Thursday, July 27, 2006

Animal Instincts

i have been hold off some in telling the follow story because to tell you the truth it have be bothering me the last few days…well ever since it has happen really which have be over a week now…..i really do not know what to make about it but one thing i know for sure……it is my responsible for it i know that……..what i will do about it now i have no idea……but something will have to be do about it that is for sure…….

a few nights after i buried juan and the other spik bodies in the basement of the abandon house which is a few house down from where sherey have live with her mother and sisters and brothers and what have you i think okay now it have be a few days be may i should go and take a look and see how things they be………but i had be afraid to do this…..after all they have a say here in america that the criminal one he will always return to the scene of the crime……

but i went to go to see shereys mother at the halfway house and she have tell me that there have be no sign of sherey yet……no one have any idea of where she is…..she had kick sherey out of the house now because sherey have be steal all her drugs and be take them and then she was caught buy her some more drugs and so was arrest and have be in this halfway house and now she is worry about sherey………she was cry and say first i have lost little ruthie and now sherey is be gone and it is my fault……

i real feel sorry for her so i tell her now try not to worry i will look around and see if i can find some about where she might be…….i feel responsible anyway because i am the one who have give shereys mother the heroin in return for let sherey pretend that me and her go with each other though of course sherey was giving pussys to thor not to me……

so anyway i am think now okay i can go in this house and if someone catch me there i can pretend that i am look for sherey since the building be so close to they house it would make a good hide away i will explain……

just the same i decide i will take thor with me but i will leave him in the van and if someone come to the house he will bark and let met know…..thataways if i am look at where the bodys of the spiks they be bury in the dirt floor of the basement i will know to get out of there to another floor and i can pretend to be look around and i will be shouts out sherey…..where are you sherey are you here and all of that……

all the time i am go drive to this building i am think damn be may sherey might actual be there after all she is only a fifteen year old girl she have to be stays somewhere and this building close to where she be live it actual make sense……..

but first i go to shereys house i have be give a key to go in there so i do…… more i am there five minutes than this nosey old woman the landlady come in and ask me what i do there…….i explain to her i am a friend of family and have be look for sherey who be miss still and i ask have you see some sign of her and she said no i do not and they are two month behind in the rent…….if they do not pay up she said she will have to evict them…… i say okay look here i will pay you these two months and another six months i will pay you how is that……..i was think okay this is the least i can do……..she change her demeanor right away when she hear this and i whip out a big pile of bills and ask her how much it is and she say well the rent is seven hundred and fifty dollars a month and she is two months behind so……

and i said stop right there you have to be jokes me you charge seven hundred fifty dollars for a fucking dump like this and she said well it have four bedrooms and two bathrooms and a kitchen and a dining room and a utility room with a dryer and washer hook up and central air and heat and and all utility they be paid so if it is a dump is just because they have make it a dump………just look around you at holes in the wall and stains where they have be fires and stains all over the carpet from spill things and let it sit and not clean it up and i tell you they are lucky that……

so i said okay okay never mind here i will pay you the two months and for another two that is all i have on me right now and do not have my check book with me….so i will bring you the rest later… she said okay i agree with this…….then i said and please if you see some sign of sherey you call my number and if i am not home you leave a message……she said okay i will do that…….then i ask her do you know anyting about this house down the street that is abandon from no one live there for a long time………..i was wonder if be may she might be hide in there…….i tell her that be may she is afraid the law will take her off like they do her other brothers and sisters…she said well i guess that is possible but i doubt it……she said that place have be condemned by the city and it is keep lock it up tight as a drum………i said okay but just the same i think i will take a look around there……..

so i leave and i am think okay now i have established me a alibi with someone for reason for me to be in this old falling down house so now i will go there……… i go up to the van and there is thor wait for me and start whine and bark and want out of the van but i say no boy you stay here thor i will be back in a minute now okay we drive down here to this old house and if someone start to go in it you bark real good and loud and be may i will hear you okay………i swear the way he look at me i would not have be surprise if he do not pipe upand say okay muhammed i will do that……….a lot of times i have thoughts like this and i will think okay i am have been smoking way too much opium…..but anyway i pull up in back of the building and i get out and leave thor there and i see a window that have be brake it out so i raise the window and i climb in and look around……..

everything is so far just as i remember it nothing but insulation be fall around from the walls and ceilings where roof have be it leaks……no wonder this place have be it condemned i am think now……so anyway i go to where are the steps down to the basement and i light my flash light and down the steps i go as i be careful not to step where they are missing steps from the old wooden steps that some have be warped and others even be rot…….

suddens as i go about half the way down i hear a sound like a move and i look down to where the bodys i have put them in a shallow grave in the dirt ground and there is see the body of the one who name of hector a fat spik and look like him have try to be raise up from his grave….i think i am about to have a heart attack right there……..i am think oh my god please great lord god alla if he rise up now from his grave what will i do what will i say please give me the power to overcome this evil……

i try to tell my self oh calm you self down muhammed he probabal was not really dead i just make a mistake when i bury him but obvious he went ahead and die anyway there is sure no such things as spiks they be rise from the dead………

but just about the time i try to get myself all calm down and think like a rational person i hear the most awful sound i have ever hear… is a growl like a wild beast actual more like a dog than was any thing else so of course i look at hectors body but i do not see no sign of him move yet all i see move is some rats that be move around him and then suddens just as soon as i see them go to him and start to gnaw they suddens scurry away and i hear another growl more louder and deeper and more vicous than before….then suddens i catch a sight of something else moves…….i shine my light in the direction of the growl and of the moves and i see a sight that make my blood run cold and the hair stand on ends……..

it is sherey………all raggedy her clothes barely hangs on her and dirty and her hair is matted and her is covered with grime and she look like a wild animal like a girl that have be total possessed by the demon spirit of a wild animal……and she is look at me now with curious look and her mouth open and tonue hangs out…..the look in her eyes is feral and she tenses up…..i say sherey it is me muhammed you know me don’t you….but suddens she lunges forward and starts to growl and then suddens she starts to bark and i start to back up the stairs in the most fear and terror i have ever feel in my life………

i think just in time to watch where i go or i might fall through these warps and rotted steps so i have to watch and i stop look at her even though her is come toward me but i glance up and see she have stop at the steps and when i go back to the top i look and she have be out of my sight now… i start to say again sherey it is me it is muhammed please talk to me sherey…….

i hear her move and a couple of times i hear her whine and then growl real fast but other than this nothing……so i go back dow a few steps just enough to where i can look around the bottom of the stair well and i hunker down and shine my light to where i hear her and there she is by hectors body….. say sherey what are you doing as i shine my light on her and she look at me and she bare her teeth and start to growl now worse than i have ever hear her growl yet………and she have a look of real hate in her eyes……..

then before i have a chance to move or to say another word sherey she put her head down on to hectors belly and open her mouth and start to bit into it as hard as she can and make growl sounds the whole time as she sahke her head around with her teeth gnaws into him and she start to eat there and then before i can even think about what i have see she reach down and grab a big hunk of something some kind of rotting guts and she look around at something else and growl and she biting on it and then she scurry off with it and then a bunch of rats come up closer to hectors body and they gather on it………

right then i feel my stomach turning it flip flops and i start to gag and by the time i make it up to the steps it is all i can do to keep from throw up right there but i make it out and then i make it to the van……….before i can make it i there though i puke my guts out……..then suddens while thor is whining and pawing at the window i hear a sound behind me and i turn in fear and think i am about to die right there and but it is the landlady she have watch me go in there…..and she say to me well do you go in there…..what is wrong with you are you okay…

and i say no it is just it stinks in there and there is rats down there too i see a few and i am deathly afraid of rats……she said yes i know i am have to keep rat poison out all the time i will be glad when they tear this place down… had bester not go in there any more you might get in trouble or be may you will catch you some disease or get hurt……that building is dangers she said…….and then she ask me so you do not see no sign of sherey…..and i said no sherey is no where around in there i am sure…….

this is all i have have on my mind almost ever since i have see this……it is just now that i have get me around to even post about it…..i almost decide not to to tell you the truth…….but i decide no i have to tell everything i can not leave nothing out……i have make up my mind i am going to tell all my the whole story no matter what……..

this though has be beyond anything i have yet experience…….i do not know what to make of it or what i am go to do about it

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Friday, July 21, 2006

What Every Woman Wants Deep Down Inside

the night after i mailed my present to brandy i went to the club and watched christina dance and stayed there all night and when she got off i have to wait outside for her for about thirty minutes and after that she come out and i take her to my apartment……i fucked her two times after she sucked my dick and all in all we spend about four hours doing this and she is i can tell satisfies with me more than any man she have ever be with…of course this is always the case when i fuck a woman…..i always say i feel sorry for any man who marry a woman i fuck especially if she was a virgin when i fuck her because from that point on no man is ever going to be able to measure up in any way to her epxectations…….

i have no doubt in my mind that if princess diana had not be killed nine years ago in france it would be the same situation i would be fucking the mother of the future king of england pretty much any time i want to and anything i want well i would have it with no problems and with no questions ask and this including by the way me tell her now you will leave dodi fayed and be marry you to me……

of course now i am in love with my cousin areanessa and i do not real care for any other woman but until such time as i can make massoud agree for her to be with me i will have my fun with any woman i want…..well almost any woman more than any other man can say i promise you that……

there are a few womans who have told me no but of course i know i could have them if i go about it just right but with all my other options why bother…….the one though who might be an excpetion is crazy brandy who is christinas sister……she have make it clear to me we are only friends and she do not even want me to touch her…that i can live with but when she go along with her boy friend juan and try to set me up that is the last straw… i have teach her a lesson…..i have chrisitina feed her good in food as well as sex and have her breakfast the next day…..i am out to make her fall mad in love with me and i am sure i have do the job so then it is time to take her home…..i wait until two o clock in the after noon because crazy brandy she always stay up late and get up late the next day… by the time we get to they house sure enough she have just be up for a few minutes when in come me and christina…….

linda of course she is happy to hear that me and christina might be a item because she think i am a rich arab oil millionaire and am not a believer in terrors and these killers who cause so much trouble and claim to be my rleigion though they are frauds really……brandy is look wild and she laugh her crazy laugh and accuse me of try to start shit by use her sister to get back at her and i said that is wrong brandy you and i are just friends really and christina said just mind you business brandy and linda says yeah shut up bitch…..she talk to her like this all the time really it is no wonder all her kids are they be fucked up in one way or another……the other daughter the middle sister jamie is a lesbian and a drug addict and christina is what you call a easy girl to fuck and dance in a bar though at least she say she want to pay her way through hair dressing school….and brandy is just a crazy bitch who is acts like she possessed by devils…..

they all agrue back and forth and then i notice the box i mail from the post office early yesterday morning and am happy to see it get here today….hey what is this brandy i say it have you name on it this box do…….she said nunya which mean it none of my business and then she grab it and look at it and say when do this get here…….god dam i tell you a hour ago it here linda said and she said well i do not know what it can be it do not have a name from who it from……be may it is from you boy friend juan i tell to her….and linda said juan and give a disgust sound and look…….well open it and find out i tell her…so she said well i will do that but she grab it up and take it in her bed room….

in the meantime linda set me down a cup of coffee and ask me to stay but i tell her i have to go to work later which is a lie but not really i can not stay away too long from mara….as linda start to say something else finally i hear a scream from brandy from her bedroom it is really a terrible sound and even surprise me though i was expects a reaction like this anyway…..linda she say what the hell is wrong and christina she look at me and shout out brandy brandy……before linda have make it halfway to her bedroom brandy come out and look at me with this weird look on her face it is almost a smile but i see a look mainly of disgust and even hate….she know well i have do this thing to her but what can she say…….there is not one god dam thing she can do about it and she knows that…..

what is wrong brandy i ask her……what was in the box from you look i bet it is something you have always want…..

the next thing i know she take off storming out of the house and i am wonder what linda will do……but she do not get it she said oh do not pay any attention to her she is just mad because you are with christina……..christina she said well that is just tough shit and she gets in my lap and soon we are making out……..

and so there you have it…..i have my revenge on some one in the two best possible ways and i have another my own personal sex slave to boot.

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Christina And My Special Present To Brandy

the next night i decide i would go to the club where amanda is a dancer to try to see if i can tell if she have be suspects anything as far as the truth about leann.....if she has be hear something i know she cannot hide it from me i can tell it in her eyes or by the way she hold herself and the tone of her voice......i am more worry now since me and hamil have be our friendship be ended just what he might have be say to the polices or what he may have put out about me........

as luck would have it amanda is nowhere around but lo and behold there is christina she is working there as a dancer and this is the sister of crazy brandy who tell to me to stay away from her sister that she is trys to make something out of her self and try to be a hair dresser.......

i watch her dance and i get her attention and hold up my glass and after some time she make her way to my table and we talk though she act like she do not remember have meet me before or even me be at her house where she live with her mother and her sister brandy........

i buy her a drink and before you know it one thing it lead to another and so i tell her i will pay her five hundred dollars to jack me off under the table.....she agree to this and so i have to scoot back some to keep my giant cock from stick out the other end of the table.........she be an expert at this jacking off and manages to angle my dick head up so when i cum it do not shoot out the other side.....i only hope someone remembers to clean up under the tables is all i can say because she make me cum it feel for a hour but it is not this long but still every bit of five minutes......

then i tell her i will give you two thousand dollars if you spend the night with me and do everything i tell you and she smile and say wow you must really like me and i said yes as far as that go i think be may i even love you.....she just smile and blush like a little girl when she hear this and she say then to me i don't know you dick is really big and i say oh do not worry i know how to contract it so i can fit it all in you good and will not hurt still....then i explain to her how when i was twelve my mother cathces me jack off and trick me into rubbing a potion on my dick that is make in part from asps venom and how it make my dick real big and more it even give me special powers over it......

she look at me and said oh you are making that up and i said no i am not i swear....and she said well i dont know i guess i can as long as there is no real strange stuff and nothing that hurt and is dangers.......and i do not want to be fuck in the butt either she said i do not care what powers you have in you dick.........i said oh that is okay i just want you to give me a suck my dick and be may we fuck two or three times....i swear it nothing crazy shit or will hurt.....

so she final say okay then i am off work tomorrow night we will do it then if you want to and i said that will be fine....then i say to her you dont remember me do you and then i reminds her of meet her at the cornerstone church and go to her house and how i have be brandys friend.....

she said oh yeah i remember you now but the way she say this is like she know it all the then i say and when we get through i take you back to you house....she said oh i see you want to mess with brandy is that it.......and i said well in a way but i really do like you honest.......

so we talk for awhile and then final she agree for sure and after this i go to my apartment.....i find there the jar i look for and there is a note from hamil and it said you are one sick motherfucker muhammed....but lucky he have leave it there and not disturb is the dick and balls of brandys spik boyfriend juan and i have it in alcohol......

i remember one time when crazy brandy tell me she would like to cut my dick off and keep it in alcohol......i overlook this crazy shit and also i overlook how she tell me she will never let me fuck her that i am nothing but her friend and that is it.......honest i am being sincere here when i tell to you i can fuck any woman i want with very few exceptions...what few exeptions there are i could fuck if i put the time and effort and patience to it but why bother.....i have too many fucking options other than these few who insist i will never fuck them......

even princess diana before she get killed back in 1997.....had she not be killed i could have fucked her any time i want to and get anything i want from her and even this includes if i tell her to leave dodi fayed and marry me i know she will do it........

now brandy may be one of those rare few exceptions that i could never what she is a crazy bitch be may even possessed by even this i do not care about......but when she betray me to her spik friends and her spik boyfriend and try to help them set me up to do god only know what to me.....that is a different matter and i can not and will not let her get away with this shit...........

so i put the jar of juans dick and balls in alcohol in a box and i stuff it with cotton and i address it to brandy but do not put a return address on it......then i tape it up....the follow morning i take it to the post office and mail it.........brandy have go to be get a big surprise the next day........

but even more than this i am look forward to see her face when she find out i have be fuck christina.......which is what i really look forward to most of all because i am bet that will be some fine pussy.

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The Awful Truth About Hamil

when i get back to massouds house i have there the scare of my life….i walk in the door and there is hamil and a couple of his friends and i tell him and try to act calm what are you do be here i have be wait for you for three hours at the gold star chili……and he tell to me yes i know this but i have to be careful these days it is hard to know who i have i can trust……i call for thor and he come in and acting funny like he is afraid…….i have to go up the side of his head hamil he said he act like he is go to eat me up but he is not so big and bad now….but do not worry he will be okay…i want to kill him right there but i know i can not do this now so thor he come up to me and i pet him and he just look sad…… muhammed hamil say we have to have a talk…..and i said okay but these mans here i want them out of here…hamil he nod to them and they walk out…….

then he pull a tape out of behind him on the couch and he say i have found here what i look for you see i have be to you apartment too and i find it and a lot of things too and include only half the money you owe to me so where is the rest of it…….i told to him that fool in alaska do not give to me the money that is because you try to have him kill me and then you try to have you wife to kill me be may if i have the money i deserve it for that but i do not have it because he never intend to give it to me anyways…….so he owe you the money……i do not tell to him of course that i do have the money and the heroin too and it is in a private storage building under a false name in fact a american one somewhere just outside of cincinnati……

he just shrugs and says to me it is a big misunderstanding i am sorry and i say so what is this tape and he says the one that show the immam go to see rahe hosmonari to have homosexer sex love…….it have nothing on it but these spiks kill rahe and then after they leave the immam he come and go i do not know what he is that upset for….and i said because one of these spiks is a muslim and the immam have pays them to do this thing to rahe and the others are happy to go along because of what happens to their friend in the store when i kill him and they blame this on rahe because he have be brag about what he do even though he do nothing really but cower on the floor…..

that is very interesting he said….now it is i who have something on him more even than he have anything on me since my wife have be killed….and i said you wife what do she have to do with it…..and he said oh she is the one who go to the immam for help and he use what she tell him about me to blackmail me to go after you that is all but then my wife she is not satisfied so she go to the polices………and they are after you too but when my wife have die thanks to you they have nothing to hold me on that is all….so i say but why you wife want to do this thing…..i will never forget what he say and the cold look on his face and he say it is because i sell our children to be sex slaves……….then he laughs and say do not give me that look do not pretend that you are so good…..then he says if you want to make it in the big time you have to prove yourself and you have to be will to do anything no matter what or to who……….

then he pick up the tape and head toward the door……you have a lot of promise muhammed but you are stupid…you take too many stupid risks and one of these days it is going to be over for you……still i am glad things they work out to where you do not have to die and see….even still it all works out for the best for me… traitor wife she is dead and now thanks to you i have what i need to destroy the immam………..

then he struts to the door and turns and looks at thor who is watches him like a hawk and he says that is a smart dog you have there he said and well trained too ……he smiled and said yes i saw the tape but do not worry it is where i find it… is useless to me………but i will tell you one last thing in honor of our past friendship……omar is going to tell massoud everything…….i know this for a fact……….he is desperate for help……i do not know what you uncle will do to omar but i would imagine he is not go to feel too kind disposed toward you when he hears everything……..

fuck him i said he is not kind disposed toward me now…..good bye hamil……..he smiles and put his finger to his lips in a mocking shush and then out the door he goes…… this is the man i thought was my friend i said a man who not only betrays me but have sell his own childen to be sex slaves just to prove himself worth to be a criminal big shot……..still i know i am alive this night only because he do not find anything in my apartment that would incriminate him and at the same time he do not know that i do not have something on him that i hide it somewhere and it be put out if something happens to me… far as i know though he might be plan to kill me later after a few days maybe….or even tonight be send his people to finish me off………

he did not do this…..still as you can imagine i do not sleep a wink this night.


The Hot Little Girl

the next day i get a call from hamil he have be final release from where he have be held by the polices…..this motherfucker have more connections than a telephone company any other person be accusses of what he have be suspects of especially an arab like him be may never be hear of him again…….but somehow in some way he have manages to pull enough strings that this motherfucker he is out of the jail though as he put it he still is not out of the woods……he is insist that he need to meet with me somewhere and for me to pick a place… first i think to have him come here to massouds…..of course massoud would have another fit if i have hamil in his home because massoud do not approve of hamil who he says is nothing but a fucking criminal……but i do not give a big fucking shit about this my main concern is that i want to make sure if i am around hamil it is in public…..i have learn me the hard lesson that hamil is not my friend in fact he is nobodys friend but hamil…….

anyways i tell to him to meet me at the gold star chili the one up on top of the hill in cincinnati and this is the one where elisabetha she work at…….so he agree to this…….i am glad because i am be wanting to fuck elisabetha now for some time but rare is it that i have the opportunity to do anything about this…….

later that night i go on up there and would you know it there she is and she is acts her real haughty and stuff but at the same time she is acts flirtatous and smile real coy like and so of course i starts to get me a real raging hard on…she notices it too and i can tell she is ready and willing if not right now able……to tell you the truth i think that the older man who run this gold star chili he is in love with her and he watches her like a hawk…..they are palestinians and also they are christians which is they do not have any fucking real true values which why elisabetha like all they womans are they be allow them to dress in tight jeans and even do not cover they heads……

she wait on me and i never have a chance for my coffee to get it cold or even drink it half of the way down until she is brings me some more even though it is a busy night and she is walking around haughty and final she brings me my three way chii and my coke……..i just looks at that ass and the tops of her breasts that show over her top…..i do not care to try to hide how i am feel and the old man he is just looks at me and scowl……….this pisses me off so one time as elisabtha she go past i stretch out of the seat and follow her with my eyes glue them on that nice fine ass……then i say elisabetha…..and when she turn i gaze at her longing and say i need you with my hand it cup around the shaft of my dick as it sretch a little hard go down my leg….she just smile and nod and when she do this it rage out to try to go past my knee so i have to stretch out my leg….i do not try to act casual either but all of a suddens i see this little girl she is about six and is stands up in her seat and looks down at me just stares at my dick she can see because her is with her mom and dad in the seat right behind me……

i try to ignore her and turn around but i hear her whisper once can i feel it….i ignore this too but then the little girl i hears her whisper please feel my pussy…..i look back at her and she have her skirt it pull up to where her panties are barely it shows and she is trys to act casual but look afraid and suddens i hear her father say lisa get down from there and sit down in you seat…..i look around and the man say i am sorry mister and i say oh it is okay she do not bother me and then i wink at the little girl……she ask me what my name is and i tell to her oh my name is muhammed and she lifts her dress up and whisper please do it to me and then says loud my name is lisa and i say okay…..then i say hi lisa……

you know kids her father he say and i said yeah i know and am thinking mister you do not know shit about you own kid let alone any other elses…… he and the girls mother they go back to they talking and are talk about they family and something about go to see the womans mother that her father have died and can she come and stay a while and the man he is dread this but if just a little while and they are talk and the little girl stil she is up there waiting…..just to see what she will do i cup my hands behind my neck and stretch my middle finger on the back of my seat behind my head and sure enough there is that little pussy it straddles my finger and it is throbs and gets wetter as hell as it pulsating and she pressing it on my finger and in the meantime the mother and father they are argues about money because of bills and have to fix the car…….and can you believe the little girl is asks me to stick it in but i pull my finger away from her….after some time the little girl she is still stands there wait for more but she is not going to get any more she will be getting fucked soon enough as it is more than likely at the rate she is going will happen before she turn seven……..

i wish we could fuck she whispers and sudden the womans turns around and slaps the little girls leg and says you are be told to leave people alone now sit you ass down here and do not let me see you get up and then she apologize to me and i said oh it is all right i said……

they leave after about another twenty minutes or so and as they go i wave at the little girl because she is have her eyes glue them on me all the way out the door……i feel sorry for her but is obvious to me this she is going to be a big whore by time she is a teenager if not before and will not be worth a fuck to her self or to nobody elses just like so many little girls who are not muslims especially in america and other western countries…….

but of course it is freedom of religion and that is just the way it is…..i believe in freedom and democracy but sometimes i wonder if this should include in this freedom of religion it do not seem to be worth it in fact it seem to cause more trouble than it is worth……..but after a hour and hamil never show up and i drink a ton more of coffee i just sit there and look at elisabetha that gorgeous face and eyes and hair and that fine nice ass and thin waist and full hips and those breasts i tell you she is a perfect fucking woman and thanks to freedom of religion she is able to put it all out there for my viewing pleasure and soon if i have my way about it for far more just than to look at it……

so i guess there is some good things about freedom of religion after all.


Wasted Days And Wasted Nights

after i get through dispose of the bodies i make my way to home one more time to check on things and then me and thor we go back to massouds house and we no longer have make it through the door than i hear the phone it be rings off the hook…. i answer it and it is massoud and he is angry and shouts where the hell have you be i have be calls here for more than two hours…..i told him i can not help it i have things i have to do and besides i tell him you need to get your ass back home anyways….then i tell to him what happen to mara and what juan and paul and the other spiks they do to her……i do not tell to him of course who they are and how i have set them up…..just that i have a emergency to take care of and while i am gone someone break into the house and mess up the place and they rape mara……..

but after he cry for a while and i tell him mara is she be in the hosptal and she is go to be all right and she is still out of her head and never know anything he starts cussing and crying more and so i tell him just hurry you ass home mother fucker i tell him and then i hang up on him….

suddens i hear thor bark and whine and then i go in the bedroom and there he is on top of mara and he is try to dig her out from under the cover it look like and trys to pull it off of her and mara she seem to be tenses up but thor he bark and whine and lick her face and paw at her and pull the sheet with his teeth……poor thing……..

suddens i see that mara her eyes they are wide open and i can see fear in her eyes but is still not moves and she is not says anything……so i pull thor off her and take him in the other room and then i come back and there she is still just stare out in terror…….so i try to talk to her……

mara i say to her….wake up mara i know you are awake i know you can hear me…..but if she can she do not act like it so after a few minutes i go to the bathroom and then i have me a cigarrette while i try to figure out what next i should do……i go back in and she still is staring there….i just close her eye lids and go on out…..fuck you anyway bitch i say to her time is it be too fucking short for me to spend any more than have to be on the likes of you

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Fourth Of July-An American Prayer

i not was able to do anything for the fourth of july this year even if i have wanted to everything that has been happens over the last two months have keep me in a state of depression i could not have been enjoy of it if i want to…… the same time i do have a obligation to care for mara who i can not leave alone here for very long at a time and actual is takes a risk if i leave her alone at all though at times this is necessary…….

but after the night of the third and all the day of the fourth i keep wonders okay how long now will it be before it is safe to do what i hope to do and i try to occupy my time by watches the television and gets me on the guest account of uncle massouds computer and read news and learn more about this countrys celebrations of it’s independence…….

then on the day of the fourth it was that great lord god allah he gives me a sign that he have give his blessings to america…..which these foolish christians even they do not take any notice of no and they would not appreciate it if it was point it out to them….but thanks to the wisdom that great lord god almighty allah have he bestowed upon my heart and mind and soul you have be give me the ability to know and to see your hand at work…….oh great lord god almighty allah you have take you hand and stretched it out upon america the land of the free and the home of the brave…….

i have be asking you in privacys lord god…..where is the free……where is the brave…….is there no one in the house…….

and then you showed me how you have put you special blessings upon this great nation………

you have rewards this great nation lord god allah by gives them the ability to do what no nation has ever be allowed by you to do great lord god almighty allah… have allows them to ascend to the heavens and even you have allows them to walk upon the moon that glorious light of the night that you hung within the heavens as though it were be a tantalizing bauble…..they do not reach there just on their own courage and initiative and genius all of these things which you have blesses them with in abundance for if they have be displeasure to you could easy have tell them no……but you allows them to do this and not just once but over and over you have allows them to do this……

and now you have cause them to have to wait until the fourth of july to shoot off they rocket though they plan on do it before but you put a stumbling blocks in they path and then you make the way for them to have the best fourth of july ever and they do not notice it…..

and this evil one in north korea he have plans to show up america with his missiles……and what do you do great lord god allah…..for all they evil planning you cause them to fail you cause they missiles that they test on the fourth of july to fall away helpless…..while americas rocket it soar up into the heavens like a great eagle……..

i knew from this lord god allah that you have keep you blessings on this great country on this my adopted land and have showed me the wisdom of you ways and you blessings…….

and so i offer you this prayer great lord god allah…….while americans all over are go about they business and they fourth of july parties and get they drunk and high and have their hot dog eating contests and parades and floats and cookouts and all this foolishness that they do and most of them lord god do not even stop to think about what the day it real means…….just a day to party to some, or a weekend off of work……but few contemplate the reason for this great holiday or how lucky they are to live in this great land……and even fewer great lord god allah think about you and how you have blessed this great country…..

there are times when you have put america through the fire great lord god almighty allah and you have tested them because of the values that this country stands for which is a bright and shining beacon of liberty and justice you want the people to always be strong and brave…….otherwise they freedoms will be takes away from them or even they will just allow them to wither on the vine and die……..

i ask lord god though i have be in the depths of depression and despair of worry and anxiety that may i never forget to have faith and to be thankful for the many blessings that you have bestowed upon me…….

and always lord god i pray please continue to bless me……and god bless always this great land…..the united states of america.


An Abandoned Building Makes A Good Grave

i had the perfect place to hide the bodies of these fucker spiks it be just about two bloks from shereys apartment that she have withher mother and borthers and sisters and so i go there to check it out and i take thor with me…..i do not take te bodies yet because i have to check it out good first but once i find my way in i go in through a brake window and i take off a chain lock that be put o a back doo…..

the place was filther as hell i tell you some of the walls have be fall in and part of the ceiling too and there be wires and insulation all over the place…..there was garbage all over too and it be stink and i see where there be shit writes onalls and what have you….still it look to me like no one have be go in here for a while but now i have to worry about the lock and the brakes window i do…….

but anyway i do this shit the night of the sixth i figure there would no be any person around and the fourth of july woud be too dangers………

so that night i loads all the bodies up in the van and me and thor we take all five of these mexcos bums to the building and one at a time i get them in there as fast as i can but just inside……then one at a time i take them all down a stairs….all the time i feel like i be watched and then another time i hear something like be footstps and then i hear something like a growl like a dog…..but i have thor in the van and doors lock up and windows roll up so i know it not be thor…..

the first thing that come to my mind is oh shit a poleeses with a poleeses dog but no i tells myself they would not just stands there and see me carry one after anotehr five spik bodies down the stairs to what look like the old basement where used to be heat and waer system… anyways i go on back up after i take they all down there and then i go on back to the van….still i see no one in sight but i am worrys now about what be this sound i hear i am even starts to wonder if my nerves are gets the besters of me…..

out in the van thor was he acts funny too he starts whines and paws at the door and is barks too like he want out of the van and looks he toward the building but i say to him no thor we have to get the fuck out of here now boy….

the next few days thor just keep acts strange and i am not hearing from massoud so i am stick with fucking mara having to watch her……my nerves are bad now i am still worrys about all this shit and have be hard to post……..but i have makes up my mind i am going to tell everything come what may… is just that somethings are hard to put in just the right words even for me.

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Eva Longoria And Spik Kids With Cancer

after i get mara back to her house i cleans up the place and then i sits around last night and i watches me some television and i watches this show that is about hollywood stars and singrs and stuff and i sits and watches this part about this spik woman who isname of eva longoria… this is one fine looking woman one of the most beautiful you have ever see in you life an dshe is damn sure a beautiful woman to be a fucking spik……..

she is in this one television show that is calls by the name of desperate houswives that come on sunday nights on the abc network…..when me and amanda were still together this was one ofher most favorite shows and i tell you if yu cause her to miss it she wil make shure you be sorry about it she will bitch and moan for days afters and will call her friend fat asses shirly to tell her what have be happens on the show and they will talks for hours at a time…….

so fuck that i make sure she watches theshpw and i watches it with her and you kow what…..come to findout i am hooked now on this fucking show and this is why i will not miss it now my own self and even takes thetime to watch it last the night before last even thoughthis is a reurun i have already be sees it……

in the show she play a woman name of gabrielle who have a spiks husband who is a business man but he no paysher any attension and so she have be fucking a young boy who work as they gardener….but her husband finds out but thenhe is sends him to thejails i thinkfor tax evasion or some thing like that and then she steals the money her husbands cell mate sends by her to get his girlfriend a big boob job and buys a astin martin…then she finds out the young man is sees a older woman too and she gets mad as the hells eventhough they have be breaks up for the good of her marriage…..

well when the husband get out of the prison they decide to start over and have a kid and first they try to buy one but that do not work out the people they involve with are bad people that do not hold up they end of the bargain and the father of the child refuse to go along….so then they decide okay we will hire the maid to get pregnant and have our baby all because gabrielle si a spoils brat bitch who do not want to have to carry a baby and go through childbirth……

so they have this chink housemaid who agree to this and they arifiial inseminate her though she is thinks she will be fucked by the man….anywya now gabrielle is afraid the husband is gets close to the maid and using her for sexes and the maid is in love with him and al that shit………

so anyway i follow this sillyshit and because i am now a fan of the show i sit back and see her on this show about hollywood peoplewith billy bush who i thinkis a cousin of president bush but he acts foolish sometimes though……there is a woman name of nancy odell on the show who is a beautiful woman that i would like to fuck she is a fucking phony though…..also a nigger woman who name i cannot remember….but any way when eva longoria is be on the show iknow ihave to watch and of course she is on at the very last wouldn’t you know it….that is all right though because they have a good segment about the superman movie which by the way is real fucking good i will do a review of it soon…..on the other hand enough people have do this and so many people have sees it why fucking bother………..

for some time anyway i have be think be may this eva longoria she is bester than most spiks might actual be a decent human being….aftr all it take a lot of work to be a sucessful hollywood actress so she certain is not lazy even though she is beautiful because eing beauty is ot enough to make it in hollywood not for long anyway….yes i know there are some excpetions but they are not the rule and eva longoria is definite a good actress i would even say a great one and god dam is she pretty i would fuck that in a heartbeat i don[‘t give a fuck that she is a fucking spik….

well that is how i felt until last night anyways……..when i sees her on thios show she is appearing at a charity to help kids with cancer and i am thinks oh now this is nice of her…….then would you know it it turn out that every fucking one of the kids is fucking spiks with cancer…..not one god dam single one of these kids were little arab boys or little white boys or for that matter there were not even little jew boys or little fuckign nigger boys…no every single fucking one of them were spiks……

and to make it look like not so obvious she try to make the excuse is because they have a language barrier…..yeah fucking right the language barrier do not keep the from coming over here to begin with and steal jobs and get on welfare and go to health clinics and get in schools and cause allthefucking problems that they cause so damn sure language barrier will not be a problem for cancer…….face it there is only one answer to all this shit…….

eva longoria is a fucking bigot bitch……hey eva longoria what is wrong do you not care about other little kids with cancer do they all have to be fucking spiks….i think that is pretty fucking bad my self.

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My Worrys With Sherey May Just Be Starting

it take some doing but finally i convinces the doctor at the hospital that mara should be release her on the grounds that her husband do not give him permits for mara to be at the hospital and neither give i my permits as her designate care giver and guardian……the doctor he begs me and the nurses they all begs me but i am adamant and i am tells them okay now you have time to run you tests on her to see if she have a disease from this be fucked by these god damn spiks mans so what do you find out…….

doctor holmes he just look at me and she say you are just joking i know we bring her here saturday and it is just monday we have no time to find out anything for sure yet thogh so far it look like she is okay…..but also ineed to tels you this woman is suffers from hysteria she is actual conscous but have something has happens that have hooroed her so much she have withdraws her mind but still she sees and hears and understands al that happens and that means she knows she was rapes by these mans….please mister shahiri she says it is best please that you really lets her stay here but i said no i am going to take her home…….

and so that is how it was but the doctor holmes she plead with me and makes me promise to takes care of her and so i said don’t worry i willl until her husband who is my uncle massoud come back from where ever he have go away to….

so they brings her out in a wheelchair and load her in my van and then off we go and i have to make a stop at the half way house to see shereys mother loretta and so i do that i just lay mara on a cot in the back and make sure i lockthe doors and then i go to see her……..

i was there just early enough and so i gt to see her and i ask her flat out what ishappens to sherey that no one is knows where she is and she says to me that she do not care if she ever see sherey again that this little bitch daughter of hers is the reason she is in this halfwayhouse to begin with so of course i ask her what she mean by this……

come to find out sherey have steal from her all the drugs that i leave for her when i go off to alaska and so she kickher out of the house……even then she come back later and steal what little bitshe have left and some food too while she go to the store…..that is why she say she go to kellys stabls and try to buy some more but some one turn her in and arrest her by sets her up though she never get to buy anything……so anyways no she do not know where sherey is and do not care even if she turn up dead somewhere after the trouble she have caused her…….

well if sherey have take all these drugs i tell her that is very possible there was enough heroin to kill a horse and on top of that the first time sherey steal her drugs loretta go out and buy some crack and some meth and more things and sherey she steal most of these two loretta get very little of this and so she go to get some more and is when the undercover polices man set her up……so this is why she was sends her to the halfway house instead of to the jails because she never actual have the drugs when she catch by them she just be trys to get some…….also she have none in her system bythe time she get around to have tomake her take a drug test.

so now i am real fucked up because if sherey is finds her and she is fucked her up is good chance my name will come out someway because sherey is a stupid little bitch anyways……her mother is right it would be bester all the way rounds if she were to just be her die.


The Immam Is Up To His Neck In Guilt

i hate to messes with dead bodies but some time you hav to do awful things…….it is go to be hard i know to dispose of five adult male spik bodies it not like one little eight year olds girl who was big for her age and this was hard enough…but i go to the storage building where they are with my heroin and i look all over they and then i find what i look for on the body of one name of hector that i never know of before……..i find muslim prayer beads and a small book of writes in arabic which do not ask me what it say io have no idea i never learn to read or write while grow up in syria i not learn any language skills until i go to england and starts to learn to read and write english… and my mother live a nomad life and i never go to school except for about two and one half months when i was about nine year old……she send me here to get money from one of my fathers uncles and then after she get what she wants she pull me out and off we go……

anyway the point to is that i know this man is a muslim and is known by the immam and the immam i have misunderstand his presence i the film i have seen at rahes…..the motherfucker did not just happens to go to rahes just a few minutes after he was killed…..rahe was blackmailing the immam and the immam sent these spiks to kill him………he do not realize that rahe was evidents be sets up someone else for blackmails them and so when he come in i think wrongly it was the immam but i am bets now it was uncle massoud or be may someone else……..but the immam just look around and then he leave without looks at least not in this room i see him come in so that mean rahe must have give him the film that prove the immam was a filther disgust homosexer queer and that is because rahe is a fool to trust the immam…..

so how do i know this is because the immam mentions in my apartment that rahe be killed by spiks but i do not tell him that and no one else tell him that so he have no reason to think that spiks have be killed rahe for that matter no reason to think rahe do not commit suicide……so the immam send these spiks because he know of hector be muslimand wants to please him and they use the spik that i kill in massouds store just as excuse to get his friends and relatives tohelp by blsame this on rahe….

god dam it was pretty clever of the immam i have to give the old fucking filther queer some credit……but he fucked up when he mess with me i just am almost sorry i have to destroy him now.

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I File A Police Report

after i get through at my house i go to massouds house and still the place is a fucking mess so i call the polices and soon they come and i tel them look at this fucking place what a mess it is and even they rape my insane aunt mara……i say this knows full well that they will find dna from these mans these filther spiks but of course they will have to takes her to a hospital….just look at this fucking mess i tell them….and they ask me how i know who is this and i said because i sees they leave and they wants to know how i knows they are spiks and i said because as they leave the house i recognize two of they one name of paul and another name of juan…..there look like five of they altogether i said……..

so as they takes mara to the hospital they asks me some questions and go over the place with a fine tooth comb looks for fingerprint evidence…..i said by the way you make sure you have mara back here before my uncle massoud come back if he find what has happens to his wife he will divorce her for her be raped by these mans…..they looks mad at this especial the one womans polices she said how it can be her fault her be rapes in her condition and why she was leave here alone to begin with…….

someone was suposes to be with her i said but something happens and he can not make it i guess all i know is i come here to check on things and this has happens……but if my uncle find this out believe it he will divorce her at the least as long as he do not know about this every thing will be fine…….this is the first fool mistake i have make in a long time because of course they have to tell massoud at least about the break in and then they will finds out i have lies that it was me who suposes to watch the house not another person……then on top of that they demand to know where massoud is and i have to lie again and tell them i do not know just that he go somewhere on account of his health…

so anyway they keep asking me these questions and of course i am catch now in one lie anyway but that is all right i will worry about that when the time come.

The Immam Is Now Desperate

more than two years ago i had an american friend rent a storage building in a fake name for me and this is where i go to think sometimes also it is where i store things…….things i have to be careful about what i have like for example a half a semi truck load of heroin which i have do no know yet if i will sell it to anthony or keep for my own use….not for me to use but for use of help me in different ways like with shereys mom who is a big heroin addict…..still now she is in a half hway house for violates her old probates so now i do not know…..

now also i have the body of five of these vile mexcos mans but i have to find a way to dispose of these spiks……..just good thing i have a van i can take them to my place all at one time until i know what to do to them but even then i was nerves getting them there….but i will be damn if i am going to go through again what i go through to try to get rid of rutheys body….still so far as i know no one know what happens and she have not be found along with those other three whose bodies i put her with so is just as well…….

but now i have come up with a plan and it involve massouds house but i have to be careful…..first i have to cleans up my house and i do so and then i go out and buy last saturday a new tv dvd player and recorder and stereo and clean the house up real good make it ook as good as new………suddens while i am in ht emiddle of cleans it up here come the immam and he have some peoples with him but lucky he makes them stay outside as he come up my steps……..

he knock on the door and i tell him come in but i am ready for anything i have my gun in close to me……..i need to talk to you he said and i said what are those people out there for you think they can help you if i decide to kill you……he just look down and said please i beg you it is not happens what you think……

he then go on to explain that he was approach by the federal agents and they demands to know what he know about me and it have to do with hamil and then they warn him that if he do not cooperate they will put him in prison for a long long time just like hamil……..this motherfucker is lying to me i know he is i can tell by the way he talk so i demand he tell me the truth……

hamil would be the one the government agents would be interest in they could care less about me you are want to get this film of you that prove you are a fucking filther disgust homosexer queer and he said no all you have is me go to rahes house after he is killed him by spiks why would i care about that it prove nothing i have be go to a lot of houses of people……

i just look at him and i do not know what to think but i know now i have learn something i think that i never know before now and this man here have me very worry so i just tell him if the polices do not leave me alone i will not be responsible fo rwhat muslim community find out about you and believe me they will find out plenty………..

while i am talk he looking all around like he is looks for something and i said to him do not bother thinks the films are in this place i would not be stupid enough to keeps they here……then his eyes they get as wide as more than i ever have see and that tell me i have a lot of work to do….so i tell him you get out of here ow and remember what i tells to you if anything happens to me even i die suddens the tapes will be out in the open for all the world to see… leave do not say another fucking word to me……..

so he go and i know he is even more worry him than before…… he leave i shout at him what do you kow about hamil how you know all these things to tell the polices…..and he said evrybody know about hamil that he is a criminal don’t you know this he is a stupid man he thinks because he have power and friends in high some places he can get away with everything………

then he left and i start to think yes there are a lot of stupd people in this world he is damn right aout that.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

How Brandy Spies For Her Spik Friends

i go to my house to check on things after i go to the mosque and would you know it there is fucking brandy obvious she have hear about i fuck her friend elaine and so she come to find out if i have be confronts me by they spik friends though she is not going to say this shit….one of these mans by name of juan was her boyfriend and little do she know that he and four other mexcos spiks are lie dead now at massouds house and soon i will dispose of they worthless carcases….

anyways she says she have not be see me for awhile and wonder how i am do and i say okay how is you mother and how is you good looks sister…….she says you can just forget my sister if you know what is good for you and i said no i am going to fuck christina that is a matter of when not if……because christina scudder is one of most sexy bitch in covington kentucky just like bandy scudder is about crazy most bitch in covington kentucky

oh this real pisses her off and i know it will because i am try to get her to spit out what she real there for….but she just laugh because like i say before this is a crazy fucking bitch here……my sister is wants to be a haridresser she tells to me she have positive goals in her life she do not have anytime for scums like you…..of course she get this kind of talk from her mother linda and i said well christina is she can practice on the hair down here around this big dick of mine if she want to…….or be may you give me some of that pussy…..

she just start cusses me and said all kinds of things and never mention still her spiks friends but i do not give up i said oh i forgot you are a nigger lover that is why you have a nigger baby and you just ashamed to admit this and let you other sister jamie have him……then she said you are wrong that not my baby that christina baby christina is the nigger lover i hate niggers and i aint going to fuck no arabs either…..

oh that is right i said you just want to fuck spiks from mexcos like you friend elaine i bet you just like her in every way… where is you spik boyfriend you know the one name of juan…then she said it a little well he is go to kick you ass that is how he is………then she go storms off….and just as well all this time i have be using her pretend to want to be her friend so i can set up these spiks and end up having to use elaine instead but just as well……at least i know now that she do not suspect that they friends have be take care of by me….so anyways i go into my apartment and the fucking place is a mess…..they have be in here before and have wrecks the place and drinks all my liquor which is why they drunk when they go to massouds……and lucky they find the note that i leave pretend for somebody else that say i will be at massouds watches his house for him and will be there all by myself… this what bring them here not the note i leave with elaine……….

lucky i suspect they mght do this and hide everything that is real valuable but my tv and vcr and stereo it is wreck it by them…..

hey that is all right i need new one of all these anyways. but they also rip up some of my good cloths and write nasty stuff on my walls and cabinets and dresser and windows and mirrors and even scatter food all over the place… was good i think to bring thor with me they probably would have kill him for spite…….but now i am mad than ever and wish they were not dead just so i can torture them…..but oh well you cant have everything.

The Immam Learns His Coming Fate

i have no choice but to leave the spik mans bodies at massouds house while i go to the mosque because i have to put a appearrance in there……..and when the immam see me you should have see the look on his face…..that tell me all i need to know……never have i see a man with so much hate and fear at the same time so this means i am right in my suspects him and now he know i have it in my power to ruin this mother fuckers life…..i could easy stand up here now in the middle of the mosque and announce to all that this immam is a filther disgust homosexer queer and i have the proof…….but no i will not do this i just look at him and grin and hold up the film that show him at rahes house……..he start talks about how bad the world is and how some people even the best of them can be easy leads them astray but that they should be help them back on the right path….people all look around at each other because this is not the usual thing you hear at least not at this mosque…..this is something you mght expect to hear it from a hypocrit christian……just self serve bullshit… he is obvious nerves and show anxiety in his face and eyes……..

but i say and do nothing i just join in the worship after all this is friday yesterday which of course is sacred to great lord god almightey allah and so i should respect this even though the man who is guest immam speaker here he is not worthy…..i can not wait for the opportunity to destroy him……

after all he is the one responsible for hamil be in jail lock away to where his lawyers even can not talk to him and they makes him cause to turn on me…..this is all this immams doing all because he knows i know he is a filther disgust homosexer queer……no one can tell me i do not deserve to get my revenge on him and hamil too for that matter…..

but for the time being it can wait……..i can only do so much at one time and besides i want what i do to them to be something special something they will never forget….of course it would be hard for them to forget because when it happen there will not be a lot of time in they lifes left to be able to forget……i just do not know yet what i will do to them but they have to be teach them a lesson.

An Illegal Immigration

i decide i am go to solve as many of my problems as possible at one time and so last thursday night i go to stay at uncle massouds house while he go to meet with omar in ontario…….he need someone to stay and watch mara and so since i do not can watch the store and she both he wantme to watch her and the house…..i know what he think that if i watch the store i will be too happy to kill another spik and he worry about this cause him more trouble……he still is mad about the one i kill in his store a whle back and which i talk about in this post where i save my uncles store…..

yet because of this one incident that ones friends and family is out for revenge and i have to watch my ass and so i set them up as i describe in my last post by rapes the ones girlfriend elaine and then give her my uncle address……i am sure someone will come but th emore time pass the less sure i get…….

plusi have bring thor with me and i tell him okay now thor you stay you out here in this one room here and you do not make no noise…..i have trains him well and he know not to attack or even to bark when i tel him this certain thing until i tells him to and this thing is just no bark i tell him and is as simple as that…..then i put him in another room…..

then i keep the lights out and i poison everything there is in the house to drink include a pitcher of tea and a fifth of vodka and a fifth of rum which i have bring to here that i have set up in what i make look like a bar with a liquor cabinet though actual uncle massoud do not drink at least not at home and will not have alcohol drinks in his home……

after some time like about two thirty in the morning here they come five ofthem and they are look for me and look for trouble these goddam people and now i start to worry they too many of them…..but they park down and they knock on the door i guess to see if someone home because i have sure to hide my van down the street in a store lot andhopethey do not see this…so thinks i am not here they do what i hope they do…they break in and so i go in the bedroom where there is thor and i tell him no bark thor no bark and then we hide me and himunder the bed but he is whine and i have to shush him some more

then they find mara and they all start to harass her but of course mara is in like a catatonic state andno aware of anything but dam do i ever wish i have my camera hide and set up running when they starts to fuck her which i no that is what theyt are doing…..and damn they are all talks in this vile mexcos language and so i do not understand what they says but you would think someone would thinks to ask why would someones leave a woman like this all by her self…..on the other hand they are high to start out with and probably thinking that she is not going to go anywheres or do anythings anyway why not leave her by her self……but suddens they are laughs and one person he is objects to something that they are says but they are laughs and then the other one he is crys and even sound like he is threatens them somehow……

this shit go on fo rabout three hours and soon they are be quiet……a couple of times someone have be come in th eroom where are me and thor and open cabinets and closet door and look around but do not look under the bed thank god because i was not expects so many of these scumbags to come here and i am worry that thor will not keep quiet…..

but this was about half way through they be here and now they is real quiet and soon i hear nothing and so i sneak out quiet while leave thor in the roomwith the door shut……and god dam but thereis three of them lay one on the floor and one on the sofa and one in the recliner…….the one on the floori is groaning and th other two are dead and stares outinto space….they have drink the liquor that i have poison…..but where is the other two….suddens one come out of the bathroom and look at me and is obvious drunk and sick and he stare at me and start to cuss at me in mexcos words and i just laugh at him and tell him you and all you friends are go to die hahahhaaahahahhaahahaahhhaaha….

then he lunges at me and halfway to me he fall on the floor and the other one that be on the floor he raises up and moans in pitiful words…..i look around and canyou bleieve they have drinks allthe liquor i have poison…..i look in the refrigerates and the tea is still there have not be touched….. bring it to him and i said here this will save you life i tell him and as he drink i go to mara her room and there is the other one he cry and be naked and lay by mara and talking to her like he is sorry about something and he get o her and try to hump but him dick will not be hard and then i know this is what these other fools are laughs at this one about……

i think about brings thor in here and let him finish him off but i do not want to do this if it is not necessary because i do not want to ruin thor for taste of human flesh and blood the way i have spoil him for want to fuck human womans…….i look back out and see the oen who is be drink the tea is now dead likethe other two but the one who lunges at me is still holds on try to get on his feet……so i go to him and with just one quick and lethal blow of my hand i break his fucking neck…..four down and one to go…….

but suddens that one he come stumbles out of the bedroom and have on his pants and shirt now and stands there stares at me and i know i am going to have a problem because he has be drinks nothing and all the poison stuff it is gone…….i look and even the tea it is all go this one man he drink it all then throw it upall over the house and then spillthe rest of it….he lookat me and look at all them and see something is wrong and so he scream at me and then he lunge at me and then me and him we fight…..but it was not much of a fight because he was drunk when he first come in here and is a fat boy anyway….iwhip his ass real quick though he was desperate and then i kill him by hold him down and strangle him……

the house is a mess and so is mara… least some of them be may four of the five have fucked her all at least once and she is cum allover her bodyand face and he still she stare out in nothing butwith her mouth wide open like want to scream but not can make any sounds….and the fucking house is a wreck there is vomit and blood and shit and piss al over the place from they be dead……plus the furniture in the living room it is turn it inside out where they look for thngs to steal……which they be spiks i guess i do not have to tell you this part…….

but now there is a problem….all three of these spiks who have killed rahe have now i kill them and two more besides but it take longer than i think and so i have five bodies to do away with…….but now it is get light outside so i have to wait at least a whole day but that is all right that will give me a chance to find a place to hide these scum bags.