now i prais to allah
grate allah i prais you forgivs me for the thiengs i do thad i no a good muslim shold nod do...the drinks alcohols and the steels and the fukre pussies and the eats thiengs thad are good bud thad you tels us are not cleen....bud you no god why i does thiese thiengs becos my mothre alwais tels me thad if you do nod sin then you can nod apresheate be saved from thiese i sins so i can turns from thiese even tho i enjoys thiese......bud i can nod turns awais yet from them all so i askes thad you gives me biggre strongs to turn from thiese evil thad by the nextes times thad ramadan come along i wil be abler to be a good muslim and purifi myselv from thiese bad thiengs tho i lovs them so muches....
final i prais for amanda to keep her good and geds her off thiese drugs thad her affliks with and thad i mak mistaks of let her bak on so her can cope with whad hapens to her darter leann....and i prais thad you proteks and watches ovre amandas darter leann and makes her good grils and minds and be may her one dais lern to be good and if her is stil liv thad is...if nod be mais you hav mersey on her and nod makes her to burn in the hels becos she cold nod helps the person peple rases her to be...also i prais thad you breeng amanda to wans to be muslim and good womans tho i wil nod makes her do thiese shits i am hopes thad you breeng her arond some wais lord god allah.......
lets see who elses..................ok i prais for thad fat asses bitches shirley and thad stupidre mothre fukre boyfrends of her named ray and also i prais i gess for uncle massoud even tho i nos you probabal hates him for be a filther disgust homosexer queiers
oh and befor i forgeds i prais thad you hav merseys on theis peples in new orleans even those who are stupid fuckre niggres thad do nod hav a fukre branes in their heds...i do nod nos why you makes peples lik thiese lord god allah bud i gess you hav you reesons.......
i praise final for sole of my mothre and hopes thad you look kindley on her and led her be with you in the hevens....plese do nod keep her in the hels grate lord allah....even tho her witches womans and worshops god mans and god womans whil her was liv........
and most importans of al grate lord god allah i praise for myselv.......