finaley it look like i mite be about to be over my injurees and i am workeng up a apetite and as thogh god hav send me a sign i am teld by my stomak that be may a good plase to go to eat will be the anchor grill… was no time after that i heer massoud telleng mara somtheeng about thay haveng a sixtey yeer anniversarey of beeng in busnes….what do thay hav thaer i ask him and he saed suposedley aneytheng you want if you are an amarecan but not much of aneytheng that is halal….this make me lauf becos my fuckeng uncel massoud hav a lot more to worrey abot than whether food he eat be halal….he hav a wife who treet him with respect now onley becos she is under my thumb and i demand this from her thogh he do not know this and in the meentime he is a filther disgust homosexer queier…….
aneyways mara she com up to me and tells me lissen muhammed i reeley need to talk to you it is important and i saed okay but if you thrnk you are goeng to get out of you obligashons you had bester thenk agan….she promised me no but what she had to say is important……so i saed okay then let us go to the anchor grill and i saed uncel massoud i am goeng to take mara to the anchor grill she need to get out some and i know you do not have the time and he saed okay thank you muhammed and i saed oh you are welcom and do not worrey i will not let her eat aneytheng that is not halal…….like this wold matter after this bitch hav be fucked by her own son to say notheng of thor my dog…..aneyway uncel massoud him acs like he reeley apresates my gesture whiel i am almost laufing in his fase he is such a fuckeng fool…….
aneyways i go later to thay home and pik up mara and tel her my dog wants som more pussies mara but let us let us go get somtheeng to eat first i am in the mood for somtheeng good and she says like what and i saed well i am goeng to hav som kind of seafood and i want you to eat a pork chop…….she look at me in horor and i saed i want you to see how good thay are i hav eat these thengs and thay are good…..fuck halal aneyway this bulshit is onley ment for ramadan accordeng to my beloved mother….
so we go to the anchor grill and i tell them hapey sixteith aniversarey you anchor grill pepel…..thay smiel at me and say thank you and thay are reelley all over me last nite but mara she acts as bakward as her son omar acts but of corse this is a friday nite and heer i am haveng her out on the town getteng redey to make her comit a sin of eateng uncleen food……everytheng like this i wil do to her you see i am brakeng down this bitches will….it is fun to do reeley……you shuld all try it somtime onse you get a human beeng under you power by getteng some good informashon on them you can make them do aneytheng you want and ther is notheng thay can do everytheng you do to them and make them to do just makes them that much more helples and in despaer and stil thay hav to do it and can not keep from it……god has thus given me the perfect human beeng to experiement on to see exactley what i can turn her in to…….
aneyways we go in the back of the anchor grill and i play the jukbox and watches the little dolls in the glass bubbel up abov it thay are dresses up like a band and thaer is one blond heded woman and thay mov with the music….mara is staers at them and is like she wishes she could just die and is stareng at them just to focus her thoghts but not reley payeng them no mind……i was just about to find out just how clever mara is or be may just how fuckeng luckey she is…….i tel her to spit it out what she want and she saed i theenk it mite be a good idea if i do not do that theng aney more…..i saed what do you meen not do what theng and she look around and of corse i know what she is thenkeng but i want to hav som fun and i saed you are goeng to hav to tell me what you meen or whatever you are talkeng about will keep hapeneng but if you tell me out loud in front of the watres when she com with our order i wil let you not do it no more is that a deel…..i was lyeng and i shuld not hav do this becos god hav a way of makeng you kep your promises even to sinners and pepel who are defiled like mara…..
so the watres come up to us with our order i hav ordered deep fride oeysters with frenches fris and coslaw with a big coca cola and heer sits mara acros from me staereng with disgust at her pork chop which of corse is meet from a pig…….i nudge her and saed what is it you tell me you are not goeng to do agan and her look at the watres and her then look at me and saed i do not want to hav sexes with your dog aneymore…….and then she crys…….you shuld hav see the look on this watreses fase i bet she hav never herd aneytheng like this before and she look like her hav as thay say heer in amareca ben around the blok qwite a few time herselv……..
then she saed after the watres hav go away ther is a reeson i hav saed this thng becos of what massoud is be doeng he hav be stayeng out late at nite…..i saed okay go on and she saed i do not thenk aneytheng abot it at first becos one of thos nites he com in with an immam and i tel her okay stop rite ther…describ to me this immam…when she describs him i saed oh shit…okay then i gess thaer is no chanse that you hav be giveng massoud sexes and she saed yes a cupel of times him saed he want to hav another son even thogh i tel him i theenk i mite be too old for this…but he insist that i am onley fortey so i hav a few good yeers yet and he want a son to make up for omar and his shamfulnes……all of this news have dishartened me and i slump dow in my chaer….sudenley another watres com up to me a difrant one from the first one who i notis from time to time lookeng bak at us and obveosley her is talkeng abot us………
i tell this watres i am wondereng abot somtheng and be may you can tell me….supose you know a man who be a filther disgust homosexer queier and hav sexes with at leest two difrant mans and both of thees other two mans hav sexes with each other too and who know show maney elses mans thay hav sexes with……..
the watres laufeng and she saed well okay now what is this som kind of riddel or somtheeng and she is laufeng and mara is looken like her is goeng to die…..but i continue….okay then i saed suposes that this one man is also haveg sexes with his wife becos he wants her to give to him a son becos thay first one turn out bad and have be doeng all kind of vile and disgustng shit and even the poleeses are after him for suspectng him of rapeng and murdereng at leest one and be may two littel girls…..
she nods and i can tel her is reeley intrested in the storey… say at the same time this mans wife hav be haveng sexes with you dog and say that you are makeng her do this becos you love you dog and want him to hav his sexes needs taken caer of and the woman have no choese becos her have be haveng sexes with her son now so and her knows if her do not hav sexes with the dog you wil tell on her for haveng sexes with the dog and her son…… this storey for reel her akses and mara says reel curtley no it is a riddel…….and i saed aneyways the poent is that the woman tells me just now that her thenks that the dog mite get a bad disees like be may aids and i just want to know is this possibel…….becos i just asumed that this is what mara was talkeng about……..but i notis now that the watres had lost her smiel and now the other our first watres was goeng around cleeneng up tabels and lokeng like her reelely do not want to look at us…..but this new one lookeng at mara she saed reel sereous yes i theenk that is a verey likeley posibilitey…………..i saed okay thanks you you can go now…….i wold like some coffee pleese if you do not mind……..
meentime ther were more pepel from all over comeng in and includeng thaer was a poleeses man but i do not know him but i notis him was lookeng at us from time to time suspishusley but whether this is becos of him knoweng me from before or from sombodey heer telleng him thengs i do not know but aneyway he just looks heer and thaer…..i am in a bad mood now becos i know now i can not let my dog fuck this bitch aneymore…..
then somtheeng intresteng happens this crazey girl by name of brandey com in and she is lookeng around like her is lookeng for sombodey and i notis she look like her is talkeng to sombodey that is not thaer…sudenley she look over at me and smile and saed what hapend to you you look like you be in a fite are you the man from the arab store…..and i saed yes that is me and she saed well who beet you up……...some man and his frends who i fuck his wife i tell her and she look red fased….heer this bitch hav be fucked by three spik mexcos mans all at the same time yet she be embaras at the word fuck how do you explane this…. but this crazey girl be goeng around and teleng evereybodey that she is a virgin and sometimes i theenk she do not know the difranse……she is saed to be in lov with some old man who fuked her when her was a little girl and this messes up her mind and her is always wanteng to be around older mans sinse that time but wil not let thees fuck her but she wil fuck mexcos mans and sometimes niggers… fact her hav a nigger babey and giv it to her younger sister she refuses to take it from the hosptial in fact she insisted it was not her babey……ask her and she wil tel you she do not like blak pepels thay are disgusteng an calls them niggers still yet she will fuck them……..aneyways she sits down and keeps lookeng at us and the watres com around and askeng her for her order and her orders a meet loaf and mash potatos and green beens and corn and cocacola but all the time she is giveng this order her look at me and i am wondereng okay now when will this bitch go to the phone i kno her wants to…..
sudenley she poent to mara and saed is that you wife or you girlfrend and i saed no my sister in law…..i do not hav a girlfrend i brake up with her her name is amanda…..i am tryeng to giv her an oportunitey to try to pul some bulshit on me so i can get her out and kill her but first i need to get mara out of the way……but insted of foloweng up on this she saed i do not thenk a muslim is suposed to eat pork chops……and i saed yes but she is a bad muslim…..oh she saed and what about you and mara saed muhammed i reeley want to go home and i saed okay then you can go home i theenk a bus come heer and will take you to just about seven bloks from the hous but she saed no it is too cold pleses let us go….she knows this woman brandey from the store from a time she brake a glass display case it cost massoud two thosand dollers to replase this theng but massoud still let her come in becos he is just too kind harted…..i theenk she do this shit on purpos but this was before the day i killed the spik man who try to rob us in the store so be may it was an acsident and she is just a clumsey bitch god knows she is crazey as the hells….. but aneyway i can tell mara is reeley wanteng to get away from her and by now the watres come with our coffee and as her leve from this chore brandey is holdeng out a doller and askeng for change and i am theenkeng okay now she is probabley goeng to call her spik frends and tell them i am heer……but no the ignornt bitch just put her money in the jukbox….
finaley i told mara to go out and get her a cab home i hav theengs to do and i hands her a fiftey dollar bill heer i saed that shold take caer of it….and she saed okay and she goeng off to call on the phon….i am tierd of beeng around this bitch aneyways i saed to brandey but to my surpris her saed with a hatful smurk well be may her is tierd of beeng around you who do you thenk you are are you som big stud or somtheeng….then she laffs at me reel wildley and i can tell rite thaer yes this bitch is posessed by devils of one kind or another….so i saed yes i am a stud after all my dik is one and one half foot long when it get hard do you want to see it and she saed shur stud muffin reel sarcastic like lets see that thang…….then she sits and watches whiel i will my dik to get hardened enof to wher it bulges and goeng down my thig to my knee and beyond and her eyes gets reel wide…..then she get up and com over to my tabel and then her tels me i want to hav that thang of you hangeng on my wall and i bet you i will too i will soke it in alcohol and takes it out and plays with it from time to time……
she acshualley scaers me when her saes this and i tell her no you will never do this and she saed oh yesss iiiii wiiillllll and draws those words out with a smile like talkeng to a little child and my blood is runneng cold….my god i hav meet an honest to god devil womans i saed to myselv……
then the watres her brengs her order and askes her whaer her is sitteng now and her saed oh i am goeng bak over thaer and she returns to her table………as she starts to eat she looks at me and askes me do you remember the mexcos man that will shot and kill in you store and i saed yes of corse i was the one who kills him thogh i do not saed this part…then she saed it was a bad theng what happened to that one man i heer him hav killed himselv is that not rite do him hang himselv…..
so what is you poent i askes her……..are you teleng me that he do not do this to himselv and be may that three spiks man do this to him and you know this becos you were thaer with another woman name of elane and that you theenk no one is knoweng this becos you do not kno that rahe him hav a hiden camra set up to record him haveng sexes with an immam to blakmael him and that this camra catches everyetheng incudeng you hav sexes with all three of thees spiks mans in rahes bed after you hav help kills him….she just look at me and her blood run cold………but she is not one bit afrade it seems like if aneytheng her is just more hateful and determined and riseng to my chalenge in some way…finaley she saed you are bothereng me be may i shuld tell the watres to hav you kick out of heer and sudenley she is smileng agan like she is not one bit consern about what i have saed……
i hav the film i saed the onley reeson i hav not turn it in to the poleeses man is becos i am useng it to blakmael the immam myself as rahe ment to do…but if you give me some shit i will turn it into the poleeses mans……..she just then she goes a loud brethe out and says whatever and onley her drags out the word she has this childish habot of that she acks like a little girl still even thogh her is in her middel twentees at leest…….but she is crazey and i am wondereng if she even remember doeng all this vile shit….but finaley heer com a poleeses mans and she look at me and saed go ahed and tell him what you tell to me be may he will arested me….but i saed no thaer is not reeson for that yet……be may you com to my hous and i will play the film for you………to my surpris she saed shur… off we go and i take her to my hous and breng out the film and in the meentime she is playeng with thor and i can tell thor reeley likes her but i wil be god dam if i am goeng to let thor fuck this crazey bitch…..aneyway i put thor in a room and thay are both sad….i do not theenk her is wanteng to fuck him thogh she is just loves animals…..everybodey hav at leest have one good theng about them and that go even for devil posessed woman like this crazey bitch….just the same i do not want thor around her….aneyways i take out the film which is a copey as i have the original now in safekeepeng and i plays it and i saed now this is a copey i have the original in safe keepeng… now she is finaley undermy power and she is lookeng down and all around like she is afrad and not knoweng what to say or do….finaley she saed what do you want…….i gess you want som of my kootchey rite…no i do not want some of you kootchey i told her i want you to help me set up you frends and you are goeng to do it and i am goeng to kill them all and includeng elane…..
her respons to this was to ask me for some coffee and she saed i want to thenk about it…so i saed okay so i put on some coffee and i bet she drank a hole pot and she was telleng me about her mother is goeng to be mad her is still livieng with her even thogh her saed her mother is a big drunk and just drenk and smoke cigarats all the time… i saed well then you shuld leve her but of corse i do not give a dam about this but she is goeng on and on abot her life and i can tell she is tryeng to kill time and i saed now lissen you have you choese….you help me set thees pepel up so i can kill them or i am goeng to tun this film in to the poleeses mans…and if you try to betray me i will make shur the polleeses get the orignal film even if you suceed in betrayeng me……..
al rite al rite shit she saed to this i wil help you but you hav to give me time,,,okay i saed……i will give you a few days or be may a cupel of weeks at the most but i want thees pepel ded and no ifs ands or buts abot it…..finaley she deided she was goeng to leeve but as she saed she was leveng she look at me and saed i am still goeng to hav you dik in a bottel of alcohol one of thees days… then she laufs and gos on out…..
so that settels it…..after i kill the others i am goeng to have to kill this bitch too…..becos espeshal after what happens two hours later i get a phon call from a woman name of linda who is obveousley drunk and i remember then the time i get a bunches of phone calls from this same woman lookeng for a brandey… she calls agan tonite demandeng to know who i am and hav a i e with her dauter and telleng me she knos becos she find my phon number….and for over an hour she is rambleng on telleng me all about her crazey dauter and how bad and evil she is and she is drunk and keep goeng on and on and before long her is sayeng the same shit over and over agan……andnow i am theenkeng this bitch hav be stalkeng me lookeng to set me up and have got my phon number from rahe the nite thay kill him and who know what else he saed to them….so now i do no thave aney choese all thees pepels have to die…….
i hav hopes last nite when i heer about how som construcshon workers pepels have be busted by poleeses and federal agents for harboreng ilegal mexcos mans who aliens and in cuntrey ilegaley and i am hopeng okay good this be may at leest one of them….but no it turn out it was none of them….but that is fine one of thees days i wil make shur that thees pepel are sorrey thay have ever leeve mexcos…..