Saturday, November 12, 2005

frenches filther disgust homosexer queiers

the fuckre frenches frogs are alwais al thru the yeers theise hav been filther disgust homosexer queiers.......from times theise ar littler boyees theise hav homosexer disgust filther sexes with eaches othres......bud theise lerns good how to fuks from an erly age so thad then theise can ged marreed and their womans then theise be satisfies so then the womans can gives them childrens and theise can keep the filther races go there wil alwais be filther disgust frenches queiers....whad othre kinds of persons spens al theise times lern how to be grate cooks.....if thad dos nod proov theise ar queiers nothiengs wil...bud also you can tel by the wais theise talks...everey word oud of their filther mouths sais fuks me in the asses i am a flther disgust homosexer queers and i wans to suks you diks.......theise even talks thru theise noses likes theise alwais hav a big diks or cum in theies it is no wondres then thad al these muslms get fed up and stards to burns down theise whol fukre disgust cuntree.....bud theise ar terrors and killres so i do nod aproove of thiese shits....if the fuckre disgust coward frenches pepels do nod ged theise shits togethre and kils al thesise evil terrors and killres then soons theise wil nod hav a cuntree left........and then the filther disgust frenches homosexer queiers wil be spens the restes of theire lives cook food for thesie terrors and killres and will be hav theiese diks cut off and hav to be harum gards for the richest of theise terrors and leastes then tho the filther frenches wil nod haves to pretens to be grate lovres of womans so the restes of the worl wil nod knows whad theise reel are...becos soon if theise do nod ge ther shits togethre and wipe out al theise terrors and killres evereybodee wil see them for the filther disgust homosexer queiers thad theise are and ther cuntree will be all burns down to the grond too....

Friday, November 11, 2005

rosa parks probabal gos to the hels

i cold nod beleve how pepels heer in thiese cuntree akted ovre thiese one fukre niggro womans name of rosa parks.....theise aks like she was somethiengs grate or somethiengs...just go on and on abots her......and al she was a one old fukre blaks womans who did nod do one mothrefukre thiengs ecsept sits on a fukre buses and nod ged up like her was teld to do....just becos of thiese she is called a hero and when she dies she is acshually has her bodee in the captal of the nashons shameful.......

and now her dead and thad is nod enof even presedenses of thiese grate cuntree theis speks at her funral....good mans...mans who shold nos bestre like presedense bil clentons.....even gorge bushes sais somethiengs abot how her was grates womans bud at lest presedenses bush do nod go to thies shameful so cal funral at the nashons captal......bud ther was al kinds of pepels ther and it was even on televishons and theis shows thies shameful shits on the news shows.....

and ther was thiese one niggro prechers jumpres up and down and sais thad if he were first one nashonalty and anothre nashonalty then he wold tel rosa parks thanks you rosa parks onley sais it in thiese differanse nashonality words.....then him sais thad if him wer def he wold and then him do thiese stupidre fukre danses....see him makes fun of stupidre fukre def pepels bud if def pepels or aneybodees elses makes funs of niggros then oh boys wold you ever heer it then.........

I wold likes to tels thiese preechers if i havs a chanses to sees him i wold tels him when you die and goes to the hel mothrefukre niggro preechers and you seis fuckre niggro womans rosa parks on her buses in the hels then you can thanks her mothrefuckre...then you can sais yes thansks you bitches for coses me to be sends to the hels.....

aftre al whad is al thiese shits abot/....just becos she wold nod give up her seets on the buses to the white mans like her is suposes to do......acshual heer is what reel hapens i bet......evreybodey knows thad a niggre is shiftles and lazee as hel....thad is why she sits ther to begins with becos she it to lazee to walks al the way to the baks of the buses......and then when the white mans tels her to give her his seets the way he had the rite to do she do nod give in to him bud is nod becos she is being it is becos she is too lazee to ged up oud of the seets....whad is such a big deel abod thad/ is thiese meens her hero/....thiese is al bul shits....bud now the niggro bitches is ded and i am shur thad satans buses takes her strates to the hel...and by god she wil sits on satans buses to hels wher satans tels her to sits....and ther is nod one god damn thiengs her or aney othre fuckre niggro can dos abot it........and it wil not be a plesand jurneys ether......

Saturday, November 05, 2005

magic bananas

heer is how you makes magic bananas to geds yu puissies from aney womans you wans to fuck...sp long as you can gets them to eats them....

first of corse you needs to get banans and freezes can keeps peels on theise for now...then whil theise ar freezes you gets bags of carmel candees sqares and melts theise on the stoves tops......whiles you visulise and puts you personal powers into al you acks and whils the candees melts ovre stov you visulise abod you and womans you wans to fuks....bud words of is bestre thad you visulise no one in particlar...thiese ais the magic banans wil works on aney womans you can geds to eats whils you visulize and praise to grate god almitey allah you jaks off....thad is whad you do you jacks off and when you cum you makes shur you cum goes into the carmel thad melts on top of the stoves....when i do thiese i jaks off a lots of tim whil may as much as ten times.....until i has abot a cup ful of cum....tiese i mixes up good with the carmel...then i takes the magic banans oud of freeze and i peels thiese...then i spreds the carmel witht ehcum all ovre the magic banans...stil as usal use visulisashun......and then when i spreds the carmel with the cum on my magic banans i put the peels baks on theise and puts them up bak in the freezes....then when a woman coms along i nos i ans to fuiks i gos ahed and sais heer you go hav som freeses banans....come on now go ahed you wil like them.....

i can usual fucks aney god dam womans i wans to fucks aneywais...aney womans can be fucked...bud sometims theise likes to puts on act lik theise ar nod thad kind of gril and al thad bulshits.....bud with magic banas if you do nod hav times to waste on al theise shits theise wil cut throu the bul shits as theise sais......

amanda holds her stupidre fuckre saonses

wel haloween coms and gos and amanda has me reel worrees now...she has thiese stupidre fuckre fat bitches ovre thad cals her selv a witches womans to hold saonses to tris to contaks sprits of her fuckjre little niggre lovre darter leann.....whad can i sais/so she sais com on now massoud com on and joens us in saonses....i sais to my selvs ok i had bestre do as she sais so i can sees and heers everethiengs thad gos on...just in cases i sais to my selv....wel thiese fat fuckre bitches thad cals her selvs a witches womans she stards thiese shits with lites the candles and cals for sprits of darter leann...then she stards thiese mones and grones likes her gos into a transes or som such shits as thiese...and then ther is a nocks on the dore and i al mostes jumps oud of my fuckre chares....bud i puls my selvs togethre and gos to the dore and cannod beleves my eyes it is dreema...dreema is a gril i hav wans to fuks for a long times now and she works as danser whor at peano lounge wher amanda works...she is dresses as a cowgril with cowgril boots and cowgril hats and her legs makes my diks to geds reel hard the minuts i sees her...bud she has a boyfrens with her so i tels him you geds the fuks oud of heer you son of a bitches....and the mothrefuckre he sputtes and stards to sais somethiengs bud dreema tels him to go on she be comes along in a minuts...i tels her you be may heer longre than thiese...she just looks at me and askes me wher is amanda...i tels her wher mshe is in the kitches at the tabels with the withces womans and i folow her in ther and go to refrigrates.....i hav magic banans in ther...i makes theise for haloween to givs to womans i wans to fuk and i puts spels on them so i can fuks aney womans i wans who eats them....bud theise ar al aneywais dreema sits down and tels amanda she wil joens the she do...and witches womans barb she stards thiese mones and grones agan......and nextes thiengs you no voses of leann comes thru i am reel afrade becos it sonds juxd likes littler niggre lovre darter leann and sonds like it comes from beyons the graves....and she sais to be aware to her mothre thad she is surronds with evil...bud nod to worrees abod her she is at peases now bud she needs to get evil away from her....

i no then whad is gos on theise are talks abod me...theise hav thiese al makes up......bud no she nevre cals my name.....and then barb the witches womans she screems and fals ovre with thuds on the floor thiese fat biotches i cold hav swares she wold brakes down to the floor belo us...bud then she geds up and askes for watre...and leann she cries and shakes and begs for leann to coms bak.....she jusd lais hed on tables and cries....i look one more times for magic banans in the frezers bud stil no sine of aftre a whioles theise al leves and as dreema leves i aske her hay dreema how wold you ikes some magic banans i makes it my selv...and she sais no thanks to me.....

aftre theise hav al gos awais i finds oud thad amanda hav givs awais my magic bananas to littler kids thad comes to the hous for trik and treets....becos she sais we runs oud of candees to gives them to....and i ais god dam...heer i hav a hard dais work coms home from and thiese is the thanks i my magic banans hav been gives awais to dam fuckre kids.....som of theise is young as sixes yeers old and younger bud som as old as eight yeers old and oldre......i sais to amanda why you do thiese...she sais why i jusd shuts up abod it and hopes thad thiese fucke littler kids dont go oud and fuks eaches othre alk nites long aftre eats my magic banans.....bud thiese ar mostley littler niggre kids and littler white trash wold probabal nod acks aney diffranses aneywais.....