i save my uncles store
i had justes get bak from deliver groserees to the stor in dayton ohio and i was in a pisses off mood...in al the time thad day i do nod sees one womans thad is worth the time for me to giv som of thiese big dik of mine to...so i was in bad mood...so i geds bak to the stor and ther was uncle masoud and his boyfrend rahe...i knew they colds nod wates for me to leves so i stais arond on purposes just to agravates them.....uncle massoud he tels me go on now you can go on homes now...me no of corse al the times thad they wans to do some disgustre quieirs shits...bud i just hangs arond and aks like i makes smal talks....sudenly thiese spiks man walk in the door.......
i do nod no for shur whether him was a mexcos man or a portu reekin mans or a cubas man or whad the hels he was al i no is thad he is a spiks man...so i askes him whad can i helps you with mistre spiks man we are gets redy to close the store now....come on now and huree up....he just mumbels somethiengs and walks arond the iles......
then sudens he walks up and him sais thiese is robs you i hav a gun in my pokets so you givs me al you monees or i shots you.....bud uncel massouds him sais so you robs me do you/...wel i am gives you nothiengs...and quieirs man rahe him stards to whines and cries lik littler sissies pusies man thad him is and him sais oh pleses do nod shots us i hav kids plese do nod shots us i hav a wife...and i sais o shuts up rahe then i tels the spiks man go ahed and shots him he do nod hav no kids or no wife him is a filther disgust homosexer quieirs if you shots him then be may uncle massoud wil gives you whads you wants.....
now rahe is screms and lais down on the flor and wile mistre spiks man was looks at him sudens uncel massoud him jumps ovre conter then sprais him in the fase with thiese peppre sprais then whil the spiks man screms he knoks he up the sid of the hed.....then massoud him grabs the phon and stards to cals the poleeses mans.....bud then mistre spik man him sais do nod cals the poleeses man if yu do i wil sues you i do nod hav a gun and i wil tels them i nevre threts you thad you are al lies.....then i wil sues you for discrimnashons.....
so then i sais to him whad do you meen you do nod hav a gun/....and him sais i swar i do nod hav a gun so you are in troble i wil sais you justes asumes i wil robs you becos i am a spiks man and you ataks me for no good resons...i wil sues you and taks evertheng you haves.....
i nos i has to thienks fastes becos uncle massoud him has al redy put down phon ad him sais you go ahed and leves now....i looks ovre at rahe him is stil lais on flor fases down him do nod even no whad has justes hapens....i nos i has to aks now...so i taks a gun from my pokets and thro it at mistre spiks man...whad is thiese he sais/...why thad is you gun mistre spiks man.....
uncle massoud him is gos crazees...whad are you do massoud you fool he askes me/.....whil spiks man tho is looks at gun and wondres whad is gos on i taks my gun from out my othre poket and i shoots the mothrefukre rite in the heds....it is one of theise holo poent bulets and from thiese closes range man do it evre makes a messes when his branes comes flies oud all ovre the potato chips rak......
uncle mssoud him givs me thiese wild looks in his fases and his sais you are a crazee man him sais...i just looks at him and i tels him no he is the crazee mans he is the one who hav no branes now my branes are al rite heer in my hed him brans are al ovre the plases.....then i lafs abot the times the poleeses puls up.....the fool had diles emergensy and do nod hangs up aftre tels thiese spiks fool to leve....so heer they are.....bud i hav nothiengs to worrees abod becos thiese guns i thros to him is nod registres gun it is one i by from somones i nos at kellys stables for fiftee dollres....bud before i has a chanses to eksplanes thiese to uncle massouds al of sudens him clutches his chestes taks a deeps breth and him fals al ovre the flors....
so theise emergens peples theise takes al thre of thems to emergens rooms....spiks man of corses is ded.....rahe he is a crazee persons stil do nod nos whad hapens and even worses now aftre him heers gun shots so him hav to be sedates him.....and uncle massoud him it turns oud has harts attak......
so it is up to me to tels the poleeses man ever thiengs thad hapens and luky for me it was not thiese one names of franks who alwais aftre me to anser qwestons abod leann....so i tels him whad hapens and theise taks my word for it.....
i gos on to hospitls with theise and finds out thad uncle massouds wil be al rite bud him has to stais in hospitls for few dais for observashons.....i promises him thad i wil helps hims wife and sons to watches the stor until him is baks to work....i thinks him was oud of his mind when he askes me to do thad from the looks in him eyes..bud stil him askes me and i tels him i wil....bud he wil shur has to pais me ekstras for do thiese.........