Animal Instincts
i have been hold off some in telling the follow story because to tell you the truth it have be bothering me the last few days…well ever since it has happen really which have be over a week now…..i really do not know what to make about it but one thing i know for sure……it is my responsible for it i know that……..what i will do about it now i have no idea……but something will have to be do about it that is for sure…….
a few nights after i buried juan and the other spik bodies in the basement of the abandon house which is a few house down from where sherey have live with her mother and sisters and brothers and what have you i think okay now it have be a few days be may i should go and take a look and see how things they be………but i had be afraid to do this…..after all they have a say here in america that the criminal one he will always return to the scene of the crime……
but i went to go to see shereys mother at the halfway house and she have tell me that there have be no sign of sherey yet……no one have any idea of where she is…..she had kick sherey out of the house now because sherey have be steal all her drugs and be take them and then she was caught buy her some more drugs and so was arrest and have be in this halfway house and now she is worry about sherey………she was cry and say first i have lost little ruthie and now sherey is be gone and it is my fault……
i real feel sorry for her so i tell her now try not to worry i will look around and see if i can find some about where she might be…….i feel responsible anyway because i am the one who have give shereys mother the heroin in return for let sherey pretend that me and her go with each other though of course sherey was giving pussys to thor not to me……
so anyway i am think now okay i can go in this house and if someone catch me there i can pretend that i am look for sherey since the building be so close to they house it would make a good hide away i will explain……
just the same i decide i will take thor with me but i will leave him in the van and if someone come to the house he will bark and let met know…..thataways if i am look at where the bodys of the spiks they be bury in the dirt floor of the basement i will know to get out of there to another floor and i can pretend to be look around and i will be shouts out sherey…..where are you sherey are you here and all of that……
all the time i am go drive to this building i am think damn be may sherey might actual be there after all she is only a fifteen year old girl she have to be stays somewhere and this building close to where she be live it actual make sense……..
but first i go to shereys house i have be give a key to go in there so i do…… more i am there five minutes than this nosey old woman the landlady come in and ask me what i do there…….i explain to her i am a friend of family and have be look for sherey who be miss still and i ask have you see some sign of her and she said no i do not and they are two month behind in the rent…….if they do not pay up she said she will have to evict them…… i say okay look here i will pay you these two months and another six months i will pay you how is that……..i was think okay this is the least i can do……..she change her demeanor right away when she hear this and i whip out a big pile of bills and ask her how much it is and she say well the rent is seven hundred and fifty dollars a month and she is two months behind so……
and i said stop right there you have to be jokes me you charge seven hundred fifty dollars for a fucking dump like this and she said well it have four bedrooms and two bathrooms and a kitchen and a dining room and a utility room with a dryer and washer hook up and central air and heat and and all utility they be paid so if it is a dump is just because they have make it a dump………just look around you at holes in the wall and stains where they have be fires and stains all over the carpet from spill things and let it sit and not clean it up and i tell you they are lucky that……
so i said okay okay never mind here i will pay you the two months and for another two that is all i have on me right now and do not have my check book with me….so i will bring you the rest later… she said okay i agree with this…….then i said and please if you see some sign of sherey you call my number and if i am not home you leave a message……she said okay i will do that…….then i ask her do you know anyting about this house down the street that is abandon from no one live there for a long time………..i was wonder if be may she might be hide in there…….i tell her that be may she is afraid the law will take her off like they do her other brothers and sisters…she said well i guess that is possible but i doubt it……she said that place have be condemned by the city and it is keep lock it up tight as a drum………i said okay but just the same i think i will take a look around there……..
so i leave and i am think okay now i have established me a alibi with someone for reason for me to be in this old falling down house so now i will go there……… i go up to the van and there is thor wait for me and start whine and bark and want out of the van but i say no boy you stay here thor i will be back in a minute now okay we drive down here to this old house and if someone start to go in it you bark real good and loud and be may i will hear you okay………i swear the way he look at me i would not have be surprise if he do not pipe upand say okay muhammed i will do that……….a lot of times i have thoughts like this and i will think okay i am have been smoking way too much opium…..but anyway i pull up in back of the building and i get out and leave thor there and i see a window that have be brake it out so i raise the window and i climb in and look around……..
everything is so far just as i remember it nothing but insulation be fall around from the walls and ceilings where roof have be it leaks……no wonder this place have be it condemned i am think now……so anyway i go to where are the steps down to the basement and i light my flash light and down the steps i go as i be careful not to step where they are missing steps from the old wooden steps that some have be warped and others even be rot…….
suddens as i go about half the way down i hear a sound like a move and i look down to where the bodys i have put them in a shallow grave in the dirt ground and there is see the body of the one who name of hector a fat spik and look like him have try to be raise up from his grave….i think i am about to have a heart attack right there……..i am think oh my god please great lord god alla if he rise up now from his grave what will i do what will i say please give me the power to overcome this evil……
i try to tell my self oh calm you self down muhammed he probabal was not really dead i just make a mistake when i bury him but obvious he went ahead and die anyway there is sure no such things as spiks they be rise from the dead………
but just about the time i try to get myself all calm down and think like a rational person i hear the most awful sound i have ever hear… is a growl like a wild beast actual more like a dog than was any thing else so of course i look at hectors body but i do not see no sign of him move yet all i see move is some rats that be move around him and then suddens just as soon as i see them go to him and start to gnaw they suddens scurry away and i hear another growl more louder and deeper and more vicous than before….then suddens i catch a sight of something else moves…….i shine my light in the direction of the growl and of the moves and i see a sight that make my blood run cold and the hair stand on ends……..
it is sherey………all raggedy her clothes barely hangs on her and dirty and her hair is matted and her is covered with grime and she look like a wild animal like a girl that have be total possessed by the demon spirit of a wild animal……and she is look at me now with curious look and her mouth open and tonue hangs out…..the look in her eyes is feral and she tenses up…..i say sherey it is me muhammed you know me don’t you….but suddens she lunges forward and starts to growl and then suddens she starts to bark and i start to back up the stairs in the most fear and terror i have ever feel in my life………
i think just in time to watch where i go or i might fall through these warps and rotted steps so i have to watch and i stop look at her even though her is come toward me but i glance up and see she have stop at the steps and when i go back to the top i look and she have be out of my sight now… i start to say again sherey it is me it is muhammed please talk to me sherey…….
i hear her move and a couple of times i hear her whine and then growl real fast but other than this nothing……so i go back dow a few steps just enough to where i can look around the bottom of the stair well and i hunker down and shine my light to where i hear her and there she is by hectors body….. say sherey what are you doing as i shine my light on her and she look at me and she bare her teeth and start to growl now worse than i have ever hear her growl yet………and she have a look of real hate in her eyes……..
then before i have a chance to move or to say another word sherey she put her head down on to hectors belly and open her mouth and start to bit into it as hard as she can and make growl sounds the whole time as she sahke her head around with her teeth gnaws into him and she start to eat there and then before i can even think about what i have see she reach down and grab a big hunk of something some kind of rotting guts and she look around at something else and growl and she biting on it and then she scurry off with it and then a bunch of rats come up closer to hectors body and they gather on it………
right then i feel my stomach turning it flip flops and i start to gag and by the time i make it up to the steps it is all i can do to keep from throw up right there but i make it out and then i make it to the van……….before i can make it i there though i puke my guts out……..then suddens while thor is whining and pawing at the window i hear a sound behind me and i turn in fear and think i am about to die right there and but it is the landlady she have watch me go in there…..and she say to me well do you go in there…..what is wrong with you are you okay…
and i say no it is just it stinks in there and there is rats down there too i see a few and i am deathly afraid of rats……she said yes i know i am have to keep rat poison out all the time i will be glad when they tear this place down… had bester not go in there any more you might get in trouble or be may you will catch you some disease or get hurt……that building is dangers she said…….and then she ask me so you do not see no sign of sherey…..and i said no sherey is no where around in there i am sure…….
this is all i have have on my mind almost ever since i have see this……it is just now that i have get me around to even post about it…..i almost decide not to to tell you the truth…….but i decide no i have to tell everything i can not leave nothing out……i have make up my mind i am going to tell all my the whole story no matter what……..
Labels: Cannibalism, Insanity