Wednesday, September 07, 2005

now i prais to allah

wel now i final up to dates on al thos thiengs i wans to talks abod and i am don for a whil...i just hops thad ever thiengs theise work out for the now i wil prais to alla the one tru god the onliest one ther is and i thanks him for his grate proophets mohammed him who i names miselv aftre...and thise is whad i sais to him

grate allah i prais you forgivs me for the thiengs i do thad i no a good muslim shold nod do...the drinks alcohols and the steels and the fukre pussies and the eats thiengs thad are good bud thad you tels us are not cleen....bud you no god why i does thiese thiengs becos my mothre alwais tels me thad if you do nod sin then you can nod apresheate be saved from thiese i sins so i can turns from thiese even tho i enjoys thiese......bud i can nod turns awais yet from them all so i askes thad you gives me biggre strongs to turn from thiese evil thad by the nextes times thad ramadan come along i wil be abler to be a good muslim and purifi myselv from thiese bad thiengs tho i lovs them so muches....

final i prais for amanda to keep her good and geds her off thiese drugs thad her affliks with and thad i mak mistaks of let her bak on so her can cope with whad hapens to her darter leann....and i prais thad you proteks and watches ovre amandas darter leann and makes her good grils and minds and be may her one dais lern to be good and if her is stil liv thad is...if nod be mais you hav mersey on her and nod makes her to burn in the hels becos she cold nod helps the person peple rases her to be...also i prais thad you breeng amanda to wans to be muslim and good womans tho i wil nod makes her do thiese shits i am hopes thad you breeng her arond some wais lord god allah.......

lets see who elses..................ok i prais for thad fat asses bitches shirley and thad stupidre mothre fukre boyfrends of her named ray and also i prais i gess for uncle massoud even tho i nos you probabal hates him for be a filther disgust homosexer queiers

oh and befor i forgeds i prais thad you hav merseys on theis peples in new orleans even those who are stupid fuckre niggres thad do nod hav a fukre branes in their heds...i do nod nos why you makes peples lik thiese lord god allah bud i gess you hav you reesons.......

i praise final for sole of my mothre and hopes thad you look kindley on her and led her be with you in the hevens....plese do nod keep her in the hels grate lord allah....even tho her witches womans and worshops god mans and god womans whil her was liv........

and most importans of al grate lord god allah i praise for myselv.......

saddam hussein

thiese mothre fukre saddam hussein i heer now thad him confes to his crims aganst humans...thad him kils al these peples....this bushes is a good man god blesses theise put saddam on trile and i hops thad theise givs him deth may theeise hangs him and lets us al see and rejoys.......nothiengs theis can do to theise mothrefukres wil be go to far.......i stil hops thad george bushes wil go on ahed and sens amarecan troops to my cuntree to syrea to wagers war aganst hafez assad thad mothre fuckre....him is jusd as bad as may him is even worse than saddam.....him kils peples and torres peples and leds his soljers rapes womans and littler grils and even littler him steels from the peples....and him leds thiese who are terrors and killres to com into syrea and uses it for to start shits with this mothre fukres in isrel and then peples in syrea has to suffre for thiese monees....can nod have frees of speek or you go to fuk him...and fuk thiese isrels to........bud one thieng at a times....i just hops thad we can takes jeruslum away from filther disgust jews....led them hav thiese one plases cal tel was bild on garbage mond so thad wold be apropreat for thiese jew coksukres....then we ged rid of assad...he just uses peples to ged whad he wands and he wil nevre run out thiese fuckre jews likes him i hopes and prais george bushes wil sends amarecan soljers to syrea to fites and dies for my peples like he do for thiese peples in iraq......

mardi gra

i am sik now of heers abod thies shits that hapens in new orleans......thiese is al i heer on the news and is al i heer and reeds abod in news papres...this is bul shits..enuf is enuf......bud thies is whad reel pisses me off....i am heer som peples sais how ther is probabal be no mardi gra thies yeer in new orleens.....and thies is the yeer i was go to go ther for to see thies i hav been plans thies for now two yeers ever senses jusd abod i heers amanda and shirley talks abod it and othres to....theise hav big flots with funnee aminals...and ther is drinks and danses and jazzes musik and carouses...and peples can fuks al day an al of the nites if theise wans to........just havs to be carful of the theefs...theise can steel you walet out from you poket with out you nos whad abod it and then theise be go awais....also you hav to watches oud for the filther disgust homosexer queiers theise is al ovre the plases down ther espeshal in mardi gra....theise even dreses up lik theise be womans and you thinks you mite get you som pussies bud it be in sted a filther disgust homosexer queiers...bud i do nod worrees abod thiese shits becos i wil whips theise asses becos i hav whips queiers asses befor....bud manely i wans to go to mardi gra and now thiese yeer it looks lik i wil nod geds the chanses to do i wil probabal havs to wates until next yeers...but by god it bettre be ther next yeers or some ones wil heers from me

polees finds ded grils bodee

so then the nextes dais i gds thiese cals thad they probabal hav fond leanns bodee.....i can nod beleevs thiese i am worrees....whad wil amanda do now i am thienks....thiese wil kils her for shur becos deep down she reel do lov thiese litle bitches darter of hers....whad can i sais/so i gos to her and coms to finds oud theise are desides theise wil lets her oud of the jale bud we both hav to go down to whad they cal morg wher theise hav ded bodees...and of cors amanda is cries and there is nothiengs i can do to makes her shut thise fukre shits up. so we go to morgs and the same poleeses man i talkes to befor he tels me theise finds her in dayton ohio closes to rode oud of the citee comes thiese wais and thad she seems to fits leanns now i am worrees now mor than long her be ded i askes him and him tels me oh her hav justes ben kiled last nites from the looks of thiengs........i askes her whad she wares and him sais she was wares now i geds mor worrees and i askes him do it looks lik her be raped...and then thies when amanda cries and screems and tels me to shuts up...i for gets her ther to tel you the aneywais we go in the morgs and ther is the bodees of the gril bud she is covres so then the man he puls the covres off of her......and it is nod leann and it is nod aneyone elses thad i no......i am sorree i tels him i do nod no who thiese is........i am sorree thad her ded then the man sais ok and covres her up bud amanda just stands ther and looks at thiese fuckre dead bodee and her is trembel al ovre and her grabs me so tite it almost hurts and then i stards to ged a grate big hard dik get so hard now i wold probabal fuks fat asses shirley if i had to.....bud i nos i can nod fuk amanda heer and i am nod goeng to wastes the rest of the ten thosand dollres i makes to get her oud of jale...besides it is likes i sais jale is wher her needs to be until her geds off the drugs she has got bak on....i just can not takes thiese amanda she go on baks to jale bud as we leve we see her last man her lives with him is one who is leanns fathre...amanda stards to cris and accuses him of do som thiengs to leann and him cusses her and sias be may i do somthiengs and her gos along with it.....i tels him ha mothre fukre you are the one who makes leann suks you diks and givs you pussies and then you fuks her in the asses.....i do nod beleeve thise shits when she tels me thiese shits bud be may now i beleeves thiese shits....thiese why leann tels me she do not wans to go hom bud i tel her she has to be may you are may it is my falt thad she is go awais....then him stards to cries and him tels amanda thad he nevre do thiese thiengs thad ether i lies or leann lies to me.....i askes him whad you do heer aneywais and him tels me it non of my busnes thad him com to see if ded gril was his i tels him why do you nod go in ther and sees for you selv mothre fukre....then al of suden thiese womans her comes up with thiese two littler brats thad are her kids and theise his kids......i taks one loks at her and gets anothre hard on nod becos she is thad good looks bud becos i can tel just from looks that her is reddy for som diks...i can control dik with mind and maks it mov al arnd if i wans so i mak it mov al arond as i maks it get all hard enuf to slide arond legs lik snake.....and she jus looks at me and so do her kids and everbodee else...then the litle boy he askes me whad do i hav in my pants and the litle gril slaps him and cals him a dumb assess and the woman she get all flustre and embarass and sais she wil wates in car and taks kids with her.....i do nod cares i do nod wans to fuk thiese bitch she is nothiengs speshal....bud it fun to see her reakshan and amandas last boyfrends him is mad at her i can tels and him wold liks to kils me i tels him thad if i ever finds out thad he do somthiengs oud of way with leann i wil kills him.....then he just stards to cri and he runs off....amanda then she begs me pleeses massoud gets me out of heer......thiese not rite i worrees abot darter.......bud i tels her thad leann probabal just runs awais and wil be baks...thad is whad the poleese thienks anywais i am shur and i reel thienks theise do not cares amanda is baks to jale for the nites until her go befor a juges.....then her gets oud probabal and what with whad is gos on with her becos of leann i am teld probabal he just lets her go with warns her....i shur hopes so.....bud now she askes me if it is tru thad leann tels me thiese thiengs abod her fathre and i tels her yes it is she tels me bud do nod wans you to no so i promeses nod to tels bud now i wishers i tels...bud amanda then she cals leann a lies bitches...thiese reel shoks me...bud she tels me thad leanns fathre him no can ged hard on......him no can fuks......amanda is just lies to tris to stais with us.......and then she starts bawls and cris as the poleese mans he takes her baks to the jale.......i just tels her i lovs you babee as poleese man takes her off.....

i wins a bengo games

i lovs to plais bengos so aftre i leevs the jale i gos oud to bys me som loteree tikets....i bys som bengo cards i bets you thad i bys me som thiengs liks fiftee of thiese mothre fukres....and i wins two hunderd dollrs just on one card....i shots up and jumps and peples in gasses stahons theise looks at me like i am som kind of a nuts or some thiengs....bud i bys som mor tikets and befor it is al ovre with i bet you i hav wins some thieng like seven hunderd dollres...god is good to me i tels thiese peples...bud the casheer his names is rik at thiese stashon on madeson avenew it is caled sunoko he tels me thad be may i just ged on a rol...he sais i shold talk to robert the oldre man thad works ther at nites talks to him abod reeley plais reel bengo...i am go to to thiese som day go to plais a reel bengo games i bet thad wold be reel fun...and i bet thad i wold wins a lot of monees too.....aney wais i askes rik wher a man can get him som pussies arond heer at nites and him tels me nod to messes with thiese whors arond heer thad thiese are crak bitchers and be may theise even hav some deseeses like you gets from fuks....nastee i sais nevre minds bud then thiese gril names kellee her walks up to me and askes me if a wans a date...i sais no i do nod wans a date and then rik he tels her she wil has to leev.....he tels me thad is a reel skank whor.....bud there is othres ther likes the ones who works ther...of corse rik goes with this one womans her names is pat.....i wil fuks her one dais and rik wil nevre nos abod it....bud of corse there is nod a dam thiengs he cold do abot it aneywais i bys som mor tikets and desides to go hom becos it is get lates and soon theise stop sels thiese lotto i gess al teld i spens mor than one thosand dollres on tikets....not just bengo bud othre games as wel.....and i walks home...i am nod afrad of the fukre niggres in that part of toun...i wil kiks ther asses if theise tris to robs me....i hav kiks som asses befor and so bi now theise nos bettre than to fuks with i maks it hom and shur enuf i wins even mor teld i wins mor than two hunderd dollres mor than whad i put into thiese mor than ever i no thad one dais i wil plais reel i am happees at wins monees so i puts on some musics and danses and sengs....until a naybor hollres to stop rakets....i shouts at him thru windos thad him bestre lerns to likes it or i wil kiks his fukre spik asses....bud then i gets to thinks wel him havs a pont it is gets late i hav long dais and hav to gets up erly tomoro for i gos to sleep bud i keeps musics on i akshual forgets to turns the shits off beleeve it or not....and stil i gets to sleep just fine......just go to shows how tired i was

grilfrends gos to the jale

now is times i tels abod whad interups me erleer.....whil i tries to tels abod how i geds pussies from hitches hikre bitches thiese cop he coms to door and tels me abod how my grilfrend amanda her gets in fite and her is now in the jale and wans to see me.....bud then he askes abod her darter leann abod whad hapens to her...i sais i do nod no thad i drops her of at the grayhond stashons and she do nod wans to go hom bud i sais she has to...he askes why she do nod wans to go hom so i tels him....she tels me thad her fathre he fuks her in the asses and maks her suks his diks and fuks her pussies....dos amanda no thiese shits he sais and i sais no she do nod and i do nod wans her to no she is bad enuf as it is...he sais why do i nod repords thiese shits and i sais becos i thienks she is lies thad is he rites som shits down and i sais it is just exkuses becos she wans to stais heer and wans to go to the wen fierworks an she liks me...i tels him she alwais rubs up aganst me an onse she even tris to feel my diks bud i do nod lets her do thiese shits....and she alwais askes for monees lik it is hint thad if i givs her monees she wil givs me pussies or suks my diks or leds me fuks her in the asses likes her fathre do...thad is why i do nod beleeves thiese shits and do nod sais he sais wel whad abod you grilfrend/her in jale and gets fites becos her is drunks and gets in fites with anothre womans at the bar wher her works becos she sais womans tris to steel her i sais ok lets we go down to the covington jale and ther is fat asses shirley with her stupidre boyfrend ray....this stupidre mothre fukre stil beleevs i am on botes at webn fierworks.....bud shirley tels me amanda drunks and crazees over worrees abod leann and i shold pais her bale....bud i sais no i wil nod pais her bale i do nod hav the monees to pais her oud....besids she geds her selv in thioese messes so she is wher she need to may if she stais ther long enuf she wil lerns her lessens and it wil be a chanses for her to ged off thiese shits....then shirley she cusses me out and cals me al kinds of vile and despiker i tels her to shuts up you fat fuckre bitches...then ray tels me i bettre not sais thiee thiengs to her or he wil whps my asses and i just lafs at thiese fat stupidre mothre fukre and tels him breeng it on mothre fukre...then the polese thiese buts in and tels us to setles i sais ok...then theise takes me to see amanda...i askes her whad her do in bar pardy with shirley and ray those fat sorree fukres and she sais she cals them to talks to them becos she nos i do nod wans them in the i sais wel thad is ok babee now you stais heer and be may i wil breengs you som thiengs you needs...she begs me to geds her oud of jale bud i tels her i am sorree sweetee i do nod havs the monees.....bud i tel her i lovs her and to be a good grils and be may theise wil let her out of heer she just cris and sais ok bud to plees ged her oud when i can...i promises her i wil bud i wil nod...nod becos i do nod wans her out bud becos i theenks it wil be bester for her ther....she wil get off drugs ther and i wil nod hav to go thru thiese shits i go thru befor to ged he off...... thiese is hel on erth i am tels you

a good times plais soccre

aftre i delivers fruts and vegabals for uncle massoud i drivs up to clevelans and geds togethre with hamil and his frens and i askes him how everthiengs gos....him sais wel nod to good bud do nod worries it is nod my probelm....i sais to him you maks dam shur it is nod....othre than thies i do nod even wans to no what him talks he sais oh shut up and stop worrees...lets sense you ar heer hav som fun and go watches soccre gam be may we can plais a game of soccre....thises sounder liks good ideas i lov to plais soccre....i was alwais good....i liks to kiks and butts the bals and everone nos to watches oud for me becos i wil nod flinches from we god a teem go and i scors all our teems ponts i scors al fore of our teems ponts....bud we looses the games aneewais becos thiese one sillee mothrefuckre he is sorree at tendre gole....he just leds shits ged by him so we loose seven ponts to fore....... i was pissed off thiese is first time i plais a games of soccre thad i do nod cheets and stil thiese is bestre games i ever plais and stil i looses the games becos of one bad teem mates....stil it was funs and i cusses oud ali who was bad gole tendre bud he tels me fuks you massoud you are a bad muslim....he sais i am bad mulsim becos i drinks beers and fuks womans al the times and cheets and steels and othre bad stuf....then he tels me do i ate porks now/......he sias i probabal eet canada bakon on my pezza...i sais i likes sausage bestre than canada bakons and theise just looks at me and repeets i am bad i tels them whad do you cal a good muslim/be may you thienks a good muslim is one thad blos up bildings and kils old peples and kids/he sais no i do nod thienks thiese bud he do nod blames those who do thiese shits........then he stards talk abod saddam husein abod how he is be on trile and bitches abod amarecans stil be in iraq and how theise shold geds oud....i tels him wel fukre you are in thise cuntrees now be may you shold get the next thiengs you no we are in a fite and i am havs to whips his asses and then hamil him havs to pul me off of thiese ovre a soccre games hamil i sais ok i makes my ponts now i shuts up bud ali him bettre shuts up to or i wil whips his asses again and then i wil turns him ovre to amarecan authortees as a terrors and a kilres sense him takes up for he beg me nod to do thiese he sais he swers him is nod a terrors and a hamil him sais ok now you shold shakes hands and forgeds all thiese bul shits....and then just like thiese it is ovre...before long we are laffs and sengs and plais chesses.....bud i can nod i do nod do no good espeshal aganst hamil for hamil him is bestre chesses plais you evre hav seens.....i no good at thiese games i hates to admits bud i wil be good som dais...just now i hav to much shits on my minds and i am tired like mothre fuckre..........but i reely lovs to plais thad is my game.

pussies for oranges from hitchhikre bitches gril

i strat to tipe thiese yestreday bud i had to stop was interrup by polis....mi grilfren amanda she geds herselv in troublers so i hav to go to her.....bud i tels you abod thiese in good times.....firs thiengs maks long storee short i delivre som frutes and vegabals for uncle massoud to his stor in dayton ohio.....abot halvway ther i piks up thiese woman who hitchhikre bitches.......she tels me she runs awais from home....i ask her how old ar you an she tels me she is aiteen......she loks mor to me lik her is mor lik leanns ages...abod forteen.....bud she sais no i am aftre so long of lissen to her whins abod how her mothre is died and ho wher step fathre kiks her oud of hous and how him uses to sexer abus her i asks her what him do to her....she sais him uses to maks him suks his dik and him fuks her in the pussies and in the i tels her ok thiese is whad i wans i wans you to give me som pussies or you can suk mi dik.....bud she sais no i do nod wans thiese she i sais ok then you wil now geds oud of mi truks i wil nod taks you anemore....bud she begs me becos we are suches a long wais out by thiese tim an no houses anewher aroun an no cars or she sais she stards to suks mi dik bud obvous she do nod no whad the fuks she i sais stop this niblers on my dik...i fuks you now litler bitches....and then she sais waits now i am onlee twelv yeers old....i sais bulshits you tels me you are spred those legs littler bitches or i beets shits oud of you and leevs you heer. so she do whad i sais and i fuks her and her bleeds...i gess her is stil a obvous her lies abod step fathre fuks her....or be may my diks is jusd to big for this littler bitches as i fuks her hard an for a lonre times than anee mans can fuks aney womans.
aneewais i taks the littler bitches oud to daiton and i drops her off then i maks my deliverees to my uncles stor....bud his cousen akmeil bud him nod my cousen becos from difrent sides of famly bud aneewais uncal massoud cousen akmeil him sais ha ther ar big bunches of orange be nod heer......ubd thiese is becos i giv the littler bitches a crats of her heer you hav good pussies you taks thiese oranges....littler bitches she cris al the times i els her good bies and as i leev her begs me nod to leevs ehr ther becos i drops her off in niggre sektons of towns....i sais o do nod worrees you be okays....bud of corse i do nod tels akmeil thiese i tels him oh i gess i conted rong or be may i conts one of thiese two he sais ok bud tels massoud thad him owes me one crates of i sais ok.......on the wais oud of ther i sees littler bitches can barly mov it seems as her limps down the rode....i just honks horn and driv by and her screems at me as i driv on....i can nod heer whad her sais bud her cusses me oud.....fuks her anewais....womans shold havs bestre senses than to ged oud on rodes and hitches hike rides....she is luky i piks her up it cold hav been a whol lot worses.....

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

what hapend in new orleans

thiese is som bad shits and i reel feel bads abot it....i hav heer som peples sais thad god do thiese to punish bad peples be may even to punish amareca....i do nod beleve thiese thiese is teribal thiengs to say....god do nod do thiese thiengs thiese is aks of natchur.....bud thiese go to sho thad a man shold alwais tri to be rite with god....becos you nevre can tels when you time wil com...then if you are bad you wil go to the hels when you dies...bud if you are good and folow gods will then he wil takes you to the hevens....but you shold stil have pitee for aneones who dies in thiese tragik wais no matre if thiese ar good or bad be may you shold be mor sads if thiese are bads becos of god sends them to the hels...bud thiese is for god to deside nod for man....hopful sens most of thiese are niggres god wil hav mersys on thems....i hav alwais heer say thad niggres do nod hav enof sense to com in out of the ranes....wel i gess this proovs it...nod onley do not hav sense to get out of ranes theise are even to stupidre to get out of a flood....

webn fireworks

so me an amanda and shirley and ray we go to the fierworks and it was fun mor fun than anythiengs i hav been to heer in long times.....ther wer all kinds of prettee womans ther som a lot pretteer than amanda and ray we walks arond a whil and i tels him we go ged on thiese boat on watre com on and he sais you havs to hav invit to get on boat on rivre....i sais i can get on and i stans in line....i tels him i nos the oaner of boat and he sais no shits....he sais he wil finds amanda and shirley...him stupidre son of a bitches mor than just abot any ones i i leves aftre him gos to find amanda and shirley and i walks arond.... i go to where thiese rok and role band is plais and there is sees thiese one bitch man she was a hot bitches.... i walk up behind her and i grabs that asses.....her is with thiese boefrends...she looks arond and i nos her liks thiese shit.... and as crowds ged closest al arond i put mi hard cok up aganst her and starts hunches and her pushes asses bak. sudden her boyfrend him steps bak as him lafs at som stupidre jok the singre in band sais thad nod reel funnee to me and him sees whad we do....bud i aks like i do nod sees him sees and ack cashal and steps bak then grabs bellees likes i am siks and then archers bak liks mi bak is stif...sudden woman loks behind for me bud then her sees her boyfrends is look mad as hels and so she tris to covre and her sais some one grabs mi asses do you no whu do thiese...and she looks at me and she wenks...i sais i nod shur bud i thienks it mite be thiese little niggre boy thad keeps run arond and maks noeses.....sudden her boyfrns sais i thienks it was yu mothrefuckre and i thienks she nos it was i hits the mothrefukres in the stomaks and the hed and noks him down....and she sais as she grabs me bi the hand and puts card in it i bestre card has her phone numbre on i taks it and gos....then this niggre coms up and sais hay mothrefukre you do nod go arond akusses blak mans of do shits you do and cals them i beets the shits oud of thiese niggre to...then i havs to the times the fierworks start i was out of mood for anythiengs elses...i finds amanda and shirley and ray and thiese ar al drunks and amanda is cries stil ovre her fuckre darter leann....i looks arond for thiese womans bud i nevre sees her agan...and when i cals sense then it sais phon has been the numbre chang and numbre not give out....or som kinds of shits like thiese....but be may i wil see her agan som dais...

anewais those webn fierwoks thiese wer reel a sites to sees...thiese were reel beutiful

fat womans

i go to shirlees hous her is frend of amanda bud she is a fat bitches bud i go ther aftre her cals me...i am thinks oh shit whad do thiese fat bitch wants...i hop she do nod wants me to fuk her....i fuks thiese fat woman onse and she was a good fuk and of corse her fal in lov with me....bud i nevre fuks her agan so her hates me bud i no i can fuks thiese bitches anee time i wants to....bud i wil not.....when a fat woman gets hornee thiese swet reel bad...and theier whol bodees theise smels just like one grat big giant if you sees them walkre down the strrets as theise waddlers up to yu yu can smels them and yu cold swer oh no heer coms a grat big pussies walker down the thiese is why i do nod likes to fukre fat womans....nod becos thiese are uglies...som of thiese are prettees until close coms off....bud thiese all smels like one big giant pussies when thiese gets hot and hornees....

anywais thiese is what i afrad shirley wants with me.....bud i is rong she is just worries abot amanda becos leann is she invits us to webn fierworks in cinsenate sais it wil helps to get her mind of leann be gon awais....i tels her nod worries thad leann probabal just runs awais with som of her niggre shirley then her cusses me and cals me an insensetiv mothrefuckre and i sais ok fat bitches i am she sais you cals me thiese i wil tels mi boyfrend on you.....her boyfrend is names ray and him is fat mothrefuckre with big fats beer bellee......he is a stupidre son of a i tels her you no cals me a names and i do nod cals you a fat bitches......then i askes her if she wants me to fuks her.....she swers she do nod and she cusses agan....and i sais ok i just wans to makes shur i thot that mite be why you cals me to com ovre heer bud she sais no she jut worreess abot i sais ok i wil go to webn fierwroks with you and she sais nod me just amanda and i sais no if i can not go amanda wil keeps her asses home....and she sais ok then you can com....bud i wans you to treets amanda bettre espehal sense her darter has rans away....and i sais i treets amanda the wais a man shold alwais treets his womans if nod she wold not stais with me....she sais some shits abot that is becos i keep her brous beater.....i do nod no whad the fuks thiese shits meens bud shirley is a fat stupidre bitch thad do nod no whad the fuks she talk i no she is reel wants me to fuks her just do not admit shold see her and ray how thiese fuks becos i watches them one nites thru they bed room windos......those to big fat bellees swets and grunts and him with a littler dik you hav ever seens.....and thad big fat beer bellee stiks out ovre it...and when theise fuks they no even last fiv was funnee and disgustre at the same time...

one of thiese dais i mites fuk her just so i can sais a ha see fat bitch i new you wants me to fuks you...bud i do not no if i can stands thad fat pussies smell.....


i bies amanda som presens....bies her som closes and som perfums and a nuw telavishon set....she wil liks thiese and be may she wil stops cries abot leann...stops cries and worrees wher her go to....i hav ten thosand dollres i bies thiese nuw car....wel it nod nuw it used bud it stil costes me tuw thosand dollres....bud it is good car.....and bies miselv som nuw closes....bies a bunches of othre stufs i needs......i geds tird som times of hav to makes uncle massoud bies thiese shits fro me....bud i wil mak him bies insures for car stil and maks him pais to fixes it up......he nos if him do nod i wil tel all in famly him is filther disgust homosexer quieres....bud now i hav monees i can bies fun thiengs thad i wand and nod hav to look at thise disgust mothrefuckre......bud amanda i hav to shuts her up i am tried of heer her whins aboud her fuckre niggre lovre i said heer amanda here is som monees go oud and bies you some thiengs.....of corse i no the bitches wil get hies....wil uses it on drugs and on beers and whiskees.....hel thad is al rite with me as long as it shuts her the fuks up for a whil......

shur enuf aftre i givs her the monees she stais hi now.....her last husban mark him is disgust with her when he coms and finds her is stond.....but i sais wel thad is the wae she is ther is nothiengs i can do abod it...i tris i tel him bud she wil nod he just cusses an leves sais he wil finds darter bi him self.....and i thienks yes good luk mothre fukre

i maks ten thosand dollres

i sels mi grilfrends darter leann for ten thosands dollres then i fins oud this is aganst the laws here so now i am worries.....fuk thiese shits she is bettre off......amanda is no good as mothre and besides thiese is not my child....she is child of amanda that she hav by anothre man and him nod muslim....she lissens to rap musiks and talks like a niggre....her hav niggre frends and othre white frends and thiese talk like niggres too...i thinks even her smoks pot and be may do othre drugs too jusd like she stais with us for one months and i agrees to thiese bud it is hard as hel to put up with but i do it...then she is abot to leve and she sais well i sees you all next yeer...and i think o no you wont you littler bitches....she cusses i cals a frend in clevelans...tels him mi probelm....he sais do nod worries masoud i taks cars of jusd the othre dais i am to taks her to catch buses baks to her fathres amanda you go on now go on to wrok i wil taks her to busses....bud then aftre amanda gos to wrok i ack like i am sik....then my frend coms from clevelans an sais oh do nod worries i wil takes her to i sais go on with hamil leann hamil wil takes you to busses to you fathres she sais ok the stupidre littler now she gons an amanda she do nod no no bestres.....bud i geds ten thosands dollres.....

littler bitche she is bestre she wil hav somones who wil taks care of her as long as she is good gril and nod coses no probelms and do as she is told....when fathre cals i sais oh i do nod no i taks her to the busses stop she shold be homes by now......yes i wil tels amanda i tels him...him is such a stupidre son of a bitches...amanda do nod no yet bud she wil fins oud suun enuf....i dreds thiese......bud she wil nevre catchres on she thienks i liks the littler bitch darter of hers.....bud i do not...bud now i do nod has to worries onle has to worries abod somone fins oud i sels i changres paseewrods on thiese so amanda can nod reeds aftre hamil cals and sais i hav to keep thiese shits sekrets....i askres her how she is and he sais do nod worries abot it just to shud up abod i wil keeps it sekret...bud i stil worrees just a littler bit becos i finds oud it is aganst the laws....bud at least i hav monees and i wil use thiese to mkes amanda happee.....i do nod thienks she cares relly......if she do her wold hav ben desent mothre and nod be whor and dancre gril and wold stais with stupidre husband and darter........