thanksgivre suppre
wel my thanksgivres was hels.....i jusd hav got thru steels som turkees and othre thiengs becos amanda she sais she wans to hav a good thanksgivres i tels her ok i go and ged some shits from my uncel massouds i geds thiese shits home finals and also i steels some monees from thiese drunk thad comes oud of thiese bar by names of kelleys stables...i follos him abod three bloks and when i is shur no one is watches i jumps him and noks him down and kiks him and tels him okay now i wil taks you monee or you life....i wold not hav reel kiled him of corse bud i hav heer thad thiese is whad you sais in amareca whens you wans to robs some then i sais ok now sense i hav som monees abod thurty dollres from thiese old crippeld drunk i go ahed and maks shur we hav a good speshal suppres....bud i geds hom and abod thirtee minuds latre heer comes the poleeses man and sais i am wans for qwesteons......amands she looks at me likes she nos whad i hav i figure ether thiese old drunk man or my uncel massoud hav called the i am mads as hel...bud when i geds to the poleeses stashons comes to find oud it has nothiengs to do with robs the old crippald drunk man or with rob uncel is al abod amandas stupidre littler niggre lovre darter leann....theise poleeses mans hav the gals to acuses me of do somethiengs to theise askes me agan whad do you nos abod disaperanse of leann....
i tels theise i do nod nos a goddam thiengs and i wil soon be shur to sues theise motherfuckres poleeses and the whol sitees of covington aneywais theise tels me i can cals me i cals the onley persons i can thienks of i cals hamil...i tels him whad is gos on and him lissens and i can tels he is reel worrrees....i sais to him ok now you jusd cals my uncel massoud and tels him to pais my bale...and sens a no times at al heer coms uncel massoud...he is sais whad hav you don massoud you fool....i sais i tels you god dam do nod cals me you name you filther disgust homosexer queier you cals me muhammed...and you geds me oud of heer now or i wil tels evryones whad i knos abod you....he sais one of thesie dais you are pushes you luks too far...then he sais i askes you agan whad do you i sais i do nod do a god dams thiengs...then i tels him whad theise acuses me he sais wel whad in the hels do you knos abod it....ther must be some reesons why theise arestes you aftre al thiese i sais i do nod sudens heer comes in thiese man who is laws man....and him sais him is a frens of hamil and wil makes shur i wil geds he askes thesise poleeses whad is the charges and theise saisd we are nod charges him yed and then thiese man his name is abdullah...he is amarecan born lebanon muslim...him tels theise thad he is demans thad i be releeses now....
so theise sais ok you can go bud we wil be in touches with you latre...i stards to sais somethiengs bud abdullah sias no do nod saisd a god dam thiengs totheise poleeses i sais fianl we are on our wais oud of ther and whad do we sees bud thiese old drunk crippald man he has comes in to swer out a complant for be robbd....he looks at me and sais suddens the mans who robs me he looks a whol lots like thiese one ther....bud he do nod poents to me he poents to uncel massoud......theise pisses me off and befor i canthienks of whad i am does i go ovre to him and sais whad do you sais mothrefukre/.......bud abdulah he stops me and sais whad in the hels is you i sais oh we go on...the poleeses mans do nod pais aney attenshons to theise old drunks man..........then uncal massoud he sais somethiengs abod him stores be robs tonite bud from hwad he hav sees from theise poleeses mans he is wastes his time to expeks thems to do aneythiengs abod it.....i just lafs and tels abdullah to tels hamil i wil cals him latre.......
so by the times i gets bak to the hous ther is amandas and she is on the phon.....i desides to tels her the truths thad theise poleeses man thienks i hav somethiengs to do with leanns disapeeranses......i do nod knos whad they thienks i wold do theise for i tels her...she sais oh do nod worrees abod it muhammed she sais theise hav askes me qwesteons to like theise thienks i be may hav done somethiengs to i sais you did nod did you/i thot thiese wold be a clevre thiengs to sais to makes it seems like i am suspishus of her...she just looks at me and sias oh of corses nod how cold you askes me suches a thiengs........
aneywais the nextes dais we hav a good thanksgiengs suppre...we hav mashes potatoes with thiese good turkey and dressengs and dinnre rolls and a pie thad is a pumpken pie with whipres creem....whil amanda is nod looks i jaks off and puds my cum in the whippres creem just in cases a good lookre womans comes by and i castes a spels on it.....bud no one comes by....othrewises amanda she cooks all theise theings by her selv......she cookes a bunches of othre theiengs to it was the bestes suppre i hav has in a longre time than i can thienks i was shur to rember to praise to god as we ate and thanks him for thiese good and bounteos meel.......
i tels theise i do nod nos a goddam thiengs and i wil soon be shur to sues theise motherfuckres poleeses and the whol sitees of covington aneywais theise tels me i can cals me i cals the onley persons i can thienks of i cals hamil...i tels him whad is gos on and him lissens and i can tels he is reel worrrees....i sais to him ok now you jusd cals my uncel massoud and tels him to pais my bale...and sens a no times at al heer coms uncel massoud...he is sais whad hav you don massoud you fool....i sais i tels you god dam do nod cals me you name you filther disgust homosexer queier you cals me muhammed...and you geds me oud of heer now or i wil tels evryones whad i knos abod you....he sais one of thesie dais you are pushes you luks too far...then he sais i askes you agan whad do you i sais i do nod do a god dams thiengs...then i tels him whad theise acuses me he sais wel whad in the hels do you knos abod it....ther must be some reesons why theise arestes you aftre al thiese i sais i do nod sudens heer comes in thiese man who is laws man....and him sais him is a frens of hamil and wil makes shur i wil geds he askes thesise poleeses whad is the charges and theise saisd we are nod charges him yed and then thiese man his name is abdullah...he is amarecan born lebanon muslim...him tels theise thad he is demans thad i be releeses now....
so theise sais ok you can go bud we wil be in touches with you latre...i stards to sais somethiengs bud abdullah sias no do nod saisd a god dam thiengs totheise poleeses i sais fianl we are on our wais oud of ther and whad do we sees bud thiese old drunk crippald man he has comes in to swer out a complant for be robbd....he looks at me and sais suddens the mans who robs me he looks a whol lots like thiese one ther....bud he do nod poents to me he poents to uncel massoud......theise pisses me off and befor i canthienks of whad i am does i go ovre to him and sais whad do you sais mothrefukre/.......bud abdulah he stops me and sais whad in the hels is you i sais oh we go on...the poleeses mans do nod pais aney attenshons to theise old drunks man..........then uncal massoud he sais somethiengs abod him stores be robs tonite bud from hwad he hav sees from theise poleeses mans he is wastes his time to expeks thems to do aneythiengs abod it.....i just lafs and tels abdullah to tels hamil i wil cals him latre.......
so by the times i gets bak to the hous ther is amandas and she is on the phon.....i desides to tels her the truths thad theise poleeses man thienks i hav somethiengs to do with leanns disapeeranses......i do nod knos whad they thienks i wold do theise for i tels her...she sais oh do nod worrees abod it muhammed she sais theise hav askes me qwesteons to like theise thienks i be may hav done somethiengs to i sais you did nod did you/i thot thiese wold be a clevre thiengs to sais to makes it seems like i am suspishus of her...she just looks at me and sias oh of corses nod how cold you askes me suches a thiengs........
aneywais the nextes dais we hav a good thanksgiengs suppre...we hav mashes potatoes with thiese good turkey and dressengs and dinnre rolls and a pie thad is a pumpken pie with whipres creem....whil amanda is nod looks i jaks off and puds my cum in the whippres creem just in cases a good lookre womans comes by and i castes a spels on it.....bud no one comes by....othrewises amanda she cooks all theise theings by her selv......she cookes a bunches of othre theiengs to it was the bestes suppre i hav has in a longre time than i can thienks i was shur to rember to praise to god as we ate and thanks him for thiese good and bounteos meel.......