not too awful long befor princes diana was killed i fuked thies bitch whor….theis it hapens when i livs in england which was wher i coms to befor i movs to amareca…… i shal tels you how it hapens….
firstes i wans to sais i hates the engels pepels theis ar notheings bud theevs….evereywhers they go theis steels from the pepels whad belongs to them….thad is how they bild ther empire befor amareca final tels them aftre the second war of the world now you havs to giv up al you empire and lets pepels be free or we wil nod proteks you any more from al theis pepel you hav made hates you so much….so theis havs no choese bud to leds it go a littler bit at a time….and now of corse toney blair is gorge w bushes bitch….stil the british aks lik theis ar the rulres of the world bud they ar notheng but arogant mothrfukres…..
stil i havs to livs around theis mothrfukres for awhil when i firstes leev syrea nod to long aftre the deth of my beloved mothre i geds to leve on acound of be refug from syrea and from assad which of corse was a lie bud nod reel a lie becos aneybodey thad livs under thad mothrefukre is livs lik refuge…..stil i go to the engels temporarey and whil i was ther i works when i cans and try to lerns engels and if aney mothre fukre rites me and askes me som smarts ass shits abod thad i am gos to finds you and kiks you ass just leds you no in advanse……
okay so to maks a long storey short i finds oud thad one of the pepels who do volunteer work for the plase was a frend of princes diana….so one day i gos to her and cris abod how my uncel was kiled by asads solders which by the way is the truth….and her givs me a big hug and as her hugs me up aganst her i maks shur her is abel to feel whad a fukre long dik i hav……i do nod lets it ged hard theis tim and stil it is thik and almostes a foot long and sudens you can bed her is looks ad me in a new wais now…..almostes imediately her is wans to be around me and makeng shur i am ok and havs evereythiengs i need ……hel i hav to do notheings to theis bitch and al redy her is in lov with me can yo beleve it/……so aneywais one day i gos up to her and i tels her thad i justes fond oud thad her was a frend of princes diana and her sais yes and askes me if i wold likes to mets her and al the tim her is hugs me and wans to brushes up aganst my big dik lik alwais becos i alwais aks inosense around her lik i do nod realize aneythiengs abod sex and so by now i hav abod makes her a crazee womans….so i tels her oh yes i admir her grately and wold be most grateful and wold do anythiengs to meet her……almostes imedeatley her eyes fal to my crotch and her sais ok i wil sees whad i can do………
two weeks gos by and nothiengs hapens and i am shur nod to leds myselv geds horney around theis ugley bitch no mattre how hard her tris to turns me on bud even thogh her is ugley as al the hels it is hard becos theis is one horney bitch thad reel wans som of theis big dik of mine…..bud aneywais i almostes giv up on meets the princes until one dais lo and behold heer her coms to the schol wher i am lerns engels…..she is talks to firstes one and the othre and final her geds around to me and myra the one who i hav be tels you abod her sais to princes diana ok theis is the one i tels you abod his name is massoud shahiri….see at theis time i am nod mad at my uncel masoud……. becos hel i do nod even no him…… and so theis al happens befor the time i stards to cals myselv muhammed….so we talks for a long whil it seems and sudens i puls the same stunt i pulled on myra…..i stards to cry and her reeches oud to hug me and suddens i thro myselvs into her up aganst her bodee onley theis time i makes my dik geds as hard as a fukre rock to wher it is at its full leength of one foot and ten inches long…….i thoght her was gos to fant rite ther and then bud her puls herselv togethre and boy was her fases red and her looks hard and sais ok we havs to go…….
sudens theings change….myra is nowhers arond and when i askes wher her is i heer thad her has be sudens transfers….. .
transfers wher i askes….oh to anothre fasility one of the conselirs him tels me…….bud it so happens thad i nos wher her lives and so one dais as i am walks abod london on one dais i am nod works at the doks i strols ovre by her hous and thad is when i finds oud the truth……..her has be disappeers from fase of the erth her naebor tels me and no one nos aneytheings abod wher her and her husband hav gos to and the stanges theings abod theis is her husban has cerbral palsy reel bad….
suddens one dais i was oud walks and a limosine puls up by me and a wondow gos down and it is princes diana and her tels me to geds in the car she wans to talk to me…. so i geds in the car in the bakseet with her and she puls the draps so drivre can see notheing and ther is a window and her preses a button and sais now we hav privasy and i am tels you theis bak of theis car is likes a god dam motel room and a nise one at that……
soon we are off and rideng and i notise her fase and eyes are blank exprshons whil her talks wieth me just idel chit chat abod her former husbands and her sons and how them be littler pane in the asses brats and her old husbands him be a peese of shits who do nod understans her……i am sais to myselv whad is rong wieth theis crazey fukre bitch/……whad is rong wieth you sons i said shurley they are good boys and her sais no theis ar go to grow up to be tipical engels arrogans snobs liks their usefulless worthles fathre and liks firstes one and the othre her talks abod from the royal famile and her talks bad aboud them al even talks bad abod queen elisabetha……
bud then her opens up theis basket and ther is al thees chocolats and cakes al of my favorit treets and sodas evereytheing you can theinks of and her tels me to helps myselv bud to tels you the truths i am stards to be afrad becos I tels you somtheings now i theiks you may nod wans to heer bud i finds out this day thad prinses diana is a crazee bitch….i tels her thees ar al my favorit theengs how do you no and her tels me her has wais of finds theings out…..i tels her i hav be sad to heer abod myra and her looks at me stranges and tels me bad theengs happpens when pepels wil nod do theings as they ar teld to do them….
then she givs me thies warns looks and sais notheings for a long tim bud she just keeps glares at me and breeths hevey so much she puts me in mind of a wild animal abod to pouns on its pray…..sudens she reeches out and stards to massage my dik and her tels me you no whad i wans massoud rite/…..and i sais yes i do…and her tels me if i be a good boy and do whad her sais her wil taks car of me and wil giv me a job at her riding stabels wher me wil help groom horses….i sais thad wil be good and her keeps rubs my diks and sais i wans to takes it oud and looks at it so her undos my pants and reeches in and grabs hold of my dik and puls it oud of my pands and is strokes it and liks and kises it and stards suks on it and sudens stops and sais i wans you to eats my pussey massoud….and her undo the clasp on her dress and lets it fal and ther she is wears notheings undre it is stark naked……so i stards to liks her thies and as her brethes heveur as i geds up to the pussees suddens i notise thad her cunt it smels lik the hels i hav nevre smels a pussees thad smels so fukre bad in my life god dam was it smels awful lik death….the mor i tong it the worser it smels until i stards to gag and hav to keeps myselv from pukeng……so as i gag i tris to aks lik i am grones in ekstasey and i stards to puls myselv up on top of thies bitch and leds my big dik presses up aganst the length of her this so i makes her wans theis mor than evre befor and forgeds then abod me eat this horabal smeleng cunt of hers……
so final i fuks theis bitch the princes diana and her is screems so loud i am afrad the drivre wil heer throgh the windos even thogh her sais it is sond proof….she takes everey fukre bit of it to and i do nod havs to use power ovre my mind to scrunches it up lik i ushual do i justes lets her havs it and her screems and mones and claws and acshual begs me for mor….now i hav nevre hav a woman do theis withoud me nevre be abel to givs her mor ushual when theis happens i justes giv them mor bud theis tim theis bitch has al my diks and stil screems for more……so i justes humps her harder and fastre and final her shuts up bud her stil grones and screems……i wold be wills to bet thad thies bitch whor cold take on a whol engels regiment and nod bat an eye and probabal her has……
bud i final stops fuks aftre an hour or be may little mor and by then i hav wear theis bitch whor oud final and her is sais whad kind of person ar you/……her is amazed thad somone as yung as me thad hav such a big dik and fuks so good and so long……then her tels me you ar one of very few mans thad hav evre satisfies me and you satisfies me mor than the othre three who hav….then theis bitch can you beleve it she stards to name off the mans who has fuks her who satisfies her….
and then as if thad were nod enof her tels me abod al the mans who are no good and theis includes her last husand prince charles….him is on and off her sias one time him lastes ovre twentey minits and i thoght i was gos to die her sais becos even then her can bareley feels it even thogh him is akshual prette big down ther ….stil most of time him is humps a few times and is rite bak off and wans to hugs and kisses and him makes me wans to hits him……..i thoght god dam whad a bitch whor theis is……i askes her whad abod you new man the arab dodey and her just lafs and sais o him is a sweet man bud him is like a littler boy compares to you…..and theis is the man theis bitch is supposses to be marrees to……….
her final lets me out and givs me a gift certificat to herods department stor worth ten thosand ponds….aftre mor than a months i do nod heer from her and i figurs ok theis bitch her theiks her can lies to me abod job and geds awais with it i wil sho her skankey whor ass……so i gos to herods and havs it in my mind i am gos to tel dodey eveeythiengs thad happens and whad theis bitch whor sais abod him…..bud no mattre how hard i tries i am tels thad him is nod avalabal even thogh i was tels erlier thad him was supposses to be ther somwhers….bud aftre wates and wates for mor than two hours i am teld final thad mistre dodey has to leve and hav no tim to talks….meen whil al theise pepels ar walks arond and gards are cheks me out and theinks i do nod nos it……
i stards to tel them to tel him i just wans to let him no thad i fuked his fianse the princes diana bud i thoght no i bestre not do theis shits…so i leves without buy aneytheings from harrods i sais fuks them if theis theinks theis ar to good to taks a few minuts to talks to a felow arab theis can suks theis dik of mine….so i leves….a few dais latre i sels my certificat for half prise i figur fuk it i needs the money mor than i needs theis overprise shits from herods… may it is just as wel I sais to myselv be may her has justes nod hav time to maks good on her promis to me bud her wil as soon as her wans som mor of theis big dik ofmine which of corse meens that it is a shur theing……or thad is it wold have be a shur theing…….
a cupel of months latre i heers how princes diana hav be kiled and dodey too in theis car crashes in paris france….and i sais to myselv oh wel ther gos thad fukre oportunitey oud the fukre window…….bud thad is ok…..i hav do my reserch and i nos whad has happens and soon i wil tels whad i nos…….becos i nos for a fak whad reel happens to prices diana thad skank whor and to her boyfrend dodey fayed and soon i wil tels whad i nos and i wil tels it lik it is…….and when the truths coms oud heds wil roll………bud now is not the time…i wil be shur firstes thad i am wel pais for tels whad i nos….or for nod tels whad i nos if you catches my meaneng……..