Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My Revenge On Mara

everey theng finaley come together for me last nite as i finaley allow the effects of the date rape drug to ware off of mara the bitch who is my sister in law……i have never have so much fun in my life…..what i do to her acshualley was most fun i ever hav in my life man i meen to tel you i realey laed it on thik to this bitch……now if aney one hav be keepeng up with my problems with mara up to this poent i bet i know what you have be thenkeng probabley you hav be thenkeng oh this evil man he is goeng to put his sister on this date rape drug and then he is goeng to rape her and then he thenks that this will put this woman under his spel and she wil fall madley hed over heels in love with him and will be under his power from now on…..

well you are rong…..i would not fuck this stupid fuckeng bitch if my life depended on it and no i am not exagerateng either….i wold prefer to die….well okay that is an exagerashon but otherwise i would not fuck this fuckeng bitch if ther were aney way out of it and if i did i shur as hell wuld not enjoy fuckeng her i promis you that and in fact i honestley beleve i probabal would not be abel to get a hard on for her if it were not for the speshal magical powers i have over my dik which i have becos of the spell my mother put on me all those yeers ago when i was a yung boy goeng thru pubertey…even at that ther is a good chanse i still could not go thru with sex with this fuckeng bitch…..

and lukiley i do not hav to…….after almost three days haveng her in my apartment and keepeng her fucked up on the date rape drug i was starteng to get afrad i mite kill her not that i would feel bad about being responsibul for that no not in the leest….but it would be just anotehr problem i do not need rite now….stil i also worreed that the effects mite wear off and she wuld develp a toleranse to the drug or i would run out of it and then wher would i be….but last nite omar he com thru for me and acshualey i gess i have hamil to thank for that he made shur that omar got heer of corse it was a trikey proposishon sinse the poleeses hav be lookeng for him becos of the disapearans of ruthie and becos now i hav triked them into thenkeng he mite hav somtheng to do with the disapeerans of leann…..

aneyway hamil made shur he was in a disgise like an older man with salt and pepper hair and he was wereng a speshal kind of shoe that make him look taller and a speshal coat that make him to look reel fat and also a hairpeise he wore was acshualey reel long so when he com in he was releeved that no one was around to see him com in and i tel him okay take all this shit off of you and he do not want to do it but i keep on and finaley i prevaeled and he took it all off……

thn i took him to wher his mother was and have been for last three days and goeng now into the third nite….i tel him ther is you mother….he was realey afrade for her and i told him oh stop you worryeng she wil be all rite i just have her on this date rape drug……father wil kil you he saed and i saed oh no he wil not and besides he do not hav a reeson to kill me becos i hav not fucked her and i am not goeng to fuck her i told him….you are the one that is goeng to fuck her…..

of corse at first he refused….that is my mother i am not goeng to fuck my own mother he saed and i saed wel then if you do not fuck your mother i wil cal the poleeses and tell them about how you raped ruthie whil she was dyeng and what is more i hav the picshurs heer to proov it…..he saed you told me it mite be the onley theng to save her life and i saed yes but i wil not tel them that onley that i com in heer and you are fuckeng her and tell me you hav her on date rape drug and that you leve then after that…..the polleeses wil be qwite itrested to heer that i would imagin…..also i will tel them about how you told me just now about how ruthie died and you took her bodey off and wher you tell me you take it to….and he saed what do you meen that i tell you this you were ther you told me to do all thees thengs and i saed yes i kno that and you kno that but the poleeses do not kno that……

plees muhammed he saed i wil do aneytheng but fuck my mother…i saed yes and you will do that too… fuck your mother the way you are told… finaley he agreed and i told him evereytheng to say and do….while i filmed it he takes off him clothes and then he not onley fucked her he acshualley made love to her he even ate her fuckeng pussey while i recorded evereytheng he saed and done…..i had to make him to dreenk som vodka of corse which he was not used to thogh he do dreenk som beer and wine a little and smoke marawana but this vodka it realey knok im on his ass and you kno somtheng i theenk he realey enjoey fuckeng his own mother hahahahahhaahhhhaaahhhhh…….

so yes he fucks her after he eats her pussey and mara she seems to be gettng into it too moaneng and groaneng and sayeng shit of corse i gess she do not kno it was her own son omar that is doeng this shit…….then i saes okay now put you dik in her mouth and make her suk your dick and make shur you cum in her mouth and he do this too by now he is not even bothereng to argue with me….

so finaley he is thru and i tell him okay now you can put your disgise bak on and you can go away now…..and so he do this and begeng me not to tell her and i saed yeh shur omar why do you theenk that i film evereytheng you do….not onley am i goeng to tell her i am goeng to show her the film…….why muhammed he ask me why do you hate me so much and why do you hate my mother so much and i saed oh it is not hate i just thenk this kind of theng is fun to do now get you ass out of heer…and so he leeved…..

when mara finaley start to pull herselv together she saed what happenned to me and i saed oh you do not remember huh/…..wel you came down with a case of extreem horneyness and was wanteng somone to fuk you and so well finaley sombodey fucked you…..and if you do not do evereytheng i tell you to do i am goeng to not onley tell evereybodey about it i am goeng to show them a reel good movie that i filmed of the occashon……

then she saed ishould hav known bester than to trust you but it will do you no good….i am goeng to call the poleeses mans and report you and have you arrested that is what i am goeng to do….you gave me somtheng and then you took advantage of me….that is the same theng as rape and you are goeng to pay deerley for it……you hav finaley gon too far muhammed you filthey swine son of a bitch….boy was she ever mad she was mad enof to shoot hornets out of her mouth and her eyes….i let her spew and sputter and cuss and finaley i saed okay then it is up to you of corse as it happens i am not the one who fucked you it was sombodey else and i theenk it is not goeng to look reel good when this movie gets out all over the internet….you see i teld to her i alredey hav it on a website and all i hav to do is call a certan frend and he will make shur it it is put out all over and by the way massoud will be thef irst one to see it if i hav my way about it…..not to menshon all you familey and frends and evreybodey in the islamic comunitey…….

this made her worrey and she saed okay then who do this vile theng to me i want to kno and i saed well i gess you wil just hav to see for you self……so i played the film and ha ha ha you should hav see the look on her fase when her own son omar turn out beeng the one who hav fuked her…….first eateng her pussey……and he was sayeng thengs like oh mother you are the onley woman i hav ever loved and i hav always want to fuck you why hav you be teeseng me all my life with you bweutey and makeng me want your pussey so much i can not stand it aney mor i hav to fuck you mother……she is lookeng like she is goeng to die all the time she is watcheng and heereng this shit but when omar put his dick in her mouth and she sees him comeng in it and then he gets off her and the cum starts foameng out of her mouth is almost more than her can take…….

so she is cryeng now and sayeng i kno that you make him do this somhow i am stil goeng to the poleeses mans and tel them….as for omar i do not kno what he have do with this yung girl that you abel to blakmael him into doeng this but you are goeng to pay muhammed if i hav a gun i wold shot you rite now……..from this minut on omar is no longer my son i hav disown him and you are goeng to jael with him…wate a minut what is that she suddenley saed as i appeer o the film and i am spredeeng what i kno is honey all over her pussey…..i am lookeng at the camra and chukleng whiel i do this and then i giv a thums up and then poent with my thumb at her and smileng mockengley in her direcshon… realey thenk you are somone grate do you she ask me well you are a evil man and a peise of trash……what is that you hav put on me down ther and i tel her oh it was just honey do not worrey……

she then reeches down her dres and says ther is notheng on me now and i saed wel the movie is not qwite over…..and so she watches in what i can tell is dred as suddenley thor who is my german shepherd dog coms into the picshur and he is whineng as he starts likeng the honey off her pussey and she suddenley screems at me oh you sik motherfucker…..mara i saed such language from you and you such a good arab muslim woman……suddenley thor is on top of her and he is fuckeng the shit out of her……after he is thru i prop mara up and acsualley she is sowhat conshus and she is laffeng with her eyes open and then coms the sikest part of all…i put thor up ther agan and crouch him down over her fase and mara suddenley starts suckeng thors dick….thor do not kno what to thenk of this and he baks away but mara to my joy and happeeness follows him and keeps suckeng his dik and even reeches out for it with her hands and suddenley thor desides oh i theenk i like this i gess becos he stops resisteng and so mara is suckeng away on my dogs dick hahahahahaaahhhahahahhhahaahhaahha…

even dog cums in her mouth and whineng and mara is petteng him after it is over and is pulleng him to her and is sayeng good boy…but thor even he gets away from this bitch whore like he is theenkeng i hav had enuf of you bitch mara you are a no good slut i swer he look on his fase is like he is thenkeng this……then bitch mara at this poent her lays bak down and is bak sound asleep……

and then the movie is over……dam i saed i forget to pop som popcorn agan lets watch it one mor time and so i put in another bag of orvil redenbocker popcorn in the microwave and her is followeng me and sayeng i wil kil you muhammed if you ever show this to massoud or to aneyone and she is mad and cryeng and beggeng and threteneng all at the same time……

so we watch the movie one mor time and i make her watch it and make her eat som popcorn too and i sat ther and made comments on the movie like i was a movie critic or somtheeng i saed the pepel in the movie ar terribul acotrs i saed but i gess thay are not realey actors after all thay just beeng thayselvs……the dog thogh him do deserv an academey award why he is so good he make the bitch actress enjoy his dik so much she acshualley suck his dik for him…hahhahhhhahahahhha…

and she saed okay muhamed you win i wil giv you aneytheng you want i wil be you woman from now on if that is what you want i wil leve masoud and i hold up my hand and saed stop rite there….do you honestley thenk i would hav a woman who have be fucked by a dog….and by her own son/…….

she starts cryeng even more now and i saed what i want is my uncel go back payeng me doubel money under the tabel and i want one theeng more and what that is is after you add up the total amount of money i wil be makeng i want you to doubel that everey month from you own money and do not even theenk about telleng me you do not make that kind ofmoney becos i know besters…..this is what you will pay me and on top of that you will never agan interfeer in my life no matter what i do or what i heer you from now on have notheeng to say in the matter one way or another….when you see me no matter what i tel you to do you are will be doeng it with no qwesteons asked…….and you will treet me with respect from heer on out and also you will no longer harass my uncel you will go bak to beeng his wife and beeng devoted to pleeseng him and and doeng evereytheng he tells you to do….unless of corse i tel you difrant….are we understood on this now mara/….becos i tel you what is the truth one fuck up just one from you and you life will descend into a kind of hell you could never imagin in you worster nitemaers….she promis me she will abide by my law and so i put her to the test…..heer thor i call to my dog come heer thor good dog……and heer com thor paweng on the door in the next room and whineng so i let him out and heer he com lookeng at mara and mara is cryeng and she saed why do you torment me so…i saed my dog wants som more of that pusseys you bitch you wil give it to him now……and so she did and thor fucked her and then i make her suck his dick agan…..and i film this too…..the stupid bitch do not realise it but now she hav realey put herselv under my thumb…..befor it was obveus that she was fucked up but now it is even nore obveus that she is doeng this while appeer to be of her own volishon becos she is conshus and aware now……of corse you can bet i make shur i poent this out to her after her get thru also suckkeng thors dick agan like i tels her to…….

now she is distrot and threteneng to kill herselv and i saed go ahed and sute youselv but of corse if you do that i wil make shur evereyone knos that you fuk a dog and suck his dick and do all this two times and onse were conshus and aware…….while you are burneng in the hells for that last time you fuck my dog and suck his dick and do so willengley and also becos you commit suiside which is also a sin you can be further tortured by the knolege that evereyone who ever do kno you and no telleng how maney others besides know you hav do what you do includeng be fucked by you own son… the meentime it will not hurt me i will sell it on the internet and make milleons of dollers off of it…..i am goeng to do this aneyway i theenk why the hell not……you wuld be surprised how maney pepel wuld pay good money to watch a grate movie like this i kno i wuld…….i do not tell her this of corse but i am theenkeng very sereusley about it…….

finaley she leeves in teers and i hav to calm thor down….dam it now he is goeng to be wanteng human womans pusseys all the time….well i wil just hav to make shur he get some…..a man shuld always take good caer of his dog or aney other pet he have after all thay are gods creechures just like man is……

Monday, April 24, 2006

Rahe Hosmunari Stars In His Own Snuff Film

mara that fuckeng bitch hav be sleepeng like a fuckeng little babey now in my apartment sinse the nite before last….you wold never beleve just how easey it was…..omar do his part bester than i ever cold hav expecks him to….he called my hous and left a message and sounded reel desprat but of corse this was not so much an ackt….so i cals mara and tels her mara plese you must com over her as soon as you can at onse and so her com and heer is uncel massoud with her and thay both heer the message that from omar beggeng me to pick up the phon that him is calleng from dayton and be stayeng at a frends hous and that he hav a important confeshon to make and he will cal me bak…..

so off go uncel massoud on the wild goos chas on which i hav set him off on whil mara begs me to let her stay for when in case omar he call bak….i saed okay and within the hour i hav triks her into drinkeng the best anise and cardamon tea i hav ever make in my life….good taste wise that is onley it also hav a sertan speshal ingredeint that knon as the date rape drug…..i want to make shur she get plentey of it becos uncel massoud him is goeng to be gon away for qwite a few days and i want to make shur i take good caer of my beloved sister in law….in the meentime i go to the hous of rahe which wher the motherfucker was murdered and it make to look like a suiside becos i kno for a fact this siley man is too big a fuckeng coward to acshualley kil himselv…..

i remember wel his acshons at my uncls store the nite the fuckeng beener spiks man trys to rob massoud and befor i shoots this bandeto motherfucker rahe is cowerds on the flor afraed to look up and is all ball up like a babey cryeng for his mother….i remember thenkeng oh now it is a good theng rahe no see me shoots the motherfucker who do not reeley hav a gun i thros one to him that i hav extra that i buy illegal and it not registers to me and whiel him stans and staers at what i hav just plase in his hand i take my gun out that uncel massoud hav broght for me legal onley it in his name i shoot this cocksucker….rahe do not like me and he mite have teld on me except he kno i wold hav beet the shit out of him…..agan him is a big coward thogh he wold talk big if he thoght it mite impres you and he was shur he hav you bluf…aneyway no need in goeng to all this agan aneyone that wants to reed this can look up my post it called ….wat a minute now…..I Save My Uncles Store…..i hate this capitol letter shit but my advisor tels me i had bester lern bester how to rite engels words in the rite way and this included presseng this fuckeng capital letter so i do it on my post titels…..aneyway that is the name of the post if you want to reed it and i do not caer who reeds it ether like i saed to someone els by name of mister hellpig who thenk him is so fuckeng smart…..becos i cover all my bases….

aneyways i go to rahe hous and i go to his bedroom and shur enof after i look arond all over to make shur no one hav sees me heer i starts to worree that the poleeses may hav found what i was lookeng for….but i go to the dresser and i look behind it but over it at the wall and ther is this hole in the wall with a picshur hangeng over it and so i tared out a bigger hole in the wall and shur enof ther is this big camra ther…i saed to myself okay now how the fuk do him do this and why/……what him goeng to do take films of him and massoud and then what…..goeng to fix a hole in the wall everey time it do not make sens…then it occur to me shit what am i theenkeng…….so i go to the other side and ther shur enof ther is a cabnet with a big divider that look like it is a part of the tob shelf of the cabnet…i find a scrudriver and take it off and ther is the camra……i can not beleve how luckey i am…..but aneyways i take it and sneek out of the hous and caerful to avoed be seen and to not disturb aneytheng els and even make shur i step bak over crim sceen tape which shos me the poleeses are suspishus too….but thees poleeses heer are stupid why i bet you thay do not even notis the hole in the wal in rahe bedroom is bigger than befor hell it wold not surprises me if thay even not notised the hole to start out with……..

aneyways i made it bak home and ther is mara that bitch stil pass out and her is mones and grones and sayeng shit that make no sense just a bunch of words streng together….my plan is goeng as good as can hope for up to this poent but when i hav the camra and the tape in it and i see how to play it i kno rite away my plan hav hit a snag….all this time i hav had it in my hed that this is the work of omar or be may massoud or be may even bitch mara herselv hav rahe killed by haveng her two frends that i tels you about that one of them hav expierd visa that she hav spyeng on me for awhil…..but no it is not the case….i look at the camra film and what do i see/……a bunch of fuckeng spiks that is who acshualley ther are three of thees motherfuckers and that is not all ther are two girls…..

but thay not spiks thees are white girls and crasey ones at that…..i kno them both thay are names one of them is brandey and this is as crasey as a bitch that you wold ever want to meet…….the other one is name of elaine and her is even craseur….thay say her wil clos the door in her bahtroom and lok it and let water run all day long and just sit ther and staer at it and wil not open the door even if you demand her turn the water off you tel her turn the water off elain and open the door and her wil say i wil in a minut but this wil go on all day long until you hav to take the door off the hinges or even to brake the fuckeng theng down on her……the other one name of brandey is not qwite so crasey but her be may more scareist becos i am shur her is possess by devils…her wil even tel to you that her hav see the devil hand reech out and tuch her on the forhed… it s not a lie becos her wold be sayeng thees thengs sinse her a little girl of abot six yeers old and stil talks abot remembereng it and all kind of other crasey shit as well….

but what are thay to do with rahe/……i look at the film and i remember okay thees two bitches the both of them hav be comeng in my uncel massouds store and thogh i hav not see them ther latley i kno how when rahe wold be ther him wold brag abot how he suposedley stood up to the spiks man and brag even to some that it was him who shoots the spiks man som pepel he even tels that he whip his ass too….of corse he wil not saed thees thengs in front of me or massoud becos we weer there and we know besters…..but he saed thees thengs in front of mara and brag to the other customers to try to ack like a hard ass……so now let this be a lessen to you when you brag and talk shit you had bester be abel to bak it up….

that is why i do not feel sorrey for rahe on this tape becos in this tape he is ackteng just like him did in the store that nite he is begeng and cryeng and so on for them to spaer his life…..the mans also who i recognise are looks like telleng him to shut up…the bitch brandey her is laffing like the devil her is posesed by and the one name elaine her is jus staers ther and evrey so often ags thay on with a reel heteful look on her fase…..i am thenkeng god dam why could ther be no sound on this fuckeng theng….but it do not matter……it hav notheng to do with omar or massoud or with mara…but on the other hand it may hav a lot to do with me….thay are beeting him but not badley just more or less bitch slappeng him and pusheng him and kneeng him in the nuts and grabbeng at his dik and laffeng at him… name of juan is the worster of them all and him is the smalest i thenk him is brandeys boyfrend and her is realey goeng to town laffeng and clappeng her hands and rahe is obveusley beggeng for his life….i am surprise com to thenkof it that him hav the presense of mind to turn on the camra and then i wonder what if he hav do this before thay com but for another reason…..

but aneyways elaine her leves and in a few minuts her come bak with a big rope and then i kno that rahe is about to breeth his last few breths on this planet earth and soon to go down to the hels wher probaley hin now is ball up like a little babee screemeng and cryeng for mersey from shatan who of corse wil show him none whatsoever……be that as it may in under a minut thay hav rahe up and suddenley thay stop…he is telleng thay somtheng but god dam if i kno what it is dam him for not haveng a camra with sound……but thay are stoppeng and i kno now what he is telleng them and that is he is telleng thay the truth abot what happens that nite in my uncels stor which meens of corse that he is tells to them what i hav do to thay frend and i am prettey sur the brother of the one spik heer on the film by name of hernando… i kno i mite hav a reel problem on my hands….

but aneyways the one name of elaine is rites down what him is sayeng and a minit or two after that thay hav rahe draggeng him out of site whil juan and another older one name of paul thay hav the rope and tyeng it on the bar in the closet…soon thay are both out of site……

i turn off the film and feel like smaks myself in the hed when i realise i hav watch the first snuf film i hav be abel to see in more than four yeers and a good one too and do not even thenk to pop me som popcorn which i stop to go and do…after i fix me some orvil redenboker popcorn in the microwave i com bak and turns bak on the camra…for a long time notheng excep for brandey and paul go in the bedroom and fuk and then juan take his turn and then hernando take his turn and then hernando fuk elaine but none of the others fuk elaine and after herando fuk elaine i gess thay leve becos i wate for a long time and no one come bak in the bedroom……and all the time i am theenkeng fuk this shit now thees motherfukers are goeng to come after me and theenk thay will kill me and then fuk each other in my bed that meens i have another problem to take care of and it is three spiks who i hav to kill before thay kill me……but for the time being i hav the problem with bitch mara….two times now i hav to fors feed her more anise and cardomon tea as her starts to com to….also ther is massoud who cals in and tels me that he is goeng to be delays becos his car hav be mess up and he hav to get it fixed which of corse i hav aranged with som of my contacs in dayton ohio in fact he is goeng to hav a hard fuckeng time with that car for a couple of days now and in the meentime he will hav more leeds to folow on his wild goos chas for omar…….

so aneyways i am watcheng a blank screen of rahes bedroom and from this vantage poent you baerley can see the rope go out of the closet if not see what happens before you mite not even pays no attenshon to it….suddenley the reel star of the show enters which is of corse myself……..i hav to laff at this but then when i stop to thenk of how close i com to run into pepel who are probaal by now hav me on thay hit list it do give me som pause…..

after five minits or so of lookeng at a blank screen sudenley someone els come in another man who i do not kno at first but then i recognise hm….he is one of the immams from cincinnati….not the mane one but one of the ones who travels around and who is i beleve from saudi arabia…..he is also the one who give me the hells when last i was in the mosque for me not be what he calls a good muslim…..and then it occcurs to me oh hell no this is why rahe hav his camra set up he was expeckteng a visit from this immam who is also a filther disgust homosexer queiers……..he is looks like him is in shok…..oh do not worrey filther disgust hipocrit i thenk to myselv you shok days are just begineng…..

so ther you have it….i saed a prayer for soul of rahe that grate lord god allah hav mersey on his miserabul disgusteng soul…after all he has do me a big favor and i hope somwher down in the hells him knos that somhow…..

Saturday, April 22, 2006

My Plan Is Near Completion

omar is completley under my thumb now which is good and necesarey and i told him yesterday no you are not goeng to go to the mosque i do not giv a dam if it is friday you have to get the hell out of covington for awhil and i manage to talk him into forgeng a chek on his mothers bank acount…..he is a good forger but not that good stil it is one of the few thengs that he is worth a shit at and so now i hav him hamereng another nael in his coffin… now he has the money but no wher to go so i give him the addres of hamil in garfield heights which is a secshon of cleveland ohio…...he leve last nite and just in the nick of time too….becos today i get a visit from the poleeses…..

shur enof thay want to know about omar….have i be seeng him and when last time was…of corse i try to ack like i am surprised that thay are lookeng for him and i put on a pretey good act if i do say so myselv……then thay sho me a picshur of little ruthie and thay ask me if i know this girl….oh yes i saed that is little ruthie hav thay ever find her yet/…..

when thay ask what i meen i explane that her sister sherey tels me and omar her hav be misseng….then i explane to them that this was on easter sunday which was last time i hav see omar other than the day and nite after that….yes him was akteng strang but i do not reeley pay it no mind….other than him seem to be more worreed about ruthie even than her sister is……

then thay ask me the qwesteon i hav be waiteng to heer……do omar know leann/…..of corse omar know leann i teld them thay hav talk plentey of times which of corse was the truth and also that leann always saed her thoght omar was a creepey strang person that him looks at her strang….what i do not tel to them was that leann that stupid little nigger lover bitch her saed this about aney man or yung boy she ever do meet….stil omar like her okay and even he watches her for us a cupel of times when me and amanda hav be busey doeng other thengs……..

when thay ask me if omar seems to be like hav infatuashon with leann i teld them no mor than usual hm is girl crazey but he is harmles…….then the poleeses man him saed why do you never tel us to this befor now and i teld to them well it never ocured to me why wold i thenk somtheng suspishus of my own nephew/…..thay just look at me and thay ask me if i hav aney idea wher thay mite be and oh yes when was the last time i see ruthie and i teld to them oh it was abot a week and a half ago her came up her with omar him saed he was lookeng out for her becos no one paed aney attenshon to her and let her run wild……he promis me he is not doeng aney theng rong with her and her is always folows him around……. and thay look funney and thay saed why do you thenk he mite be doeng somtheeng wit he/…..r and i saed wel i just thoght it was odd that a man omar age whch is ninteen be always hangeng around with a little girl that is onley like twelv……..

acshuaey her is ten the offiser saed and if we ever find out aneytheng is happens to her you nephew is in a lot of trubel and if you kno wher he is you had bester teld to him to turn himselv in rite now we hav a lot of qwestens for him and i saed well i hope that he do not do somtheng stupid……this make them look worreed and thay ask me what i meen and i saed one time he beet up this one girl and almost kils her becos her accusses him of molestes her darter and then he thretens to kill both of them and himselv too if her keep sayeng thees lies….of corse i culd not tel them who the woman was becos this never relely happen but i was in the mood to lay it on as thik as i culd……when thay ask me how old was the darter i teld them it was an infant just under a yeer old and not be weened….i told the offisers i do not beleve this myself but he shur do beet the hel out of this woman her is from williamstown and i hav never herd a theng abot it sinse then but omar saed she is just after his money becos her thenks he hav a lot……

finaley the offisers thay leve and good theng too i hav the phon ringer turn off and the caller id disconeck becos it hav be ringeng off the hook all day and no sooner do i hav it than hamil he cals and ask me what do we do now and i teld to him in code in case phon is be taped that omar him shold be dam shur to cal heer by such and such a time and plase…..

i kno it is onley a matter of time now befor i get a speshal phon cal from a certan person and shur enof i get that phon call from mara who is besid herselv….i teld to her okay i will com down to the stor but i want to talk to you alone i do not want uncel massoud to be ther or aneyone elses ether do you hav that strate and her saed yes okay then…..

so i go down ther and ther her is and i can tel she is abot at the end of her rope…….i am cryeng like i can bareley hold it bak which is anotehr trik of magic my mother taught to me long ago it is called sympathetic magic……..i am so worred about omar i teld to her i thenk him has be looseng his mind……..she make me promis that i wil cal her if i heer aneytheng from him and plees to do so befor i cal the poleeses and i saed yes of cors i wil do this but on one condishon……

she do not say aneytheng and i saed i want us to go bak to being a familey agan and burey the hatchet as thay say heer in amareca….she saed okay i agre all this bitternes and animositey hav broght to us notheng but shame and ruin…….i teld to her then i want to com bak to work for you too under the same condishons as under my uncel massoud and her saed no that is not goeng to happen……..

then she givs me this hautey look and i kno now ther is no turneng bak….i was acshualey starteng to feel sorry for the bitch to tel you the truth becos thogh omar hav be a disapoentment to her for some time now she stil loves him and is obveusley heart braken over what he hav be doeng or what she thenks he hav be doeng….but stil when it com to money and be gratitud for what her thenks i try to do to help wel it is the same old mara……but i can not get on her bad side now so i teld to her no i do not meen dubel money under the tabel i ment just me work for you drivieng a truk like befor for just regulur pay…..

then she starts to cry and her tels me do you kno that omar hav be susposes to deliver three truk lodes of groserees to three difrant stores and he do not do this and now all the produse in thees truks thay are goeng bad and some of it has rottend…will hav to we thro it away now so we hav lost somtheeng like over two thosand dollres on thees deliverees…..just good theng it was maneley frutes and vegtabels if ther were mor meet probabal we wold hav be lost a lot mor than that…..

now her is mad and sad so i put my arm around her and i am stil fake cryeng and ackteng like i am tryeng to pul myselv together and i saed do not feel bad sister at leest not a whol lot of money be spended on gasolene so be may you do not loos all that much after all…..she looks at me and smiles and saed muhammed you can always find a way to look for the silver lineng no matter how bad…… you are somtheng els do you kno that/………

aneyway i go hom i was abot to tel her i wanted bak pay for all thees days i hav be missed but that wold be pusheng my luk and besides soon i wil be getteng aneytheng i want from this bitch……i hav just to trust hamil to make shur omar do not fuk up and in the meentime i hav to make shur the poleeses mans do not put out a warant for hamil but i thenk i mite have afraded them to do that becos of thoghts i put in thay heds of what he mite do if he get desprate…..besides ruthie and her familey are realey no good white trash aneyways no one realey gives a dam abot thay and my uncel massoud hav a lot of power and influens with certan pepels in posishons of authoritey… also helps that ruthie is always runeng away from hom for days and a coupel of times for more than a week and her mother is a big drunk and a drug addicted whor too……….

stil even thogh i hav make as good a plan as coud be hope for under the circumstanses you never can be too caerful becos even the bester plans can come undun due to unforseen circumstanses….all i can do now is bide my time and hope for the besters…….

onley theng that hav me bafuld rite now is just what am i goeng to do with this fuckeng easter bunney costum i am afrad to try to burn it or even just to thro it away so i am stiked with it….i bet i hav washes this dam theng fore times tryeng to make shur all of ruthies dna is not longer on it……oh wel the poleeses man knos that ruthie hav be heer that wold explane it good enof and beisds why wold thay thenk to chek this costum other than wonder why i hav this theng….i wil just tel them i got it as a makeng up present for amanda after we brake up……..that i was planeng on stuffeng it with her favorit thengs and such….yes i kno it is a stupid fuckeng storey espeshaley sinse it wil be a cold day in the hels befor i take amanda bak but sometimes you have to go with the bester excuses you can thenk of at aney given time….

Thursday, April 20, 2006

A Long Journey

to sho you how is much a spoeled brat my nephew omar his mother and father thay buy him a new car everey yeer….ushualey he manages to reck it or he did the first two he got the last one he managed to driv a whol yeer without a scratch and now just two days ago he has another one but as far as i am conserned the last one wold hav be good for som time to come…..yet do thay offer to let me buy it/……no thay just traed it in on another one……and i wold hav gave thay just as much as thay saved so not onley are thay selfish thay are stupid besides….just tells you this in case you wonders why i am so harsh and say and do the thengs i do wit so little regard for them…….

aneyway that is all besides the poent which is now omar hav a new car and as i poent out to him it is obveus that we are not goeng to find aneywher around heer to dispos of a bodey in safetey and securitey and ther is no way we can take one of uncel massouds refrigerates truks down a long ways without attracks suspishon……he was beside himselv but i finaley told him okay now lets take ruthie in you car and find a plase for her… we put her in the bak seet of his car and off we go….we drov all day monday and all nite too…. then we stop and rest at rest stop and of corse ther are pepel who see ruthie sitteng in the bak of the car but say notheng after all she is stil in her easter bunney costum……

even one time a poleeses man puls us over and omar him get all wide eyed and nervus but stil manages to hold it together bester than i ever thoght he wold……just a good theng i am the one who is driveng the car….i kno the poleeses man was suspishus of us after all how maney times are you goeng to see two arab mans one of them an immigrant and thay hav in the bak of thay car an easter bunney the size of a teenage girl/…..aneyways he cheks my lisens and when i told him omar is the owner of the car that we just takeng it out for a driev and go on a trip he asked for the titel so omar showed it to him without sayeng a word….then of corse he wanted to see omar lisens too and omar him is fumbleng and all nervus and i wenks at the offiser and saed he is just nervus be may you thenk becos he is an arab that we mite be terrors or killers or sometheng…….he just lookeds at me and him and him hav this ugley mole on his cheek and when i saed this i cold swer i saw it twitcheng……

aneyways he takes our lisenses and the titel and go bak to his poleeses mans cruser and is getteng on the car radeo and omar him is goeng balistic and him is askeng me what is he doeng and i told him just stay calm you fuckeng ideot befor you caus us to be arresterd……finaley him coms bak to the car and asked us to step outsid and him flashes a lite all around and then saed can i see in the trunk of the car and i saed okay and him saed i hav to hav his permits after all it is his car….so omar then him saed no you are supose to hav a warant for do this……i cold not beleve it i smak that son of a bitch up the side of the hed so hard i almost knok him down and i saed what in the hel is you problem open the god dam trunk of the car… he saed okay then you go ahed and open up the trunk if you want….i saed to the poleeeses man you herd him tel me okay then rite/….and the poleeses man just look at us and him saed now look i don’t not want this to be a problem if he do not want me to open the trunk then he is within his rites to say this… omar he starts to cry big teers and he is red fased……i look at offiser and i shrug and say i promis you ther wold be no problem if you want to open the trunk and the offiser saed no it is al rite i gess… just wate heer………

so off him go and i tel omar i am goeng to kil you i hope you kno that and he saed he do not hav a rite to serch my car and i sad wel what do you hav in ther that you are afrade of him seeng if ther is somtheng ther i want to kno abot it now……you see omar him gets aneytheng he wants from my uncel and my aunt both aneytime he wants money thay just hand it over to him…..he uses all his money on bulshit too…..on eateng out at nise plases and goeng to conserts and on dates with sherey and on alcohol drenks even thogh him is suposes to be such a good muslim to heer him tel it which is of corse is a big laff…..but worster theng he do is he buy marawana and i am thenkeng i bet this motherfuker hav a big bag of marawana somwher in the wheel of his spaer tire becos i kno for a fack that is wher he ushualley keep it……becos he is a fool and acshualey thenks that is the last plase a poleeses man wold thenk to look…..

so the poleeses man he com bak and says wel i hav permits to keep you heer for a warrant to com in or i can hav you car haul into town if you drater he saed or some kind of shit like that… omar him saed no it is okay you can go ahed and chek the trunk and so the offiser after askeng him agan if he was shur told him to go ahed and open the trunk… then this fool opens the trunk and piks up the spar tire and says okay now ther is notheng in ther you can look and see……the offiser then looks in the trunk and saed okay hand me the tier and omar him saed no that is okay i wil put it bak and the offiser saed i saed hand me the tier mister shahiri… omar do and the poleeses man him looks and shur enuf ther is a big bag of marawana…..

omar then him try to ack like he is shoked and saed oh my god how did that get in ther/……i kno i hav to thenk of somtheng fast and ther is onley two opshons……i cold easiley kil this cop but that wold not be wise he has alredey just now run a chek on the both of us so this is reley not an opshon……so i do the onley theng i can thenk of to do…….i saed i swer to you offiser i do not kno this fool hav maawana in him car…..i swer to you i am his uncel and nether me or his father or mother aprove of this in fack that is why i am spends time with him to get him away from bad pepels that leed him astray…….i swer to you if you wil let us go i wil keep an eye on him and you can just toss that marawana into the ditch over yonder and…….

then him interups me and saed wel it is reeley not that much but it do look like it is over an ouns that is a clas d and i forget what he saed reley whether misdemener or feloney becos by now my hed is spineng and i kno i mite hav to do somtheng desprat….so then the poleeses man offers to let us go with a warneng and a fine and i saed to him if i can pay the fine rite now then you can giv him a tiket or somtheng to show him a leson……

so he do what i figur he wold do he gav omar a tiket for speedeng and i hav to giv this fuckeng poleeses man two hunderd dollars……and i was the one who was driveng on top of that………then the poleeses man he do not toss the marawana a long way just bareley to the side of the road and then he tels us to be on our way……..omar is fumeng over this let me tel you he is sayeng that motherfuckeng croked cop and i am teleng him yes and you had bester be glad he is a croked cop you ideot or we wold reley be in trobel rite now….he was rite thogh the cop do not even wate until i hav drov out of his site befor i see him in the reer view mirror pickeng up the bag of pot which was indeed wel over an ouns…….

later on that nite we stop and eat supper and then by the time we are thru it is nite time so i say okay lets take us a driv out in the cuntrey…..we are cleer in another state by now from wher we were when the poleeses man stops us but everytime omar sees a poleeses man he starts to shake…….but at this restrant ther are som teenagers in ther two boys and one girl and i tel omar that gril is fuks them both i bet we can get som pussies from her too if we can get her aay from them…….omar is not in the mood for this of cors and it was reley not the best time but i notis the girl keeps lookeng our way at me and him both and the one boy is talks loud and braggeng about how he has kiks this ones ass and that ones ass and the other boy is just goeng along with him prettey much and suddenley the girl asked me wher i am from and i saed i am from syria and her ask if that is wher omar is from and he saeds no i was born and rase heer but he is my uncel and then the fool tels her our names…..

then her asked me is that you easter bunney in the bak of the car and i saed yes it was a present from omar grilfrend…the one boy then that talk too much he then accusses her of talks to much and apologises to me for this and i saed o that is al rite be may she just wants som of this big dik of mine…..omar slenks down in his seet and saes muhammed and the gril her lafs a silley little lauf that sonds like her is too shok to kno what to say her just goes……uuhhhh..wha…iiiii…and whhhoooo…and the one boy he just choks on his coca cola but the other boy he just looks at me like he do not kno what to thenk and he finaley says you must be a reel stud huh…..i tel him i am stud enuf that when her fuks me her do not need to fuk my frend like her fukeng you frend ther……

finaley the watres her coms over and her says ther is no problem heer is ther and i saed oh no we are abot to leve but the girl is telleng the big mouth one he do not kno what he is talkeng abot he is just a trobelmaker but i kno i am rite becos i can tel how everynow and then the qwiet boy is tuches the girl when the other one do not notis and her lets him do it to…..and thay are always lookeng at each other and smileng and reeley her is sits closest to the qwiet one in fack i thoght thay were the boy frend and the grilfrend util thay talk enof i can tel her is suposeng to be getteng marreed to the big mouth one…..

so aneyway i pays for our meel and then off we go and so we are driveng way out in the cuntrey somwher along with ruthie the easter bunney ther in the bak seet and all of a sudden this car zooms in behind us and it is thees fools and thay are on our tael….suddens thay pul around us and honkeng ther horn and it is thees three who hav be follows us from a distans for qwite som time…thay puls up and the gril opens the window and the boyfrend him is stiks his hed around and shouteng out to me go bak wher you com from you filthey fukeng arab and the girl her just lafs as thay go on around….that do it i speed up and omar is like muhammed you fukeng fool what are you doeng but i am not careng rite now no motherfuker talks to me this way i speed up and i ram them from behind and i take out my gun and i shoots in the air by them and thay speed up and thay are haveng hard tim holdeng on to the rode on this long and windeng and reley narrow rode and then i shoots thay bak left tire and then i speeds up and rams them agan then suddens off the rode thay go way way way way down into the hil side and thay are covereng up with bushes……

so then i saed to omar rite ther that is wher we go to burey her…..burey her he saed to me…..i am talkeng abot ruthie you ideot i tel him down ther wher thay went to……so we park the car and i leve him ther with our parkeng lites on and tel him okay now if somone coms just say we hav car trobel i want to go and chek this out……so down i go and it must hav be mor than two hunderd feet and then i see ther is a strate drop off down on to som roks and som bushes below…i figur wow thay must hav be almost out of gas or thay car woud hav exploded..….i see som peses of car from fender and stuf lik that and i kik them off down into wher ther is trees and bushes and down i go and see ther is a fire just a little one but i put it out…….

ther thay are the boy in the bak he is ded and the boy in the front him has his chest cav in by the steereng wheel and the girl her hav be thron from the car and into the tree and her is baerley alive and i can tel her is go to die aney minut now…..i get her down from bottom branch that her is in and her says pleas help me so qwiet i can baerley heer her….i tel her wil you giv me som of that pussies and her says yes…and then her dies…..

so i kno now that when i die this one wil be wates for me in the hevens she was qwite a prettey girl reley her was tal and blond haered with long sexey legs and big boobs and i cold tel from way her acks her is horney bitch and has never be satisfied in her life with sexes not by ether of thees two fools or by aneybodey els…it is reeley not my fault her be killed it is thers…….all i do was first to tel the truth and then when they haras me i meerley defend my honor…….her can not blam me and her has giv me word her wold giv me pussies so her wil be one of my sex harem girls in the hevens when i go ther……god makes all girls and womans keep thay promises to mans espeshal sinse i wold hav sav her if i cold……

stil all of this is by the way…..god has giv me the perfeck opportunitey to solv my problem…….i go bak up and ther is a car and ther is omar that fool talkeng and i am thenken oh shit what is goeng on now…but the man and his wif thay just stop to help and when thay see me pop up thay are scaered……but i say it is al rite you can go on now and i whisper to omar what do you tel them and he saed car trobel but thay start the car rite up just now….so the old man he saed i do not thenk you wold find aney hoses down ther and i saed oh that is al rite i just needed to take a shit my nephew driveng has scaered the hel out of me i bet i pissed for a fukeng hour to……..thank you for you help….so thay saed wel okay……and off thay go and the old woman her giv me the funneist look you ever do see….

so i saed com on lets driv away so thay wont be suspishus and then we com bak heer which we do an hour later in the meen tim i tel omar my plan okay now i tel him heer is what we do we take the easter bunney sute off of ruthie and drop her down the ravene wher thees tenagers hav crashes and dies and probabal her and thay wil never be fond down ther but even if thay are thay wil assum her was one of them al along do that sond lik a brilleant plan or what…..he agreed not that he had aney other choese…so we go bak and after we take the easter bunney sute off of ruthie i notis she is starteng to swel and to stenk and is turneng blak but after all her hav be out of the ice we hav her paked in for a few days and hav be out of it now for a day and a half at leest……plus she was never completley frosen to begin with we just keep her good and cold like a reel good cold six pak of beer that is almost frosen but not qwite or kind of like when you put a coca cola in the freeser and it gets reel mushey but stil not frosen hard so you can stil drenk it….i lov to drenk them thataway……

aneyway we carrey ruthie down the hill all two hunderd feet to the big drop off and this way i can show omar how no one can tel a car has ever reck heer look i told him all the branches of tree and bushes hav alrededy be bak to almst lik thay was befor… we sweng ruthie bak and then toss her and dow her went thru the bushes and i saed now okay omar i go down and mak shur her is down ther good with the other ones which i do…i hav to moov her a little bit closer to the others…hopefulley if thay find them it wil be at leest a coupel of weeks after all if thay find them rite away thay mite be abel to tel the difrans in how long ruthie hav be ded from the other ones but the longer it takes them the less likley that wold be….this is anoteh trik i lerned from watching first rate shows like csi and law and order and other grate televishon shows such as this….

and hopefulley thay will never find them…but if thay do of corse i hav to make shur omar gets the blam for it afte all it is his fault aneyway…..that is why i hav a alibi set up for wher i hav be and no one knos that i hav com down heer with omar until that fukeng poleeses man pul us over in another state…….even then thogh i use another fals id that i hav prepare for just such a contingensey……even omar do not kno that which is all to the bester…….

it was a long driv bak and after almost a day we are bak in kentucky and i hav him dorp me off at the greyhound bus stashon in lexington kentucky……i tel him i am takeng a bus ride to clevland i tel him which is what i do…..i bet i sleep al the way up ther too which after evereytheng i go thru thees last three days i need all the sleep i can get………

hamil agreed to see me and was happey when i teld to him that soon his problems wold be over…omar problems hav just begineng onley him do not kno this yet…….fuk him aneyway…..

i played one game of ches with hamil and i acshualley beet him without cheeteng….i thenk the motherfuker let me win to tell you the truth…..

by the time i get bak to covington i hav onley one theng to worree abot but i find out omar hav keep his moth shut which is good…….soon everytheng is goeng to change for the bester………my probelms with bitch mara omars mother are abot to be a theng of the past……omar wil soon giv her the date rape drug and then her wil be completely in my power from now on until the end of time……that bitch is goeng to be sorrey she ever interfeered with me or my plans….i am so exsited thenkeng abot it i can baerley contane myselv…….

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Sunday

i hav had som strang time in my life but yesterday was one of the strangerest of all…..yesterday was easter sunday of corse and ordinariley i do not pay aney attenshon to this day and to tel you the truth i thenk it is a realley stupid theng to do or so i used to thenk….when me and amanda was stil together she wold always look forward to this day and her wold get all dressed up reel nise and prettey so it wold be hard even to recognise her…….i wold ask her what do easter meen to you and her wold tel me it is reeley a celebrashon of the comeng of spreng which of corse if acshualey correct…….it was realey a pagan day that was meens to be celebrate on the first day of the spreng which the pagans pepels called ostra which is wher the word easter is derives from…….but the christean pepels thay change the day to the first sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spreng for som reson in part i gess to make it fall on a sunday which is sacred to the christean pepels and also to make it coinside more with the jew celebrashon of passover……

so i tel omar my spoeled brat nephew who hav be stays with me now for a few days this wold be a good way to kil two birds with one ston we can go to easter plases and find a plase to take car of our little problem…….of corse we wold need a refrigerates truk that is works good and to make shur we hav all our bases covered we went out and buy a easter bunney costum for ruthie…….so we go to difrant plases last nite to do this and finaley we fond som and omar him saed here muhammed this one heer looks like it wold fit her perfecley and i teld him wel we need acshual to get one that mite be two or three sizes bigger than her at leest…..lukiley i had enouf presense of mind to meshur her good for a costum and i fond the one i was shur wold be perfect……so we took it home and we put it on her and woudent you kno it was perfect just as i thoght it wold be….ruthie her look so prettey in this costum thogh it was bulkey of corse i realise this wold be the case which was why i make shur i buy enof cotton to stuff all around her from hed to toe….her was a little stif by this time but not as much as you mite thenk becos probabal of we keeps in refrigerates truk enof to keep her from rots and stenks but stil not so cold that her be frosen solid….

first we go to the cinsinati zoo and i kno rite away that this is not a good idea and omar as wel him is worrees he tels me muhammed this is crazeynes after all thenk abot it here we are two arab mans driv around wher ther are amarecan childrens and familees in a refrigerates truk with notheng insid but ice and a grate big easter bunney do you not thenk we mite attracks attenshon….i had to admit it was a good poent but i cold not resist watches the animals for a whil after all it wold be even worsters if pepels were wtaches us if we leve so soon al of a sudden… we stays for awhile and it was qwite fun especshal the way thay hav melons hideng for the gorilas….thay gorilas are nastey animals but thay are smart too and qwite humorus….ever wher we go ther are all these little brats and thay sqeel with delite and i laugh anf jokes with som of them and with omar but no matter how hard i try i cannot gt him in a good mood……i tel him hay i hav an ideas how we can make som money omar we can take ruthie out of bak of refrigerates truk and we sit her on a longe chare and can make som money take picshurs of little kids sits on her lap what do you say then we can charge thay famileys for the photos of it i even can use my cell phon camra…..

that is a stupid idea him saed which of cors it is and it even hurt my feelengs a little bit that he take me sereos what do him thenk i am i wonder a fool or sometheeng…..aneyways we go bak to the hous and i am theenkeng this wold make a good excus if somone stopped us and cheked our truk and sees ruthie ther so i tak my reel good camra and off we go then to devou park wher ther is another easter celebrashon in progres…….

onley turns out this wold not be such a good idea becas when we gets ther who is ther but fuckeng sherey who is omars grilfrend and of corse her is big sister to littel ruthie and up here her coms and saed wel look who is here i thoght you were not goeng to be here today…… and i saed why do you tel her this and him saed i was just feeleng bad i do not thenk i wold com but you talk me into it….. and suddens her saed hav you see ruthie and omar him look ashame and saed no i hav not why do you ask me that do you thenk i am kno wher ruthie is everey day/……and her saed wel she do hangs around you or her used to and him saed no her han not sinse you mother teld me to not lets her hang around me…… which of corse this was a big lie and i can tel him is lyeng and i am worreed that sherey can tel too becos her was giveng him a reel suspishus look…….

so i teld her omar hav be stayeng with me now for six days now and i hav be around him all the time and hav seen no sine of ruthie so him is telleng you the truth…even we be workeng together i teld her and so her seemed to be satisfide with this…….stil i was not so shur and so just to be on the safe side i sent omar to buy us som refreshments and whil him is go away i look at sherey and asked her if her and omar is goeng to be marreed and her saed thay are supose to but her do not kno for shur……and all the while i am talkeng to her i am willeng my dik to get hard so her can notise it and i teld her you are one of the preteest grils i hav ever seen in my life if you and omar get marreed him is lukeist man than him ever do deserve to be….then her asked me if i stil hav a grilfrend and i teld her no we brake up but i do definitley hav my mind on somone else and her saed oh who is it…… and her has this reel mistey eyed look on her fase and i saed to her look over yonder can you see that hous down ther/……. i do not kno if you can tel from here but down ther is wher som frends of mine used to live that likes to partey i hav som reel good times down ther in fack that is wher i meet amanda……. of corse this is all a big lie but her looked and saed show it to me poent it out to me so i gets rite behind her and make my dik as big and hard as i thenk her can stand it without be afrade of it and then i grinds it up aganst that big fine ass of hers and i asked her do you see it now and her saed oh yes i see it reel wel and her is brethes hard and red fases and stuf….

i bak off her just as omar com bak with our drenks and we sit and talk and watch all the littel kids to playeng ther games and i asked sherey so sherey what do easter meen to you and her saed that is the day jesus caem bak from the ded and her talks abot how him be crusified three days befor and all this and all the whil ther are childern lafs and plays and finds easter eggs that are hideng but that are not reel eggs thay are plastic eggs that hav candeys in them and som of them hav speshal gift certificats insid them from difrant stores and restrants and what hav you….. and ther is an easter bunney him walkengs around thar and acks foolish and all the kids just lauf an giggels and run up to him and touch him and i swer one of the littel grils her be around eght yeers old or so her walks up to him and slaps him on the ass…..but realey i thenk her ment to grab at his big tael….and the stupid motherfuker whoever it is him hopped when her do this and all the kids lafeng abot this….and i saed to sherey and to omar well i gess ther is no use to doeng what i planed….. to take pishurs….. what kids wil want to hav pichsurs of a fake bunney when thay hav a rel liveng one to take picshurs with/…..….and sherey saed what are you talkeng abot and omar him give me this look like him is abot to fal over ded rite ther on the spot…..but i teld her oh we hav a easter bunney in the bak of the refrigerates truk… on i wil show you and i open the door and her goes in and sees ruthie and gets in and says oh it is cold in here and i saed do not worree i wil warm you up and so i am holdeng her and her is bretheng so hard her is goeng crazey…….. and i am feeleng all over her and i am askeng her how old are you and she saed oh i am sixteen but do not worree i wil not tel aneyone so i kissed her and i saed okay now go ahed and sit down on the easter bunneys lap and her do this and i took her picshur….

then her aksed me how much do i owe you i do not hav aney money and i saed oh that is all rite you can giv me a blow job if you want to and her laufs and saed okay be may one day i wil but not now okay/….it was a stupid theng to say realey and i can tel it embarased her but she did not seem to be mad……. so we go on out and i feel her pussies and her give me this look as her start to step bak out like her is sayeng i want you soon…… then her tuched my dik not as much as i can tel her wanted to but she just brushed her hand aganst it and i can tel as we go on out that her is happey and sad at the same time and her looks at omar like her hav lost al repseks for him and omar him is just sits like him is scared to deth and piss off too…..

so after awhil we go away and sherey her wants to go with us and i teld her her cannot com now we hav to do som work and wil not be bak for a cupel of days and her is beggeng to let her go to but i saed no it is bester this way….omar him gets in truk and not onley do not saed a word to her but do not even look her way…..

so off we go to walton wher ther is yet another easter celebrashon and i tel omar we shold get ther soon it is getteng late and it was realey almost four o’clok by this time but he is mad and him saed hav you lost you fukeng mind what in the hel was all that abot with sherey and i teld him her knos abot what happens with you and ruthie and him saed you meen you tel her and i saed no her tels me that you hav be around her and her makes me admit i hav not all the tim be around you the last few days…..i did not hav to but i thoght okay if her is convinsed you hav sometheng to do with ruthies disaperans then i hav to cover my ass….why him askes me then and i saed wel thenk abot it if thay prove you hav somtheng to do with it then obveosley thay wil thenk i do too if i am around you all the time and i cannot permits this to be the case….so we stop and i breng ruthie to the front of the truk and i saed by the time we get to walton we wil be shur to find som kids who want thay picshurs take with the easter bunney….then we wil go drive around til we find som plase that we can put her…othrwise we wil hav to go bak to the zoo….why the zoo him ask and i saed wel we wil just hav to feed her to the bears be may the polar bears or the kodeak bears wil eat her and leve no trase of her and him saed that is a crazey idea you wold never get away wth try sometheng like that somone will see you befor you ever get clos to thos bears no mattr how late in the nite it is………..

so he saed what do sherey thenk when her sees that easter bunney costum do her catch on and i saed no so far as her kno it is just another fake easter bunney which by the way is why make shur to stuf cotton in between all parts odf the sute and ruthie in case somone rips it and sees insid…….

so omar then him saed but why do you hav to breng her to the front of the truk and i saed i just get to thenkeng if the polseeses man stops and looks at the truk him mite get suspishus of a rabit costum in a refrigerates truk and wants to open it up if we hav it up heer and i hav my camra thay are more likeliur to beleve this crazey storey….so him saed we shold hav alredey bureed her muhammed this whol theng is crazey as the hels….and i saed now who fault is that mine or yours/….he saed but i do not kno you hav a date rape drug in you tea when her drenks it why do you hav this stuf in you tea aneyways who is it for and i saed it is for you mother that is who it is for and he saed what/…….

i saed it is for you mother and not onley that you are the one who is goeng to giv it to her and him saed the hel it i am and i saed wel then i wil tel evereytheng i kno……. includes how you fuk ruthie whil her lays dyeng from date rape drug and him saed you teld me to do that becos that mite be the onley way to save her life and i saed yes i kno i teld you to do that and i took picshurs of you do that so do not giv me aney shit you are goeng to giv you mother this drug for me becos she do not trust me to wher i can giv it to her and him saed why do you want to fuk my mother/…..i just teld him sometimes pepels hav to do theengs thay wold prefer not to do which is what you motehr is abot to find out reel soon now……

aneyways by the time we get to walton ther is stil qwite a few littel grils and littel boys around even thogh it is getteng late by then and shur enof when we set ruthie up by layeng her on the longe chare thay came runneng up to us…… som with ther parents and thay see my camra and thay are like mommee daddey i want my picshur takeng with the easter bunney….so i start to take picshurs and one littel boy asked me why is the easter bunney so cold and i saed oh the easter bunney he be wateng a long time for spreng to get heer but littel boy was not buyeng this him suks in his lips and givs me suspishus look and saed i thenk it is becos you hav him in refrigerates truk and i saed wel okay yes you are a smart littel boy i shold hav no bester than to try to fool you and the littel boy saed i am prettey smart and so i took an extra picshur of him for free to make up for it…..

i ended up takeng like seven picshurs all together and i charged five dollars for each one and one of the parents him asked me what is rong with you frend and i notis that omar is stil in the truk and i saed oh him wil be all rite i thenk him is just tierd and besids him has brake up i thenk with his grilfrend…..and the man him saed wel that wold explane why him is cryeng for shur and pepel are lookeng at him and i am thenkeng okay i bester not let them talk to him who knos what omar that fool wil say to them so i saed hey i hav an idea how abot i mak a group picshur of evereyone and one of you can hav copees of it made and giv one to evereyone and one big fat ass bitch saed that is a good idea i wil pay for it…..this do not surpris me one theng i hav knos a long time abot fat asses womans and mans too is that thay are always on the lookout to do aneytheng thay can do to make pepel like them bester….so i saed okay evereybodey now remember what the seson is on the cont of three i want you all to say jesus loves me and so i cont to three and all the littel kids and som of the grone mans and womans too thay saed jesus loves me reel loud as thay gather rond ruthie the easter bunney and i take ther picshurs……

after it was over the one man who talked to me befor com up with his wife and littel red hared darter and saed wold you like to stik around for refrshments we hav som hot dogs and chips and coks and slaw and bunches of other thengs and i saed wel thank you verey much i am qwite hungrey acshualley i hav not eats all day so thay breng me a plate and som other persons breng a plate to offer for omar and i saed i had bester take it to him so i do and ther is these little boy and a gril talks to omar and him seems to be pulleng himselv together so i hand it to him and saed heer eat sdom food and ack like you hav som sense and him saed i am not hungey and i whisper to him eat motherfuker that is an order and com out heer and ack like a human being for a change for onse in you life…so him gets out of the truk and meenwhil i theenk okay i bester put ruthie the easter bunney bak in the truk so i do and som kids are looks but thay do not saed aneytheng exsep for the one littel boy who saed ha ha see i was rite but of corse i hav alredey admits this to him so i do not kno what the stupid little motherfukres poent was….

amarecan parents spoel thay childern way too much in my opineon thay hav a smart moth and are unruley and wil sass and disrespek thay elders all day long and giv it not thoght and a whol lot of the time nether do thay parents….but at the same time i hav to admit thay are for the most part bweutiful childern to and thay are so easey make them happey and thay lauf and plays and when thay are at thay best like today thay are a joy to behold and wil breng laufter to you hart….i notis even omar is starts to looses up enof i almost stops worrees abot be may him sayeng somtheng stupid….littel kids and sometimes parents wold saes somtheeng frendley with him and him wold smil and saes thank you and was starteng to relax i gess becos ruthie the easter bunney was no mor in his site…..

suddens whil we was al eatengg and dreenkeng two littel boys starts to argue over one finds a easter egg that somone hav not find from erleur today even thogh easter egg hunt was over hours ago… thay started to cal each other names but not reel bad ones and suddens this one littel boy smashes the egg on his hed and gess what it was a reel egg and not hard boeled ether and the egg is runs al over the littel boy and thay ae brothers evidentley thees two and so the one chases the other and even thay parents are lafs but whil thay says to stop that now you stop that now……

i hav to just sits bak and laufs my asses off at them….easter is a fun time of the yeer i do not realise what i hav be misseng al this time….i stil do not see what it has a dam theng to do with jesus christ thogh……

Saturday, April 15, 2006

A Good Man Always Pays His Taxes

i am so glad that i hav what thay cal a green card that alows me to work in the united states of amareca but the bad theng abot it is you hav to mak shur you pay you taxes and rite now the last theng i need is to hav to do this.....ordinariley i wold be not onley not mind this but wold acshualey be happy and proud to pay them but now sinse ihav be fired by mara that bitch i am gos to need everey dime i can get and no telleng for how long ether...

of corse no one knos abot al the money i hav be paed under the tabel as they say by my uncel massoud becos until mara finds out abot this he hav acshual doubel my salarey with money that him do not put down.......on top of that he has paes al my taxes for me which is to say that whatevre i hav had to pay he has givs me the money bak under the tabel he pays my bils includeng my apartment is a good theng to hav a uncel who is a filther disgust homosexer queier and him knos you kno it and him do not want aneyone else to.....but of corse that is over and do away with now........

omar is stays with me now these past few days and him is worrees sik abot what happens and him is says muhammed him says why do you worree abot this shit you do not get aneytheng bak in taxes aneyway you taxes hav alredey be paed and takes out of you chek why do you hav to bother with this.......but i try to explane to him that it is evereybodey dutey to go throug the proces of pays you taxes that is what it meens to be a good citisenship.......

but what abot ruthie he says and i says to him do not worrey she wil keep.......late last nite we put her bodey in a refrigerates truk of my uncel that him hav for his stor that is brakes down but we paks her in ice......shur the ice wil melt befor long becos engin nots run but for the time be she wil be okay i tels him but him is worreed not that i can blam him i am worreed myselv but what can i do i tel him it is not a good idea to rush into thees thengs aneyways.......

so off i go to see my agent who is my teecher heer in this cuntrey him is names are you redey now him name is also muhammed but his last name is....wel never mind that....aneyways he is one who trys to teeches me engels the phonetic ways and evereytime i sees him him tels me i am do much bester at lerns engels both how to speek it and how to rite it but him tels me i stil hav a long ways yet to go..........

also him is helps me to do evereytheng in his power to help me to becom an amarecan citisen....he is a good man but him is a littel bit too much of a religus fanatic in m opinon......he insists on holdeng to his reglar prayer scedule and i meen he never misses a trik not even off by so much as one second is he.......and he insists that i joen in with him in our meets so of corse i do but i thenk it is unecesarey as long as you are a good man and trys to do what is the rite theng to do and folow laws of grate lord god allah in you hart then evereytheng wil be okay this is what my mother always tels me.......muhammed also him warns me aganst what him cals wild womans and him obvosley disaprovs of my relashonship with amanda who he cals a loos woman with no morals and he is happey now to heer that we hav brakes up....but stil him is worrees abot me be attracs to amarecan womans and me eats the food that i eat........he onley knos this becos he coms in covington chili one day and sees me eateng biscut and gravey and of corse ther is sasage in the gravey and he tels me this and so i acks like i am disgust and that i do not kno but i do not thenk him beleves me.......

aneyway i desid i had bester take omar down to his offis whil i get him to help me make shur my taxes are al in order becos i am afrad to leve him alon for al i kno he mite get it in his hed to cal the polees and confes to what has happend and i can not take that chanse becos if a poleeses man or sherree com by looks for ruthie i kno he wil probabal brake down and cry and tels evereytheng that happened and of corse this wold be stupid....i meen what happend is bad of corse and i am shur not happee abot it but what is dun is dun.......

aneyways muhammed tels to me that my taxes and al my papers are in order so evereytheng is fine.....but i feel bad......i feel like i shold pay my fare shar of taxes after all i am verey gratful to live in this grate i tels him you kno muhammed i hav a confeshon to make...i hav do somtheng that i shold not hav do.....and him says wel we al do rong from time to time but it is good that you want to tel me abot it.....but are you shur i am the one you shold talk to if you aent i can call the imam and i say no no you wil do just fine no need to bother the immam.....i do not like the fukeng immam aneyway but i am not goeng to tel him that..........

so he has this reel funnee look on his fase and he askes me wel do you want to go into my offis wher we can talk in privat and i saed yes that wold be a good idea becos now we are out in the main workroom wher all kinds of pepel are comes in to do ther taxes and get help with them so i do not want other pepel to heer this of we go in and i tel him abot how my uncel masoud hav be payeng me doubel money under the tabel........of cors he want to kno why is massoud do this and i tel him wel i gess becos he is my uncel and he lovs me and want to see me sucseed..........

are you shur that is what it is he askes me and i can tel he knos that i am lies like the hels to him and for som reson i cannot lie to this man he is a good man and so teers com to my eyes for the first time in i do not kno how long but now i am embaras but i cannot brake my word to uncel massoud ether becos i promis him that as long as him pays me i wil not far as i am conserned it is not his falt that he is now unabel to keep him word that is maras falt......but muhammed him tels me muhammed if you want me to help you you hav to tel me the i tel him the truth.......and then him saed i always thoght ther was sontheng funney abot him and rahe and now that rahe is ded from hang himselv it al maks sens now....but do not worree i wil keep you secret even thogh i shold tel the immam i wil leve this between you and you uncel and grate lord god almitey allah but i am tels you rite now muhammed you must stop this wikedness......

and i said wel i want to pay my taxes like a good man is expecks to do i want to do my part i teld him......but he said no muhammed....this is bad money and shold not be used to pay taxes you shold giv this money to the poor...bester yet you shold giv it to you uncel massoud giv it bak to him....but i saed wel i do not hav it aneymor and mara has fierd me....and he saed mara what do you meen she do not hav abilitey to fier you she is massouds wife.....but i explanes evereytheng to him and he says.....i tel you what muhammed.....i do not want to heer aneymor of this evil that you hav be doeng....i want you to make amends however you wish i kno that you want to or you wold not hav teld me all this so i wil trust you to do what is rite the best way that you can.....otherwis i want no furthr part in it..........

so now i am on my knees and i am crys out loud and i bow down befor him it feels lik such a releef all this burden to be off my sholders.....yes i cry like a babey this time but it is acshual teers of joy but somone coms in and it is a gard who is an off dutey poleeses man and he says is evereytheng al rite in heer but i just get up off the grond and i go bak outsid and the poleeeses man folows me outside and muhamed folows along behind him and i walk up to omar and the polleeses man and muhammed folow behind me and everyeone seems to be stareng at me and heer com two mor poleeses man and a poleeses woman and thay are com up to the first poleeses man and muhammed tels them reel quietley oh he is al rite he is just a verey emoshonal person......

but suddens omar him gets up and bolts out the door like a crazey man.......i do not even pays no attenshon to it i just go out to the car and as i look arond i see him nowher...but after a few minits look arond i heer him from insid the bak so i go insid and ther he is kneeleng and cryeng by the big pile of ice wher we hav the body hide........he is talkeng to this ded bodey and crys and tels her i am sorrey ruthie plese forgiv me......and him looks arond at me lik a man that is resined to his fate.....and i saed whatis rong with you stupid/.......he just saed why do you tel them muhammed i thoght you wer strong..........

i starts up the refrigerator car that we hav mov her bodey to from the brake down one and i saed okay now we hav got work to do.......i tels him now remember you mother is not to kno that i am goeng to work with you and no one els is ether you got that rite/......and him saed yes.......

so we are now on our way to florens to pik up tomoros deliverey........i am happey to be heer and lookeng forward to the day when i wil be a reel citisen ofthis grate cuntrey......i wil be a good citisenship and wil always pay my fare shar of taxes the way a person shold........i look forward to the day and i wil be dam if i am goeng to let omars fuk up get in my way.......

Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Death In The Family

of all the fuckeng thengs that hav happens to me what happens to me last nite has got to be the crazeist of all……first of all i get al thees fuckeng phon calls from som womans that is obveusley drunk and her is demand to speek to somone i hav nevre herd tel of and this happens four times and then amanda calls me and tels me muhammed i wants to come home and i tels to her you are jokeng rite/….aftre all this bulshits you says to me and you thenk you can just come home just like that and all is forgives you and it is all i just forget abot it/…..and her saed no i do not thenk that and i do not meen i come bak for good i just want to see you and talk to you…….i am sorree she saeng for evreytheng i saed to you and i just want to talk to you…..and i saed okay but you hav to wate until i come home from work today….then i asked her if her kno who this drunk woman is that call and asked for somone name of brandey and her is a drunk bitch that you evre do heer and her saed no i do not hav no idea probabal just rong numbre….and i saed okay then whatevre if you want to com for littel whil then you com when i get off of work…….but no you stay heer long just come and saes you peese and be do with it……

then her tels me wel i need to com by the hous and get my thengs that i leve ther that i do not hav time to get when i am ther befor can you leve the door unloks for me/…..then i saed no i wil not leve door unloked but i wil leve the key with the apartment manger and him can let you in but you had bestre be carful abot thor do not you let him out and if him aks like him do not wants you in ther then you do not come in ther becos i wil not be responsabul for what mite happen and i am go to tel my apartment manger this same theng….and her saed okay then good bye and i saed okay then goodbye and then i saed to myselv that is al the bitch her want to do aneyways is come and get her thengs not to talk to me so fuk her i do not want to talk to her aneyways……

so aftre i talk to manger and leve him my keys i go on to work and acshual hav a nise and plesant day for first time in a long time…..i make my delivereys to all the stores and then go to my uncel massoud store and find out then that uncel massoud hav be go away for awhil….mara is acshaul plesant for onse in a long time it is verey rare to see this bitch in aney theng like a good mood but her was acshualey almost frendley…….her saed massoud need to go away for the skae of his nervs and her seem understandeng abot this aftre all him has fond out that the man him loves and thenks loves him has betray him and then on top of that him is find him ded bodee aftre it be ded for no telleng how long and be eat by maggots and rats…….

so her talks and her saes that it is now time for all of us to put the past behind us we shold all be a familey agan and deel with each othre with lov and respecks each othre…..i cannot beleve i am heer this shit from her but her seems sereos and i am hav a hard time keep from feel giltey conshense abot how i plan to put a date rape drug in her drenk but i kno i hav to do this becos with mara you nevre can tel one day her is like this but the minit somtheng do not go to suit her then is diferant storey….

but i deside now is the time while massoud is away and is in a good mood and i gets so excited i almost start to cry teers of joy and am also upset can baerley contaen my emoshons and i tel her the onley reson i hav evre blamael masoud to begin with is becos when i first com heer and try to make a liveng work for him was bad to me and takes advantage of me and paed me verey little and make me to live in upstaers room baerley big enof to turn around in and make me do drugerey work for next to notheng and wil not even let me go out of the hous on my own so i desides to get even with him…..

then her is looks sad and almost starts to cry herselv and saed yes i kno all htis massoud i do not blame you but everetheng wil be diferant now i promis you we will be a reel famley you and me and massoud and omar and al our relativs…. and i am saed let us hav suppre tonite then to mark this occashon i told her if you want i wil breng som good herbal tea the kind i kno that you and massoud like with anis seed and cardomon…..

i can not beleve how is my luk becos just the nite befor i make this speshal blend of magic tea that i lerned from my mothres old book of witches spels that her leve to me….of corse it do not cals for a sertan othre little ingredient known as the date rape drug but what the hel that wil make it all the more bestres…..and her is happey and smileng and her agreed to this so finaley i go home and i am see as i go up the door to my surpris that the door is wide open……

and then i remembre oh my god amanda i forget all abot her supose to com heer but her shold hav be gon from heer by twelv oclok today and it is almost ten oclok at nite oh my god ther is no way her shold be heer unles her is find my magic tea and if her has i bet her has drenks it all becos her lovs it and if her do then i kno that her is ded……and shur enof as i go up the steps and i am dreds what i wil see all of a sudden heer comes thor up the steps jumps on me whineng like him kno is sometheng rong and i kno that amanda wold not let him out unles her hav loss conshesness……so i saed okay thor now be a good dog and do not worree boy daddey is home now lets go bak in the hous….and i go in and i see ther on the couch not amanda but fucker spoeled brat nephew omar…..and him is crieng…..what are you do heer i ask him and why do you let thor out of the hous/………

he just got out i am sorree him saed…..amanda was heer when i come and her has let me in…….then her go to to work her saed aftre her cals a cab to pik her up and her piks up some of her thengs her tels me to tel you……but i can tel ther is somtheeng rong with him somtheeng is not rite but i cannot tel what it is so i say to him you do not drenk aney of my tea do you and him saed no but amanda do i wold not drenk you tea without you permits me…..yes i tels him you just come in my hous without my permits you and you lets my dog out of the hous to roam around the nayborhood but you wil not drenk my tea that is verey thogtful of you mothrfukre……

i notis that him is just staers at the televishon and do not anser me and him just sits ther and watches the news and i saed is this what you com heer for to sit like a zombee in front of the fukre televishon set and watch the news and him saed i am just want to heer the news from iraq and what goes on in war on terror and i am saed to myselv now i kno ther is somtheng rong with him him has nevre be like this conserned abot news befor all him is evre thenks abot is him own selv so i kno somtheng is definitley rong heer……so i saed why is somtheeng bad happens and suddens him starts to wipe away teers from him eyes….so i saed to him how long have you be heer aneyways and him saed sinse four o clok today and then i saed to myselv why the hel wold he com heer at that time and knos i wil not be heer until aftre ten o clok and stays all this time…i saed okay omar somtheng is not rite heer somtheng is definitley rong and i want to kno what it is and i want to kno what is is rite this fuckeng minit……

look in the bedroom him saes….i am in trobel muhammed you must plese help me….so i start to go in the bedroom and him saed not in you bedroom in the othre one and i go in ther and i see her that it is little ruthie layeng ther on the bed al spred out and baerley brethes and i suddens run up to her and cheks to make shur her is brethes and thogh her is her is baerley brethes so i go bak out and saed to him what in the fuk is this shit what is that little bitch infidel gril do heer her look like her is ded and him saed i do not kno what is rong with her her just starts acks crazee and i saed why do you breng her heer aneyways and him givs me the ushual bulshit storey abot how her has no one to look aftre her and her wants to hang around him so him lets her and then i askes him do her drenk aney of the tea and him saed yes two big glasses ful of it and i saed wel okay then that settels it her is go to die a little gril like that drenks this much of that stuff…….all becos you want to fuk her now this happens and i am stiks rite in the middel of it……

and him saed is ther notheng we can do to help her and i saed no ther is not i cannot take the chanse of takes her to the hospitle…..we cold say that we fond her out on the street in this condishon that she run off and we are worreed abot her and looks for her and finds her like this but then if her livs she wil probabal saes what reel happens and if her dies aneyway then her wil cos them to look around and be may fgur out what happens……. and i am not goeng to thro this tea away aftre all the plans i made to use it just becos of you fuk up…..

what do we do then and i saed you hav be wants to fuk her all this time so go in ther and fuk her that be may the onley theng that wil sav her life it wil be the onley theng that wil make her hart beat strongre and mite save her….. and him saed are you sereos/…… and i saed that is the onley theng that can save her and besides then you wil be her hero and her wil be forevre in you debt and wil be in lov with you forevre aneyway becos you wil be the firstes man to get a pease of that littel pussies….so just go in ther and give her a good fuk i kno you want to…..look at it this way even if it do not work and her dies aneyway you are stil her man from now on and her wil be wates for you in the hevens… wil sav her sole by makes her belong to you now whil her is stil alive….plus like i saed more than likeley it wil save her life but you have to stop wast you time the longre you wates the less likeley it is to work….so him saed okay……

i kno that this is bushit and is a big lie but it is the onley theng i can thenk of to make shur that my ass is covres good……i go to get my camera while him is in ther and i heer him talks to her and tels her him is sorree….then i start to thenk god dam be may what this theng i told him to do mite work and be may mite reeley save her life…..i do not kno whether this wold be good or not to tel you the truth but a part of me is hopes it wil work and i am even prays to grate lord god allah that it wil work….but just in case i find my cell phon that havs a camra and i mak shur it works and i go in ther and ther he is takes off her pants and ther is takes off her pantees and then ther is thatl ittel pussies and just a little bit of haer starts to gro ther but her is obvousley a virgin thogh be may her hav fingre fuks herselv a few times probabal thinkeng of omar whil her do it and i am thenks oh shit the more i thenks abot it the mor this just mite work and i tel him hurree up omar and fuks her…..

so him takes off him pants and him underwer and gets on top of ruthie this little twlve yeer old gril and starts to fuk her and spreds her legs but him is havs a hard time put it in her becos him is prettee big dik and her is a little smal gril even for her age and has nevre be fuked befor and omar saed muhammed i do not kno what to do and i saed to him what do you want me to do mothrefukfre push it in for you just keep try….be may if you fingre her a few times first and so he does that aftre feels for awhile and him saes muhammed are you shur it wil work her is not even wet down ther and i saed wel suk on it and him does him gets down ther and liks and suks around and i am take picshurs like nevre befor….

then him starts to fingers her and her starts to grone and him tels her i lov you ruthie it wil be me and you from now on not sherey me and her are thru i lov you and alwaes hav…but her do not saed notheng just keeps grones so finaley him gets on her and aftre a few more minits of him crys he fuked her and she start make blood to com all ovre the plase…..and i am thenkeng dam now i an go to hav to thro this away and wil hav to be reel carful how i go abot it… the meentim thor is whines and crys and i take him and loks him in my bedroom and i checks the door to make shur it is loked and by the time i go bak to wher is omar and ruthie omar is crys and hav hands in his fase and him sits ther with no clos on man do him evre look stupid as all shit…….

i checks ruthie out and it do not work…..her is ded gril…….so i covres her up and tels omar go cleen you selv up and then put on you close we hav som work to do tomoro….we hav to find a plase to burey this ded gril body….som plase nise wher she wil be at pease aftre all she is you wife now in spirit and her is wates for you in the hevens…..and him saes wil you do this for me muhammed and i saed yes i wil do it for you and i wil do it for her aftre all her is familey now……..

when i wake up this morneng i am thenk that this was a dreem and all of a sudden i remembre and anothre theng i remembre is somtheng i forget last nite which is the date i had with mara for our peasemakeng suppre……so i cals her to apologise and of corse her is mad at me for not coms and for forgets to cal her and then her saes nevre mind com to work today… are fierd…..

so now ther you hav it……i hav a ded twelv yeer old gril in my aparmtent and i hav loose my job…….you cannot hav much of a worstre day than that….but at least i hav the picshurs……