Monday, May 22, 2006

The So-Called NSA Spying Scandal

you may rememer a whiel bak how i tell you about how i met and fucked princess diana….well if not you can rede about it rite here.....

wel lateley somtheng over the news hav broght all this bak to me to my attenshon………and it have to do with this resent storey makeng the rounds about the nsa spyeng scandal……

all of goerge bushes enemies here in the countrey are up in arms over how thay clame that mister bush have be spyeng on amarecans and how he have be useng the nsa to record the telephon converstions of amarecans all over the countrey and how it is an abuse of his president powers………

okay that verey well mite be the case….butthe onley problem is….this have be goeng on sinse at leest 1997 which is four years before goerge bush become president of this countrey……….everey telephone call ever make in this countrey have be stored on a nsa data bank sinse at leest that time… now how do i know this……..

well i come to this countrey in 1999….before that i live for a whiel in england sinse in fact 1996 which is the yeer my mother have be ded and now for goeng on ten years as of august of that year…..but this is besid the poent which is i met diana the yeer she died the bitch in 1997 so evereytheng i hear about her normaley i pay attenshon to it as it is one of my goals inlife to solv the mysterey of who killed her…..acshalley which i know the anser to this alredey but i do not have aney proof so that wil be a subject for another post…….

aneyways i was watcheng televison one nite and thay are goeng about all this nonsense from the father of dodey fayed who is her arab boyfrend……he thenks the british inteligense services asasinate them because of worreed about her marryeng a arab what it wil look like or som knd of stupid shit like that…which this is not tue it have notheng to do with the british roaltey or inteligense……….. thogh she was murdered…….

now one of the thengs thay poent to is a phone call from princess diana was stoerd in a nsa bank and was shaerd with british inteligense…….just because of somtheng she mentioned by the way that thay were intrested in….she hav notheng to do with it it just the subject matter thay were monitoreng….so that is all……notheng to do with her murder that old man that run herods is just piss off and want revenge but he goeng after the wrong peppel……..

but aneyway the poent is…when was it that princess diana died….lets see now….oh yes seem to me like this stinkeng cunt bitch die in 1997……..yet the nsa have stoerd her phone call in a data base three years vefore bush was elcted preisdent….so what do this tell you…..well it tell me that obvousley this spy program be goeng on before goerge bush and who know how long…….

and it is al bulshit aneyway….if a terrors killers are about to commit a terrors act do you not want to know about it before thay kill thousands or even tens of thousands of peppel…..i know i shur as hell do…..thay are not lisseneng to aney theng else you say aneyway unless sometheng about whaer you call or when or how maney times make them suspishus…….then if you are doeng somtheng ilegal but it not have aneytheng to do with terrors then thay are not conserned as it not in thay jurisdiction…..

if you are doeng somtheng ilegal and you are that worreed about it either stop doeng it or lern to talk in code like i do…..what is the big fuckeng deal.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

everybodey hear in the us seem to be woreed about this man who is president of iran and i am talkeng of corse about mahmoud ahmadinejad…i am not shur about that spelleng by the way but fuck it i am not in the mood to look it up…..the speleng of his name is ot important aneyway what is important is amarecas fears toward him……the name of that fear is i am afrade speled bigot……..

okay now what have he do that is so bad…….okay for one thing he clames that the holocaust was make up by the jews or at leest it was grateley exagerated…..well duh……newsflash peppel……EVERYBODEY FUCKENG KNOWS THAT… he make a verey good and valid poent that the jews were do this to them by the germans and others in europe so if europe want them to have a homeland why do thay not then giove them somplase in euope…..hell it make sense to me….

now everyebodey is conserned about iran haveng nucleer weapons….this is bulshit…….if thay do so what how is this worse than aney other plase have them…….the fuckeng jews have them and so do the vile hindus… that is fucked up…….but just beause iran mite….repeat mite…..have a few sudenley thay are conserned about nuclear proliferation…..can you spel hipocrit……..i like goerge bush and admier him grateley but when it cometo this isue over iran i theenk he is reel off base and probabley is being misled…….

okay i wil admit i hav a soft spot in my heart for iran becaus this is the homeland of my grate grate grandfather who moved from ther by way of turkey to syria after the first world war…….but this do not change the facts…..suir thay have do some things i do not aprove of but why not just let bygones be bygones…….

and irans enemies wil not let up… lateley thay have be accusseng them of tryeng to pass a law where evereybodey that isnot a muslim will have to wear speshal cloths or speshal colors to identify who thay are……not just jews but also christeans and zoroastrians……..wel what the fuk if thay do….for one theng this mite well be for there own protection from peppel who mite know who thay are and be bigots to them but with thees cloths then thay will stand out and make peppel thenk twise before do aneytheng out of the way to them………it make sense to me……

but now come to find out this is not even the case not at all…..come to find out this was just sugested as a amendment to anotehr law that establish dress codefor muslims….but it was not agreed to in fact i thenk it was not even added for to be voteed on the bill…..notheng to it whasoever just some bigot bitch from canada……..

okay i will say one theng more and then i will shut up on this suject for now…..resentley ahmadinejad the president propose a law that allow womans to attend soccer games for the first time sinse the days of the shaw…….of corse thay still have to dress in the tradishonal cloths as now required by thaer law……and also thay have to sit in a speshal area of the stadeum……certanley thay wil not be allowed to sit just aneywheres thay want to and mix and mingle with the mans…yes thay will have to stay in a certan plase just for the womans…..but hey thay are being allowed to attend…and this is good…some of thees womans have thay husbands thay brothers and thay sons that play soccer… naturaley thay wuld enjoy getteng a chanse to see thaer man folks play the game…….and i am shur thay man folks will apresheate the womans in thaer famileys get a chanse to see them play…… this is a good thing….

so it just go to show that peppel heer in the west are bigots whenit come to iran and arabs and all muslims….thay shuld lern bester what thay are talkeng about before they shots thear mouths off………realey now when you stop to thenk about all of these different poents of mine how bad can iran be.

Guantanamo Bay-The Muslim Prison Revolt

some of my arab and muslim so called borthers have realey be showeng thaer asses lateley i am talkeng about the ones that are hold up in this plase i wil call gitmo which is on the island of cuba….this is whaer thay have in jael terrors and kilers thay have captured in the war on terror mostley from the afghan conflcit……..

what a bunch of fuckeng cry babeys some of thees amarecan suporters of thees vile peppel are….oh thay are being tortured oh thay are being denied thaer basic human rites oh thay are beeing denied due prosess…bull shit… motherfuckers had bester wake you asses up….thees peppel wil kill you in a hartbeet if thay get a chanse and thay will sell you daghters into slavery as sex slaves… sons too as far as that go…..and thay will cut off you fuckeng head and laugh at you whiel they doeng it…..

in the meentime some of thees peppel that suposedley being treeted so bad thay hav all the food thay need and probabley more and thay go out of thaer way to make shur the food is halel on top of that…….thay give them recreashon by letteng them play soccer…..thay give them a quran to read even…..under the circumstanses seems to me thay treet them pretty dam good a hell of a lot bester than thay deserve and dam shur a hell of a lot bester than i wuld treet thees filthey swine…….

still what do thay do…thay stage a brakeout by one of them acteng like he is comiteng suiside and when the gards com rusheng in thay attack them…thay have shit what thay call on the news feces in case you do not know what it meens and it spred on the floor and so thay the solders slip and slide and then thees monsters attak them with brake glass and stuf of this nature……luckiley the amarecan solders prevaeled by useng non lethal forse i theenk if i remember rite thay used rubber bulets……

wel thay shuld have killed thees motherfuckers…..i resent thees kind of peppel that make all good muslims look bad and i want them dead……and i resent just as much maybe a little more thees ignorant fools heer who try to defend them……you draw you own conclushons what i meen by that.

Ray Nagin Wins New Orleans Mayors Race

i am verey happy to report that mister ray nagin who is the negro mayer of new orleans louisiana have be elected back to be mayor….he verey handeley defeated mister mitch landreiu who have be the leutenant governor of this state….i have to admit i am surpeise by this turn of hapenengs……but am still delited…….i have be studyeng louisiana state historey now for a whiel off and on and i have be made aware that louisiana is one of the most corupt crook plases in all the usa…..and for a long time to……..the city is corupt and so is the state… i gess it was a choese of okay now are we goeng to have back our corupt mayor or are we goeng to have a white man from the state who is probabley even more crook…..

one thing landrieu have goeng for him is he have a sister who is a united state senator for louisiana so i figure she have enogh pull to be him elected……gess i was wrong about that….i saed to myself well she wil help him after he elected to and be may will get the plase stratened up……but no nagin wins……be may the peppel figure well if he is this womans brother thay are a corupt crook familey and we do not want them tell us what to do…….mary landrieu thogh she may be a crook she is a prettey woman and i bet she can fuck like a tiger……i shur wold like to find out thogh i dout i ever will but onley because i will probabley never get a chanse to meet her…..if i do of corse say in new orleans dureng mardi gras which i will go to next time thay have one i will definiteley get me some of that fine pussey if i get to meet her and she will be may suck this big dick of mine…….

another theng that mite have hurt landrieu is he being the lieutenant governor under kathleen blanco who most peppel in new orleans understandabley blame for all the problems that result because of be unpepared for those two awful hurricanes called katrina and rita…..that is not his fault thogh but at the same time he shuld have try to exet himself not leve it up to a fuckeng woman to be thengs done………probabley she spend all her time fuckeng emergensy workers espeshalley all the spiks who come in thaer to take jobs away from amarecans and the legal imigrants such as myself and also fuckeng federal fema agents and all the rest…..i bet that bitches pussey smels worse than princess dianas pussey smell when i fucked her…..i bet you will be hard press to find a week whaer this itch do not have five or six cocks up her pussey at one time or another…….which mite have be the problem as she was thinkeng okay i can fuck and be may i can get more power from the government and insted the whol plase just go to hell in a hand basket as thay say heer in amareca……..

aneyways i am glad that ray nagin has won even thogh he is a negro……..being that he is he do not know what to do or if he do he just paniked from fear and terror and could not funcshon like a real leader shuld……..

but that is al rite…..hey… thing i have lerned for a fact and that is if aneybodey can put on a good show and thro one hell of a whiz bang partey it is a negro and ray nagin certanley fills that bill…….if mitch landrieu had win the race it probabley wuld have be a pathetic mardi gras the next time out….ther shuld always be a lot of negros in new orleans and in fact new orleans shuld always be a chocolate city at the end of the day just like mayor nagin saed…….peppel shuld not be mad at him for speekeng the truth………….the whole countrey shuld suport ray nagin and help him to build new orleans back to its former glory…….be may that he has go thru this hell onse he have lerned his lesson and if there is another hurricane like hit them onse before he will be better prepare…..and besides the goverment will be watcheng closeley to try to make thengs run smoother this time around if it happen agan……

i for one am realey lokeng forward to next years mardi gras.

A Strangely Satisfying Day

so far this has be a stange day…brandy come over and i go to give her a hug and this crazey bitch reeley go off on me….do not tuch me she saed i can not stand for aneybodey to tuch me….hell i saed i was onley goeng to give you a hug as a frend and she saed well we are frends and that is all and i saed yes i know is that not what i just saed and she saed well you are never to tuch me got it…..i saed okay then god dammit i do not want to tuch you aneyways…..i then ask her about christina and she saed what about her…you leve my sister alone…..still she acts frendley and starts talkeng about her crazey motehr linda and her other sister jamie and the baby and i am thenkeng okay this crazey bitch is just playeng hard to get so i reech out and pat her on the sholder like i am shareng a joke with her but the bitch go off on me agan… i saed okay sorrey god dam it….ordinariley i wuld not put up with this kind of disprespect from aney fuckeng woman even a crazey one like brandey but i have to stay on her good side until i kill thees fuckeng spiks from mexco that she know…..

just like notheng happens she askes me to go out with her to get somtheng to eat and i saed not today i have work to do and am expecteng companey…..she argues with me i bet for an hour and almost wares me out but i am firm so finaley she storms off in a huff…that is all rite she do this everytime i do not do what she wants but i have lerned deep down she respects that…..thogh that is about all the crazey bitch respects includeng her own selv……

all this time thor was lookeng at me and her stangeley…….sitteng there wagging his tong like he had somtheng to say and not shur how to say it……after awhiel fuckeng sherey come to the door and i let her in….this bitch smell to the high hevens i know she hav not had a bath in four days at leest……..hell this do not matter to thor he is redey for some pussey…but first she askes me if she can have some of that stuff as she cals it so i fix her up a batch and she drenks it……she is now feeleng bester i can tell but she is still not like when first i meet her…she will not look you in the eyes no more and always lookeng down and has no life at all……

i know she have sosmtheng to say but insted she start cryeng and i saed what is wrong and she saed do you realey love me and i saed of corse i do and she saed well at leest hug me so i thenk okay be may i had bester play along even thogh she smels like a fuckeng sewer now…so i hug her…big mistake…..

thor starts growleng and onse or twise barks and he is lookeng at me like he culd tare my fuckeng balls off in a hartbeet…what the fuck is wrong with you dog i saed…but he lurches forward growleng even worse than before…….god dam you i saed then i let sherey go and sudenley he growls subside and he bak off and then gradualey start whineng……..then sherey start talkeng to him and petteng him and he lays down and roll over on his back with his paws up in the air and sherey start massaging his belley and then rubbeng his dick……

no i saed you can not be with thor not after the way he acted just now….and she started cryeng….i need him she saed and i saed wel you have to wate until i have a little talk with him…he is grounded….no more pussey for you thor not until you straten up and act rite…….and another theng sherey i saed…you stenk…the next time you come heer you had bester take a bath and be weareng clean cloths or you can not be with thor and on top of that you can have notheng else form me….do i make myselv cleer……

she was embarased and tried to make some fucked up excus about be feeleng bad but i saed well i have told you now so you know what i expect……cleen you selv up and in the meentime me and mister thor have to get some thengs strate…….so come on now i take you home i have somtheng for you mother aneyways……

of corse thor do not like this but even thogh he wines like crazey i do not caer i walk her home and there is her mother…..the god dam plase is a rat infested mess as always with fuckeng flys all over the plase but what the hell……i hand her the heroin and saed you know you shuld realey cleen this fuckeng plase up what are you a human being or a fuckeng pig this plase is like a filthey pg sty……she saed that is my busness…i saed yes it is but the next time you daghter come to my hous i expect her to be cleen and not stenkeng like this hous…..besides if laws are called on you always a chanse that can get bak to me so that make it my busness…so if you want more heroin you do what i say and cleen this plase up you bitches both of you….

thya just look down and sherey is cryeng and sayeng okay muhammed plese do not be mad at us and her mother prettey much saed the same theng..then thay invited me to stay for coffee and i saed you have to be kiddeng….i do not even like to brethe in this hous i shur as hel aint goeng to drenk coffee from a cup in this hous probabley mold in the coffee and in the cups….now you bester get you asses stratened up and i do not meen be may…….

thay sad okay and i can tell i made my poent so i leve in disgust…so when i get home gess who is wateng to see me none ther than amanda…i saed wat are you doeng heer bitch……and she saed i come to talk to you can we plese talk….i saed i saw rachel today she wondereng why you have not keep you apoentment…she was wondereng that now she is probabley wondereng what she can do to keep me from sueng her ass and takeng everytheng the nigger bitch owns…..

she come on in then and sudenley she throws herselv in my arms and huggeng me and beggeng me to forgive her and i look around and there is thor….just to make shur i keep huggeng her and feeleng her and before you know it i am all over her and soon i fuck this bitch somtheng i had swore i wuld never do agan…….

aneyways thogh thor he acts like he is intrested and paceng the floor but do not growl…so then i relaised okay of corse he just do not want to share sherey with aneyone not even me his master….probabley he wuld be the same way about mara…..but then it occurs to me…this mite be a fun way to take caer of my problem….aneyways when i am thru fuckeng amanda i tell her now get you ass out of heer i do not want ot see you anymore except for one time and that is when i call you in cort when i sue that nigger rachel and the city of covington and kenton county….she crys and begs of corse but i just bakhand the bitch and down on the floor she goes…..this realey get thor excited and sudenley he lunge at her like he is goeng to tare her up but i stop him…no thor i saed….she is not you probelm boy she is her own probelm… she is cryeng and sayeng she loves me and will do aneytng i say and i say yes so why are you still with brian the bastard who be rapeng you own daghter that tels me just how fuckeng low down you realey are and then she saed well leann is a liar you can not beleve her and besides i do not love him i am just useng him…..he do not even fuck without viagra she saed….so i saed oh but you have be fuckeng him….well get out then…….

she finaley leve in tears and i take thor out for a walk and i tell him boy if you ever act like that to me agan i will kill you…you are the dog and i am the master…..get it…then i hit him hard on the snout and he whines and cowers on the ground….i know this mite sound cruel but you have to let you dog know who is boss…..besides i am good to thor… maney mans will make shur thaer dog gets all the pusseys he wants from womans……

speekeng of which later on in fact just a hour ago sherey come back to the hous and is all cleenup now and prettey weareng prettey sexey cloths…she stil acts timid thogh and wil not meet you gaze…when i first meet her she is reel haghtey and direct and proud and even bubbley…….well i wil lhave to work on that some..but aneyways she asked for my permisshon for her to be with thor for awhiel so i saed yes……you see i am not such a hard ass i just demand that i be give my due respect whether that be from a girl or from a dog……

so thay go on up and she suck thors dick and thor fuck her and all is fine with them now so thor is happey…….i give sherey some more of the stuff that she likes my own speshal secret formula and then she leves…….she walk quickley and do not look at aney one as thogh she is ashames of her selv which i gess she is thogh hell why wuld she thenk anyebodye wuld know aneytheng……

thor is shur happey now so i give him a treet and reeley i was feeleng a little bad about beeing so meen to him……what the hell i saed to myself he is just a dog he do not know aney besters…….but it is up to me to teech him and i will i just have to lern to be pashent that is all….

in the meentime a plan is formeng in my mind…i will get rid of thees fuckeng spiks…be may one at a time or be may all of them at onse but i will definteley get rid of thay asses.

Rachel Learns The Way It Is

wel i have a long talk today with this fuckeng nigger woman by the name of rachel who is amandas conselor or used to be thogh she do not know she hav a apoentment with me you see…..but the bitch have a apoentment al rite….when i walk in her offis she was sitteng thaer talkeng to som scum bag who is her client some nigger that i know is a drug deeler and he is redey to leve…..she give me this strange look and saes what is it you need mister shahiri…..

i can tel by lookeng in the bitches eyes she is afrad i am there to hurt her and she is incheng her fingers to the phone probabley to call securitey…..i tell her that this wil not take but a minut and then i will be gone….then i tel her i gess you have hear how leann have get in tuch with amanda have you…….

then i prodused the letter and the envelop it come in not the reel theng of corse as amanda have thees but i have made copees of them both just for this purpos…she look at them and then she reed the letters……you shuld have see the look on this bitches fase…

it is the same letter of corse that i tel about in a erlier blog post and which you can rede in its entiretey here

she saed i have no see amanda now for a few weeks she have not show up for our apoentments so she wil probabley be goeng back to jael you know that don’t you…..

i saed lissen to me nigger bitch…..becaus of you acuseng me of doeng sometheng wrong of being involve with amandas disapearanse she have finaley brake up with me so i do not know where she is……onley a coupel of weeks ago she had a buch of peppel attak me and beet me up thogh ihave a good idea youhave hear about this…tha tis all rit i will be fine….but as for knoweng whaer amanda is i do not know and i wuld not fuckeng tell you if i do…that is not what i am heer for…i am heer for a apologey…….

oh that and one other theng i added….i am goeng to sue you fuckeng blak ass…you and the city of covington kentucky and kenton county and whiel i am at it i may sue amareca for giveng you niggers equal rites…….now get the fuck out of heer…..she was about to explode and her eyes were wide and sudenley she spat and sputered and stamered but this is my offis……yeah that was pretty a stupid theng for me to say but i was just carred away by my feelengs at the moment….but dam if i was goeng to let this blak whore get aneytheng on me…..

it wil not be yu offis for long i saed not if a have my way in fact one of the terms of aney setelment will be you blak ass be fierd… enjoy you job whiel you haveit bitch you will not have it for long ipromis you that….so i go on out and she was shouteng after me you and fool i bet she call me a fool ten times and to go crawel bak under my sand dune……i thenk she call me a camel fucker to or be may it was a goat butby then i do not caer…everybodey heers her asault me verbaley thay do not heer me what i saed to her….at least i do not thenk thay do if thay do oh well too bad i do what i cometo do aneyways which is tellthe bitch off and makes her worey and i am shur i have do that much aneyways….

and maybe i will sue her….on the other hand i have be hearng so long abouthow good nigger pussey is be may i will give me some of that nigger pussey…..of corse i resentley herd that this fuckeng bitch rache lis a lesbian but hell that is fine with me….i do not intend for the bitch to enjoy it.

Mara Has A Nervous Breakdown

i went to massouds hous erley this morneng and he laed down the law to me….no he saed i can not marrey his daghter this isout of thr qwesteon and he do not caer what i threten him with as that is just the way it is…..i am not surprised at this in fact i was expecteng it……..i wil just give it some time he will evenshuialley agree to it…….i will dam shur see to that….in themeentime he is telleng me that mara is gettegn even worse seems with each passeng day she now is acteng like a little child escept never get out of be just lay there and stare into spase sometimes she talk and rambel incoharentley….somtimes she wil do this in english words sometimes in arab words sometimes she will mix them up ut never in aney kindof reel senstense and never make aney sense……..

he take me in to her room to see her and thaer she is and to mysurprise she acts like she do not recognise me and she is sayeng notheng……..he look at me strange and i am wondereng just what all he knows or at leest what he suspects…..but he saes notheng……she will probabley be al rite after so long i saed stop you worryeng and trust god……

that is easey for you to say he saed…….but aneyway back to what we was talkeng about… you can not marrey my daghter….i notis now he look at her funney and i can tell he is sayeng this now to get a reacshon from her but she do notheng but staer as before….then he saed on the other hand be may i will let you marrey her i thenk you would make her a good husband…..i will have to thenk some more about it….he look at her agan and still she have no reacshon not even the slitest little bit……..then he start talkeng about money and payeng me dubel money under the tabel……..all kind of thengs he try to talk about but no reacshon from mara…..but then he mention thaer son omar and sudenley she starts lokeng anxous and this worrey me....

i know we can talk aout how you have always be a filther disgust homosexer queiers and now that rahe is dead you are haveng homsexer queier affare with the immam…….yes he saed i gess i will go to see him today…..all of this and onley reachson from mara is she start sudden;ley rockeng back and forth sitteng up in her bed...

but grate lord god almitey allah always know when the bester time is to anser you prayers if you know how to lissen…..of corse this do not apply to masoud i like ot thenk that what happens next is grate lord god almitey allas way of sareng a little joke with me…….i gess he know i need cheereng up as acshaualley i am a little bit upset over massoud refuseng me permishon to marrey his daghter….

so what happens is sudenley there is the sound of a dog barkeng…i meen it is reeley loud and thogh it is down the street the waythe sound carreys it is like outside maras window….sudenley mara bolts satrate up in the bed and she starts scremeng her fool head off……a lod curdleng screemand after she give out from screem she strarts sobbeng and cryeng and then start screemeng agan…….

she was never afrade of dogs before he saed i do not know what tomake of this he saed sadley….be may the dog have notheng to do with it exxcept just the suden noese it make shoks her….no that is not it this is the forth or fifth time she has do that and always when a dog barks even most of thetime it is faent and far away…..i do not catch on until the last time she do it when it awas reeley loud…what do you thenk it culd meen…..

i do not know i saed but you bester put her away…but he saed i do not want to do that rite away until i have no choese……thenk of the scandal he saed…..boy do he ever not know even the half of it.......if he knew all the thengs that have go on and lead up to the final consclushon of my war with mara he would realey shit a brik......which you can rede about here

i have some thengs to do today i told him so i want to take the day off….he saed this is you day off aneyway and i saed well i just want to be shur….so i sad goodbye and as i leve i notised that suddenley mara was calm down and makeng no noese in fact was just like when i first come in there……..

as i leve i almost laugh out loud at my fool uncel….yes masoud i saed to myself by all meens nomatter what you can not aford aney scandals…..what a fuckeng hipocrit.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


i do a lot of posteng for mothers day and i gess that is becaus i miss more than aneytheng my own deseased mother.......this was a woman unlike aney that have ever live and verey few com close to her........thaer is melissa who i hav now lerneng to forget about but now god hav given me another one my cousin areanessa who i wil marrey one day and soon.......

my mother was a woman who wuld take no shit off of aney man includeng this be my father....yet she respected him and obayed him as a good wife shuld for what few yeers he was alive after thay marreed.......she was a good wife in everey way and everey meeneng of the word.......

she was ot perfect she had belong to a sect of witches pepels wo worship the old time god mans and god womans....the daghters of allah and som other god womans too and god mans from egypt and canan and babelon......thay were a smal but feered grup that travel the middel east in a caravan and thya were caled i theenk fajahalel.....but when she met my fatehr and he ask for her in marrage she leve them for good.....she make that choese even thogh she know that onse she leve she cannever go back to them.....

but after father died she stil continued her practises thogh she was a muslim too which the fafahalel are also muslims but stil are witches....she taght me much.......she taght me to enjoy life and live it to the fulest.....she saed that youdo not hav to abstane from aneytheng you enjoy except onley dureng ramadan..........

she taght me som magic and how to reed omar kayams arabian nights as a magical grimore....and like i saed she put up with no shit not from me or from aneybodey and yet she was kind and loveng and respectful of man and of me............

the picshur i hav tried to upload and i hope it works is not her.....but it is a verey close likeness of her.....i hapened acros it one day whiel on the internet...when she died when i was sixteen she left me no picshurs.....but this is like lookeng rite at her and back in time..........

happey mothers day then to her my mother rahalla sharakan shahiri......know that wherever you ae i love you and i miss yu deepley and look forward to the day i wil be with you in the hevens rite ther at the rite hand of god.

The Adventures Of Dr Diana York Blaine

i hav discovered a blog writen by a amarecan woman who is a colege profesor in usc which is univeristy of southern california. she is one of thees crazey ladeys who thenk that man have be opresseng womans and that everey student on her campus is responsibal for aney rape that happens. she insist that woman shuld have same rites as mans and be respected but she do not seem to thenk that womans shuld equaley respect mans…….evidentley she thenks that man owes womans and womans shuld run world… order to draw atenshon to her ignorant blog here and the ideas that she have she resentley put a bunches of picshurs of herselv showeng her tits…….her way of sayeng i gess that this is onley way of getteng mans attenshon so if that is what it takes for them to heer her she wil do this and then of corse she wil insults them for doeng what she knows in her mind thay will do….she is a fat cow of a woman reeley thaer is notehng prettey about her onse you get past her fase which is her best featur and that as well is forgetabal…….wel you can deside for youselv up above is the bitches picshur i do not know about you my dick is not exactley rock hard rite now form lookeng at it.

out of interest i engage her on her blog and the others that leve coments thaer but i quickley find out that if you do not agre with her she wil insult you and even she will take off your coments…… leest she hav do that to some of mine but not all of them…..i am asumeng that the ones she take off are those she can not dispute in a reasonabal way…..

for exampal in one of her latest posts she talks about how this ded animal is be layeng in the rode and rotteng for days and no one moves it and she has be seeing it everey day….then she goes on to describ how pepels are obsess with deth and how it is onley the weak in sosietey who are see as dead on televishons which of corse is a lot of fuckeng bulshit…..

then she goes on to say that womans shuld be in carge because man will always have wars that is thaer nature….wel i repsonded to this by telleng her that if mans in one cuntrey do not fite a war when it is necesarey that other cuntreys will attack them and then thay will either have to fite or be killed or be made slaves….be may then i told her you will be like that dead animal in the rode and no one will move you so you just lay thaer and rot and stenk up the plase……can you beleve she took off this thoght provokeng coment of mine……becaus she have no anser for it i say……..

in another coment by another poster the person was realey sayeng all kind of bulshit even more stupid than this doctor dianne and was critisising her for beeing too easey on mans and this one was sayeng that mans are no good and are infereor to womans and the onley theng wrong with womans is by not taken charge of the life thay breng into the world and all kinds of vile shit like this……..and sayeng that mother nature had make man infereor to womans and that man opresss womans to make up for it and all this shit….so i tell her you must be a reel speshal person to speek for mother nature and then i saed it is a good theng for mans that she will never be in charge of aneytheng…….

well that one stays on but another person a woman by screenname of poney comes on in respons to same coment and just you look at this bulshit she saed which i have copied and pasted heer……….

Men "are totally insignificant and unnecessary."

Look around you: The male of the species (with one or two iffy exceptions) is unnecessary except for propagation.

Lucky Nickel isn't the author of this. Mother Nature is.

now the onley reeson i hav poent this one out is because i posted a reply to this as well i saed you know that is funnee mans who hates womans him thenks all a woman is good for is for haveng bebees and be may cookeng and cleeneng and wateng on him and i thenk this too so be may you and i are not so difrant we are just two sides of the same coen.

okay now the poent is doctor diana take this resonabal coment of mine off but the one above she have leeve on thaer……so what in the hels do that tell you……i gess be may she thoght i was sayeng i hate womans but i do not meen that and i do not theenk that is the reeson aneyway…..becaus thaer is no reeson for the other posts she takes off of mine thaer was anotehr one too beside thees other two……

anotehr theng she wil do is she wil com on with another screen name for example she wil use a name like seaneen and insult me and call me a troll and accuse me of beeing a fake muslim and not reeley arab……

even she will accuse me of beeing a difrant person not just that but will say i am the same perosn as this one or that one for exampal another blogger who critisises her she wil say i am he……..of corse she is doeng this because she do not want her reeders to thenk that so maney pepel could possibley disagre with her ignorant poents so she try to let on like thay are all the same person…..

what get her goat is the person who starts all this is a athlete who acuses of rape and she was after him to get him and all of a suden charges are dismised aganst him for lack of evidence so now doctor diane blaine is mad and angrey at theworld and at all male students….plus she worships the moon and moon god womans just like amanda use to do before i make her stop this foolish shit…….she thenk she is grat and will be a big hero and even she do not have tenure which i poent out to her when she was makeng fun of the way i write thogh she do this under another name too……even if this is a difrant person of corse makes no difranse because thay are just wrong…..thay are wrong to acuse me of beeing sombodey else and wrong to make fun of my spelleng and wrong most espeshalley to take off my coments thogh that show how week she reeley is just a big mouth tryeng to prove herselv but just aotehr week woman who can not be aneytheng unmles she is teareng down mans…….

she is like a little girl reeley and i thenk be may that is the probelm that she mite have be fucked when a little girl be may by her father or som other older rleative and it hav fucked up her mind……thaer is somtheng wrong heer that for shur…….

for one theng thaer is no such theng as rape reeley………everytime i have to force myselv on a woman i can see that planeley…….it hav happened three or four times one time in england and other times with amanda…..the one in england was wanteng money and tryeng to leed me on but she push her luck with me too much…amanda i just tell her i do not want to heer no excuses i want some pussey… all thees times thay act like thay do not want me to fuck them and beg me not to but gess what……thay mouths saed no and so did thay eyes but thay pusseys saed yes yes muhammed pleese fuck me with that big hard cock of yours…..becaus the fuckeng pusseys are wet and quiverieng with desier…..all i have to do is hold them down and rub around and feel and lick on it for a whiel if it gets wet in is goeng the dick…..otherwise you can not fuck them not without hurteng them….that is why all mans know when a woman acuses man of rape if there is no teareng or bruseng down there then ther is no rape how culd ther be……is reeley a bunch of fuckeng bulshit.

My Revenge On Mara-Part Two

it was finaley time to go to massouds hous way past time acshualey i shold have go thaer much erleur but just too maneythengs i have to do and one of them end up takeng more time that it shold have…..but aneyways now i am ther and mara is breng home alredey……….how massoud mange this i do not know but you will be surprised what he can acomplish to keep other muslims from knoweng that his wife hav almost committed the shamful crime of suiside…..god is so good to me he is always thenkeng up ways to give me to put him under my thumb and the minut i see him i know he is hateng himselv for letteng me know this……he is alredey tryeng to bak out of this predicament…i was wrong about mara comiteng suiside he saed she just upset and need to get away for awhiel…shur i saed i beleve you massoud so what do you tell them to breng her home….he saed that she hav medical problem that requiers drugs and sometimes she take too much to make up for misseng doses…..this is bulshit of corse mara have no condishon and the doctors and hospitals will know this soon enof but massoud have deep pokets…..

then he is wanteng to still know what i have do to her and i saed notehg i do not know what she is talkeng about…..but i saed i want to talk to her in privat and that meens you no lisseneng in at the door so be may i can straten this up with her….yes okay i hope you can he saed because this is reeley bulshit muhammed he saed….so aneyways we go to her room and he saed mara are you awake and she do not anser and he saed mara wake up now and she saed i am awake…..then he saed muhammed want to talk with you…….she do not saed aneytheng…so i go in and he saed in whisper you bester treet her nise now and i saed i am always nise now stop you worryeng…..

so i go on in and i saed well you come clos to be sent permanent to the hells to day i heer…she saed notheng…whatyou thenk satan will say to you…be may happey mothers day dog fucker….then she look up and she saed how can i continue to live like this……i do not caer that i give you money…….even this vile theng you make me do i saed to myselv god will give me strenth to perseveer… is you are goeng to the hels not me for al thees thengs…..butyou crueltey last nite went beyond what i can baer……what you talkeng about i saed…and she saed the way you talk to me at the anchor grill practicaley advertiseng to everyone that i hav be haveng sexes with you dog and my own son….that was the final insult…..i cannot take it aney more…..i am sorrey i faeled to kill myselv….and i saed shut up ite thaer…….

but she is bak now to beeng the same old stuborn mara……i will say what i can say….i am not worreed about you no more…i send a letter off to massoud soon he will know eveytheng and then be may he will kill me and putme out of my misrey…be may it is bester this way…i know i just can not take this abuses no more….oh poor poor mara i saed…..i gess too bad you letter is comeng to my hous in case you forget whiel you there and i have you fuck up on date rape drug i have you sine a maels paper tohaveyu personal mael send to my hous…i gess you so fucked up you forget that….so no massoud will not know unles i show him the letter….and then she starts cryeng…..yes cry bitch i tel her…..but all is wel with me ihave my dog a new regular pease of pussey now and as long as youlive you will contunue to pay me what i tell you to….i do not thenk you are sereus about killeng you self…….if you do you will do it quick and no leve a note telleng you intenshons…but beleve me even if you kill you selv and sendyou sole to the hels my life is goeng to be just fine and dandey be may even shatan wil show you this from the hels……

sudenley the door come open and in come areanessa….are you okay mother she askes but i saed i thenk you mother is sleepeng now areanessa she just keep goeng in and out and makeng no sense i thenk she do not know what is goeng on….areanessa saed i hav no idea what is goeng on heer that thengs are so bad and i saed wel thengs wil be okay now we just hav to take caer of her……and then i saed i hav somtheng i hav to ask you and i reech out and put my arm around her sholders and she just fals up aganst me and my dick is hard all over agan….and i saed will you be my wife areanessa…and she saed you wil have to ask father and i saed oh beleve me you father is fine with it i have no asked him yet but i know he will saed yes………and areanesa then she saed wel if thatisthe case then thatisthat and yes i will marrey you of corse…buti saed that isnot good enof for me….i want to know if this is what you want because if not i do not want to feel likeyou are doeng it to justpleese you father….and she saed of corse i do and then we fall into eaches others arms and i start kisseng her and her me and sudenley i heer mara raseng up and groneng…….

and areanessa she jumps back and saed mother i gess you herd huh…do i hav you blessengs mother…me and muhammed we will be marreed…..mara was beside herselv and saedyou are cousins you cannot do that in this cuntrey and i saed we wil just move to a state whaer we can and then come bak and marrage wil be legal that is all…….

all this time areanessa is pusheng up aganst this big hard cock of mine and she saed do not worrey mother eveytheng wil be al rite you wil see….you get some rest now…….so we go out me behind areanessa and my cock just goeng crazey wnateng to get at her al over agan but i know fo rthis to work i hav to wate until we are marreed…….god dam it….

but as we go out i turn to mara who is leeneng up in her bed now and i tell her happey mothers day mara…….i smile at her with my hatefulest smart alek smile and she do not say aneytheng ut as i go out i heer her sobbeng.

Thor Meets His New Soul Mate

well i finaley make it home and there is thor everytime i come in aneymore he look all around like he is hopeng i will be bringeng sombodey else in with me but when he do not see aneybodye he get all depress and lay down with is chin on his paws and giveng me a sad and mornful look………you will get you some pusseys soon boy i promis you just give it some time…….probabley not tonite thogh i am theenkeng because i am a hour late getteng home form all the bulshit time i wast with fuckeng linda and brandy so now sherey have probabley come and go… i call her hous thogh i thenk she probabley will not come now but noboedy ansers the phone aneyways……..but as luck will have it knok knok knok comes to my door and i open it up and there is sherey…..she saed she have be wateng for me down the street and see me comeng in……mother told me i can see you she saed and i saed yes i know i have a present for you for mothers day and she saed i am not a mommey yet but i smiled and saed oh but you will be some day…….she hugs me and saed what is the present and i saed heer is you a cell phone all you own i buy it for you erleur and she saed oh thank you babey..then she trys to make small talk and saed have you herd from omar and i saed no and hopefulley i never will and then i asked her how is your mother…she saed oh she is high agan i knew her beeng off drugs wold not last long and she get bak on them even faster than she usualey do……

then i sad lissen sherey there is a proelm….you shuld not have lied about your age to me you know i saed… teld me you are seventeen and com to find out you are onley fifteen…that meens we have to wate three whol yeers before i can make love to you the way i want to………i dont caer to wate she saed you are worth wateng for…… i fix her a drenk and i saed oh we can still do thengs just ot go all the way i saed… i spike her drenk of corse and she is drenkeng it and is getteng hot and drunk and i am telleng her you play with thor now whiel i go and take a shower and she saed shur…so i go and take a shower and then i get out and there she is and thor is getteng hot and horney and she is sayeng i thenk you dog like me and she say it like it is a joke and i saed i do not blame him and start maken out with her and i feel al over her and pressenmy hard dick all over her and then i start suckeng on her and she saed pleese fuk me babey i wont tell but i am thenken bulshti she is fucked up al rite she wuld never dare try to take this big cock of mine if she were strate as i can tell this girl is a virgin……which meen of corse she is perfect for my needs….so i start to fake cry and saed i can not do this it is not rite but i want you have you needs satisfide but still i will not shaer you with anotehr man i simpley refuse to do that….so she is getteng frustratd and saed well what is there to do then……so i just spat it out…….

i want you to let thor fuck you…what she saed….that is the perfect solushon i explane to her…that way i will not get in trobel fo rfuckeng you and my conshus will be cleer of this evil….at the same time you can be satisfide without me haveng to shaer youwith another man….and she saed oooohhh…that is nastey…this is what you nat all the time rite……and i saed no not all the time but i have be thenkeng it sinse i find out you true age……. it is perfect solushon….also i will watch you and it will make me love you that much more…who culd not love a girl that will give his dogs pusseys i saed……..what bester love can thaer be from a woman to her man than this…….she ask me fo ranothr drenk and so i give it to her and give her a dubel dose of this reeley good shit that will make a woman reel horney but not pass her out…….is reeley good shit to put in whiskey and mixes drenk or rum which is what i have giveng her by the way with coke……so she finaley saed okay if that is what you wont and she laed down and heer come thro panteng like a maniac……..

so he fucked her good thogh it was hard for him because she is a virgin and i do not thenk fo rawhiel he was goeng to get it in but finaley he do and i can tell sherey is reeley loveng this shit she is scremeng and shouten cuss words and moaneng and even one time she saed oh i love you reel loud which make me lauf…thor of corse he is panteng and whineng and then reel soon h is throgh but he is stuck in her pussey and i have to pull him out….but he have scraped her with his claws and brengs blood and i saed god dam thor what the hell is wrong wth you boy…….but is not his fault reeley poor theng he just get stuck in her because her pussey is so tite……

so he look back and thaer is sherey pulleng on her cloths and sayeng i can not beleve i do that……she saed you still want me to suck you dick and i saed yes but it toolate now i promis youmother i wuld not keep you out too late so heer is you some money go call you a cab and i will call you in a few days and she saed you promis….i saed yes so she get dress and kisses me and leves… make me sick to kiss this bitch whor now but i have to put on aperanses so i go along with it…i wuld have kind of like fo rher to suck my dick but i was rit about te time and besides thor wil want his dck to be sucked too if he see this and i do not want to push my luck…..

so she call the cab on her new cell phon and i saed tell them to meet you downthe street you shuld not be see heer this late espeshaley by cab pepels and others aorund she saed okay then…i just want to get herotof heer in case areanesa come by i do ot want her to see her heer… she gos on….

then i look at thor and i tell him well now i hope you are happey you finaley get you some pussey….he just look at me and i swer he look like he smileng as he wag his tong then sudenley he is paweng at the door….and then i realised god dam all this time i forget you have not be to the bathroom in hours i gess that what he was lookeng at the door for after i first come in….stil yet when time for pusseys he forget all about pisseng….i have me a reel sex addict dog on my hands bu ti dont caer it is fun to watch him fuckeng a woman….the onely problem is i am starteng to thenk that be may reeley all he is good for….but fuck it is sometheng aneyways……

by the time i take him outside he is straneng on him leesh and when we get to the park he pisseng and then shitteng so i have to cleen it up……..oh well i thenk when you have a dog that is just some of the shit you have to put up with.

A Woman Of My Dreams

when i leeve erlanger i start beeng nagged by the thoghts of this fuckeng woman i have be in love withfor some time and that is melissa…..this is the onley woman i have ever wanted who have be telleng me she will fuck me when the hells freeze over…..okay sinse i have ben honest abouthtat i will go ahed and admit thaer have been a few others who have be teld me this but thay do not count…..i either do not want them aneyways or i know that i can get them with no trobel at all or all i wanted aneyways was to fuck them but no big deel….but this melisa is in a all together digrant categorey from thees others this dam woman i reeley love and at the same time she causes me to act like a fuckeng little ideotic schulboy when i am around her….

so i deside to ignore my fears and i go to main street and eighth street whaer her mother betsy lives with her boyfrend who name is scott i thenk but aneyways i go to the store thaer on the corner and stand outside there llike a dumbass hopeng for a sine of her but not knoweng what i will say if i do see her and so i am wanteng to see her and dredeng it at the same time…..

now this store there it use to be call somtheng like kimeys corner or somtheng like that but now it is some witches plase i thenk or so i have heerd and i am worreed about this too after all amanda use to be a with before imake her stop the foolishnes because thay reeley mess up er life but now i am worreed that melissa will b sucked into this shit……she alredey a theef even i let her come in uncel massouds store and steel all the time and she thenks i do not know she doeng this but the whol familey is theefs….yes i know i am a fool what can i say that is the curs of love for you…….

so aneyways up the rode come fat asses betsy her motehr and her sister tifaney who is lookeng like she culd just as soon knok me down as look at me i gess because of time in store i blurt out to melissa i want to get me a pease of that pussey……

i speek to them but thay just look at me funney and nod and i saed ehaer is melissa you know me dont you and betsey saed melissa her is not with us aneymore……i feel a lump in my throt and my hart senks dow and i saed you do not meen she is ded do you and thay look at me funney and betsey saed who is you aneyways and then tifaney saed he is that man at the arabs store and betsey saed oh…….

then tifaney she look funney and she start to saed somtheng but betsey stop her and say come on reel sternley like so she saed bye and thay go on up the staers to thaer apartment….so heer i am feeleng foolish and stupid and sad……..but no i am thenkeng now that thay are just meeneng that she have moved away and her have a man now at leest that is what i hope as i am goeng back to my van……..sudenley i heer this sound hay massoud and i turn around to look and wondeeng who the hell this is culd it be melissa but a var pull up and i see no it is not melissa it is my fukeng cousin areanesa….what in the hell areanesa i saed i thoght you are in school wha you doeng heer but then i remember uncel massoud tells me erleur today that she is comeng home and then i wonder if she have herd the news about her mother……..

so i tell her i call myselv muhammed now how are you doeng and she pul up and get out of the car and i look at her and i get a big fuckeng hard on and all of a suden i am forgeteng all about melissa if i have be typeng this as it happens probabley i wuld not even remember her fuckeng name and it all i can do to keep from recheng out and grabbeng her….to make matters wors she grab me and gve me a hug and my dick is rageng like it is an animal wih a will of it own and tryeng to brake out of my pants to get at her as i presseng it up aganst her…..she stil keep on huggeng….she saed oh how big you are muhammed…then she look at me and saed you mussels i meen as she grab my arm and i am goeng to cum on my selv aney minut now if i dont do somtheng to control myselv i am thenkeng….

will you be a fathers hous later i saed and i saed yes but i want you to come by and see me somtime i saed beofre you go back to school and she saed okay i will and sudenley we are just standeng here lookeng at eaches other and i can not talk and she can not talk and sudenley it hits me that this is fate was ment ot be……heer i am go to see the woman i love or thenk i do and sudenley god have presents me with the woman he want me to have…..

thay have found mother she saed she is in bad shape from takeng poeson but is alive……..pepel at motel saed she is acteng strange and check on her and find her unconshess…..oh shit i saed what have she saed and she saed notheng she have nto come to yet… i am thenkeng okay then heer is yet another item on my agenda that i do not count on so fuckeng areanesa will have to wate……..

well i will try to come by later i saed i have bester get out of heer but i will se youlater i love you areanesa i saed to her and she smieled and saed i love you too muhammed and i am glad you call you selv this now and not massoud that is too much like wuld be when with my father she saed and smiled and thatfuckeng did it i start comeng all overmyselv….are you alrite she saed and i saed oh i am fine and she whispers bye and gets in the car and drive away and thaer i stand with cum all over my pants…..

this woman my cousin is goeng to be mother of my child the sines are all there and on motehrs day at that……

Amandas Mothers Day Present

so then i make it to loueses hous even thogh i am runneng late and i knok on the door and louese open it up and smileng but boy do the smile go away quik when she see me standeng thaer……i know i have to make it fast…….when you see amanda tell her she have a mothers day card from leann i teld her… just come last nite and i am be tryeng to call her but have no luck…..then i saed thank you and start to walk off but she saed wate a minit……..

so i turn and she saed i am sorrey for what happened the other nite i swaer i do not know that brian folows me so i know she is lyeng but i play along and aks her how do he know and she saed she gess that her daghter overheer her talkent to me on the phone and call him and tell him……i know she is lyeng and probabley brian make her set me up by threteneng to take her kids but i let it go for now i can always get my revenge on her later……

but she is begeng me to forgive her and sayeng she love me and want me back and pleese come in and stay with her awhiel….so i saed okay i tell you what you will do now if you want me to stay you will first call amanda and tell her i am not heer now but that i come by and breeng her this theng from leann and i will hide when she come to get it….she agreed so i come in and thaer are her kids and thay giveng me thees dirtey looks and she is telleng them to go up the staers and do not come down until she tell them….the little bitch daghter of hers go stompeng up and the son rite behind her…..

then she saed why do you tell my son i mite give him some pusseys one of thees days and i saed because you are if you reeley want me to be with you…….plus i teld her you have to let me watch and also after me and her fuck i tell her i want her daghter to suck the pussey cum off my dick…..she tels me you are a meen man muhammed and i saed that is what you get for betrayeng me…..and she saed well i can not agree to that….and i saed okay then we will do this…we will make the two of them fuck and we will both watch them…….hell i saed i will even film it and we can sit back and pop some orvil redenboker popcorn and watch it from time to time….why are you so meen muhammed you know i can not do thees thengs it is disgusteng……..thees are my childern…and she is cryeng and stuff and i saed okay we will forget it for now but you just do what i tell you now… she calls amanda and tells her by leves her a message and then i fuck her on the tabel like the last time…and the goddam tabel it fall agan worser than the last one……..even i fuck her fast this time for onley twentey minit and i try not to satisfy her like i do the last time so she is still hot as the hells….she is wanteng more and i saed i want you daghter to suck this pussey cum off my dick….she saed okay…just like that…..her bodey is stil qwivereng with wanteng me but for now i am thenkeng the mane theng is i have got to put thees kids of hers in thay plases…….

so she is goeng up the staers and still no cloths on to get her daghter but sudenley the door bell rengs and it is amanda so she go to the door and is reeley mad now beeng frustrates at not be fucked enogh and be interfeers with this by amanda but i saed let her in…so she opens the door and amanda come in and sees me and her obveosley be fuckeng and she saed you son of a bitch what you doeng heer what is this lie about leann……

it not a lie i saed i get it in the mael yesterday and have be tryeng to reech you ever sinse then and she saed i know i see the caller id whaer is this card and so i saed it is heer…..i hand it to her and you shuld have see the look on her fase……i was worreed she wuld not recognise leans handriteng like most mothers because amanda is a no good as a mother but she recognises it and sudenley she brakes down and crys….now what do you have to say bitch……i am sorrey babey i do not beleeve you it is rachels fault rachel of corse beeng her conselor……

i am goeng to kill that motherfucker she saed now madder than hell at what leann have saed about brian…i saed you do what you hav to do i am thru with you aneyways i saed and then i saed and as for you if you want some more dick is like i teld you before you son is up thaer go and fuck him……so i leve and thay are begeng me to come bak and i saed to them happey mothers day bitches.

My Deal With Shereys Mother

so sinse i am runneng late now i have a decsion to make shuld i go to amandas hous or shuld i go to shereys hous and i desided i would let the telephone make my decision for me….i call amanda agan butshe not home….i call louese agan but she stil not home wither….so off i go to shereys hous and woudent you kow it she is not home either i gess i shuld have call her to but it do not matter i get to meet shereys mother who i will call marey……..this woman she look like she have b burned up bad somtime or anotehr in a fire and luckeyto be alive exsept shemay not feel that way when she look in the mirror……i almost feel ashame to tell her happeymothers day and she saed thank you but i can tell she is thenkeng what is good about it……i see picshurs of little ruthey who of corse she do not know whaer she is and never will but this picshur is not good i will have to do somtheng to get rid of that….but aneyways i am getteng off the subject…….when i tell her who i am of corse she is wanteng to blame me for omars acshons and demandeng that i find him or tell her whaer he and rthey are if i know and if corse i know everytheng but naturaley can not tel her this….i told her just wanted to lether know w are doeng eveytheng we can to find them and inthemeentime i notis thaer is a man in a picshur a yung man and she saed this was her son larey who is a solder in iraq…….god bless him i saed and i meen this to…. am thankful for all the bravve solders who risk thaer lives to breng freedom to arab pepels thaer and hope for the day when thay will be willeng to fite and die to free pepel in syria which is my cuntrey……

she look strange at me when i saed this and i thenk be may i mite have saed the wrong theng because she saed i want my son to come hom from this dam war……this woman i can tell have lived a hard life her husband hav be murdered by masked thugs who bakes in on them qwite a few yeers ago and she have a hous full of cildern and otehrs who have be grone and now she is left with sheey who is yungest and she is wondereng what i am doeng with her…….what do sherey see in you she ask and i realise then that sherey is sayeng thengs about me and she can tell sherey is in lov with me………

so i turn my back to her and i saed this is what she wants and i turn around with my dick out and she gasps……and then i will it to get hard as a fuckeng rock and she is standeng thaer stareng at all eaghteen inches of it….and she saed to me i wil have you know that my daghtr is not a hore and what is more she is onley fiteen yeers old and i am thekeng oh shit she told me she was seventeen……and she saed you put that bak in you pants and get the hell out of heer an dont come back heer and you stay the hel away from my daghter……

so i saed oh okay just wate a minit i need to loosen my pants up to get it bak in and as i saed this i put my hands in my pokets and then pul them out and as i do so i make shur that out comes the next theng i want her to see and of corse i saed oh no now what is that doeng in my pokets ilook al over fo rthis and haveit in my pokets the whol time……what it is of corse if a bag ful of heroin ut i do not have to tell her that sudenley her eyes are forgeteng all about my dick which is stil outan dfocused o this high grade heroin i have get from hamil…….

this was what i was goeng to givc you for happey mothers day i teld her but i hess you are not intrested in it and she saed oh wate a minit now i wil pay you for it if you wil and i saed th eonley theng i want is you daghter sherey i am in lov with her and you must let me see her and say notheng….and she saed you thenk i wil sell you my dahgter for heroin…….i can tel of corse if i tel her to boel her daghter alive rite now she wil do it for this heroin but you still have to aproch thees situashons with a little fines otherwise youculd be fased with a baklash later on…..

do not look at it that ways i saed i am goeng to be good to you daghter and am not even takeng her away from you she wil still be heer with you lke always in the meentime i just want to see her from time to time until i can marrey her when she turn aigtheen…..even after that she wil stll be heer i willnot be taken her off somwhaer……plus also i will stil tryto help youfind little ruthey if that is possibel…….

of corse she finaley agreed to this even thogh she acteng like she is aganst it…….so i sat thaer with her and fix her up and i tel her now you be shur and tel sherey i want to see her tonite for motehrs day i have a speshal somtheng to tell her and she agreed….

now heer is the crazeist part of all…come to find out the reeson sherey was not thaer is because she on her way to corner stone…i probabley just miss her as i leveng thar with cristena who i hope she do not see me with….but aneyways i thenk now this is goeng to be one hel of a good mothers day……

A House Of Devils

on my way over to erlanger i deside okay this is a good oportunitey to first i wil stop at this plase is know by name of corner stone…this is a plase it is a christean plase that is run for kids by thees pepels that are good pepel or seem to be and thay try to get kids off the street and have them living good lives….i thenk thay are more to it than that but until i know otherwises i will take thay at thaer word……..aneyways i go in thaer and se no sine of brandey this stupid fuckeng devil posessed bitch even thogh i kno that she goes heer sometimes…….but no ther is notheng heer but childrens for the most part and some of thay parents……..i askes this big fat bitch have you see brandey and sudens come up to me this prettey yung woman her name is cristena and she tells me that she is brandeys sister and what do i want with her…oh just to talk to her i saed….she gives me this suspishus look but i dont caer this little bitch is makeng my dick get hard just by loodeng at her and she notises is and is bretheng hevey and hard and i know she wants fucked rite this minit……… it tel her my name and sudens she smiels and saed okay come on i wil take you to her she teld me about you a few weeks ago she have be askeng if i know you….i almost fall over rite thaer when she teld me this becaus i have no idea aobut this last nite was first time i have ever talkeng to this crazey bitch so sh have be stakeng me tryeng to find out thengs aobut me fo rher spik frends who are mad becaus i kill thaer frend when he try to rob my uncels store……

but aneyways this woman at the plase was teleng her plese come back now you do not have to go do you and she is giveng me this suspishus look even thogh her is tryeng to act like she do not even see me and i saed to her do not worrey i will send her bak to you in one pease after i have it that is……i saed this in a way cristena do not heer this but the woman do and she gasp but sayeng notheng…yes i know i can be a reel ashole sometimes but i like ot get reacshons from thees fuckeng pepel andlook on her fase make it worth make her mad like be may her have a stroke or somtheng….

aneyways cristena is a gorgus little bitch and is telleng me brandey is needs a good frend and i am thenkeng okay be may she is beeng honest or be may she notis bulge in my pants i can not wate for her to see how big my dick can get when it reeley get all the way hard…….but i change my mind reel quik when this little nigger com runneng up to us and saed cristena whaer are you goeng and she introdus us and tells me this is her boyfrend and i am sayeng okay so much for that shit i am not fuckeng aney woman that have be fuckeng a nigger that is reeley low…….but that is always my reacshon first off in her case i be may make an excepshon…aneyways he deside he wil tag along but she tels him she can not go in to her mothers apartmentbut she wil be bak out soon…….so we go in to her mothers apartment acros stret on madison from rite aid and next to a funral home and as we goeng up the stpes she is askeng are i a mslim and i am sayeng yes and what have you and she is hot i can tel but she hides it prettey good is not one of thees womans that get so honey she can not funcshon thogh she stil get as horney as aney woman get horney if that make aney sense…..

so aneyways i meet linda and thaer is another girl thaer name of jamey and she is holdeng a little nigger who is tryeng to get down so she finaley lets this theng go which i do not know is whether a boy or a girl all i know is a nigger that is more than enogh for me……this of corse is brandeys kid but she have sined it ove to jamey who is the middel sister of thees three cristena beeng the yungest and brandey beeng the oldest one…..but linda is talkeng to me and askeng me questeons and she is obveousley workeng on a big drunk and every now and then is hollereng brandey brandey……but brandey wil not get out of the bed…….so i talkeng to linda and soon an hour passes by and by now cristena has be left and jamey is getteng redey to go with the nigger kid and i am thankeng okay god dam i hav got to get out of here because this woman is just sayeng the same thengs over and over and over agan and every now and then talk about what a bitch brandey is…….one time she told me brandey put on a good act but the next theng you know she wil take out you eyebals and eat them like thay are grapes….

in the meentime she is poreng beer and poreng me beer and i am sittng and drenkeng but tryeng not to drenk too much… she get around to akseng me about what i want with brandey do i in love with her and i saed no we just frends……i thenk this make her as mad as if i wold tel her no i want to fuck this bitch dauter of yours…..probabley because she thenk i am lyeng aobut it… the meentime first one and another persons is comeng in and out this old nigger man name of larry who she starts to fite with but is reeley seems like a nise man for a nigger…….still i am thenkeng god dam heer i am in the middel of a hous full of nigger lovers…….then another one come in a white woman name of jeaney i thenk her is linda be her sister……

finaley brandey come in and saed what do you want and linda bitch her out for beeng rude………finaley brandey her saed okay what do you want onley beeng smart ass by sayeng it nise way this time….oh i just come to wish you a happey mothers day you are that was you babey heer with one name of jamey was it..she just look down and look sad and saed yes whaer do it go why do jamey leve and linda is now bitcheng at her for sayeng this and why do she not get up if her do not stay up and run around all nite her culd have be seeng it and some mother you are and even on it be mothers day……

so aneyway i saed heer you go heer is two hundrd dollars and everybodey fase thay get shok look on thay fases……hay thanks muhammed brandey saed and have a big smiel on her fase like her is sinserley grateful…..i saed oh that is al rite i wil take you out to eat som nite but i have a lot of thengs to do tonite……..i saed that is for beeng my frend…..and linda saed now wate a minut just how good a frend…..and i saed oh she is goeng to help me make amends with some frends of mine i have falleng out with in fact she has be doeng that for some time now…of corse this is a lie she is goeng to help me all rite to kill thees fuckeng spiks and this is just what you call a down payment…….

so i tell her be shur and get you mother somtheng good for mothers day and she saed yeah rite like what some more beer and cigarats………so now linda is cusseng brandey and at same time talkeng frendley to me and askeng me to stay and have some food and to tell you the truth in a way i wish i could have bcecaus thaer is a lot of good food on the stove it smells good aneyways…but no i do not have time i have more yet to do and i am runneng late……so i finaley am taereng myself away from thaer and everybodey is telleng me by and now brandey is walkeng out behind me sayeng give me a ride lets go for a ride…i swer this woman is sometheng like twentey seven yeers old and in a way is mind like a child…….so i tel her soon we wil make our plans to get thees fuckers and remember that money i igve you thaer is more whaer that com from as long as you dont try to betray me…..

she promised she wold help me and look like this hurt her feelengs because i do not trust her but hell it is hard to trust somone this crazey espeshal when thay tell you thay want you dick in a bottel of alcohol……

on my way over to erlanger i deside okay this is a good oportunitey to first i wil stop at this plase is know by name of corner stone…this is a plase it is a christean plase that is run for kids by thees pepels that are good pepel or seem to be and thay try to get kids off the street and have them living good lives….i thenk thay are more to it than that but until i know otherwises i will take thay at thaer word……..aneyways i go in thaer and se no sine of brandey this stupid fuckeng devil posessed bitch even thogh i kno that she goes heer sometimes…….but no ther is notheng heer but childrens for the most part and some of thay parents……..i askes this big fat bitch have you see brandey and sudens come up to me this prettey yung woman her name is cristena and she tells me that she is brandeys sister and what do i want with her…oh just to talk to her i saed….she gives me this suspishus look but i dont caer this little bitch is makeng my dick get hard just by loodeng at her and she notises is and is bretheng hevey and hard and i know she wants fucked rite this minit……… it tel her my name and sudens she smiels and saed okay come on i wil take you to her she teld me about you a few weeks ago she have be askeng if i know you….i almost fall over rite thaer when she teld me this becaus i have no idea aobut this last nite was first time i have ever talkeng to this crazey bitch so sh have be stakeng me tryeng to find out thengs aobut me fo rher spik frends who are mad becaus i kill thaer frend when he try to rob my uncels store……

but aneyways this woman at the plase was teleng her plese come back now you do not have to go do you and she is giveng me this suspishus look even thogh her is tryeng to act like she do not even see me and i saed to her do not worrey i will send her bak to you in one pease after i have it that is……i saed this in a way cristena do not heer this but the woman do and she gasp but sayeng notheng…yes i know i can be a reel ashole sometimes but i like ot get reacshons from thees fuckeng pepel andlook on her fase make it worth make her mad like be may her have a stroke or somtheng….

aneyways cristena is a gorgus little bitch and is telleng me brandey is needs a good frend and i am thenkeng okay be may she is beeng haunest or be may she notis bulge in my pants i can not wate for her to see how big my dick can get when it reeley get all the way hard…….but i change my mind reel quik when this little nigger com runneng up to us and saed cristena whaer are you goeng and she introdus us and tells me this is her boyfrend and i am sayeng okay so much for that shit i am not fuckeng aney woman that have be fuckeng a nigger that is reeley low…….but that is always my reacshon first off in her case i be may make an excepshon…aneyways he deside he wil tag along but she tels him she can not go in to her mothers apartmentbut she wil be bak out soon…….so we go in to her mothers apartment acros stret on madison from rite aid and next to a funral home and as we goeng up the stpes she is askeng are i a mslim and i am sayeng yes and what have you and she is hot i can tel but she hides it prettey good is not one of thees womans that get so honey she can not funcshon thogh she stil get as horney as aney woman get horney if that make aney sense…..

so aneyways i meet linda and thaer is anotehr girl thaer name of jamey and she is holdeng a little nigger who is tryeng to get down so she finaley lets this theng go which i do not know is whether a boy or a girl all i know is a nigger that is more than enogh for me……this of corse is brandeys kid but she have sined it ove to jamey who is themiddel sister of thees three cristena beeng the yungest and brandey beeng the oldest one…..butlinda is talkeng to me and asken me questeons and she is obveousley workeng on a big drunk andevery now and thn i hollereng brandey brandey……but brandey wil not get out of the bed…….so i talkeng to linda and soon and hour passes by and by now cristena has be left and jamey is getteng redeyto go with the nigger kid and i am thankeng okay god dam i hav go tto get out of her because this woman is just sayeng the same thengs over and over and over agan and every now and then talk about what a bitch brandey is…….one time she tled me brandey put on a good act but he next theng you know she wil take out you eyebals and eat them like thay are grapes….

in t emeentime she is poreng beer and poreng me beer and i am sittng and drenkeng bu ttryeng not to dren too much… she fget around to akseng me about what i want with brandey do i in love with her and i saed no we just frends……i thenk this make her as mad as if i wold tel her no i want to fuck this bitch dauter of yours…..probabley because she thenk i am lyeng aobut it… the meentime first one and anotehr persons is comeng in and out this old nigger man name of larry who ste starts to fite with but is reeley seems like a nise man for a nigger…….still i am thenkeng god dam heer i am in the middel of a hous full of nigger lovers…….thenanotehrone come in a white woman name of jeaney i thenk her is linda be her sister……

finaley brandey come in and saed what do you want and linda bitch her out for beeng rude………finaley brandey her saed okay what do you want onley beeng smart ass by sayeng it nise waythis time….oh i just com to wish you a happey mothers day you are that was you baey heer with one name of jmaey was it..she just look down and lok sad and saed yes whaer do it go why do jamey leve and linda is now bitcheng at her for sayeng this and why do she not get up if er do not stay up and run around al nite her culd have be seeng it and some mother you are and even on it be mothers day……

so aneyway i saed heer you go heer is two hundrd dollars and everybodey fase thay get shok look on thay fases……hay thanks muhammed brandey saed and have a big smiel on her fase like her is sinserley grateful…..i saed o thatis al rite i wil take you outot eat som nite but i have a lot of thengs to do tonite……..i saed that is for beeng my frend…..and linda saed now wate a minut just how good a frend…..and i saed oh she is goeng ot help me maje amends with som frends of mine i hav falleng out with in fact she has be doeng that fo rsome time now…of corse this is a lie she is goeng to help me al rite to kil thees fuckeng spiks and this is just what you cal a down payment…….

so i tel her be sur and get you mtiher somtheng good for mthers day and she saed yeah rite like what some more beer and cigarats………so now linda is cusseng brandey and at same time takeng frendley to me and askeng me to stay and have some food and to tel yout he turt in a way i wish io culd have bcecaus thaer is a lot of good food on the stove it smels good aneyways…but no i do ot have time i have more yetot do and i am runneng late……so i finaley am tareng myself away from thaer and everybodey is telleng me by and now brandey is walkeng out behind me sayenng give me a ride lets go for a ride…i swer this woan is sometheng like twentye seven yeers old and in a way is mind like a child…….so i tel her soon we wil make ourplasn to ge tthees fuckers and remember that moneyi igve you thaer is more whaer that com from as long asyou dont try to betray me…..

she promised she wold help me and look like this hurt her feelengs because i do not trust her but hell it is hard to trust somone this crazey espeshal when thay tell you thay want you dick in a bottel of alcohol……

thers day and she saed yeah rite like what some more beer and cigarats………so now linda is cusseng brandey and at same time takeng frendley to me and askeng me to stay and have some food and to tel yout he turt in a way i wish io culd have bcecaus thaer is a lot of good food on the stove it smels good aneyways…but no i do ot have time i have more yetot do and i am runneng late……so i finaley am tareng myself away from thaer and everybodey is telleng me by and now brandey is walkeng out behind me sayenng give me a ride lets go for a ride…i swer this woan is sometheng like twentye seven yeers old and in a way is mind like a child…….so i tel her soon we wil make ourplasn to ge tthees fuckers and remember that moneyi igve you thaer is more whaer that com from as long asyou dont try to betray me…..

she promised she wold help me and look like this hurt her feelengs because i do not trust her but hell it is hard to trust somone this crazey espeshal when thay tell you thay want you dick in a bottel of alcohol……

Mara Runs Away And Plans Suicide

wel i have no sooner start calleng around to try and find amanda and then louese and so far no luck findeng either one then i get a call from my uncel massoud with some bad news in fact it could be devastateng news….mara has go away she has run off and have leved him a letter sayeng that by the time he get this letter she will be dead……oh no that is not the half of it…..i ask him what is goeng on and he saed that omar call her from somewhaer last nite whiel we are out to wish her a happey mothers day and he told him he is not to speek with her and not to call bak and then he make the mistake of telleng her this……so she is distraut over this as if omar have not cause her enogh probelms as it is…..she leev last nite and also in the note she leev she tell him he shold get rid of me for good i am no good and that she is goeng to send him a letter telleng him evereytheng…..

now i do not caer about this last part….it so happens that whiel i have her in my hous fucked up on the date rape drug i talk her into sineng a mael card to have all her privat maels transfers to my hous i teld her as long as she is heer it is bester this way that way massoud will not know if omar try to contact her……it was easey to talk her into this whiel she was fucked up and after it was over with she have forgets all about it…so whatever letter she sends to massoud is comeng strate to me……

but in the meentime massoud suspishons are arouse and he is askeng me now just what the hels do you do to my wife and i tel him oh stop you worryeng do you like the way she was treteng you…..and he saed of corse not but what do you do to make her change and i saed i do what i do…….

he saed wel i do not know whether to thank you or to kill you and i saed well why not compromise….he saed how the hels do you compromise on sometheng like this… i explane to him you know just forget about killeng me and you do not have to thank me…….probelm is i can tell he is worreed and i thenk he is reeley serous about sayeng this……but he saed well if you heer aneytheng pleese let me know my dauter is comeng home from school and i do not know what i am goeng to tell her about this……

wel tell her i saed hello and i will see you later i will be over somtime today but first i have somtheengs i have to take caer of and i cant get out of it……..reeley i theenk he is cryeng becos thogh mara is a bitch and reeley tryed to make him under her thumb he do love her and is even wanteng to have more childern by her acordeng to her aneyways…….which is somtheng else i have to do today is find some more womans to give pusseys to thor my dog sinse i am now afrade that mara if her is still fuckeng massoud who is a filther disgust homosexer queiers will give my poor dog aids……

so aneyways i am off i have a lot of thengs to do today………

A Mothers Day Card From Leann

this has be a happey mother day for some pepels but not so good for some others…..but i deside that even thogh happey mothers day do not reeley meen aneytheng to a muslim or at leest is not tradishonal for muslim or in the quran i decide what the hell…….this will be a good way and a apropreate way for me to make amends to some pepels and also a good time to try to mend some fenses as thay say heer in amareca…..and the first item on my agenda is amanda i have desided for some time now that i have to do someteng to make this shit rite between me and her over her little nigger lover dauter leann but almost change my mind after she have brian and his frends beet me up theotehr nite…..but after i get to thenkeng about it i realise that no now is even a bester reeson to try to make this theng rite with her…….and shur enugh hamil he come thru for me,,,when i finaley get thru goeng thru yesterday mael last nite i see a postcard in a envelope and is adressed to heer and to amanda and gess who it is from yes it is from leann……of corse you know i am goeng to open this up and reed it and make shur she do not try to do aneytheng trickey….so aneyway heer is what she saed…..and as much as i hate to take this time i will try to copey it word for word hell be may it will help me in my spelleng as i have be make plane to me i have a long way to go yet even thogh mohammed my conselor do say i have be getteng bester….aneyway heer is the letter in its entiretey……

i am not messeng with thees fuckeng captol letters thogh……..

dear mother

happy mothers day to you it is me leann. i hope you are okay and havent been worreed about me. i am sorry to run away like i did but i cant stand the idea of going back to live with daddy. i would rather die and when you told me i had to go back i actually thoght about killing myself but i just couldn’t make myself do it.

i hate to have to tell you this but he has been raping me and making me do all kinds of things ever since i was eight years old ever since you and him divorced and he took me away from you. He started before that but after you were gone it only got worse. then he started making me have sex with his friends. i hate him and i wish he was dead and if i had a way to do it i would kill the son of a bitch or have him killed. maybe one day i wil to.

but the most important thing for you to no is that i dont blam you for it i no you never knew. and i dont want you to worry anymore i am staying with frends who are good to me and take care of me and have even got me a new name i am even going to school and making almost strate a in everthing except math and i am making a c in that. i don’t take drugs anymore ether beleve it or not. but i am happy and i want you to not try and find me anymore if you are trying to that is. maybe one day i will see you agan and in the meentime i want you to know that i am okay and that i love you very much. tell muhamed i said helo and i miss him and thank him for being so good to me while i was there.

happy mothers day

i love you mom

your daughter


that is all the letter it came with a silly little card with roses groeng out of a box that say happy mothers day. okay then anyway i have got to make shur amanda get this card and so i am off to do just this. then we see what the fuckeng bitch have to say for herselv.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Last Night At The Anchor Grill

finaley it look like i mite be about to be over my injurees and i am workeng up a apetite and as thogh god hav send me a sign i am teld by my stomak that be may a good plase to go to eat will be the anchor grill… was no time after that i heer massoud telleng mara somtheeng about thay haveng a sixtey yeer anniversarey of beeng in busnes….what do thay hav thaer i ask him and he saed suposedley aneytheng you want if you are an amarecan but not much of aneytheng that is halal….this make me lauf becos my fuckeng uncel massoud hav a lot more to worrey abot than whether food he eat be halal….he hav a wife who treet him with respect now onley becos she is under my thumb and i demand this from her thogh he do not know this and in the meentime he is a filther disgust homosexer queier…….

aneyways mara she com up to me and tells me lissen muhammed i reeley need to talk to you it is important and i saed okay but if you thrnk you are goeng to get out of you obligashons you had bester thenk agan….she promised me no but what she had to say is important……so i saed okay then let us go to the anchor grill and i saed uncel massoud i am goeng to take mara to the anchor grill she need to get out some and i know you do not have the time and he saed okay thank you muhammed and i saed oh you are welcom and do not worrey i will not let her eat aneytheng that is not halal…….like this wold matter after this bitch hav be fucked by her own son to say notheng of thor my dog…..aneyway uncel massoud him acs like he reeley apresates my gesture whiel i am almost laufing in his fase he is such a fuckeng fool…….

aneyways i go later to thay home and pik up mara and tel her my dog wants som more pussies mara but let us let us go get somtheeng to eat first i am in the mood for somtheeng good and she says like what and i saed well i am goeng to hav som kind of seafood and i want you to eat a pork chop…….she look at me in horor and i saed i want you to see how good thay are i hav eat these thengs and thay are good…..fuck halal aneyway this bulshit is onley ment for ramadan accordeng to my beloved mother….

so we go to the anchor grill and i tell them hapey sixteith aniversarey you anchor grill pepel…..thay smiel at me and say thank you and thay are reelley all over me last nite but mara she acts as bakward as her son omar acts but of corse this is a friday nite and heer i am haveng her out on the town getteng redey to make her comit a sin of eateng uncleen food……everytheng like this i wil do to her you see i am brakeng down this bitches will….it is fun to do reeley……you shuld all try it somtime onse you get a human beeng under you power by getteng some good informashon on them you can make them do aneytheng you want and ther is notheng thay can do everytheng you do to them and make them to do just makes them that much more helples and in despaer and stil thay hav to do it and can not keep from it……god has thus given me the perfect human beeng to experiement on to see exactley what i can turn her in to…….

aneyways we go in the back of the anchor grill and i play the jukbox and watches the little dolls in the glass bubbel up abov it thay are dresses up like a band and thaer is one blond heded woman and thay mov with the music….mara is staers at them and is like she wishes she could just die and is stareng at them just to focus her thoghts but not reley payeng them no mind……i was just about to find out just how clever mara is or be may just how fuckeng luckey she is…….i tel her to spit it out what she want and she saed i theenk it mite be a good idea if i do not do that theng aney more…..i saed what do you meen not do what theng and she look around and of corse i know what she is thenkeng but i want to hav som fun and i saed you are goeng to hav to tell me what you meen or whatever you are talkeng about will keep hapeneng but if you tell me out loud in front of the watres when she com with our order i wil let you not do it no more is that a deel…..i was lyeng and i shuld not hav do this becos god hav a way of makeng you kep your promises even to sinners and pepel who are defiled like mara…..

so the watres come up to us with our order i hav ordered deep fride oeysters with frenches fris and coslaw with a big coca cola and heer sits mara acros from me staereng with disgust at her pork chop which of corse is meet from a pig…….i nudge her and saed what is it you tell me you are not goeng to do agan and her look at the watres and her then look at me and saed i do not want to hav sexes with your dog aneymore…….and then she crys…….you shuld hav see the look on this watreses fase i bet she hav never herd aneytheng like this before and she look like her hav as thay say heer in amareca ben around the blok qwite a few time herselv……..

then she saed after the watres hav go away ther is a reeson i hav saed this thng becos of what massoud is be doeng he hav be stayeng out late at nite…..i saed okay go on and she saed i do not thenk aneytheng abot it at first becos one of thos nites he com in with an immam and i tel her okay stop rite ther…describ to me this immam…when she describs him i saed oh shit…okay then i gess thaer is no chanse that you hav be giveng massoud sexes and she saed yes a cupel of times him saed he want to hav another son even thogh i tel him i theenk i mite be too old for this…but he insist that i am onley fortey so i hav a few good yeers yet and he want a son to make up for omar and his shamfulnes……all of this news have dishartened me and i slump dow in my chaer….sudenley another watres com up to me a difrant one from the first one who i notis from time to time lookeng bak at us and obveosley her is talkeng abot us………

i tell this watres i am wondereng abot somtheng and be may you can tell me….supose you know a man who be a filther disgust homosexer queier and hav sexes with at leest two difrant mans and both of thees other two mans hav sexes with each other too and who know show maney elses mans thay hav sexes with……..

the watres laufeng and she saed well okay now what is this som kind of riddel or somtheeng and she is laufeng and mara is looken like her is goeng to die…..but i continue….okay then i saed suposes that this one man is also haveg sexes with his wife becos he wants her to give to him a son becos thay first one turn out bad and have be doeng all kind of vile and disgustng shit and even the poleeses are after him for suspectng him of rapeng and murdereng at leest one and be may two littel girls…..

she nods and i can tel her is reeley intrested in the storey… say at the same time this mans wife hav be haveng sexes with you dog and say that you are makeng her do this becos you love you dog and want him to hav his sexes needs taken caer of and the woman have no choese becos her have be haveng sexes with her son now so and her knows if her do not hav sexes with the dog you wil tell on her for haveng sexes with the dog and her son…… this storey for reel her akses and mara says reel curtley no it is a riddel…….and i saed aneyways the poent is that the woman tells me just now that her thenks that the dog mite get a bad disees like be may aids and i just want to know is this possibel…….becos i just asumed that this is what mara was talkeng about……..but i notis now that the watres had lost her smiel and now the other our first watres was goeng around cleeneng up tabels and lokeng like her reelely do not want to look at us…..but this new one lookeng at mara she saed reel sereous yes i theenk that is a verey likeley posibilitey…………..i saed okay thanks you you can go now…….i wold like some coffee pleese if you do not mind……..

meentime ther were more pepel from all over comeng in and includeng thaer was a poleeses man but i do not know him but i notis him was lookeng at us from time to time suspishusley but whether this is becos of him knoweng me from before or from sombodey heer telleng him thengs i do not know but aneyway he just looks heer and thaer…..i am in a bad mood now becos i know now i can not let my dog fuck this bitch aneymore…..

then somtheeng intresteng happens this crazey girl by name of brandey com in and she is lookeng around like her is lookeng for sombodey and i notis she look like her is talkeng to sombodey that is not thaer…sudenley she look over at me and smile and saed what hapend to you you look like you be in a fite are you the man from the arab store…..and i saed yes that is me and she saed well who beet you up……...some man and his frends who i fuck his wife i tell her and she look red fased….heer this bitch hav be fucked by three spik mexcos mans all at the same time yet she be embaras at the word fuck how do you explane this…. but this crazey girl be goeng around and teleng evereybodey that she is a virgin and sometimes i theenk she do not know the difranse……she is saed to be in lov with some old man who fuked her when her was a little girl and this messes up her mind and her is always wanteng to be around older mans sinse that time but wil not let thees fuck her but she wil fuck mexcos mans and sometimes niggers… fact her hav a nigger babey and giv it to her younger sister she refuses to take it from the hosptial in fact she insisted it was not her babey……ask her and she wil tel you she do not like blak pepels thay are disgusteng an calls them niggers still yet she will fuck them……..aneyways she sits down and keeps lookeng at us and the watres com around and askeng her for her order and her orders a meet loaf and mash potatos and green beens and corn and cocacola but all the time she is giveng this order her look at me and i am wondereng okay now when will this bitch go to the phone i kno her wants to…..

sudenley she poent to mara and saed is that you wife or you girlfrend and i saed no my sister in law…..i do not hav a girlfrend i brake up with her her name is amanda…..i am tryeng to giv her an oportunitey to try to pul some bulshit on me so i can get her out and kill her but first i need to get mara out of the way……but insted of foloweng up on this she saed i do not thenk a muslim is suposed to eat pork chops……and i saed yes but she is a bad muslim…..oh she saed and what about you and mara saed muhammed i reeley want to go home and i saed okay then you can go home i theenk a bus come heer and will take you to just about seven bloks from the hous but she saed no it is too cold pleses let us go….she knows this woman brandey from the store from a time she brake a glass display case it cost massoud two thosand dollers to replase this theng but massoud still let her come in becos he is just too kind harted…..i theenk she do this shit on purpos but this was before the day i killed the spik man who try to rob us in the store so be may it was an acsident and she is just a clumsey bitch god knows she is crazey as the hells….. but aneyway i can tell mara is reeley wanteng to get away from her and by now the watres come with our coffee and as her leve from this chore brandey is holdeng out a doller and askeng for change and i am theenkeng okay now she is probabley goeng to call her spik frends and tell them i am heer……but no the ignornt bitch just put her money in the jukbox….

finaley i told mara to go out and get her a cab home i hav theengs to do and i hands her a fiftey dollar bill heer i saed that shold take caer of it….and she saed okay and she goeng off to call on the phon….i am tierd of beeng around this bitch aneyways i saed to brandey but to my surpris her saed with a hatful smurk well be may her is tierd of beeng around you who do you thenk you are are you som big stud or somtheeng….then she laffs at me reel wildley and i can tell rite thaer yes this bitch is posessed by devils of one kind or another….so i saed yes i am a stud after all my dik is one and one half foot long when it get hard do you want to see it and she saed shur stud muffin reel sarcastic like lets see that thang…….then she sits and watches whiel i will my dik to get hardened enof to wher it bulges and goeng down my thig to my knee and beyond and her eyes gets reel wide…..then she get up and com over to my tabel and then her tels me i want to hav that thang of you hangeng on my wall and i bet you i will too i will soke it in alcohol and takes it out and plays with it from time to time……

she acshualley scaers me when her saes this and i tell her no you will never do this and she saed oh yesss iiiii wiiillllll and draws those words out with a smile like talkeng to a little child and my blood is runneng cold….my god i hav meet an honest to god devil womans i saed to myselv……

then the watres her brengs her order and askes her whaer her is sitteng now and her saed oh i am goeng bak over thaer and she returns to her table………as she starts to eat she looks at me and askes me do you remember the mexcos man that will shot and kill in you store and i saed yes of corse i was the one who kills him thogh i do not saed this part…then she saed it was a bad theng what happened to that one man i heer him hav killed himselv is that not rite do him hang himselv…..

so what is you poent i askes her……..are you teleng me that he do not do this to himselv and be may that three spiks man do this to him and you know this becos you were thaer with another woman name of elane and that you theenk no one is knoweng this becos you do not kno that rahe him hav a hiden camra set up to record him haveng sexes with an immam to blakmael him and that this camra catches everyetheng incudeng you hav sexes with all three of thees spiks mans in rahes bed after you hav help kills him….she just look at me and her blood run cold………but she is not one bit afrade it seems like if aneytheng her is just more hateful and determined and riseng to my chalenge in some way…finaley she saed you are bothereng me be may i shuld tell the watres to hav you kick out of heer and sudenley she is smileng agan like she is not one bit consern about what i have saed……

i hav the film i saed the onley reeson i hav not turn it in to the poleeses man is becos i am useng it to blakmael the immam myself as rahe ment to do…but if you give me some shit i will turn it into the poleeses mans……..she just then she goes a loud brethe out and says whatever and onley her drags out the word she has this childish habot of that she acks like a little girl still even thogh her is in her middel twentees at leest…….but she is crazey and i am wondereng if she even remember doeng all this vile shit….but finaley heer com a poleeses mans and she look at me and saed go ahed and tell him what you tell to me be may he will arested me….but i saed no thaer is not reeson for that yet……be may you com to my hous and i will play the film for you………to my surpris she saed shur… off we go and i take her to my hous and breng out the film and in the meentime she is playeng with thor and i can tell thor reeley likes her but i wil be god dam if i am goeng to let thor fuck this crazey bitch…..aneyway i put thor in a room and thay are both sad….i do not theenk her is wanteng to fuck him thogh she is just loves animals…..everybodey hav at leest have one good theng about them and that go even for devil posessed woman like this crazey bitch….just the same i do not want thor around her….aneyways i take out the film which is a copey as i have the original now in safekeepeng and i plays it and i saed now this is a copey i have the original in safe keepeng… now she is finaley undermy power and she is lookeng down and all around like she is afrad and not knoweng what to say or do….finaley she saed what do you want…….i gess you want som of my kootchey rite…no i do not want some of you kootchey i told her i want you to help me set up you frends and you are goeng to do it and i am goeng to kill them all and includeng elane…..

her respons to this was to ask me for some coffee and she saed i want to thenk about it…so i saed okay so i put on some coffee and i bet she drank a hole pot and she was telleng me about her mother is goeng to be mad her is still livieng with her even thogh her saed her mother is a big drunk and just drenk and smoke cigarats all the time… i saed well then you shuld leve her but of corse i do not give a dam about this but she is goeng on and on abot her life and i can tell she is tryeng to kill time and i saed now lissen you have you choese….you help me set thees pepel up so i can kill them or i am goeng to tun this film in to the poleeses mans…and if you try to betray me i will make shur the polleeses get the orignal film even if you suceed in betrayeng me……..

al rite al rite shit she saed to this i wil help you but you hav to give me time,,,okay i saed……i will give you a few days or be may a cupel of weeks at the most but i want thees pepel ded and no ifs ands or buts abot it…..finaley she deided she was goeng to leeve but as she saed she was leveng she look at me and saed i am still goeng to hav you dik in a bottel of alcohol one of thees days… then she laufs and gos on out…..

so that settels it…..after i kill the others i am goeng to have to kill this bitch too…..becos espeshal after what happens two hours later i get a phon call from a woman name of linda who is obveousley drunk and i remember then the time i get a bunches of phone calls from this same woman lookeng for a brandey… she calls agan tonite demandeng to know who i am and hav a i e with her dauter and telleng me she knos becos she find my phon number….and for over an hour she is rambleng on telleng me all about her crazey dauter and how bad and evil she is and she is drunk and keep goeng on and on and before long her is sayeng the same shit over and over agan……andnow i am theenkeng this bitch hav be stalkeng me lookeng to set me up and have got my phon number from rahe the nite thay kill him and who know what else he saed to them….so now i do no thave aney choese all thees pepels have to die…….

i hav hopes last nite when i heer about how som construcshon workers pepels have be busted by poleeses and federal agents for harboreng ilegal mexcos mans who aliens and in cuntrey ilegaley and i am hopeng okay good this be may at leest one of them….but no it turn out it was none of them….but that is fine one of thees days i wil make shur that thees pepel are sorrey thay have ever leeve mexcos…..