fliers to the faerie realm
tonite amanda takes off work and me and her we do somethiengs difrent and god dam was it evre fun the mostes fun i hav had in a longs time…..heer is whad happens…..you see theis pepels who ar works for agencees that is rachels work for them who is amandas counselor theis giv us theis fliers thad theis geds from the poleeses thad havs a picshur of leann thad is made of a picshur thad amanda takes of her justes a few dais aftre leann her comes to stais with us ovre the lastes sumer…..aftre leann her disapeers and it do nod looks like her is evre comeng bak then final somone coms up wieth theis stupidre idea to passes oud theis fliers wieth her picshur on them…..it was a good picshur of her to she looks reel cute in them and inosense so no one wold evre gess whad a littler fuckre tramp her is…..
bud aneywais me and amanda we go al around….we wold drives to somplases and parks the car and we wold walks for awhil and passes them out…..we go to theis plases cals white castles thad is on madison avenue….from ther we go on downs to sunoco…..but luckiley ther is no sines of ricky poo perkins….now if ricky poo him be in ther i explanes to amanda we can nod go inside becos i hav be bared oud of sunoco becos ricky poo perkins him is mads at me….bud him is nod ther yet or be may he is for al i no him mites be hides bak in the offis shakes in him boots becos him nos i wold kiks his littler fagot asses…..so he wil not coms oud i thienks becos him likes to acks like him is a studs and reel tuff mans and but him nos thad i wil whips his asses ricky poo perkins does…..
so aneywais we gos insides and theis tels us thad we ar nod allows to pud up leanns picshurs in the windows becos then ther wil be a spots so pepels can sais okay now we can be in and theis be we robs them…..how stupid…the window it covres the hole fronts of the sunoco bud theis ar afrade of theis one littler picshur bud whad the hels i theinks it is a stupidre idea aneywais bud justes the same theis tel us we can leves them at the conter….suts me fin no one is gos to pais aney attenshons to them anewais the wais i looks at it….
we go to othre plases aftre theis bud mostes fun i hav al nites is when we gos to theis plases cals the faerie realm which is a stor thad speshalises is sells witches crafts suplies…..onley faerie relm is closes bud we gos to whad is cals the robin hoods comunitey center which is in the sames plases reeley onley busines is close bud theis hav theis shits open for theis tramps and sorree asses pepels who wil nod works and who stais drunks al the time and so theis do nod havs a plases to stais so theis ar oud on the streets….so now theis dais it is cold as the hels espeshaley at nites time so som of theis stupidre fukres mite die…..good enuf for them i sais but no not faerie realm bonnie as theis cals her….she wans to makes shur thad theis sorree fukres geds to stais alive and havs a warm plases to stais and even sometimes she givs theis coffees and donuts and whad hav you….
so of corse theis sorree worthles fukres who ar dregs of sosietey theis keeps comeng bak to faerie realm bonnie…and whad does her geds oud of it……the hels if i no…..be may her hopes her can ged her a good man……grate lord god almitey allah him nos her shur can uses al the helps she can get you shold see theis fat fukre womans her maks fat asses shirley who is amandas frends looks like a anorecsic model or somethiengs…and no i do nod egzagerate….
so the nextes theings you no we are at the robin hoods communitey center and her ar al theis fukres and stards to sings and danses and plais musics and sudens it occurs to me thad theis ar filther disgust homosexer queiers…god dams i thienks no wondre bonnie is hopes to finds her a man even a drunk mans wold be bestre than havs to be constans surounds by the likes of theis….and theis are devil worshippres to boot justes likes my mothre onley my mothre is whad you sais is the reel deel….of corse theis do nod admits thad it is devil worships…..theis cals it worships god mans and god womans likes in dais of old…..my mothre at leastes no whad her was do…bud theis silly fuks they makes it up as they go along seems to me like….and theis stards chants the names of all theis god womans and i recognises the names of som of them espeshal hecate….i no al abod her my mothre tels me how evil her is and thad her is queens of the dam sols of the hels and when her coms to you her looks likes the fases of a frog….bud theis silly fukres theis thienks thad her is the grandested theing sinse slises bred…even talks abod how kind her is and how loveng and even butiful when her wans to be….see theis is how i nos theis do nod no whad they is talks abod and justes makes theings up som of them and the othres justes beleves what theis ar teld….
bud theis stards to danses and the nextes theings you no i was danses wieth them and sengs even thogh i do nod no whad theis ar sings i justes folows along….bud theis ar drinks womans heer and i thienks hel who nos be may som of theis witches womans mite havs som good pussies…..aney womans can be fuked….even those who ar lesbeans…..
but aneywais i stards to talks to som of the drunks mans and the nextes thiengs you no one of thems name erl him puls oud a bodel of theis cheep asses wine and I tels him you shold nod do theis i tels him you shold hav you somthiengs good to drenk…so i hands him a twentey dollre bils and tels him ok now you go and ged us somethiengs good to drienks….
in the meentimes i see amanda is abot to be redey to go bud for the times be she is talks to som womans i do nod nos who her is bud i gess her tels her abod leann and al the whil i sees faerie realm bonnie her is stars a hole thru me…..her is off to her selv and i am theinks be may she wans som of theis big dik of mine or be may her justes sees me givs erl the money and nos him wil geds lickor…..bud i don’t care by now…..
when erl coms bak inside the faerie realm he tels me he cold nod finds no plases bud i no of corses him is expeks to lets me keeps him money i giv him so i sais ok nevre mind heer you go and i giv him baks his wine becos i hav keeps it and forgeds to sais….bud theing is i sneeks and puts som shits in it…so him sneeks a drinks and then i sais thies wil be a good nite…so i gos up to amanda and tels her ok now amanda ar you wans to go or be may we stais heer for whil….she sais i am tied of passes oud fliers she sais let us stais heer a whil….i no she wil sais theis becos her uses to be one of theis so cals fake witches befor i tels her ok you can nod do theis shits no mor…….see her uses to be on drugs justes like the one i sneeks into erls drienk….which is why i wans to stais arond…….
so soon theis one queiers him nam is andey i thienks him coms to me and sais i hav som good moves and i sais i no i do whad is it to you and him looks kind of funnee and i sais do you wans to suk my dik/…and him sais no and aks lik him is insultsed bud i nos good and dam wel he wans theis big dik of mine…..so i lafs at him and i sais oh i nos you wans to hav theis big dik of min in you asses or be may you wans you dik in my asses so which is it/…..and then lafs at him…..bud befor him can ansers sudens ther is theis noeses and it coms from erl him is mones and grones and stards talks nonsenses like i no him wil do onley it is even fastre than i thienks it wil be…..and it is loud to……
then i sees her the fat whor thad on haloween puds on theis fakes saonses and acks likes her is leans spirit com thru her….and her is with amanda and i tels them coms quik i thienks thies man is havs a vishon i theinks be may god womans hecate is speeks thru him com quik….and him is makes theis gurgel sonds and maks noeses thad be may sonds to som likes foren words…..and theis fool bitches her sais oh thad is nod hecate and for a minut my hart sinks bud then her sais no theis is kali ma….her is tels you thad you wil fin pease soon amanda and you wil no the truts….
bud amanda her nos whad i do beleve it or nod and her looks at me and at firstes he ris mad at me bud then her stards to smil and then her bustes out laufs loud….aftre awhil i looks at saonses bitch and her looks like ok now her geds it and her is mad and embaras at the same time….so we stais a whil longre and we sings and danses and i hav som prettee good coffee and then finals we leve bud as we go andey sais hay wher ar you to go to and i sais we go to see the wizard mothrefukre…..and amand her nudges me and we go on…..she did nod even leve one of those god dam fliers at the faerie realm aftre al which is justes as wel i stil sais it was a stupide idea……
bud we did hav a plesant walk bak to the apratment even thogh it was cold it kinds of reminds me of alaska…..bud the triks to enjoys a nise strol in the cold nite air is to be shur you dreses for it rite which i was shur thad we do….every bodee we see we speeks to and everyone was so frendley i do nod even minds thad amanda stops sometimes and hands theis stupidre fukre fliers oud to them…..