My Revenge On Mara
everey theng finaley come together for me last nite as i finaley allow the effects of the date rape drug to ware off of mara the bitch who is my sister in law……i have never have so much fun in my life…..what i do to her acshualley was most fun i ever hav in my life man i meen to tel you i realey laed it on thik to this bitch……now if aney one hav be keepeng up with my problems with mara up to this poent i bet i know what you have be thenkeng probabley you hav be thenkeng oh this evil man he is goeng to put his sister on this date rape drug and then he is goeng to rape her and then he thenks that this will put this woman under his spel and she wil fall madley hed over heels in love with him and will be under his power from now on…..
well you are rong…..i would not fuck this stupid fuckeng bitch if my life depended on it and no i am not exagerateng either….i wold prefer to die….well okay that is an exagerashon but otherwise i would not fuck this fuckeng bitch if ther were aney way out of it and if i did i shur as hell wuld not enjoy fuckeng her i promis you that and in fact i honestley beleve i probabal would not be abel to get a hard on for her if it were not for the speshal magical powers i have over my dik which i have becos of the spell my mother put on me all those yeers ago when i was a yung boy goeng thru pubertey…even at that ther is a good chanse i still could not go thru with sex with this fuckeng bitch…..
and lukiley i do not hav to…….after almost three days haveng her in my apartment and keepeng her fucked up on the date rape drug i was starteng to get afrad i mite kill her not that i would feel bad about being responsibul for that no not in the leest….but it would be just anotehr problem i do not need rite now….stil i also worreed that the effects mite wear off and she wuld develp a toleranse to the drug or i would run out of it and then wher would i be….but last nite omar he com thru for me and acshualey i gess i have hamil to thank for that he made shur that omar got heer of corse it was a trikey proposishon sinse the poleeses hav be lookeng for him becos of the disapearans of ruthie and becos now i hav triked them into thenkeng he mite hav somtheng to do with the disapeerans of leann…..
aneyway hamil made shur he was in a disgise like an older man with salt and pepper hair and he was wereng a speshal kind of shoe that make him look taller and a speshal coat that make him to look reel fat and also a hairpeise he wore was acshualey reel long so when he com in he was releeved that no one was around to see him com in and i tel him okay take all this shit off of you and he do not want to do it but i keep on and finaley i prevaeled and he took it all off……
thn i took him to wher his mother was and have been for last three days and goeng now into the third nite….i tel him ther is you mother….he was realey afrade for her and i told him oh stop you worryeng she wil be all rite i just have her on this date rape drug……father wil kil you he saed and i saed oh no he wil not and besides he do not hav a reeson to kill me becos i hav not fucked her and i am not goeng to fuck her i told him….you are the one that is goeng to fuck her…..
of corse at first he refused….that is my mother i am not goeng to fuck my own mother he saed and i saed wel then if you do not fuck your mother i wil cal the poleeses and tell them about how you raped ruthie whil she was dyeng and what is more i hav the picshurs heer to proov it…..he saed you told me it mite be the onley theng to save her life and i saed yes but i wil not tel them that onley that i com in heer and you are fuckeng her and tell me you hav her on date rape drug and that you leve then after that…..the polleeses wil be qwite itrested to heer that i would imagin…..also i will tel them about how you told me just now about how ruthie died and you took her bodey off and wher you tell me you take it to….and he saed what do you meen that i tell you this you were ther you told me to do all thees thengs and i saed yes i kno that and you kno that but the poleeses do not kno that……
plees muhammed he saed i wil do aneytheng but fuck my mother…i saed yes and you will do that too… fuck your mother the way you are told… finaley he agreed and i told him evereytheng to say and do….while i filmed it he takes off him clothes and then he not onley fucked her he acshualley made love to her he even ate her fuckeng pussey while i recorded evereytheng he saed and done…..i had to make him to dreenk som vodka of corse which he was not used to thogh he do dreenk som beer and wine a little and smoke marawana but this vodka it realey knok im on his ass and you kno somtheng i theenk he realey enjoey fuckeng his own mother hahahahahhaahhhhaaahhhhh…….
so yes he fucks her after he eats her pussey and mara she seems to be gettng into it too moaneng and groaneng and sayeng shit of corse i gess she do not kno it was her own son omar that is doeng this shit…….then i saes okay now put you dik in her mouth and make her suk your dick and make shur you cum in her mouth and he do this too by now he is not even bothereng to argue with me….
so finaley he is thru and i tell him okay now you can put your disgise bak on and you can go away now…..and so he do this and begeng me not to tell her and i saed yeh shur omar why do you theenk that i film evereytheng you do….not onley am i goeng to tell her i am goeng to show her the film…….why muhammed he ask me why do you hate me so much and why do you hate my mother so much and i saed oh it is not hate i just thenk this kind of theng is fun to do now get you ass out of heer…and so he leeved…..
when mara finaley start to pull herselv together she saed what happenned to me and i saed oh you do not remember huh/…..wel you came down with a case of extreem horneyness and was wanteng somone to fuk you and so well finaley sombodey fucked you…..and if you do not do evereytheng i tell you to do i am goeng to not onley tell evereybodey about it i am goeng to show them a reel good movie that i filmed of the occashon……
then she saed ishould hav known bester than to trust you but it will do you no good….i am goeng to call the poleeses mans and report you and have you arrested that is what i am goeng to do….you gave me somtheng and then you took advantage of me….that is the same theng as rape and you are goeng to pay deerley for it……you hav finaley gon too far muhammed you filthey swine son of a bitch….boy was she ever mad she was mad enof to shoot hornets out of her mouth and her eyes….i let her spew and sputter and cuss and finaley i saed okay then it is up to you of corse as it happens i am not the one who fucked you it was sombodey else and i theenk it is not goeng to look reel good when this movie gets out all over the internet….you see i teld to her i alredey hav it on a website and all i hav to do is call a certan frend and he will make shur it it is put out all over and by the way massoud will be thef irst one to see it if i hav my way about it…..not to menshon all you familey and frends and evreybodey in the islamic comunitey…….
this made her worrey and she saed okay then who do this vile theng to me i want to kno and i saed well i gess you wil just hav to see for you self……so i played the film and ha ha ha you should hav see the look on her fase when her own son omar turn out beeng the one who hav fuked her…….first eateng her pussey……and he was sayeng thengs like oh mother you are the onley woman i hav ever loved and i hav always want to fuck you why hav you be teeseng me all my life with you bweutey and makeng me want your pussey so much i can not stand it aney mor i hav to fuck you mother……she is lookeng like she is goeng to die all the time she is watcheng and heereng this shit but when omar put his dick in her mouth and she sees him comeng in it and then he gets off her and the cum starts foameng out of her mouth is almost more than her can take…….
so she is cryeng now and sayeng i kno that you make him do this somhow i am stil goeng to the poleeses mans and tel them….as for omar i do not kno what he have do with this yung girl that you abel to blakmael him into doeng this but you are goeng to pay muhammed if i hav a gun i wold shot you rite now……..from this minut on omar is no longer my son i hav disown him and you are goeng to jael with him…wate a minut what is that she suddenley saed as i appeer o the film and i am spredeeng what i kno is honey all over her pussey…..i am lookeng at the camra and chukleng whiel i do this and then i giv a thums up and then poent with my thumb at her and smileng mockengley in her direcshon… realey thenk you are somone grate do you she ask me well you are a evil man and a peise of trash……what is that you hav put on me down ther and i tel her oh it was just honey do not worrey……
she then reeches down her dres and says ther is notheng on me now and i saed wel the movie is not qwite over…..and so she watches in what i can tell is dred as suddenley thor who is my german shepherd dog coms into the picshur and he is whineng as he starts likeng the honey off her pussey and she suddenley screems at me oh you sik motherfucker…..mara i saed such language from you and you such a good arab muslim woman……suddenley thor is on top of her and he is fuckeng the shit out of her……after he is thru i prop mara up and acsualley she is sowhat conshus and she is laffeng with her eyes open and then coms the sikest part of all…i put thor up ther agan and crouch him down over her fase and mara suddenley starts suckeng thors dick….thor do not kno what to thenk of this and he baks away but mara to my joy and happeeness follows him and keeps suckeng his dik and even reeches out for it with her hands and suddenley thor desides oh i theenk i like this i gess becos he stops resisteng and so mara is suckeng away on my dogs dick hahahahahaaahhhahahahhhahaahhaahha…
even dog cums in her mouth and whineng and mara is petteng him after it is over and is pulleng him to her and is sayeng good boy…but thor even he gets away from this bitch whore like he is theenkeng i hav had enuf of you bitch mara you are a no good slut i swer he look on his fase is like he is thenkeng this……then bitch mara at this poent her lays bak down and is bak sound asleep……
and then the movie is over……dam i saed i forget to pop som popcorn agan lets watch it one mor time and so i put in another bag of orvil redenbocker popcorn in the microwave and her is followeng me and sayeng i wil kil you muhammed if you ever show this to massoud or to aneyone and she is mad and cryeng and beggeng and threteneng all at the same time……
so we watch the movie one mor time and i make her watch it and make her eat som popcorn too and i sat ther and made comments on the movie like i was a movie critic or somtheeng i saed the pepel in the movie ar terribul acotrs i saed but i gess thay are not realey actors after all thay just beeng thayselvs……the dog thogh him do deserv an academey award why he is so good he make the bitch actress enjoy his dik so much she acshualley suck his dik for him…hahhahhhhahahahhha…
and she saed okay muhamed you win i wil giv you aneytheng you want i wil be you woman from now on if that is what you want i wil leve masoud and i hold up my hand and saed stop rite there….do you honestley thenk i would hav a woman who have be fucked by a dog….and by her own son/…….
she starts cryeng even more now and i saed what i want is my uncel go back payeng me doubel money under the tabel and i want one theeng more and what that is is after you add up the total amount of money i wil be makeng i want you to doubel that everey month from you own money and do not even theenk about telleng me you do not make that kind ofmoney becos i know besters…..this is what you will pay me and on top of that you will never agan interfeer in my life no matter what i do or what i heer you from now on have notheeng to say in the matter one way or another….when you see me no matter what i tel you to do you are will be doeng it with no qwesteons asked…….and you will treet me with respect from heer on out and also you will no longer harass my uncel you will go bak to beeng his wife and beeng devoted to pleeseng him and and doeng evereytheng he tells you to do….unless of corse i tel you difrant….are we understood on this now mara/….becos i tel you what is the truth one fuck up just one from you and you life will descend into a kind of hell you could never imagin in you worster nitemaers….she promis me she will abide by my law and so i put her to the test…..heer thor i call to my dog come heer thor good dog……and heer com thor paweng on the door in the next room and whineng so i let him out and heer he com lookeng at mara and mara is cryeng and she saed why do you torment me so…i saed my dog wants som more of that pusseys you bitch you wil give it to him now……and so she did and thor fucked her and then i make her suck his dick agan…..and i film this too…..the stupid bitch do not realise it but now she hav realey put herselv under my thumb…..befor it was obveus that she was fucked up but now it is even nore obveus that she is doeng this while appeer to be of her own volishon becos she is conshus and aware now……of corse you can bet i make shur i poent this out to her after her get thru also suckkeng thors dick agan like i tels her to…….
now she is distrot and threteneng to kill herselv and i saed go ahed and sute youselv but of corse if you do that i wil make shur evereyone knos that you fuk a dog and suck his dick and do all this two times and onse were conshus and aware…….while you are burneng in the hells for that last time you fuck my dog and suck his dick and do so willengley and also becos you commit suiside which is also a sin you can be further tortured by the knolege that evereyone who ever do kno you and no telleng how maney others besides know you hav do what you do includeng be fucked by you own son… the meentime it will not hurt me i will sell it on the internet and make milleons of dollers off of it…..i am goeng to do this aneyway i theenk why the hell not……you wuld be surprised how maney pepel wuld pay good money to watch a grate movie like this i kno i wuld…….i do not tell her this of corse but i am theenkeng very sereusley about it…….
finaley she leeves in teers and i hav to calm thor down….dam it now he is goeng to be wanteng human womans pusseys all the time….well i wil just hav to make shur he get some…..a man shuld always take good caer of his dog or aney other pet he have after all thay are gods creechures just like man is……