works and mara stil her runs the stor so when i coms in al dreses up tomoro and massoud nod ther and no one ther bud me and mara her wil theinks thad i am tris to ged som pussies from her and i wil lets her theinks thad for awhil even thogh i wold nod fuk theis bitch wieth a dogs dik…….

bud then when her leest expecks it i wil confronts theis bitch abod whad her nos abod theis two fools and then i wil preses her until her admits the truths and then i wil finds oud whad went goes on….then i can ged her in troble be may for harboreng arabs in theis cuntree heer on expiers visas…….becos she must be pais thay somtheings…….nod thad big a deel bud mara theinks her is bestre than evereybodey so her wil nod wans theis kind of troble then be may i can setels theis shits onse and for al…..

so i go dountouns i heer ther is gos to be a raley to protestes amarecan congres pases touf laws on theis unlegle mexcos mothrfukre spiks the was thay shold do and the wais al amarecans shold wans if thay ar tru amarecans and loves ther cuntree and ar nod fukre tratores……bud unfortunat i do not see aney of theis mothrfukres around so be may i am to late or ethre thay hav cals it off or even mor likeler thay hav chikens out…..i theinks poleeses shold arest theis trators mothrfukres… wold be al rite wieth me if they wold just open fiers on them and tels thay protestes this mothrfukres……

i am nod even a reel amarecan citisen yet and sometimes i theinks i lov amareca mor than most of theis mothrfukre so cals amarecans do……

Thursday, March 23, 2006

now i know the truth

i finley starts to mak som hedwais in finds out abod theis to fools and finds oud wher theis hangs out….so now it is up to me to puts theis mattre to rest…..i sees them oud one day and whil they do not see me i hide and then i casuley follows them to wher theis liv in a apartments bildeng in newport……oh theis is justes grate i sais to myselv with my luk theis be som of theis fools thad i heer thad wans to blo up the freedom bel…….and aftre al theis tim i am carfuls to sets it up to maks it looks lik i theinks theis ar terrors be may i finds oud reel thay are terrors aftre al…..wold be my mothrefukre luck….but aneywais aftre i sees them gos in ther i gos on and leves an dcoms ak a cople of tims ovre a pereod of last six dais and i am lukey to sees thad one of them leves on his on andit is the biggre oe at that so now i no whad to do…..i just cashual go up to the door and nocks on it and steps bak out of the wais of the peep hol so theis ideot ca nod sees me and when he sais ok who is ther i maks myselv sonds like a sexey woman and sais oh you havs to gess sweethart… him pens the door wieth a big stupid grin on his fase and then i punches him rite inthenose and pushes my wais into his hous and tels him now mothrefukre you ar gos to tels me whad is gos on and why you follos me around al oovre the plase becos if you do nod you wil nod be the firstes person i hav killed do you reed me you pigs dik likre/……..

him nos i am ereos to which i do nod lie i hav killed befor and i meens mor thanjust the spik man at my uncel massouds stor i hav killed him yes but foer othres as wel…….it was a hav to cases thogh…..

so anywais him stards to cri and him shaks and qwivers and him sais youa r a crazee person i do nod even no who you ar…..and so i beets th shits oud of him and i ais ok now whad is my name/…..and he sais ok i ser i do nod no who you are…so i beets theshit out of him agan……and stil he denis him nos me ao i beets theshit out of him agan and sais ok now had is my name/…… theis time him is barley alive from justes looks at him and then him sais plese do nod hurts me aneymore and i sais ok then whad is my name and him tels me you nam is massoud shahiri…or muhammed shahiri i am nod shur…..

so i askes him ok thad is bestre now you tels me why you follos me and him sais i do nod no….can you beleve it theis mothrfukre is stil tris to gets oud of tels me the truts……then suddens i theinks i am in reel trobels when the door opens and it is his frend andhimshouts oud his frends name which is hakim and sais whad do you do to him/……

i tels him the ame theing i do to you mothrfukre if you do not tels me whad i wans to no…….why are you follos me and who hav you do theis shits/…….and him sais i can nod tels you theis……but you had beste leve heer or i wil cals the poleeses mans and theis wil coms to taks you awais…..i wans to takes my frend to the hospitle look at whad you hav do you anemal…..and hakim him is mones and grones almostes to wher i am even stards to feels sorree for him myselv…..

suddens the othre one who name i heer on the phone is akhmed him has gos to the othre room and i am afrad thad him mite hav a gun so i stards to bak to the door…..and i sais ok i no who sends you it is somone who is mads at me becos i fuks princes diana and nos i nos who kils her……andhim coms into the liveng room and sais ok yes thad is rite thad is whad we be pais to finds oud now you get oud of heer….and i sais wel you wil nevre no who kils princes diana becos i wil nod tels no one unles i e pais to or be pais nod to so you tels prins charls or old fukre fayed from herods thad theis had bestre leves me alone….or the engels news to if thad who is sends you i do nod car justes tels them to stais awais from me….and i am tels you stais awais from me to…….

al rite him sais i swer i wil nod bothe you no mor now you ged oud of heer the ambulanse it com and i do nod wan yo heer when it gets heer now leve or i wil hav to tel the poleeses whad has happens….so i leves bud i geds whad i cm from….i nos thad theis mothrfukre ies ther is no wais he wold admits totheis thad easey if theis wer the truts which meensof corse it is nod te truts it is a filther lie……bud thad is al rite i geds in my car and as i leve shur enuf heer coms the sirens so i puls off to the sides tl lets theis go by lik the amaecan laws sais you mustes do……bud whil oud i tak oud the adres and phon numbre books thad ipiks up off the end tabel by wher the phon is and i looksand shur enof i see the numbre of my uncel massoud and so then i nos the truts…..theis numbre is the one thad mara uses al the time so it is mara who hav theis folos me bcos uncel massud him wil od do theis and besids when theis al stards as afte him geds to week from havs his hart attaks…….

so it is itch mara aftre all….wel thad is al rite becos now i no she is even mor my enemey than i thoght so befor…..and i nos exsacley whad i am go to godam do abot it……..thad is al i wil sais for now until i am shur as theis sais one hundred per sent…..but onse i do make shur let me put it theis wais….i am go to reel fuk thad bitches worl up good……..

Saturday, March 18, 2006

someone is spies me

i hav be thienks abod theis for som tim now….theis mothrfukres i hav be sees now for som to or thre weeks everewhes i go to….firstes i sees theis ad the gold star chili restarant in colege hils……then the sam to mothreukres i sees theis at the covington ketuckly mardi gras……and finals i sees the sam to mothrefuckres at the mosque in cincinnati the lastes tim i go ther wieth my uncel massoud………

wel hamil it turns oud do nod hav aneytheings to do wieth theis mothrfukres which is what i thoght at first to tel you the truth i thoght that him was wans to mak shur i do nod be temps to tel whad i nos abod him….but him swers up and down no it is not me him sais……….so i sais wel you ar alwais brags abod how you nos pepels so it is in you interest i wold theinks to helps me finds oud who thay are…..and why is this him askes me….becos i sais if it is the poleeses thad sends them to wathes me thad meens mor than evre thad thay are suspishus of me and thad meens thay mite be suspishus of you to asumeng thay no thad i hav deels wieth you… if thay are poleeses persons then you shold be abel to finds out i sais….of corse chanses are that you are just a big blohard…..then him thros his hed up in the air and him ais wel we shal see who is a big blohard…..if thay are poleeses mans i wil finds theis out….on top of that if thay are havs aneythengs to do wieth the amarecan govrement then i wil probabal finds thad out to…whad you meens probabal mothrfukre i sais probabal is not good enof…….then him sais muhammed i wil do what i can do i do not no what elses to tels you he sais…..

so from thad tim o i wates but not for long i desides to go to my uncel massoud to finds oud if him nos and him sais no but then him coms bak and him sais he stil do nod no who theis are bud theis hav notheeng to do wieth the mosque or wieth any of the local immans in the area and he then swers up and down thad nether him nor mara havs aneytheengs to do with them…..

i sias ok i no you wold probabal nod do theis but how can you be so shur abod mara and him sais becos i no mar bestre than i no the bak of my hands and beleve me if her was invols i wold no……then i feels bestre for awhil but stil nod satisfis but tris to puts theis shits out of my mind……then sudens yestredais i am gos to the mosque with uncel massoud and ther is no one of theis othrefukres around and him ais i thienks thad you are imagineng theis shits muhammed… are what thay cals paranoed be may….yes be may i am i sais bud i no i heers theis mothrfukres talks abod blos up brige from cincinnati to covington the blu brige thay cals it and sudens him is shoks and loks lik him is scairs to deth….muhammed you shold reports theis shits……

i tels him yes i shold and i wold bud you see i hav a problem the poleeses theinks thad i am involvs with disapeanse of leann and if i gos to tels them theis theings then thay are gos to thienks thad i am justes tris to aks lik a good muslim and tris to geds on ther good side to thro them off the traks and then thay wil theinks mor than evre thad i am gilty…..

he looks at me lik him can nod beleve whad him is heers…..muhammed him sais wher do you gets theis crazee shits in you hed/……it is no wondres the imam tels me you ae possess by devils………you talk and aks lik a crazee person som of the times…….that may be i tels him bud then why do he lets me com i the mosque and sais notheeng/……him justes looks awais and sais notheengs for awhil and i sais wel/….and he sais becos i am a big donor to his mosque hi tels me and him do nod wans to lose my money…..and i sais you meens to tels me you giv money to theis man and his mosque and him talks al theis radaclel anti amarecan bulshits/……and him dos to……onley him is a coward in a way he is alwais carful abod who is in the mosque when him talks theis bulshits and theis maks me al the more suspishs of him likes be may him has hav theis to fools to spis on me to maks shur i do nod sais aneytheings od of the ais to the authoritees…..yes i theinks to myselv now it is comes al to cleer……..

but unel massoud him insists thad no it is nod the imam so stop worres and besids the immam is nod aganst amareca him is justes aganst som amarecan and ther wais and i sais yes lik the gratest ruler the worlds hav evre nos which is of corse gorge w bushes…..he justes shaks his hed and sais one day nepheu you are i hopes lerns mor than you nos now becos you shur do talks stuoidre sometimes…….fuk it i sais go onand tks me hom you are pisses me off we are amarecan now and theis is our cuntree and we hav a dutee to…..bud justs then i sees them thay are justes leves my hose as we ar pls up to it thay drivs off thay hav be ther in fronts just lik thay ar wates for me to coms out or be may thay hav be up ther talksto amanda… i sais ther uncel massoud you see thay ar ther in the saab did you see theis and him sais yes i see the marun colors one….i sais i havs to go up ther now who nos whad thay hav sais or do to amanda….

so i hops oud of car befor him even puls in to my parks spas and i runs up the steps and the door is loks so i beets on it and final heer coms amanda and i sais did you see theose to arabs were theis up here you did od giv them any pussies did you yo had bestre not you whor….

no i did not her sais thay ar justes looks for you bud wl not tels me what thay wans or even what ther names are…..who the hel are thay aneyways she askes and justes then masoud him coms up the steps thogh i barley notis him…then amanda her sais oh yes babey you frend hamil him cals from cleevland and him tels me to hav you cals him…..when her sias theis i was shoks and i looks at her and i can nod hid my worree and her akes me what is rong bud he rsems to be ok and do nod seem to be consern or mad…….bud then massoud sais who was it/…..hamil you sais and him cals from cleevland/……muhammed shurly you ar nod involvs with thies one ar you/…him is bad news…..whad do he wants/…….

bud i wavs him off an dkeeps looks at amanda and askes her are you al rite/…..andher sais yes why wold i nod be/……and i sais stop you fuks with me amanda if yo havs somtheings to sais spit it out now…..and her sias no i hav notheings to sais…whad is so bad abod theis hamil that you uncel masoud is so conserns abot you asoshiates with him/…

then it ocurs to me thad in al the exsitment i forgeds…..amanda cold nod possabal recognise hamils fase from the flier becos her can nod sees pepels ovre the phon lik i can……so i lets oud theis grate sigh of releef just as masoud starts run his moth and sais oh you bestre beleve i am conserns that hamil is no good him is a organise crim boss……i sais oh thad is bulshits and i stards to cal hamil but i am stil worrees……

massoud then him leves and sais oodbye and i waves him good bye and amanda her looks suspishus but her nos to leve the roomby me look… hamil ansers the phon and i askes him ok now hamil whad thehels ar you cals me heer for/…..andhim sais justes to lets you no i no for a faks thad theis to are not the poleses mans and also inos for a faks thad theis ar nod the agents of amarecan government…… you can stop you worrees….then who are thay i askes him….and him sais oh thad i do nod no….lookhim ais you are the hotshot witches crafts man why do you nod finds out/……

are you tris to be smarts with me mothrfukre i askes him…….and him sais hey you ar the one who brags abod al theis magical power you hav and how you can fuks aney womans you wans to fuk and you hav so much power even in you dik thad you even fuks the prinses diana…..if you ca do al theis shits why shold you worrees abod two pepels….cast a spel and maks heis disapeers mothrfukre….and then him hangs up the smart as son of a bitch… i hangs the phon up bud then it occurs to me…be may hamil has teld me whad i need to no and do nod even realise it…….theis to arabs now i no wher i theinks i hav seen theis befor…..

i hav sees theis i am shur at herods department stor in london when i go totry to talk to dodey fayed and him nevre coms to talkto me bud ther ar theis suspishus look goons and theis ar to arabs dresses in reel epxensive sutes….and i nos for a faks yes thad is who it is…..theis hav folos me from london from herods from old man fayed…….and now i nos why….the son of a bitch nos i nos who kils his son and the prinses diana….becos whil i snoops around in london i finds oud the truth onle nod good enof thad i can prove it so i hav to keeps my moth shut…….wel old man fayed is abod to gets the shok of his life…..himheinks him can find ud and nod has to pais me aneythieings the cheep bastard….wel justes forthad i wil keeps itundre my hat for justes a little whil longre……

of corse ten or twentey milleon ponds or bestre yet dollres mite makes me be wills to seng like a canarey as thay say…..

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Time I Fucked Princess Diana

not too awful long befor princes diana was killed i fuked thies bitch whor….theis it hapens when i livs in england which was wher i coms to befor i movs to amareca…… i shal tels you how it hapens….

firstes i wans to sais i hates the engels pepels theis ar notheings bud theevs….evereywhers they go theis steels from the pepels whad belongs to them….thad is how they bild ther empire befor amareca final tels them aftre the second war of the world now you havs to giv up al you empire and lets pepels be free or we wil nod proteks you any more from al theis pepel you hav made hates you so much….so theis havs no choese bud to leds it go a littler bit at a time….and now of corse toney blair is gorge w bushes bitch….stil the british aks lik theis ar the rulres of the world bud they ar notheng but arogant mothrfukres…..

stil i havs to livs around theis mothrfukres for awhil when i firstes leev syrea nod to long aftre the deth of my beloved mothre i geds to leve on acound of be refug from syrea and from assad which of corse was a lie bud nod reel a lie becos aneybodey thad livs under thad mothrefukre is livs lik refuge…..stil i go to the engels temporarey and whil i was ther i works when i cans and try to lerns engels and if aney mothre fukre rites me and askes me som smarts ass shits abod thad i am gos to finds you and kiks you ass just leds you no in advanse……

okay so to maks a long storey short i finds oud thad one of the pepels who do volunteer work for the plase was a frend of princes diana….so one day i gos to her and cris abod how my uncel was kiled by asads solders which by the way is the truth….and her givs me a big hug and as her hugs me up aganst her i maks shur her is abel to feel whad a fukre long dik i hav……i do nod lets it ged hard theis tim and stil it is thik and almostes a foot long and sudens you can bed her is looks ad me in a new wais now…..almostes imediately her is wans to be around me and makeng shur i am ok and havs evereythiengs i need ……hel i hav to do notheings to theis bitch and al redy her is in lov with me can yo beleve it/……so aneywais one day i gos up to her and i tels her thad i justes fond oud thad her was a frend of princes diana and her sais yes and askes me if i wold likes to mets her and al the tim her is hugs me and wans to brushes up aganst my big dik lik alwais becos i alwais aks inosense around her lik i do nod realize aneythiengs abod sex and so by now i hav abod makes her a crazee womans….so i tels her oh yes i admir her grately and wold be most grateful and wold do anythiengs to meet her……almostes imedeatley her eyes fal to my crotch and her sais ok i wil sees whad i can do………

two weeks gos by and nothiengs hapens and i am shur nod to leds myselv geds horney around theis ugley bitch no mattre how hard her tris to turns me on bud even thogh her is ugley as al the hels it is hard becos theis is one horney bitch thad reel wans som of theis big dik of mine…..bud aneywais i almostes giv up on meets the princes until one dais lo and behold heer her coms to the schol wher i am lerns engels…..she is talks to firstes one and the othre and final her geds around to me and myra the one who i hav be tels you abod her sais to princes diana ok theis is the one i tels you abod his name is massoud shahiri….see at theis time i am nod mad at my uncel masoud……. becos hel i do nod even no him…… and so theis al happens befor the time i stards to cals myselv muhammed….so we talks for a long whil it seems and sudens i puls the same stunt i pulled on myra…..i stards to cry and her reeches oud to hug me and suddens i thro myselvs into her up aganst her bodee onley theis time i makes my dik geds as hard as a fukre rock to wher it is at its full leength of one foot and ten inches long…….i thoght her was gos to fant rite ther and then bud her puls herselv togethre and boy was her fases red and her looks hard and sais ok we havs to go…….

sudens theings change….myra is nowhers arond and when i askes wher her is i heer thad her has be sudens transfers….. .

transfers wher i askes….oh to anothre fasility one of the conselirs him tels me…….bud it so happens thad i nos wher her lives and so one dais as i am walks abod london on one dais i am nod works at the doks i strols ovre by her hous and thad is when i finds oud the truth……..her has be disappeers from fase of the erth her naebor tels me and no one nos aneytheings abod wher her and her husband hav gos to and the stanges theings abod theis is her husban has cerbral palsy reel bad….

suddens one dais i was oud walks and a limosine puls up by me and a wondow gos down and it is princes diana and her tels me to geds in the car she wans to talk to me…. so i geds in the car in the bakseet with her and she puls the draps so drivre can see notheing and ther is a window and her preses a button and sais now we hav privasy and i am tels you theis bak of theis car is likes a god dam motel room and a nise one at that……

soon we are off and rideng and i notise her fase and eyes are blank exprshons whil her talks wieth me just idel chit chat abod her former husbands and her sons and how them be littler pane in the asses brats and her old husbands him be a peese of shits who do nod understans her……i am sais to myselv whad is rong wieth theis crazey fukre bitch/……whad is rong wieth you sons i said shurley they are good boys and her sais no theis ar go to grow up to be tipical engels arrogans snobs liks their usefulless worthles fathre and liks firstes one and the othre her talks abod from the royal famile and her talks bad aboud them al even talks bad abod queen elisabetha……

bud then her opens up theis basket and ther is al thees chocolats and cakes al of my favorit treets and sodas evereytheing you can theinks of and her tels me to helps myselv bud to tels you the truths i am stards to be afrad becos I tels you somtheings now i theiks you may nod wans to heer bud i finds out this day thad prinses diana is a crazee bitch….i tels her thees ar al my favorit theengs how do you no and her tels me her has wais of finds theings out…..i tels her i hav be sad to heer abod myra and her looks at me stranges and tels me bad theengs happpens when pepels wil nod do theings as they ar teld to do them….

then she givs me thies warns looks and sais notheings for a long tim bud she just keeps glares at me and breeths hevey so much she puts me in mind of a wild animal abod to pouns on its pray…..sudens she reeches out and stards to massage my dik and her tels me you no whad i wans massoud rite/…..and i sais yes i do…and her tels me if i be a good boy and do whad her sais her wil taks car of me and wil giv me a job at her riding stabels wher me wil help groom horses….i sais thad wil be good and her keeps rubs my diks and sais i wans to takes it oud and looks at it so her undos my pants and reeches in and grabs hold of my dik and puls it oud of my pands and is strokes it and liks and kises it and stards suks on it and sudens stops and sais i wans you to eats my pussey massoud….and her undo the clasp on her dress and lets it fal and ther she is wears notheings undre it is stark naked……so i stards to liks her thies and as her brethes heveur as i geds up to the pussees suddens i notise thad her cunt it smels lik the hels i hav nevre smels a pussees thad smels so fukre bad in my life god dam was it smels awful lik death….the mor i tong it the worser it smels until i stards to gag and hav to keeps myselv from pukeng……so as i gag i tris to aks lik i am grones in ekstasey and i stards to puls myselv up on top of thies bitch and leds my big dik presses up aganst the length of her this so i makes her wans theis mor than evre befor and forgeds then abod me eat this horabal smeleng cunt of hers……

so final i fuks theis bitch the princes diana and her is screems so loud i am afrad the drivre wil heer throgh the windos even thogh her sais it is sond proof….she takes everey fukre bit of it to and i do nod havs to use power ovre my mind to scrunches it up lik i ushual do i justes lets her havs it and her screems and mones and claws and acshual begs me for mor….now i hav nevre hav a woman do theis withoud me nevre be abel to givs her mor ushual when theis happens i justes giv them mor bud theis tim theis bitch has al my diks and stil screems for more……so i justes humps her harder and fastre and final her shuts up bud her stil grones and screems……i wold be wills to bet thad thies bitch whor cold take on a whol engels regiment and nod bat an eye and probabal her has……

bud i final stops fuks aftre an hour or be may little mor and by then i hav wear theis bitch whor oud final and her is sais whad kind of person ar you/……her is amazed thad somone as yung as me thad hav such a big dik and fuks so good and so long……then her tels me you ar one of very few mans thad hav evre satisfies me and you satisfies me mor than the othre three who hav….then theis bitch can you beleve it she stards to name off the mans who has fuks her who satisfies her….

and then as if thad were nod enof her tels me abod al the mans who are no good and theis includes her last husand prince charles….him is on and off her sias one time him lastes ovre twentey minits and i thoght i was gos to die her sais becos even then her can bareley feels it even thogh him is akshual prette big down ther ….stil most of time him is humps a few times and is rite bak off and wans to hugs and kisses and him makes me wans to hits him……..i thoght god dam whad a bitch whor theis is……i askes her whad abod you new man the arab dodey and her just lafs and sais o him is a sweet man bud him is like a littler boy compares to you…..and theis is the man theis bitch is supposses to be marrees to……….

her final lets me out and givs me a gift certificat to herods department stor worth ten thosand ponds….aftre mor than a months i do nod heer from her and i figurs ok theis bitch her theiks her can lies to me abod job and geds awais with it i wil sho her skankey whor ass……so i gos to herods and havs it in my mind i am gos to tel dodey eveeythiengs thad happens and whad theis bitch whor sais abod him…..bud no mattre how hard i tries i am tels thad him is nod avalabal even thogh i was tels erlier thad him was supposses to be ther somwhers….bud aftre wates and wates for mor than two hours i am teld final thad mistre dodey has to leve and hav no tim to talks….meen whil al theise pepels ar walks arond and gards are cheks me out and theinks i do nod nos it……

i stards to tel them to tel him i just wans to let him no thad i fuked his fianse the princes diana bud i thoght no i bestre not do theis shits…so i leves without buy aneytheings from harrods i sais fuks them if theis theinks theis ar to good to taks a few minuts to talks to a felow arab theis can suks theis dik of mine….so i leves….a few dais latre i sels my certificat for half prise i figur fuk it i needs the money mor than i needs theis overprise shits from herods… may it is just as wel I sais to myselv be may her has justes nod hav time to maks good on her promis to me bud her wil as soon as her wans som mor of theis big dik ofmine which of corse meens that it is a shur theing……or thad is it wold have be a shur theing…….

a cupel of months latre i heers how princes diana hav be kiled and dodey too in theis car crashes in paris france….and i sais to myselv oh wel ther gos thad fukre oportunitey oud the fukre window…….bud thad is ok…..i hav do my reserch and i nos whad has happens and soon i wil tels whad i nos…….becos i nos for a fak whad reel happens to prices diana thad skank whor and to her boyfrend dodey fayed and soon i wil tels whad i nos and i wil tels it lik it is…….and when the truths coms oud heds wil roll………bud now is not the time…i wil be shur firstes thad i am wel pais for tels whad i nos….or for nod tels whad i nos if you catches my meaneng……..

Monday, March 06, 2006

i make a killer move

final has my meet with hamil and aftre go thru al theis rigamarol to ged to it turns out to be at his ushual plase in cleveland…but firstes has to driv to theis warhose in dayton ohio and then i has to go to theis town cals miamisburg ohio in a delivrey truk and from ther a cab taks me to the airports and i geds on a plane to philadelphea and from ther dams if i do nod has to take anothre cab al the wais to cleveland and al theis tim i no it taks somtheings lik twentey hours…….final we ar ther and i sais ok now what is so importans thad you hav to put me thru al theis hels…….

him sais now lissen muhammed theis is mor importans than som stupidre mardi gras in covington kentucky theis is som sereos stuf heer a lot of pepels cold be i troble if it evre geds out…..i tels him you do nod has to worree abot me sais notheeng worress abot you own selv and you so cals frends…..i then askes him now who ar theis two mans you sends to spies on me evereywher i go ther theis fukres ar….at the gold star chili and at the mardi gras and even at the mosque in cincinnati…..but hm insists thad him do nod no who theis ar that him has notheins to do with them… now i am mor worrees than evre abot wondre who theis fukres are….

so final somtheings happens thad makes the whol bulshits worthwhil……he has his ugley ass wife brengs us in som tea and we sit and plais som chess……i hav nevre beets hamil at chess nod in al the tim i hav plais with him and i no hav plais with him mor than fiftee times……but he alwais insists thad i plais with him and him wil nod takes no for an anser….and theis times nod ten minits hav passes befor him hav me i chek bud I manages to squrms out of it bud him has me at a disadvantag….now wieth justes one mov I can tel I am in chekmates as him justes looks at me wietht his smug smirk on his fase……the mothrefukre……

aneywais he tels me him has fonds oud who it was thad identifis him in dayton with leann and so nod to worree thad soon she wil be takes car of her for good….him nos pepels thad tels him whad him needs to no him sais… theis tim i am looks at theis one move and no it is now or nevre…….

i keeps tels you you hav notheengs to worree abod aneywais i tels him becos i tels them thad you were no wher around when leann disapeers……and him sais what…reel loud so loud his ugley asses wife stiks her hed in and then oud agan reel fast… mens to tel me you tel the poleeses you no me….muhammed you fool he sais…..of corse i tels him i tel him do you theinks i am goeng to lies to the poleeses…..i tels them thogh i do nod nos for shur wher you liv onley thad you nam is hamil…..muhammed you mothrefukre him sais………

then i maks my mov …..wieth my bishop i taks hims queen and sudens ther is his king in a singel verticel colum wieth notheing in between it and my bishop and no wheres thad his king can run to and notheengs thad him can puts between my bishop and his king and notheengs thad himn can take my bishop with…….

chekmate mothrefukre i tels him……..then i lafs at hiim…..muhammed you mothrfukre him sais and wips him forhed and shakes his hed and then him lafs and i lafs……we eat som dinnre aftre theis and then I go hom……i onley wishes ther hav be witnes to theis becos theis is firstes time i beets the mothrfukre plais chess and probabaly be may the last time…..but it is a memorey i wil alwais cherish……

Friday, March 03, 2006

when i stand before grate lord god allah

jus yestreday my uncel masoud coms to my hous and he tels me massoud you shold go with me to the mosqe and even him invits amanda and amanda agres bud then i tells her no amanda you do nod hav desent cloths to wear if you go to the mosqe dresses likes you dresses it wil be likes you dresses likes a whor and pepels wil thienks thad is whad you ar….when you hav cloths thad are apropreat then you can go…..amanda is stupid and do nod understans the wais thiengs ar….her theinks her can dreses like a slut the wais theis do when her go to the filther church of cristeans or when her go to her pagans god mans and god womans rituals and ther is no differanse….bud ther is everey diferanse in the world of corse becos we muslims espect our womans to be desens womans……nod whors like al the othres…..uncel massoud tels her now masoud him havs a poent amanda….acshualey i thieks him do nod wans her to com aneywais him was just be polites….reel him do no aprove of amanda bcos him nos her a dansers gril…..bud stil him tris to be nise…..filther disgust homosexer queiers lik my uncel masoud thienks them havs to be nise to evereybodey i gess them theinks thad a wais pepels wil likes them bestres…..

also i was cureos aneywais becos uncel massoud him do nod evr invits me to go to the mosqe with him or at al as far as thad gos……somtheings must be up and i figurs ithas to do with bitch wife of his mara….coms to finds oud mara was onley a parts of the problem bud a big part…..her is bitches and givs me thehels him sais abod takes car of myselv and abod pais mor attenshon to spoeld brat son omar and why i the hels do him ais me dubel…..he tels me thad him tels her becos i do exter works for him likes looks aftre theings behind the seens bud mara do nod beleves and sais no mors….bud him sais he wil works somtheings oud and to justes be pashens…..i tels him omar sais himtheinks thad mara and rahe hav an afare gos on between them andhim is shoks and sais whads and for a minit i theiks him abods to havs anothre hart ataks…..bud thenhim stards to gets mad….theis is geds way oud of hans him sais….

so i askes him justes whad do you wans me to com heer wieth you justes as we abod to makes our wais to the mosqus……him sais you will see…… we go in and we takes of our shus which is whad evereyones shold do when thay enters the hose of the grate lord god allah…..then we bows and prays and soons we heer a semon from the immam onley theis is nod a man i hav sees befor bud is somones thad is new…..and him talks abod the evil in todais world and the cultur of the world and how it is makes mans and womans sik and how it is shatans work in the world to sens pepels to the hels…..then him talks bad abod presadens bush….now god dam it him is makes me mad and to tel you the truts theis is one of the mane resons i do nod go to mosqu no mor i am tires of heers theis shits…….bud justes when i am abod to wag my fingre at him to lets him no how i feels sudens i sees somtheings thad makes me blod runs cold…theis sam two man thad i hav seen onse at the gold star chili hose and then at the covington mardi gras…….and theis ar looks rite at me onleytheis times they do nod turn awais fromme bud just keeps stares……

so i poents theis oud to masod andhim telsme yes theis mans theis hav be com to the hose and to the stor and askes qwesteons abod you and thad is oen theings i wans to talks to you abod today…do you no who theis are/….no i tels him bud i nos i am geds redy to kiks theis asses or worsers…..bud him tels me no you can nod do theis……bud we ar go to taks to the imam aftre the sermon…..i tels him okay and reel I am looks forwerd to this…….becos i wans to givs him a peese of my mind……..

so aneywais i looks around at the mans onley they are nod ther now…theis hav go awais almostes likes they wans to make shur i sees them befor theis go theis time…….theis givs me an even straner feels than befor…..

by the time i am introduse to the immam i geds redey to givs him a peese of my mind….i tels him you shold be gratful you can lives in theis cuntrey wher you are frees to practis you religeon…..him sais oh is theis rite/……then him sias i owe one peson thanks for theis and one person onely….and thad is grate lord god almitey allah…..him is geds redey him tels me to breeng down the wicked ameracans and the jews and the europeans…..bud he wil nod spar the evil arabs who ar fakes muslims in facks he wil be hardre on them than on theis infidels……and thad him sais includs me……

then him givs me hels abod hav sexes with womans and with drenks the beers and othre alcohols and smokes the marawana and the opeum and al the othre thiengs thad i do incudes espeshal him sais the practises of witches crafs and magiks…..for theis you ar shurly bond for the hels him tels me……then him has the gal to makes me whad him cals me an offer….stais awais from theis theings and go to arabea to studees the quran and forgeds theis shits i lerns from my wicked mothre…othrewises i am him sais no longre welco in the hose of the grat lord god allah…..

i looks over at massoud and him looks woprrees and upsets…him nos al along and i gess him is afrad of how i wil reacks….i cannod beleve thad him gos along wieth thies bushwhak me like theis so i no him havs no choese…..budthen i sais somtheings thad i shold nod hav sais….i tles him i tel youwhad i wil do i wil talks tonite to muhammed or for thad mattre to grate lord god allah himself….whatevre theis tels me thad i wil lissens to….nod to you you ar justes a man and an ungratful mans at that….

then massoud him sais reel loud massoud and i sais i tels you to cals me muhammed….bud the imam him tels me you ged oud of the hose of god rite now you ignorans evil infidel…geds oud….i sais notheng just geds up to go whil him tels me no one can talks to lord god almitey allah or nod to muhammed ether fo thad mattre…i tels him wel i hav al redey talks to muhammed so you ar rong ther so i havs no dout you ar rong abod me talks to grate lord god allah as wel….i wil talks to him and i wil stans fase to fase befor him when i talks ot him….i geds up to go and him tels me you are crazee and evil you fool leve heer and never coms bak……massoud him is hurrees oud the door as i stans to fase the immam and i ansers him you had bestre do somtheings abod thos corn on you toes mothrefukre and be may tris som loshons on you feets i can smel them even from heer……then i walks out….

massoud him taks me bak hom then and him do nod opens his fuckre moths al the wais bak…..i gess him at lest nos bestre than to fuk with me by now……and soon so wil evereybodey elses in theis fuckre plase…..i wil sees grate lord go dallah and speeks to him fase to fase just likes I sais i tels him…..him justes sais massoud you ar rong to speeks to the immam that way and besids no man can sees allah until him is ded…….

wel god dam it we wil justes sees abot that……

Thursday, March 02, 2006

my trip to covington mardi gras

the last few dais hav be bad and thies is the first chanse i hav to blog…..somtheings is go to happen soon i know theis and al i can do is prepar and hopes for the bestres….it stards out ovre the weekend i ged theis cal from hamil thad fool shold know bestres than to cal me bud he sais he is anothre name and sais yu rember me dont you….of corse him is afrad thad my phon be taps so sais to him oh yes i rember you muhammed… wold thein him wold com up with a bestre anme than theis….bud then him gos of the deep end as theis sais and tels me thad we havs to mov up our meeting….i tels him no i wil nod agre to theis becos i am go to the mardi gras…..he gets reel upset whei i sais theis bud i tels him no i wil nod changes my plans thad is justes the wais it is…..he stards to screems and shouts so i justes hangs up on him and turns of my reengs…..

it is nod reel mardi gras of corse it is theis silley shits theis av heer in covington bud i figure o whad the hel it is bestre than nothengs…..amanda sais she do nod wans to go she sais she wans to stais by thehose in cases she geds word abod leann…i tels her it wold be good for her to ged out of the hose for awhil besid just to go to work bud to tel you the truths it is just as wel with me thadh er stay home i wans to go by myselv aneywais….

acshual is is bestre than i thoght it wold be at lest for awhil…the parads and the musics was good and ther was some funnee costums and flotes….in som wais it be may bestre than the reel thieng at least ther was not as maney filther disgust homosexer queiers and nigres….ther was mor than enof of them ther thogh beleve me….ther was som good looks itches ther to and mostes of them was probabal acshual reel womans thogh be may i few ihad to wondres abot…nowher neer as maney pepels at theis one ether…i heer at reel mardi gras be may likes for hunderd thosand pepels ther and at theis one e may at mostes ten thosands….i justes tels myselv ok thies is good wais to prepar for when i final gets a chanse to gos to the reel one….

ther was good food and drenks ther and i dreenks som beer….onley theings was it was hard for me to go to the bathsroom and wudent you no ther was no porta pots opens so i havs to go bad so i hides around theis corner and whips oud theis big diks of mine and looks aond and ther is theis littler gril abod eght yeers old her loks at me and stares wieth mouth wide open….i sais look oud for melittler gril and tels me if yousees somone…..her sias you can com in my hose and uses the batsroom si you wans my mothre wudent cares….i sais thads okay little grils justes watches oud for me and lets me no if yousees somones comes… i was thru and her walks up to me and sais my mothre lets me dreenks beer sometimes i wishes i havs the money to by som bud no ones wold sel it to me…..then her askes me for a sigaret….i feels sorree for herher lookslik her is al alon andno one around probabal her mothre is off som wher geds fuck and high and probabal no has a fathre so i givs her a sigaret then i gos and bys her a grate ig cup of beer and givs her another sigaret for latre…..then i tels her now when you geds oldre i wans som of that pussies al rite….she smils and her fases geds red and her turns awais so i gos on….

so i walks around and dreenks som mor beer and i am looks and lafs at some of the stupidre shits gos on you evre sees and ther ar theise filther disgust cristians thad passes ouf theis fliers thad wans to sav pepels sols and theis coms up to me and talks abod how lord jesus crist is sons of god and is gods in the flesh and him dies on crosses and onley by beleevs and cals on him can mans be save from the hels…….justes as i was abod to gives them a peese of my mind sudens i sees theis two thad i saw a few nites ago at the gold star chili up neer college hill…..theis arabs thad tris to preches to me abod how i liv and tels me i shold nod do theis and shold od do thad and now i am looks and heer theis ar and hteis ar stares a hold thru me and al of a suddens when theis see thad i see them theis quik turns awais….

okay now ther is somtheings rog i sais ether theis two are poleeses mans or theis ar frends of hamil bud somtheings is goes on…i looks at my phon and i sees thad amanda has tris to cals me onse bud hamil him has tris to cals me seven times….i cals amanda and her sais thad somoe names muhammed cals me abod a meets him….and sais him sonds angree….so now i stards to worree and i deside ok i am go to leeve heer now…so i goes on and i keeps looks back and i sees no sines of theis two fools bud stil i am worress and feels thad somones is watches me…..i keeps walk but i geds mor andmor paranoed….and i can nod shakes theis feels…..likes i am in reel dangers…..

i walks to the faerie realm and theinks ok i wil ducks in heer and be may see if i can sees theis com by i wil justes tels them thad i com to see if aneyones recognise leann from picshur on the fliers….i forged we do nod leve aney ther bud theis is escuses aneywais….bud when i geds ther it looks lik the plase is closes as tite as a drum as theis sais…be may theis ar al at mardi gras hel thad wold figur mostes of theis seems to be filther disgust homosexer quiers aneywais….i go on baks to the mardi gras and now sees no sines of theis fools so i tris to enjoys myselv….i sees fat fuckre shirley ther and her is talks to som niggre i do nod see no sines of fat fuckre ray her fat fuckre boyfrend… i walks by her and smils justes to lets her no i no had her is dos….i also sees dreema bud her is drunks and rases the hels wieth her old man so i desides bestre to leves it alon…then i sees theis gril nam of melissa who is a beautiful littler bitches bud looks like her is stards to gane wates from when i nos her befor be may her is havs babees and now stards to be on her wais to be big fuckere fats swethog bitches likes her mothre betsy and her sistre tiffany……

i go up to her and sias hello and sais when do i geds som of thad good pussies melissa and her tels me when the hels freezes ovre……so now i am in even worster mood….aney womans can be fucked espeshal by me and littler miss melissa wil finds theis oud one of theis dais….bud for the time beng i havs to consentrats on whad i wil do abod hamil him is stards to worree me and I am afrade him wil do sometheing stupidre….i am afrad i wil havs to kil him and i do nod wans to hav to do that….

so finals i coms hom and sinse amanda is at work i desids to updates theis blog as mor than evre now i wans to leve a record in cases somethiens ends up happens to me….and even theis computer is givs me hels….everytim me types justes the word i spel checkers shits turns it into the numbre one so i has to go and changes it bak…shit i hav a bad enof times spels engels as it is havs to spels by phonec method and stills hav som wais to go to rite good engels…..the lastes theings i needs is som computre fucks up and changes my fukre words to god dam numbers….