Thursday, February 23, 2006

fliers to the faerie realm

tonite amanda takes off work and me and her we do somethiengs difrent and god dam was it evre fun the mostes fun i hav had in a longs time…..heer is whad happens… see theis pepels who ar works for agencees that is rachels work for them who is amandas counselor theis giv us theis fliers thad theis geds from the poleeses thad havs a picshur of leann thad is made of a picshur thad amanda takes of her justes a few dais aftre leann her comes to stais with us ovre the lastes sumer…..aftre leann her disapeers and it do nod looks like her is evre comeng bak then final somone coms up wieth theis stupidre idea to passes oud theis fliers wieth her picshur on them… was a good picshur of her to she looks reel cute in them and inosense so no one wold evre gess whad a littler fuckre tramp her is…..

bud aneywais me and amanda we go al around….we wold drives to somplases and parks the car and we wold walks for awhil and passes them out…..we go to theis plases cals white castles thad is on madison avenue….from ther we go on downs to sunoco…..but luckiley ther is no sines of ricky poo perkins….now if ricky poo him be in ther i explanes to amanda we can nod go inside becos i hav be bared oud of sunoco becos ricky poo perkins him is mads at me….bud him is nod ther yet or be may he is for al i no him mites be hides bak in the offis shakes in him boots becos him nos i wold kiks his littler fagot asses… he wil not coms oud i thienks becos him likes to acks like him is a studs and reel tuff mans and but him nos thad i wil whips his asses ricky poo perkins does…..

so aneywais we gos insides and theis tels us thad we ar nod allows to pud up leanns picshurs in the windows becos then ther wil be a spots so pepels can sais okay now we can be in and theis be we robs them… stupid…the window it covres the hole fronts of the sunoco bud theis ar afrade of theis one littler picshur bud whad the hels i theinks it is a stupidre idea aneywais bud justes the same theis tel us we can leves them at the conter….suts me fin no one is gos to pais aney attenshons to them anewais the wais i looks at it….

we go to othre plases aftre theis bud mostes fun i hav al nites is when we gos to theis plases cals the faerie realm which is a stor thad speshalises is sells witches crafts suplies…..onley faerie relm is closes bud we gos to whad is cals the robin hoods comunitey center which is in the sames plases reeley onley busines is close bud theis hav theis shits open for theis tramps and sorree asses pepels who wil nod works and who stais drunks al the time and so theis do nod havs a plases to stais so theis ar oud on the streets….so now theis dais it is cold as the hels espeshaley at nites time so som of theis stupidre fukres mite die…..good enuf for them i sais but no not faerie realm bonnie as theis cals her….she wans to makes shur thad theis sorree fukres geds to stais alive and havs a warm plases to stais and even sometimes she givs theis coffees and donuts and whad hav you….

so of corse theis sorree worthles fukres who ar dregs of sosietey theis keeps comeng bak to faerie realm bonnie…and whad does her geds oud of it……the hels if i no… may her hopes her can ged her a good man……grate lord god almitey allah him nos her shur can uses al the helps she can get you shold see theis fat fukre womans her maks fat asses shirley who is amandas frends looks like a anorecsic model or somethiengs…and no i do nod egzagerate….

so the nextes theings you no we are at the robin hoods communitey center and her ar al theis fukres and stards to sings and danses and plais musics and sudens it occurs to me thad theis ar filther disgust homosexer queiers…god dams i thienks no wondre bonnie is hopes to finds her a man even a drunk mans wold be bestre than havs to be constans surounds by the likes of theis….and theis are devil worshippres to boot justes likes my mothre onley my mothre is whad you sais is the reel deel….of corse theis do nod admits thad it is devil worships…..theis cals it worships god mans and god womans likes in dais of old… mothre at leastes no whad her was do…bud theis silly fuks they makes it up as they go along seems to me like….and theis stards chants the names of all theis god womans and i recognises the names of som of them espeshal hecate….i no al abod her my mothre tels me how evil her is and thad her is queens of the dam sols of the hels and when her coms to you her looks likes the fases of a frog….bud theis silly fukres theis thienks thad her is the grandested theing sinse slises bred…even talks abod how kind her is and how loveng and even butiful when her wans to be….see theis is how i nos theis do nod no whad they is talks abod and justes makes theings up som of them and the othres justes beleves what theis ar teld….

bud theis stards to danses and the nextes theings you no i was danses wieth them and sengs even thogh i do nod no whad theis ar sings i justes folows along….bud theis ar drinks womans heer and i thienks hel who nos be may som of theis witches womans mite havs som good pussies…..aney womans can be fuked….even those who ar lesbeans…..

but aneywais i stards to talks to som of the drunks mans and the nextes thiengs you no one of thems name erl him puls oud a bodel of theis cheep asses wine and I tels him you shold nod do theis i tels him you shold hav you somthiengs good to drenk…so i hands him a twentey dollre bils and tels him ok now you go and ged us somethiengs good to drienks….

in the meentimes i see amanda is abot to be redey to go bud for the times be she is talks to som womans i do nod nos who her is bud i gess her tels her abod leann and al the whil i sees faerie realm bonnie her is stars a hole thru me…..her is off to her selv and i am theinks be may she wans som of theis big dik of mine or be may her justes sees me givs erl the money and nos him wil geds lickor…..bud i don’t care by now…..

when erl coms bak inside the faerie realm he tels me he cold nod finds no plases bud i no of corses him is expeks to lets me keeps him money i giv him so i sais ok nevre mind heer you go and i giv him baks his wine becos i hav keeps it and forgeds to sais….bud theing is i sneeks and puts som shits in it…so him sneeks a drinks and then i sais thies wil be a good nite…so i gos up to amanda and tels her ok now amanda ar you wans to go or be may we stais heer for whil….she sais i am tied of passes oud fliers she sais let us stais heer a whil….i no she wil sais theis becos her uses to be one of theis so cals fake witches befor i tels her ok you can nod do theis shits no mor…….see her uses to be on drugs justes like the one i sneeks into erls drienk….which is why i wans to stais arond…….

so soon theis one queiers him nam is andey i thienks him coms to me and sais i hav som good moves and i sais i no i do whad is it to you and him looks kind of funnee and i sais do you wans to suk my dik/…and him sais no and aks lik him is insultsed bud i nos good and dam wel he wans theis big dik of mine… i lafs at him and i sais oh i nos you wans to hav theis big dik of min in you asses or be may you wans you dik in my asses so which is it/…..and then lafs at him…..bud befor him can ansers sudens ther is theis noeses and it coms from erl him is mones and grones and stards talks nonsenses like i no him wil do onley it is even fastre than i thienks it wil be…..and it is loud to……

then i sees her the fat whor thad on haloween puds on theis fakes saonses and acks likes her is leans spirit com thru her….and her is with amanda and i tels them coms quik i thienks thies man is havs a vishon i theinks be may god womans hecate is speeks thru him com quik….and him is makes theis gurgel sonds and maks noeses thad be may sonds to som likes foren words…..and theis fool bitches her sais oh thad is nod hecate and for a minut my hart sinks bud then her sais no theis is kali ma….her is tels you thad you wil fin pease soon amanda and you wil no the truts….

bud amanda her nos whad i do beleve it or nod and her looks at me and at firstes he ris mad at me bud then her stards to smil and then her bustes out laufs loud….aftre awhil i looks at saonses bitch and her looks like ok now her geds it and her is mad and embaras at the same time….so we stais a whil longre and we sings and danses and i hav som prettee good coffee and then finals we leve bud as we go andey sais hay wher ar you to go to and i sais we go to see the wizard mothrefukre…..and amand her nudges me and we go on…..she did nod even leve one of those god dam fliers at the faerie realm aftre al which is justes as wel i stil sais it was a stupide idea……

bud we did hav a plesant walk bak to the apratment even thogh it was cold it kinds of reminds me of alaska…..bud the triks to enjoys a nise strol in the cold nite air is to be shur you dreses for it rite which i was shur thad we do….every bodee we see we speeks to and everyone was so frendley i do nod even minds thad amanda stops sometimes and hands theis stupidre fukre fliers oud to them…..

meeteng at gold star chili

somtheings reel stranges hav happens and i do nod no whad to mak of it….i geds a cal nites befor last from mara and her tels me her needs me to makes a deliverey to the stor in dayton ohio….i tels her aite a minut now I thoght you tels me you do nod wans to sees m fase no mor and her tels me lets justes forgeds abod it it was a big put it down to misunderstand… i said okay fine with me i wil be ther tomoro…..and so yesetrdais morneng i go to the stor and ther is uncel massoud him is com to the stor justes for a few minuts and him looks reel worrees and i askes him ar you suposes to be heer i thoght doctres tels you no thad you needs to tais hom and off work for a few weeks….and him sais yes ud I justes com in for a few a cupel of hours….now you go ahed and makes theis delivereys…..he looks funnee likes him is tris to warns me and at first I thienks ok he is afrad i am fos to thretens to tel abod him be a filther disgust homosexer queiers with rahe…..but as i was drivs it ocurs to me no he is tris to warns me I am abod to be sets up…..and when i figurs thies out I stards to laff….whad bulshits wil they thienks of nextes…….so now theis ar even breengs mara and uncel massoud in to thies bulshits ar they/….theis wil pais for theis I ais to myselv…..

at the sam times i no thad i havs to warns hamil one wais or anothre so when i geds to the stor i cals somon who nos somons who nos hamil and then theis person thogh him do nod go strates to hamil bud go thru chanels and evenshual it go thro my laws the one i tels you abod befor thad hamil geds for me to geds me oud of the jale…….

so i maks arranges for hims to meets me i theis plases in cinsinati it no as colege hil thad is wher ther is a colege ther and ther is al kinds of good pussies ther and also good plases to go to ged you somethiengs good to eats….so i go to theis one plases thogh it is a gold star chile becos ther is theis one good looks bitches ther her is an arabs gril bud her is a christean….god dam bud theis bitches is a good looks bitches espshal when her wers theis tite blu jeens lik her do god dams my dik geds hard rite now justes theinks abod it…..i theinks god dam theis is nod rite for a good looks arab gril- i thienks theis ar al palestineans – to be a membre of theis vile disgust religeons and to dreses thad wais bud god dam her is so good looks dam if i wil sais aneythings abod it……

aneywais her is nod ther so i cusses and sits and bies myselv a cheeses conees and of corses theis looks at me funnees becos theis theinks i shold nod eats theis becos it is pigs meet bud fuk him it is nod ramadan so fuks them aneywais… i sits and sudens i nos thad ther is to arabs mans theis ar looks at me funnees and theis hav stops talks bud befor theis sees me theis talks abod blows thiengs up bud now theis shuts up for awhil….so i askes the man who wates on me who ar theis mans and whad theis talks abod and him sais he do nod no thad everetim he geds closes to them and talks tothem theis changes subjecs…..or stops talks al togethre…..i do nod tels him whads i heer them sais as far as I nos he mite be lies to me and geds me in trobel with kilres and terrors…so i justes as theis sais file it awais…….then i ordres anothre cheeses conees onely hten i changes my mind and tels him no geds me a three way…so he sais okay and then final akhmed who is my lawsyer man coms inand tels me okay hamil sais thieis had bestre be impotans and i shushes him and tels him do nod menshons thad names….and then i hands him the draws thad somone do of hamil and tels poleeses thad thies is describes of man who is sees kidnaps leann….his fase geds as wides as i hav evre sees aneyones eyes geds and he sais ok i wil tels him….i cold tels him is reel worress……

so aneywais he walks oud and sudens theis two mans coms up to me and introduses theiselvs and sais ar you a muslim/….and i sais yes i am a muslim and i am from syria who are you/….theis then loks at eaches othre and baks at me and sais why do you eats theis vil thiengs thies is nod for you do you nod no thad/….i tels them thad my mothre sais it is okay thad justes do nod eats thies dureng ramadan…theis looks at me lik theis ar looks at the scum of the erth and one of them askes me whad kinds of sect are you in and i tels them my mothre was from jahiellas sect and one ofthems sais theis ar be don awais wieth he sais…justes gos to shows whad you no i tels them……bud i am nod of thad sects i tels them justes my mothre bud her teeches me a lot….and theis sais wel i theinks i wil tels the immams heer abod you somone needs othavs a talks with you bcos theis theings you do ar evil and you ar an evil mans ddi no one evre tels you theis/….

and i sais i maks you a deel if you no tel imam on me i no tel laws abod you plans to blo up the suspenshun biridge….so theis looks shoks and sais i do nod heers no suches theings…i thienks i did thogh not exacly bud i heers enof to puts to and to togethre as theis sais….aneywais theis looks shoks and sais theis ar nod terrors and whad is mor i had bestre nod evre leds them sees me ets cheeses coneys agan bud thre wais thad is okay…..i tels theis ok whatevre now ged you fukre asses oud of heer…..then theis sais we swer we are nod terrors and for me nod to sais nothengs bud to keps my moths shuts….abod thad tim then heer coms theis gril I tels you abod her nam is elisabetha and i looks at how disgust theis looks at her and then theis turns awais likes theis can nod stans the site of her bud stil theis can nod helps bud looks justes a littlel…andi sais yeh she looks good don’t she/….then theis leev is disgustes and elisabetha her coms and sais oh it is you agan how ar you do and her tris to acks lik her isnod be frendley bud of corse I no her wold likes som oftheis big dik of mines and i nos it and it is geds hard as hel al redey…..bud then my lawsyor man hi com baks insid so somusches for thad….him sais ok hamil is seds up a meets wiieth you in a safes plase….i sais you hr havs to be jokes andhi sais no i am nod havs to be jokes do nod worrees no one wil no so you wil be ther when the tim coms…so he hans me theis adres of a plases in dayton…..bud no time on it bud him tels me so I wil remembre…

and you hav bestres be ther muhammed him sais…..i gues i wil whad choese do i hav….i am shur worrees thogh…..

aneywais i geds baks to the stor and uncel massoud him is long goes and ther is bitches mara and her sais whad takes you so long……and i sais i stops to geds somtheings to eat… she sais nevremind do you hav evereythiengs so i hands her the receets from the deliverey…..then her tels me to go hom… i stards to walks bak and i dubel baks and thad is when i sees the poleeses mans…yes theisa r hops al the time i wil leeds them to hamil….lik i am stuped enof to fals for theis….i shur as hel hope hamil nos whad him is doeng thogh…...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

as if i do nod hav enogh to worree abot

so yestreday aftrenoon i geds a cal from rachel who is amandas conselor and her tels me thad i shold coms down to her offis and her is sends somones down to piks me of corse iam worrees hel who wold not be/ theis fuckre pussies loo man dress in som kinds of sute bud him wers som kind of name id on his cote him coms and piks me up and him acks lik a fuckre prik...even when him tris to acks frendley you can tel him is a prik and justes the sond of him voes maks me wans to punches him in the i askes him whad is gos on whad is the problem....and him tris to be a smarts asses and sais ehad maks you thienks ther is a problem you hav do nothieng rong hav you/ i be a smarts asses and tels him be may i hav...and be may i hav......thad for me to no and aneybodee elses to nod be able to do nod one god dam thiengs abod it.....boy thad reel shiuts him up let me tel you....

so final we pul in to the parks lot of rachels offis and i tels him i thienks thies niggre rachel wans som of theis big dik of mine whad do you thienks/....boy was his fase geds red adn him stamer like thies fool forgets how to speek....bud theis is the wais you handel fools like theis....lets them no rite up front you do nod givs a big fuk whad theis thienks of aneywais he walks me to her offis and i walks in and i am loads for bear.......and i sees rachel and anothre womans wieth amanda and ther is two poleeses pepels a mans and a womans........and thesi tels me the mans do thad we needs to hav a talks....i looks at amanda and hergivs me theis look lik her is mads as hel so i am thienks oh shits now somthiengs is rong for shur becos amanda wold nevre dares to looks at me i thies wais othrewises...becos her nos it wold be a good wais to geds me to whips her littler bitches ass.....

so whad is theis al abod i askes is theis abod leann/....and the woman poleeses man her sais yes it is ar you shur ther is somtheings you needs to tel sometheings you be may hav no teld us yet/ you shur you havs no ida wher her is or whad hapens to her/....and then the mans poleeses mans him sais do you no thad kidnaps of yung childes can carress a lots of times in prisons and if ther is gos acros stats lines or if ther is her ded be may you geds deven the deth peneltey/......

rachels is looks down at the grond and amanda her is abod to cris and the othre womans her is justes sits ther wieth her fat asses wieth a red blazre wieth the nams tag and looks down ovre her glases and justes rites on the papre on a clipbord but othhrewises aks lik her ispais no attenshon....hey you whad you rites on ther i askes her amd then i ais i am nods go to sais notheings until her stops thad rite now and othrwises i am gos to walks oud of heer...and ther is nod one god dam thiengs aneyones heer can do abot it......

the nervs of theis pepels i am thienks....theis thienks theis can blufs me and i wil justes folds and admits to aneythiengs whethre i doaneythiengs even or nod...wel theis hav anothre thienks com they wais.......

she is justes takes notes rachel her sais it is standard procedes yur.....bud i am nod buys it.....i tels her i do sod remembrs i sais aneythiengs to you......coms to thienks of it i am sais nothings elses i tels you whad to do and her stil rites so i am oudey heer as theis sais......

wel befor you go ashol the womans poleeses womans her hav the nerv to sais we hav somethiengs we wans you to looks at...and her hans me theis papre and it havs a picshur on it bud it is nod reel a picshur it is a draws of mans.....i abod shits on myselv becos it is a god dam draws of hamil god dam it looks like him was poses for theis thieng....even has him scar abov him left eye and his mol on rite cheeks and poents chins wieth cleft and othrewises looks justes like him to even down to him skin ton whiech is dark dark mor even than reglar arab bud nod likes a niggre........yes it is hamil al rite....wtes tilhimfinds oud i thienks hi is reel goes to shits a brik.....

wel do you no who it is the poleeses man askes.....hel no i do nod i sasi and rite awais i am thanks ful thad amanda has nevre meets hamil bud one or to times and then i do nod thienks her is pais attenshon eel becos i keepsher buseywhen my frends coms ovre becos i do nod wans her to geds to frendlley wieth theis......besids amanda was probabal drieks at the tim or theis be may times when her was stil on drugs bud i am nod shur and my mind was rases to tris to thienks of somthiengs.........

if you has somethiengs to sais muhammed now is the times to sais it it wil go easeys on you al we reel cares abod is geds thies mattre resolv.....and i sais i do nod no who theis persons is i hav nevre sees him befor thad i no abod.......god dam i thienks i am reel glad it is no mor ramadan it wold be terabol to has to lie dureng thies holey time ......i looks agan at amanda and her is looks down and depresed and nod sais a word. so i do nod no whad ehr sais whethre her sais her has sees hamil befor or nod.....

so who is theis fukre aneywais i askes.....and them sais he was ses wieth a gril thad matches leanns descripshun in dayton ohio at....ged theis....the stor my uncel masoud owns ther and thad the gril looks like her wans to geds awais from him bud is afrad and her cris and looks arond likes her is looks for help and man hold on to her when her steps oud of car and her sais when theis fiish pumps gases thad her do nod wans to go and him tels her geds in the car bitches and her sais and her tels him my name is nod bitches it is leann...and hen her looks a person when her sais theis and theis drivs awais and gril looks bak at person likes her is hopes the perso wil do somethieng.....

so thad is whad gos on i i tels them i do nod beleves theis shits thies is somthiengs somodey makes up to tris to riks me in to admits somethiengs i nevre do becos theis person is a makes beleve person to looks lik arab...o arabs wil do theis kinds of shits.....leann was probabal kidnaps by som niggre hel thad is al her messes arond wieth a bunchesof is thies al i sais......and rachel her is a niggre so of corse her simads as hel and i can tels the othr isshoks and evereones lts oud this gasp lik theis can nod beleves i sais theis thiengs...budi donod givs a fuk whad theis thienks totelyouthe final aftre few minuts mor of her speeches and lecshurs theis sais ok you can go i looks at amanda and her geds up to go and rachel sais amanda you do nod hav to go wieth hi ifyou do nod wans to......bud amanda her looks scared likherdo nod no whad to do and i sais thad is al rite amanda sheis rite you do nod havs to go wieth me ifyou do nod wans to....soamanda her sais no it is al rites i wil go home now and her is abod to as i leves i looks bak at rachel and i givs hr a smirks and rite in front of al the othres i grabs the crotches of my pants and gives them a big wienks.....

boy you shold hav reel sees the looks on theis fases then.....hamil thogh....him is gos to shits when him finds out......

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

theis is a day of worree

god dam it am i evre in a bad fuckre mood now me and my fuckre uncels wife mara justes ged nto it and her kiks me oud of stor and tels me nevre to lets me see her fase agan and i tels her if i evre do sees you fase bitch it wil be hard to do becos thies big dik of mine is go to be down her fukre throt...then her thretens to cals polees so i i do nod no whad i am gos to do....and on top of thies my gilfrend amanda her has b cals to com to her soshal workres offis and suposes ther is som word on leann...god dam jsts whad i need to ged me in a foul wmmod the rest of the fukre day.....

so i go to work to tri and geds my mind off thiengs yeh rite lik thad is such an esey thieng to do espeshal arond thad bitch mara bud i go aneywais and try nod to sais nothng just do my job and ther is bitches mara and i no her is stares at me and i am thienks you no be may thies bitches wans som of thies big dik of mine...the mor i thienks abod it the moe senses it makes...aftre al her is be marreed now for mor than twentey yeers to my uncel massoud who is of corse a filther disgust homosexer queiers how can her be satsfies with that/ cold aneywomans reeley/...

final her cals me in her offis to tels me al her wans meto do for the dais so i geds the idea thad be may i wil use my power ove my dik to makes it mov arond and ged half hard justes so it can stil bend and move....soon it is ovre a foot logn and thik and is wigels al arond and of corse she evenshual sees and askes me ok muhammed whad the hel is in you pants...oh it is justes m frend i tel her do nod worree abod it he wil nod hurt aneythieng....and she sais you hav a fuckre snakes in you pans/ ged thad fukre thieng oud of heer now you go home....and her cals herselv a good muslim womans and her cusses like thies shits....bud i stais calm and sais no it isnod a snak it is somethieng she sais wel if it is nod a snak whad the hel is it then/ i sais it is this.....

and i whips it out and lets it get as big and long and hard as ican makes it with my mind and it is almostes two foots long and hard and thiks as hel and her sudens her mouts pops open and her eyes gds almostes as wide as my dik so muches theis looks like theis ar abot to pop oud of ther eye sokets...thn she screems at the tops of her voise you ged the hel oud of heer...bud i hav al redy tels you al theis shits so ther is no needs to go into theis agan...

fuks her aneywais i hav had it with her shits...i am more worrees abod amanda now and whad her finds oud abod leann bud nothieng i can do bud sits arond and wates tofind oud whatevre...on thiengs for shur tho if i hav no whad i no now i shur wold nod hav shots thad fukre spiks i wold justes let the poleeses takes car of him aftre al massoud had the situashon takes car of so ther was no need to kils shur was fun thogh you shold hav seen the looks on his fase when his fukre branes theis be shoots oud of his hed like him was thienks oh shits heer gos my branes....yeh i gess i hav to admit if i had to do it al ovre agan it wold be worths it....

Saturday, February 18, 2006

lindsey jacobellis can snobord on thies big dik of mine

i was so upsets the othre dais at mara my uncels wife thad i do not feel like eat or even fuks fo rthe rest of the dais.....i do nod no whad i am go to do abod thies shits so i just sit down and watches telvishon and nextes thiengs you no i am watches thies wintre olimpics.......i can nod beleves theis hav theis filther disgust homosexer quieiers mans who skats arond on the ices and do theis sissies balay dansers and they cals theis shits sports/......whad kindofshits is theis/.....aneywais i was sits and wathces theis silliest shits youy cold evre imagin and her ar theis two pepels and theis tels me theis to ar marreed....yea rite i sais theis ar marreed abod like unel masoud him is marreed to his bitch wif mara....whad a fuckre joke.....

suddens as i was sits ther and watches who com to the door bud non othre than omar massoud and maras spoled brat of a son.....and him breengs wieth him theis gril i hav nod seen befor.....i figur ok now him is com her to ged on my good side to tri and mak up for his mothre acks lik such a bitches so him breengs me som pussies....she was a prettee gril and i thoght oh hel why not so i grabs her and drags her to the coch......bud him sais oh cosin muhammed whad the hel ar you do heer/......theis is my grilfrend i tls him.....the gril is lookslik her is abod to fal ovre and dies rite ther and i sais oh i am justes kid arond i sais and he sais cosin muhammed you are a reel crazee man justes lik i tels you sheree.........

her justes lafs kind of funnee bud i can tel her is stil afrad and embaras and do nod no reel whad to thienks....she sais oh can i uses you bathrooms.....and i sais as she gos in i sais whad hapens to you othre grilfrend the one names of ruthie....oh shit she is nod my grilfrend she is sherees sistre i justes watch her somtimes for sheree when her can nod look aftre her for the mothre.....oh shur i sais like i beleve thies bulshits....bud it is tru he swers.......

abod theis times theis go of the skates program onthe olimpics...i was glad totel you the truth i was kind of embras for omar to be sees me watches theis filther disgust homosexer queiers so call sports......and theis wer stards to go bak to whad i rel wans to see whic is thr womans who do theis sport it is call snobord.....i geds hard on justes by looks at her so i tels omar quik now you rites her names down for me and rites it rite now....him askes me why and i sais nevre you mind now justes do as i him shrugs and do it....i al redy no i am go to sais somethiengs abod her in theis heer blog bud i do not wans him or aneybodey elses i no to even no thad i hav theis blog becos ther is a lotof stuf in theis blog i do nod wans himor aneybodey elses to no abot.....

aneywais whil we stards to watches him tels me him is nod reel goto mardi gras him justes tels his mothre donod hav to tels me theis to makes me feel bestre i tels him bud he denies theis....i was suposes to al redy be on my way ther by now he swers......bud insted my and sheree ar spens thenite at a motel for the frend ayalli heis go to covre fo rme he sais he tels my mothre we go down ther to do charatee work....theis wil be our firstes tim spends the nite meen youhav nod fuked her yet/ of cors nod him sais her is a good gril.....aney womans can be fuked i tel him do you wans meto brak her in for you/...excuses me then i heer her sais....shehad been stans ther for somtime and i do nod no it and neether do omar.....he tels her do nod paisno attenshon to muhammed he justes kids arond a lot but him donot meen it.....thehel i do not i tel she sais lets go omar...he tels her go on oud tothe car sheree i needs ot askes muhammedsomethieng in her gos on.....

he sais i wans to wans you abod my mothre he sais...i theinks ther is somthieng go on betwen her and i almostes bustes out lafs at theis bud i manages to control myselv somhow.......whad maksyou sias theis i askes him......i justestheinksit and i theinks theis ar plans sometheing bud i do nod no...bud i no you had bestre watches out for them......mothre do nod trustes you becos i theinks him sais theings abod you....they wans you oud ofthe wais becos theis ar afrad you wil find oud and tel my fathre....i am tels you i can tel by the wais theis acks ther is sometheing goeng on in their watches oud....thad is why i hav to ged awais fromther nod justes for sherees...i can nod stans it arond ther aneymor.....justes the idea thad she wil led me go to mardi gras so easy thad shold tel you somtheing....they wans me oud of the wais to....

i had to admit i nevre even thoghts abod theis....cold ther be sometheings to it/....aneywais we watches as lindswy jacobellis almostes wins the snobord race bud then her fuks up and looks bak and kids arond to much and then her fals and theis woman from swiserlands pases her by and beets her and so lindsey her wins stil bud onley a silvre medal theis time.......

god dam i tels him did you see the wais she spreds those legs of hers as her gos up in the air and then coms down god dam omar i wishes thad she cold spred those legs and jumps on theis big dik of mine...i wold fuks the livng shits oud of thad for shur........the pusies or the asses ether one and then her cold suks thies dik al dais you shur you do nod wans me to brak her in for you...sheee i ar a crazee man muhammed wher is amanda/.....her is works i tels him so whad do you sais/....go breeng her in heer and wathces you a mastre pussies fukre on the make.........

i hav to go muhammed...then as him go to the door he turns to me and has theis funnee look on his fase.....did theis evre finds oud abod whad hapens to leann/ bud i thienks by now she is ded i tels him....i theinks abod th dreem i hadthe othre nite bud i didnot tels him theis......he justes sais you be carful now muhammed...i wil sees you latre....remembre whad i sais abod mothre and abod rahe...and do nodsaisa word toaneybodey abod me be heer tonite.....i telshim i wil nod and then him final leeve.......

when amanda geds hom thad nite her was in a foul mood and stards moan and grone abod lean as ushual.......then she sits aond and mopes whil i looks at the televishon and theis ar shows theis grils fase theis lindsey i sais com on amanda we go to bed now i wans som i fuks amanda thad nite onley i do nod reel fuks amanda becos in my minds eye i am reel fuks lindsey jacobellis......i puls her on top of me an ddbrengs her in a wais lindsey jacobellis her snobords on theis big dik of mine aftre al......

mara shahiri is a bitch

my uncels wife mara is go to be the deth of me yet this bitch whor is bond and determins thad i am go to hav to beet the liveng shit oud of her.....i hav do whad her tels me in fixes up massoud stor and helps her run it whil him recovere from his hart attak thad i tels you abod in anothre post....i hav be patiens with her...bud yestersay her com clos to pushes me ovre the edge......heer is whad hapens......

first off i tels her wel i thienks i am gos down to new orleens to see mardi gras...and her tels me no you wil nod you hav to stais her and helps me fixes up the stor and run it......i tels her okay then i wil go aneywais and if you do nod likes it thad wil be to bad....and she has the nerves to tel me if you go you are fired.....becos massoud him tels me thad i am in charge and him is expeks you to helps me so thad is the wais it do thies ever makes me burn up.....bud whad can i do/....whad can i sais/......

then fuckre rahe him coms in the stor and shows him ass off this mothrefuckre filther disgust homosexer queiers the one i tels you abod is massouds queier boeyfrend who aks like big cowerd when the fuckre spiks man tris to rob us.....thies is the first day the stor is open sense then and him is walker arond and struts like him is a big hot shots or somethiengs and tels mara thad she hav nothieng to worree abod as long as he is heer....i thienk the mothrefuckre must hav be drunks or somethiengs is was just ridiclus the way he walks arond and struts and talks and givs me thiese arrogans looks.....

then him acshual hav the gal to stards to bosses me arond tels me massoud you shold clens up thiese shelvs...sweeps theis flors massouds it looks filther in heer....i just lafs at him bud then mara tels me in reel hatful tones of voises yes muhammed you do whad you are teld to do...i stards to tel her rite then and ther thad rahe and her husband massoud theis are filther disgust homosexer queiers togethre bud justes as i abod to open my mouth i looks at rahe and him is givs me thies reel arrogans smirks on his mothrefuckre fase...and i realises then thad thies is justes whad hi is wans me to i catches myselv and keeps my mouts shut.....

from heer on oud it onley geds worsters......mara her gos into the bak to work on the books whil rahe him is struts arond and talks to custmers and wates on them and maks smal no him acks lik him owns the plase......

i wishes i cold be oud on truk and delivre grosers to my uncels othre stors lik is my regler job bud no heer i am stuk heer with theis no good mothrefuckres.....ther is som good look womans coms in from time to time bud i do nod dares to sais aneythiengs to them abod tries to ged me som pussies becos rahe him is wathces me like a i sais to him aftre thies one reel good looks bitches leves whad you looks at wil nod beleevs whad thes vile queiers hav the nerv to sais to me.......

him tels me then i am looks at a big pees of shits thad is whad i am looks at a big pees of shit....

then i walks up to him and him thros bak liks him is redy for a fite and i sais to him one of theis dais mothrefuckre i am go to kiks you facs mothrefuckre one of theis dais i am gos to kil you......then him sais youwil nod do shits....i am nod massoud you do nod havs me fuled nod one litle are the one who hav somethiengs com yur wais it is onley a mattre of time.....and it wil com you wais soon nod late............then him do the lastes thiengs a man shold do espeshal to me...him spits rite in my you no i was abod to kil him rite ther bud sudens mara her cals me in to the bak room.....muhammed com heer now i needs to hav a talk wieth you.....

so i justes tels him rahe you asses is the tim i am thru wieth you wil wil wishes you hav nod heer of then i wipes spit oud of my eye and i walks bak to the offus.....and ther thies bitch mara sits likes her is queens of the world or somethieng.....she givs me thies look rite in the eye amd then i nos rite then whad kind of womans her is......her is a bitch thad is whad how dares her looks me in the eye/ see now whad kinds of disrespecks i hav to put up wieth theis dais/.......

then her poents to the books and her askes me jusd why is it thad massoud is pais you duble whad you are suposes to be paid/...i tels her i do nod no whad you meen....then she sais to me o bulshits muhammed i see it rite heer....massoud is keeps two seprat books and on the one thad he hides he has a speshal colum wher he is pais you salaree you tel me jusd whad the hels is gos on now you see why i cans nod tel her abod masoud and rahe theis be filther disgust homosexer queiers togethre........becos thies is why as you no uncel massoud pais me duble to keeps thies queiet.....

bud i acks dum and tels her i do nod no aneythiengs bud she do nod belevs thies shit....she sais i hav wondres how you afords to liv so wel on whad you are pais and now i no...wel i hav news for you muhammed as of todais thies shits com to an end......and it wil stais com to an end aftre massoud com bak to work and takes bak ovre thiengs becos from now on i am go to do his you extra monee for do nothiengs it is ovre wieth..acshual if i hav my wais abod it you wil be fires and you wil be total on you you understans me/....from now on i am you boss....nod wil do whad i sais...nod massoud.....and if you do nod agrees then gess are oud of heer and ther is nod one goddam theings you can do abod it and ther is nod one goddam theiengs thad massoud will do abod it.......

by now her is shots to the top of her voeses...i am wondres if be may i shold justes kil both her and rahe rite then and ther.....bud no i no i shold be calm and plais it i sais ok whatevre you sais mara.....whad a reel bitch.......and whad abod a oman cus lik thies espeshal one who is suposes to be muslim womans/......

so she tels me to goon bak oud in the stor and finish my work so i do bud man am i mads as hels...a litle latre then her and massouds spoled brat son omar him coms in stor wieth his litle grilfrend i swer her loks lik her is abod leanns ages abod forten or fiften....and thies stupidre litle mothrefuckre is ninten......bud i nevre sias nohiengs abod thies shits i justes as theis sais kep fiel it awais for latre uses....she is a cutes litle thiengs thogh hel i wold fuk her myselv if i cold gets awais wieth it and be may som day i wil......bud for now i consentrats on how rahe him geds al mistey eyes and hugs omar and i justes no thies filther disgust homosexer queiers geds a big hardon.....i looks ad omar grilfrends and her loks ad me and smils and sais helo....abod thad times bitch mara coms bak oud and sias wher you be omar/......

i am on my wais to mardi gras mothre jus coms to lets you no i am go and to sais goodby i wil sees you latre....she loks at his grilfrend her names is ruthie or somthiengs lik thies and askes him you ar nod taks her ar you/.....she sias thies lik her worrees abod it bud her is releeves when him sais no he is gos wieth som frends.....mara is releevs bud i notis thad ruthie do nod looks to happee abod it....bud aneywais coms to finds oud omar sais him is gos ther to helps the niggres in new orleens and do charatee works suposedley.......of corse he wil do a litle parties to.......

rahe him sais then you ar a good man omar you mothre and fathre shold be prod of you to hav suches a good and kind and careng son and al thies omar him kises his mothre on the cheeks and she sais goodby son you hav a good time at mardi gras and be good thogh......and as theis leeve i heer ruthie bitches and rols her eyes and i heers omar him lafs.....i feel like hit the wals i tels you bud then mor custmers com in and i has to ged baks to work thogh i feel lik justes kil evereyones ther.....espeshal when rahe him looks ad me and givs me thies reel smart alek looks and lafs......

thad is al rite thogh al theis mothrefuckres dais a comes to them and when the final chaptre is ritten it wil be sined in ther blood with the nam muhammed shahiri....theis wil pais an pais deerley....god willing......

Sunday, February 12, 2006

i hav a terabol dreem

justes the othre nite i ged home from a hard dais work we be cleen up the stor to ged redy to open bak up tomorow...uncal massoud him is go to hav to be of work for a cupal of weeks becos of him hav a bad hart so now i am stuk with hav to work for his bitch wif and her is lik ok muhammed do thies ok muhammed you nod do thies shit rite look aliv we com to work not to plais....and cleen thies fukre spiks mans branes up aftre al you ar ones who shoots him i wil refuses to tuch thies has ben hard i tels you bud i am tries to be pashens with her...but she is a reel bitch i tels you....

anywais i com hom lastes nite and i was wared out i tel you the truth now.....i was exaust so bad stil it hard to get to sleep and amanda she sais whad is rong i sais leve me alon amanda i do nod wans no pussies i am to tire......

final i drop of to sleep aftre lais awake and toss and turns and i hav thies terabol it i am walks toward cemetarey and ther is a funral gos on...ther is al kinds of pepels stans arond and ther is presadents bush and i sais oh boy it is presadens bush hi presadens bush i lov you you are a grate man....bud just lik whad hapens the othre day at thies funral for coreta king evereyone ther stards to insults him and then theis starts even to thro thiengs at is presadens of cuntree and theis thro roks at him.....uncal massoud is ther and him is thros rotten tomatos at him....amanda is ther and she thros thiengs to and massouds bitch wife and his spoled brat son and his gril fren and shirle and ray and dreema and rahe and even hamil he is taks part in thies sinful acks.......

but mor and mor i stard to thienks now wate a minut who is here be bureed...then i geds to thienks oh no it is my mothre thies is her i starts to walk to wher the coffen is lais and wates for to be bureed....and ther is thies womans who stands ther is fronts of the coffen but with her baks to me and i can heer her cries as she stans ther al dress up in blak....i go up to her and i stards to sais somethiengs but befor i can opens my mouth the woman turns and sudens i see it is my mothre and she is in teers.....

oh mothre i sais i do nod undrstans who is be is her she sais to me and i look at the coffen and it is opens and i see ther thad it is leann......

then suddens leann opens her eyes and rases her hed and looks at me and she givs me thies evil look and sudens i wakes up in a old swet.....thies was abot four o clok in the morning when i wakes up from thies horabol nitemare and i hav nod be bak to sleep yet....i was to afrad at first to go bak to sleep and then i hav som thiengs to now i am gos bak to bed and gets som was just a fuckre dreem and i am nod worreed abod it now....but it shur scares the livng hels out of me at the time......

Sunday, February 05, 2006

muhammed in danish cartoons

one time i has a vishon of the grate profet muhammed and thies is why i changes my name from massoud to muhammed it hapens whil i was tris to medatat with my magic is a vishon thad wil stais with me from now on becos muhammed givs me good advises...he sais to me now massoud i do nod do thies for evreyone bud i wil makes an excepshon in you i sais he gives me good advises.....likes tels me massoud you shold nevre tels a womans whad you reel thienks of her when you wans to get you som of her pussies you shold tel her just whad she wans to heer becos thies is whad a womans wans.....also he tels me that when i do magic i shold alwais rember to ask in nam of grat god allah and thanks him befor and aftre and do nod geds pisses off if allah him sais no becos him nos whad is kinds of thiengs like thiese muhammed him tels me....bud one thiengs i wil nevre do is...i wil nevre tels aneyones whad muhammed looks like in my vishons of him.....

ther is a resons for is nod ment for pepels to no whad muhammed looks like and no ones shold gess at it ether....becos othrewises the nextes thiengs you no then ther wil be status and pichurs of muhammed evreywhers and pepels wil starts to worshup thies picshurs of muhammed....even it is rong to hav picshurs of grat god almitey allah....becos then pepels wil bow down to theis picshurs of allah and woshups them and the nextes theings you no is pepel wil be woshup the status and picshurs and thad wil makes theise idol worshupers....and muhamed warns us abod do thiese evil thiengs and him sais no.....

so it is understans thad muslims and arabs al ovre the world ar upsets abod thies vile cartoon thad appeers in a danish newspapre thad hav a picshur of muhammed the holey profet of grat god almitey allah blesed be his name.......and it maks mattres worsers when mans in charg of danish pepels makes excuses for thies caertoon and the mans who draws thems and the news papres thad publish thies vile now pepels are understanbley demans acshuns...even theis hav burns down now the danish embasees in lebnon......ordinarey i do nod suport terrors and killres i thienks theis are vile cretures who abuses islam....bud in this case i hav to sais the pepels ar wel within ther rites to be pises off....and somethiengs mustes be don....

thiengs are geds reel oud of hands now and othre papers in europ are reprints the sames cartoons and sais we hav the rites to do thiese it is frees of speech and frees of preses....i sais thies is bulshits....and heer is why......

no ones has a rite to hav frees of speech and frees of preses in suches a wais thad it coses god almitey allah to unleesh a curses on al the world and al its of speech and free of preses is nod aplies to grat god al mitey allah.....he has makes it cleer whad he feels abod theise thiengs and it is up to mans to heer is whad shold be do abod thies shits.....

they shold takes thiese danish cartoons man and theis shold tels him okay now mistre danish cartoons man you sias you hav you frees so now we giv you frees of frees to chooses which you wans us to cut off of can chooses to hav us cuts off you can chooses us to cuts off you dik....or you can be frees to chooses us to cuts off you hans so you can no longs draw thiese vile is up to you mistre danish cartoons man you hav the frees to chooses which one so makes you choeses wise one......

and theis shold do the same thiengs to tom toles who draws a cartoons heer in thies cuntree which insulds grate amarecan solders who fites and dies so al we can be god enuf is enuf.......